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We present a biologically plausible model of binocular rivalry consisting of a network of Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons. Our model accounts for the experimentally and psychophysically observed phenomena: (1) it reproduces the distribution of dominance durations seen in both humans and primates, (2) it exhibits a lack of correlation between lengths of successive dominance durations, (3) variation of stimulus strength to one eye influences only the mean dominance duration of the contralateral eye, not the mean dominance duration of the ipsilateral eye, (4) increasing both stimuli strengths in parallel decreases the mean dominance durations. We have also derived a reduced population rate model from our spiking model from which explicit expressions for the dependence of the dominance durations on input strengths are analytically calculated. We also use this reduced model to derive an expression for the distribution of dominance durations seen within an individual.  相似文献   

Ocular dominance (OD) has long served as the model for neural plasticity. The shift of OD has been demonstrated by monocular deprivation in animals only during early visual development. Here, for the first time, we show that perceptual eye dominance can be modulated in real time in normal human adults by varying the spatial image content of movies seen dichoptically by the two eyes over a period as short as 2.5 h. Unlike OD shifts seen in early visual development, this modulation in human eye dominance is not simply a consequence of reduced interocular correlation (e.g. synchronicity) or overall contrast energy, but due to the amplitude reductions of specific image components in one eye''s view. The spatial properties driving this eye dominance change suggest that the underlying mechanism is binocular but not orientationally selective, therefore uniquely locating it to layer 4 B of area V1.  相似文献   

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) often results in a number of short- and long-time side effects including memory impairment for past and current events, which can last for several months after ECT treatment. It has been suggested that unilateral ECT (uECT) with electrodes placed over the non-dominant (typically right) hemisphere significantly reduces side effects, especially memory disturbances. It is important to note that cerebral dominance equates to speech dominance and avoiding this area of the brain also reduces speech dysfunction after ECT. Traditionally, the routine clinical determination of cerebral dominance has been through the assessment of hand, foot and eye dominance, which is an easy and inexpensive approach that, however, does not ensure accuracy. This review of literature on different methods and techniques for determination of cerebral dominance and provides evidence that functional transcranial Doppler sonography (fTCD) represents a valid and safe alternative to invasive techniques for identifying speech lateralisation. It can be concluded that fTCD, notwithstanding its costs, could be used as a standard procedure prior to uECT treatment to determine cerebral dominance, thereby further reducing cognitive side-effects of ECT and possibly making it more acceptable to both patients and clinicians.  相似文献   

兴安盟3个民族7种不对称行为特征的研究   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
于1998年9月对内蒙古兴安盟的汉、蒙古、朝鲜族调查了1852例(男875例,女977例)中学生的7种不对称行为特征(利手、扣手、叠臂、叠腿、起步类型、利足、利眼)。结果显示:(1)3个民族中多数不对称行为特征的右型出现率过半。(2)扣手、叠壁、起步类型的出现率存在一定的民族间差异,而其它4种行征的出现率无此差异。(3)多数特征的出现率男女间差异不显著。(4)不对称行为特征间具有相关的数量较多,程序较高,所有存在相关的特征间均表现为同侧组合特征类型为其亲合特征。  相似文献   

Brain lateralization is a common term used to describe dominance of one brain hemisphere over another for a specific function. The right hand dominance in writing, controlled by the left hemisphere, is preceded by development of communicative gesticulation and followed by development of speech in the same hemisphere. We assumed that some people are not aware of their own capability of using the other hand for tasks involving fine motor sequential movements. To prove this hypothesis, the participants were asked to perform one trained task (writing) and one less-trained task (drawing) with a dominant and a non-dominant hand. The final sample was comprised of 1189 children from 14 elementary schools and 8 high schools in the Osijek area, of which 685 elementary school children were attending 1st to 4th grade and 504 high school children were attending 3rd and 4th grade. The participants were asked to write two words, draw a specific object (a vase with flowers) and fill out a questionnaire with 10 questions concerning the classification of handedness and cerebral hemisphere dominance. The self-reported cerebral lateralization assessed in the questionnaire was compared with the drawing and the writing performance. The self-reported and objectively measured hand dominance deviated in the cases of the ambidextrous who consider themselves right-handers. Given the fact that the number of ambidextrous persons was greater in elementary schools than in high schools, we concluded how training of the right hand decreases the ability of using both hands equally for either of the tested functions - writing and drawing.  相似文献   

在贵州省安顺市对359例屯堡人(男145例,女214例)中学生的7项不对称行为特征(扣手、利手、叠臂、叠腿、利足、起步类型和优势眼)进行了调查。研究结果显示:1)屯堡人除叠臂左型率高于右型率外,其他6项不对称行为特征均为右型率高于左型率;2)屯堡人7项不对称行为特征的出现率均无性别差异;3)与其他族群比较,屯堡人利足右型率和叠臂右型率中等,叠腿右型率和扣手右型率高;4)屯堡人两两不对称行为中,扣手与利手、扣手与叠臂、扣手与叠腿、叠腿与起步相关,利手、利足、起步三种行为彼此相关。  相似文献   

Two hundred thirty–five (235) normal male participants of the Baltimore Longitudinal Study were classified as right handed, left handed, and ambidextrous on the basis of their grip–strength performance. Their left and right hands were also radiographed and the measurements of the second metacarpal bones were evaluated on the basis of hand dominance. The results indicated that, as a rule, the right hand measurements are higher than those of the left hand, regardless of hand dominance. The bilateral differences in total width, length, total area and cortical area are significant among the right hand dominant and nonsignificant among the left hand dominant. Regardless off hand dominance the bilateral differences in medullary width are nonsignificant. These results suggest an inherent tendency of the right second metacarpal to have more bone than the left regardless of hand dominance. Differential stress due to hand dominance will increase the bilateral difference in the right handed and reduce it in the left handed.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that binocular rivalry at stimulus onset, so called onset rivalry, differs from rivalry during sustained viewing. These observations raise the interesting question whether there is a relation between onset rivalry and rivalry in the presence of eye movements. We therefore studied binocular rivalry when stimuli jumped from one visual hemifield to the other, either through a saccade or through a passive stimulus displacement, and we compared rivalry after such displacements with onset and sustained rivalry. We presented opponent motion, orthogonal gratings and face/house stimuli through a stereoscope. For all three stimulus types we found that subjects showed a strong preference for stimuli in one eye or one hemifield (Experiment 1), and that these subject-specific biases did not persist during sustained viewing (Experiment 2). These results confirm and extend previous findings obtained with gratings. The results from the main experiment (Experiment 3) showed that after a passive stimulus jump, switching probability was low when the preferred eye was dominant before a stimulus jump, but when the non-preferred eye was dominant beforehand, switching probability was comparatively high. The results thus showed that dominance after a stimulus jump was tightly related to eye dominance at stimulus onset. In the saccade condition, however, these subject-specific biases were systematically reduced, indicating that the influence of saccades can be understood from a systematic attenuation of the subjects' onset rivalry biases. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a relation between onset rivalry and rivalry after retinal shifts and involvement of extra-retinal signals in binocular rivalry.  相似文献   

This is a study of the effects of monocular deprivation, reverse suturing (opening the deprived eye with closure of the other) and reopening of the deprived eye alone (without closing the other) on the physiological organization of the primary visual cortex in monkeys (Erythrocebus patas). All animals were initially monocularly deprived by suture of the lids of the right eye from soon after birth until about 4 weeks of age (24-29 days). In a monocularly deprived animal, recordings were taken from area 17 at 24 days. Already most neurons recorded outside layer IVc, were strongly or completely dominated by functional input from the left eye. The Non-oriented cells of layer IVc, where the bulk of the afferent input terminates, were also mainly dominated by the left eye. Although segregation of input from the two eyes was not complete, large areas of layer IVc were already monocularly dominated by the left eye. Four animals were reverse-sutured at about 4 weeks and recorded 3, 6, 15 and 126 days later. In each animal the pattern of ocular dominance was fairly similar within and outside layer IVc. Even with only 3 days of forced usage of the initially deprived right eye, about half of all cells recorded had become dominated by it, and the process of "recapture' of cortical cells by the initially deprived eye was apparently complete within 15 days. In layer IVc, the recovery took the form of an expansion of zones dominated by the deprived eye, as if the originally shrunken stripes of afferent termination had become enlarged. Binocularly driven neurons were rare at all stages, in all layers, but when present and orientation-selective, they had similar preferred orientations in the two eyes. Likewise the "columnar' sequences of preferred orientation continued without obvious disruption on shifting from regions dominated by one eye to those dominated by the other. Simply reopening the deprived eye at about 4 weeks, for 15 to 96 days caused no detectable change in the overall ocular dominance of cortical cells and, on average, no expansion of right-eye dominance columns in layer IVc. Therefore the recovery seen after reverse suturing depends not just on the restoration of normal activity to axons carrying information from the right eye, but on the establishment of a competitive advantage, through the right eye being made more active than the left.  相似文献   

Prolonged inspection of an adapting simulus changes the appearance of a subsequent test stimulus. There are five distinct viewing conditions under which such 'after-effects' may be generated. There are MON-MON (inspect with one eye, same eye), BIN-BIN (inspect with both eyes, test both eyes), BIN-MON (inspect with both eyes, test only one eye), MON-BIN (inspect with one eye, test with both) and TRANSFER (inpect with one eye, test with the other eye). A model based upon the assumption of the linearly additive effects of adaptation generated in 'dominance classes' or cortical units that are driven either by one eye, or the other eye, or by either or both eyes together, is described. This model generates predictions concerning the expected ralative magnitudes of after-effects generated under the five viewing modes described above, and experiments are described that confirm these predictions. The model can be extended to gaenerate predictions about other experimental conditions. A more complex version of the model is consistent with electrophysiologically derived estimates of the proportion of cortical units in each dominance class.  相似文献   

Male ornaments function as honest cues of male quality in many species and are subject to intra‐ and intersexual selection. These ornaments are generally studied during peak expression, however their size outside the breeding season may determine ultimate ornament size and costliness, and as such reproductive success. We investigated whether male black grouse Lyrurus tetrix eye comb size was related to age, condition and measures of male dominance before and during the breeding season. Total combined eye comb size began to increase ~70 d before the start of the breeding season. Adult males (aged ≥ 2 yr old) had consistently larger eye combs than younger males (1 yr old) both before and during the breeding season. Heavier and more dominant adult males (attending the lek more frequently and successfully reproducing) had larger eye combs. For younger males, those that were heavier had larger eye combs. Additionally, males that spent more time on the lek showed increased eye comb size as the breeding season approached. Overall we find that ornament size is positively related to dominance and condition before and during the breeding season. Since dominance is accrued through year‐round interactions in many species, the ability to maintain larger signals over prolonged periods, including outside of the breeding season, is likely to be beneficial for adults. For younger males, it is likely that they cannot sustain or are constrained from producing larger eye combs over long periods of time. They therefore prioritise growth of their ornaments later, and according to the amount of time they spend on the lek.  相似文献   

Interaction between the execution process of eye movement and that of hand movement must be indispensable for eye–hand coordination. The present study investigated corticospinal excitability in the hand muscles during the premotor processes of eye and/or hand movement to elucidate interaction between these processes. Healthy humans performed a precued reaction task of eye and/or finger movement and motor-evoked potentials in the hand muscles were evoked in the reaction time. Leftward eye movement suppressed corticospinal excitability in the right abductor digiti minimi muscle only when little finger abduction was simultaneously executed. Corticospinal excitability in the first dorsal interosseous muscle was not suppressed by eye movement regardless of whether or not it was accompanied by finger movement. Suppression of corticospinal excitability in the hand muscles induced by eye movement in the premotor period depends on the direction of eye movement, the muscle tested, and the premotor process of the tested muscle. The suppression may reflect interaction between the motor process of eye movement and that of hand movement particularly active during eye–hand coordination tasks during which both processes proceed.  相似文献   

NMDA receptor-dependent ocular dominance plasticity in adult visual cortex   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The binocular region of mouse visual cortex is strongly dominated by inputs from the contralateral eye. Here we show in adult mice that depriving the dominant contralateral eye of vision leads to a persistent, NMDA receptor-dependent enhancement of the weak ipsilateral-eye inputs. These data provide in vivo evidence for metaplasticity as a mechanism for binocular competition and demonstrate that an ocular dominance shift can occur solely by the mechanisms of response enhancement. They also show that adult mouse visual cortex has a far greater potential for experience-dependent plasticity than previously appreciated. These insights may force a revision in how data on ocular dominance plasticity in mutant mice have been interpreted.  相似文献   



To investigate the association between ocular sensory dominance and interocular refractive error difference (IRED).


A total of 219 subjects were recruited. The refractive errors were determined by objective refraction with a fixation target located 6 meters away. 176 subjects were myopic, with 83 being anisometropic (IRED ≥ 0.75 D). 43 subjects were hyperopic, with 22 being anisometropic. Sensory dominance was measured with a continuous flashing technique with the tested eye viewing a Gabor increasing in contrast and the fellow eye viewing a Mondrian noise decreasing in contrast. The log ratio of Mondrian to Gabor’s contrasts was recorded when a subject just detected the tilting direction of the Gabor during each trial. T-test was used to compare the 50 values collected from each eye, and the t-value was used as a subject’s ocular dominance index (ODI) to quantify the degree of ocular dominance. A subject with ODI ≥ 2 (p < 0.05) had clear dominance and the eye with larger mean ratio was the dominant one. Otherwise, a subject had an unclear dominance.


The anisometropic subjects had stronger ocular dominance in comparison to non-anisometropic subjects (rank-sum test, p < 0.01 for both myopic and hyperopic subjects). In anisometropic subjects with clear dominance, the amplitude of the anisometropia was correlated with ODI values (R = 0.42, p < 0.01 in myopic anisometropic subjects; R = 0.62, p < 0.01 in hyperopic anisometropic subjects). Moreover, the dominant eyes were more myopic in myopic anisometropic subjects (sign-test, p < 0.05) and less hyperopic in hyperopic anisometropic subjects (sign-test, p < 0.05).


The degree of ocular sensory dominance is associated with interocular refractive error difference.  相似文献   

Morphological cerebral asymmetries in chimpanzee brains, similar to those found in humans, in whom they are associated with speech and handedness, suggest the possibility of functional lateralization in the chimpanzee. This possibility was investigated by examining hand preferences in an island group of five chimpanzees on a series of unimanual and bimanual tasks that are diagnostic of human hand and cerebral dominance. Each subject was tested in a double compartment cage on three unimanual nonsequential, three unimanual sequential, and three bimanual coordination tasks. One of the three unimanual sequential tasks was a bar-press task that is analogous to the commonly used human finger-tapping task. For the unimanual tasks, exclusive of the bar-press, the chimpanzees showed a highly individualistic pattern of hand preference that did not change as a function of task complexity. On the bar-press task, four of five subjects produced higher rates with one hand compared to the other; however, relative hand performance on this task was unrelated to hand preference on the other unimanual tasks. For the group of subjects, performance rates did not differ between the left and right hands; however, a practice effect was observed for the right hand in all subjects. The bimanual tasks also revealed a complex pattern of individual handedness, with no trends apparent for the group as a whole. Consistent with previous findings, the results from these tests on this group of five chimpanzees suggest that cerebral morphological asymmetries in the chimpanzee are not associated with motor dominance as reflected in handedness.  相似文献   

During binocular rivalry, perception alternates between two different images presented one to each eye. At any moment, one image is visible, dominant, while the other is invisible, suppressed. Alternations in perception during rivalry could involve competition between eyes, eye-rivalry, or between images, image-rivalry, or both. We measured response criteria, sensitivities, and thresholds to brief contrast increments to one of the rival stimuli in conventional rivalry displays and in a display in which the rival stimuli swapped between the eyes every 333 ms–swap rivalry–that necessarily involves image rivalry. We compared the sensitivity and threshold measures in dominance and suppression to assess the strength of suppression. We found that response criteria are essentially the same during dominance and suppression for the two sorts of rivalry. Critically, we found that swap-rivalry suppression is weak after a swap and strengthens throughout the swap interval. We propose that image rivalry is responsible for weak initial suppression immediately after a swap and that eye rivalry is responsible for the stronger suppression that comes later.  相似文献   

A Model for the Genetics of Handedness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Experimental data and theoretical work on the inheritance of handedness and cerebral dominance are reviewed. A two-gene, four-allele model, one locus pertaining to left or right hemispheric dominance and the other to contralateral or ipsilateral hand control relative to the dominant hemisphere, is constructed. It is in excellent agreement with all quantitative information regarding this problem. Refinements designed to explain relevant qualitative facts are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Lateralization is mostly analyzed for single traits, but seldom for two or more traits while performing a given task (e.g. object manipulation). We examined lateralization in eye use and in body motion that co-occur during avoidance behaviour of the common chameleon, Chamaeleo chameleon. A chameleon facing a moving threat smoothly repositions its body on the side of its perch distal to the threat, to minimize its visual exposure. We previously demonstrated that during the response (i) eye use and body motion were, each, lateralized at the tested group level (N = 26), (ii) in body motion, we observed two similar-sized sub-groups, one exhibiting a greater reduction in body exposure to threat approaching from the left and one – to threat approaching from the right (left- and right-biased subgroups), (iii) the left-biased sub-group exhibited weak lateralization of body exposure under binocular threat viewing and none under monocular viewing while the right-biased sub-group exhibited strong lateralization under both monocular and binocular threat viewing. In avoidance, how is eye use related to body motion at the entire group and at the sub-group levels? We demonstrate that (i) in the left-biased sub-group, eye use is not lateralized, (ii) in the right-biased sub-group, eye use is lateralized under binocular, but not monocular viewing of the threat, (iii) the dominance of the right-biased sub-group determines the lateralization of the entire group tested. We conclude that in chameleons, patterns of lateralization of visual function and body motion are inter-related at a subtle level. Presently, the patterns cannot be compared with humans'' or related to the unique visual system of chameleons, with highly independent eye movements, complete optic nerve decussation and relatively few inter-hemispheric commissures. We present a model to explain the possible inter-hemispheric differences in dominance in chameleons'' visual control of body motion during avoidance.  相似文献   

A fresh look at the temporal dynamics of binocular rivalry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human observers viewed dichoptic orthogonal sine-wave gratings and indicated when exclusive visibility occurred in either eye. Contrast was held constant in one eye and was increased or decreased in the other eye for a number of alternation cycles (continuous presentation) or for only the duration of a single period of exclusive visibility (synchronous presentation). The synchronous presentation condition allowed us to identify the differing effects of contrast during the suppressed and during the dominant periods. Mixed phases were recorded as distinct from suppressed and dominant phases, and new classifications of compound-dominant and compound-suppressed phases are defined. The results indicate that binocular rivalry responds to stimulus contrast in two ways. 1) The duty-cycle of dominance and suppression is determined by the relative image contrast between the two eyes, with dominance of the higher contrast image being favored, and 2) the overall rate of alternation is driven by monocular image contrast during the suppressed phase (increased monocular contrast increases the alternation rate) and to a lesser extent by monocular contrast during the dominant phase (increased monocular contrast decreases the rate). A model is developed to reflect these ideas. These results support a reciprocal inhibition oscillator as the underlying mechanism of binocular rivalry.  相似文献   

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