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The goat epididymis, based on morphological differences, was divided into five regions; regions I and II, and the proximal part of region III constituted the head; the distal part of region III and region IV, the body; and region V, the tail. The epithelium of all regions contained principal and basal epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes and macrophages. In addition, regions II to IV also contained a few apical cells. Clear cells were absent. The epithelium varied in height from the tallest in region I (88 +/- 33 microns) to the shortest in region V (38 +/- 5 microns). Conversely, the luminal diameter, thickness of smooth muscle wall, and luminal sperm concentration were highest in region V. The irregular epithelial height of regions I and IV accounted for a stellate lumen in contrast to the oval lumen of the other regions. Whereas the lumen of region I contained only a few sperm, those of regions II, III, and IV were filled with sperm. Principal cells were the only cell type that showed striking cytological differences between regions. While they contained absorptive features (canaliculi, pinocytotic and coated vesicles, and subapical vacuoles) in all regions, the principal cells of region II were filled with large, heterogeneous vacuoles (up to 5 microns in diameter), suggesting that they may be preferentially involved in transporting and digesting particulate material. Besides absorptive features, principal cells of all regions contained morphological correlates of protein synthesis such as highly developed Golgi complexes in the supranuclear area and numerous cisternae of RER near the Golgi body and in the infranuclear cytoplasm. The cisternae of RER were more developed in region IV, and in some instances, they were distended with flocculent material resembling newly synthesized protein. Unlike the protein synthesizing organelles, principal cells of all regions lacked morphological correlates of steroid hormone synthesis. These results are compared with previously published data on the regional differences in the epididymis of other species, especially with those of the rat and the bull, in an effort to understand the significance of the epididymis in sperm maturation.  相似文献   

Summary The conversion of the plasmodium ofS. virginiensis into sporophores has been examined at both the light and electron microscopic levels. Particular attention has been paid to stalk and columella formation, capillitial formation, nuclear behavior during sporulation and spore formation. Both the stalk and columella are formed within the sporangial initial as intraprotoplasmic secretions. A portion of the capillitium arises directly from the columella while the remainder forms within an anastomosing system of tubular vacuoles. As spore cleavage begins the nuclei within the sporangium begin to divide mitotically. The protoplasmic content of the sporangium is first divided into small protospores which typically contain a single dividing nucleus. Following the completion of mitosis each of these segments cleaves into yet smaller segments which develop into spores. Meiosis occurs in the spores some 12–16 hours after cleavage.  相似文献   

M Ryc  M Wagner  B Wagner  J Havlicek 《Microbios》1982,34(135):7-15
The presence of the Fc-reacting factor was demonstrated on four out of five different group A Streptococcus strains using ferritin-labelled immunoglobulin G. A comparison of the results obtained by this electron microscopic technique with Fc-reacting factor detection results obtained with hydrochloric acid extracts of cells in passive haemagglutination on sensitized red cells, showed that not only hydrochloric acid extractable but also non-extractable Fc-reacting factor can be present on the group A Streptococcus cell. Out of several IgGs tested, only rabbit and swine IgGs bound to Fc receptors of group A Streptococcus walls. The Fc-reacting factor is ultrastructurally localized on the tips of the filamentous protrusions forming the outermost layer of the Streptococcus wall. The involvement of the Fc portion of IgG in the reaction was demonstrated by a positively reacting sandwich arrangement in which Streptococcus cells were incubated with rabbit antiferritin before being treated with ferritin.  相似文献   

CD56 antigen, an isoform of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) was previously found by us in human thyroid by APAAP immunohistochemistry in light microscopy on frozen tissue sections. In the current study, it was attempted to trace the antigen in question using another light microscopic immunohistochemical procedure and to validate the results at the ultrastructural level. For light microscopy, cryostat sections of 12 surgical samples of human thyroid were subjected to ABC (preformed avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex) method. For immunoelectron microscopy, immunoperoxidase reaction was carried out on prefixed, small thyroid tissue blocks. Following preliminary inspection of semithin sections, ultrathin sections were examined in the transmission electron microscope. ABC reaction revealed distinct specific CD56 staining of thyrocyte cell membranes. The staining was weak or absent in thyroid papillary carcinoma cells. The results were confirmed in semithin sections by indirect immunoperoxidase. The latter reaction in ultrathin sections at the ultrastructural level has shown that specific reaction product was confined to free and lateral surfaces of thyroid follicular cells. Endothelial cell membranes of thyroid capillary vessels were totally devoid of the reaction product. The reaction was weakly positive in thyroid follicular and papilllary carcinomas but absent from medullary carcinoma.  相似文献   

R F Nicosia  R Tchao  J Leighton 《In vitro》1982,18(6):538-549
A model for the study of angiogenesis in vitro is described. Rat aortas, cultured in a tridimensional matrix of clotted chick plasma, gave rise to luxuriant outgrowth of vascular channels. We studied this process with light microscopic, radioautographic, and ultrastructural techniques. On the 2nd d of culture, endothelial cells sprouted from the intima of the aorta and its collateral branches into the surrounding clot, forming solid cellular cords. A complex vascular network was established within the 1st wk by spindly, poorly differentiated endothelial cells. At this stage cells were migrating, branching, and proliferating in a longitudinal fashion (labeling index: 67.4% +/- 7.7). Lumens, when present, appeared as slitlike spaces enclosed with junctional complexes. By the end of the 2nd wk the migratory activity decreased and proliferation occurred mostly in a cross-sectional plane, with formation of large patent lumens (labeling index: 48% +/- 3.1). Vascular channels were lined by prominent endothelial cells rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes, mitochondria. Golgi apparatuses, and coated vesicles. Cells were enveloped with a ruthenium red positive layer, particularly abundant on the luminal surface and in the interendothelial space. A discontinuous basal lamina was present along the abluminal side. At 28 d the labeling index was reduced to 2.25% +/- 0.9. The still viable endothelium exhibited numerous microfilaments and microtubules, decreased cytoplasmic organelles, and increased pinocytotic activity. This experimental model, histophysiologic gradient culture, provides us with a new tool for the study of vascular morphogenesis, angiogenesis dependent growth of tumors, and neoplastic intravasation.  相似文献   

A light and electron microscopic study of spinal ligament innervation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The innervation of the posterior ligamentous structures of the human lumbar spine was studied by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Three types of nerve endings were recognized: free nerve endings, Paciniform corpuscles and Ruffini corpuscles. The free nerve endings, which are thought to act as nociceptors, were found in the superficial layers of all ligaments. A few free nerve endings were also identified within the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments. The Paciniform corpuscles were predominantly found in the supraspinous ligament. The Ruffini corpuscles were located in the interspinous and flaval ligaments. These findings suggest that the posterior ligamentous structures could be involved in the spinal control system.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A) lectin from jack bean Canavalia ensiformis DC binds to alpha-D-glucopyranosyl and alpha-D-mannopyranosyl residues of the cuticular secretions (glycocalyx) attached to apical plasma membrane in the skin surface cells of Blennius sanguinolentus. The presence of Con A positive carbohydrate components is also observed in some secretory vesicles close under the apical cell membrane and in the goblet cell secretion spread over the surface of the skin. Other lectin labeling methods might offer a new tool for the cytochemical demonstration of glycoconjugates containing sugar residues on plasmic membranes of the epithelial cells. This can provide an insight into the functional significance of the carbohydrate moieties, attributable to the specialization of the cell membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The flagellate-to-ameba conversion process of the MyxomyceteStemonitis pallida was investigated with Nomarski optics and electron microscopy. The flagellate has two flagella, a long and a short one. When the water film containing the flagellates becomes very thin, they retract their flagella, usually the short one first and then the long one. The short flagellum is retracted by only one method, in which the sheath membrane of the flagellum fuses with the cell membrane, consequently causing the axoneme to be absorbed into the cytoplasm. Retraction of the long flagellum can be divided into four types. In all cases, fusion of the sheath membrane and the cell membrane takes place. The retracted axoneme of the long flagellum sometimes beats convulsively for about 10 minutes after retraction, and after 10–15 minutes it became indistinguishable as it was detached from the blepharoplast.Analysis of thin sections shows that the retracted axonemes disintegrate in the following squence: B-tubules, A-tubules, spokes, central microtubules. In almost all cells the degradation begins immediately after retraction and is completed within 90 minutes. Only on rare occasions, structures which seem to have been derived from retracted axonemes are observed in the ameba about 90 minutes after conversion. The basal bodies and cytoplasmic microtubules are a little more stable than the retracted axonemes. Some basal bodies of the short flagellum, whose C-tubules are affected, are present in the amebae more than 90 minutes after conversion. Cytoplasmic microtubules decrease in number and become shorter in the amebae after about 24 hours, when newly formed regions filled with flocculent material appear.  相似文献   

The development of the crayfish retina was examined in embryos and first, second and third instars with both and light and electron microscope. Light microscopic observations indicate that differentiation begins at the posterior portion of the optic disc and progresses in an anterior direction. Development of screening pigment, dioptric elements, and rhabdoms all parallel this posterior to anterior gradient in the retina. Tracer studies in early embryos reveal that the retina is separated from the proximal neuropil regions by a distinct vascular space. This observation suggests that the source of new cells for the retina may not be the more proximal cell proliferation zone as previously indicated. It is proposed that mitotic activity within the retina and/or differentiation of cells from the anterior surface layer of the eye may be sources for addition of new cells to the retina. Proto-ommatidial clusters of seven retinula cells occur very early at the posterior region of the embryonic retina. Initially the receptor cells extend throughout the entire thickness of the retina, but later they withdraw from beneath the cornea to occupy only the proximal portion of the retina. Microvilli of the rhabdom arise from the centrally opposed membranes of the retinula cells in each cell cluster. Each new microvillus contains a core of fine filaments which extend out into the cytoplasm at its base. As development of the microvilli continues, the core filaments appear to be lost or altered, but the cytoplasmic bundles at the base of the microvilli persist.  相似文献   

The green flagellateSpermatozopsis exsultans Korshikov has been studied in culture by light and electron microscopy. The organism is naked, bears four flagella and is conspicuously spirally twisted. The ultrastructure and location of cell organelles (except the flagellar apparatus) has been investigated in detail using an absolute configuration analysis. With the exception of a doubling of the flagella and of the secondary cytoskeletal microtubule system,S. exsultans has the exact same complement of organelles occupying the same relative positions as has been described forS. similis. The two species are therefore correctly placed in the same genus. The usefulness of absolute orientations of cell organelles for green algal taxonomy and phylogeny is stressed.Dedicated to Prof.M. Mix on the occasion of her 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Corpora lutea were obtained surgically from fifteen mature Angus crossbred cows representing three experimental groups of five cows each. Cows in Group A were 180 days of gestation, cows in Group B had recently experienced parturition (相似文献   

Four groups of five pony mares each were used to determine if the intrauterine infusion of EDTA-Tris solution caused adverse effects on the endometrium. The uteri of mares were infused with either saline or EDTA-Tris solution or biopsied or sham-biopsied without infusion. Acute endometritis developed in one (20%) to three (60%) mares in each group during the seven days following treatment, but there were no differences (P > 0.05) in the incidence of endometritis among the groups. Endometrial fibrosis was not evident in biopsies taken on days 14, 30 and 60 following infusion of saline or EDTA-Tris. It was concluded that the endometrial response to saline and EDTA-Tris was not different and that EDTA-Tris may be a useful adjunct to treatment of uterine infections in the mare.  相似文献   

The distribution of glutamate receptors in the monkey subthalamic nucleus was studied using affinity purified polyclonal antibodies to GluR1, phosphorylated GluR1, GluR2/3, NMDAR1, mGluR1a and mGluR5. Intense staining for both the unphosphorylated and the phosphorylated forms of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 was observed in the cell bodies and proximal dendrites of neurons in this nucleus. In comparison to GluR1, less intense staining for GluR2/3 was observed in the cell bodies and processes. NMDAR1 immunoreactivity was present in cell bodies and large numbers of small diameter dendrites. Light staining was observed in cell bodies with mGluR1a and no staining was observed on cell bodies with mGluR5. The neuropil, however, contained many processes that were labeled for mGluR1a or mGluR5. Electron microscopy showed that label was present in cytoplasmic locations in cell bodies and dendrites, in addition to components of the synaptic region, in sections stained for GluR1, GluR2/3 and NMDAR1. In contrast, very lightly labeled or unlabeled cell bodies but labeled dendrites and axon terminals, was observed in sections stained for mGluR1a and mGluR5. In addition to neural processes, occasional astrocytic processes were also labeled for mGluR5. Of the immunogold particles that were associated with components of the synaptic region, label for ionotropic glutamate receptors was mostly present on postsynaptic densities, whilst that for metabotropic glutamate receptors was mostly present in a perisynaptic location. The ratio of GluR1/GluR2 messenger RNAs has been reported to increase in the aged hippocampus (PAGLIUSI, S. R., GERRARD, P., ABDALLAH, M., TALABOT, D. & CATSICAS, S. (1994) Neuroscience 61, 429–433.), and it is possible that a similar change in the ratio of GluR1 and GluR2 may occur in neurons of the subthalamic nucleus with age. It is postulated that this could result an increase in calcium permeability via AMPA receptors, and an enhancement of excitatory transmission in this nucleus.  相似文献   

Wang  X.S.  Ong  W.Y. 《Brain Cell Biology》1999,28(12):1053-1061
The distribution of the GABA transporter GAT-1 was studied by immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy in the monkey basal ganglia. Dense staining was observed in the globus pallidus externa and interna, intermediate in the subthalamic nucleus, and substantia nigra, and light staining in the caudate nucleus and putamen. Staining was observed in axon terminals, but not cell bodies. Electron microscopy showed that the GAT-1 positive axon terminals formed symmetrical synapses, suggesting that they were the terminals of GABAergic neurons. Comparison of areas high in GAT-1 protein with that of GABA showed a good correlation between the density in neuropil staining for GAT-1, and that of GABA.  相似文献   

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