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Recent work by Volz (J Math Biol 56:293–310, 2008) has shown how to calculate the growth and eventual decay of an SIR epidemic on a static random network, assuming infection and recovery each happen at constant rates. This calculation allows us to account for effects due to heterogeneity and finiteness of degree that are neglected in the standard mass-action SIR equations. In this note we offer an alternate derivation which arrives at a simpler—though equivalent—system of governing equations to that of Volz. This new derivation is more closely connected to the underlying physical processes, and the resulting equations are of comparable complexity to the mass-action SIR equations. We further show that earlier derivations of the final size of epidemics on networks can be reproduced using the same approach, thereby providing a common framework for calculating both the dynamics and the final size of an epidemic spreading on a random network. Under appropriate assumptions these equations reduce to the standard SIR equations, and we are able to estimate the magnitude of the error introduced by assuming the SIR equations.  相似文献   

Exact results have previously been obtained concerning the spread of infection in continuous space contact models describing a class of multi-type epidemics. Pandemic lower and upper bounds were obtained for the spatial final size. Pandemic results have also been obtained for a discrete space model on the integer lattice using an infinite matrix formulation of the final size equations. However, the proof required restrictive constraints to be placed on the model parameters which do not hold in general and will not be valid when infection modifies behaviour. The purpose of this paper is to remove these constraints and give a general proof of the pandemic results for the multi-type epidemic on the lattice Z(N).  相似文献   

Many important results in stochastic epidemic modelling are based on the Reed-Frost model or on other similar models that are characterised by unrealistic temporal dynamics. Nevertheless, they can be extended to many other more realistic models thanks to an argument first provided by Ludwig [Final size distributions for epidemics, Math. Biosci. 23 (1975) 33-46], that states that, for a disease leading to permanent immunity after recovery, under suitable conditions, a continuous-time infectious process has the same final size distribution as another more tractable discrete-generation contact process; in other words, the temporal dynamics of the epidemic can be neglected without affecting the final size distribution. Despite the importance of such an argument, its presence behind many results is often not clearly stated or hidden in references to previous results. In this paper, we reanalyse Ludwig’s result, highlighting some of the conditions under which it does not hold and providing a general framework to examine the differences between the continuous-time and the discrete-generation process.  相似文献   

Various assumptions have been used in the literature to identify natural direct and indirect effects in mediation analysis. These effects are of interest because they allow for effect decomposition of a total effect into a direct and indirect effect even in the presence of interactions or non-linear models. In this paper, we consider the relation and interpretation of various identification assumptions in terms of causal diagrams interpreted as a set of non-parametric structural equations. We show that for such causal diagrams, two sets of assumptions for identification that have been described in the literature are in fact equivalent in the sense that if either set of assumptions holds for all models inducing a particular causal diagram, then the other set of assumptions will also hold for all models inducing that diagram. We moreover build on prior work concerning a complete graphical identification criterion for covariate adjustment for total effects to provide a complete graphical criterion for using covariate adjustment to identify natural direct and indirect effects. Finally, we show that this criterion is equivalent to the two sets of independence assumptions used previously for mediation analysis.  相似文献   

Random networks with specified degree distributions have been proposed as realistic models of population structure, yet the problem of dynamically modeling SIR-type epidemics in random networks remains complex. I resolve this dilemma by showing how the SIR dynamics can be modeled with a system of three nonlinear ODE’s. The method makes use of the probability generating function (PGF) formalism for representing the degree distribution of a random network and makes use of network-centric quantities such as the number of edges in a well-defined category rather than node-centric quantities such as the number of infecteds or susceptibles. The PGF provides a simple means of translating between network and node-centric variables and determining the epidemic incidence at any time. The theory also provides a simple means of tracking the evolution of the degree distribution among susceptibles or infecteds. The equations are used to demonstrate the dramatic effects that the degree distribution plays on the final size of an epidemic as well as the speed with which it spreads through the population. Power law degree distributions are observed to generate an almost immediate expansion phase yet have a smaller final size compared to homogeneous degree distributions such as the Poisson. The equations are compared to stochastic simulations, which show good agreement with the theory. Finally, the dynamic equations provide an alternative way of determining the epidemic threshold where large-scale epidemics are expected to occur, and below which epidemic behavior is limited to finite-sized outbreaks.   相似文献   

One of the fundamental problems of theoretical electrocardiology is to determine the potential distribution on the surface of the torso due to the time-varying dipolar heart source. In this paper we present a rigorous derivation of the integro-differential equations for the potential, containing, for the first time, the effects of the time dependence of the source and the dielectric properties of the medium. These equations provide a general and rigorous basis from which to attack the problem numerically on a computer and permit the use of a detailed model of the thorax as a multiple region volume of different dielectric and conducting properties.  相似文献   

Spatial and stochastic models are often straightforward to simulate but difficult to analyze mathematically. Most of the mathematical methods available for nonlinear stochastic and spatial models are based on heuristic rather than mathematically justified assumptions, so that, e.g., the choice of the moment closure can be considered more of an art than a science. In this paper, we build on recent developments in specific branch of probability theory, Markov evolutions in the space of locally finite configurations, to develop a mathematically rigorous and practical framework that we expect to be widely applicable for theoretical ecology. In particular, we show how spatial moment equations of all orders can be systematically derived from the underlying individual-based assumptions. Further, as a new mathematical development, we go beyond mean-field theory by discussing how spatial moment equations can be perturbatively expanded around the mean-field model. While we have suggested such a perturbation expansion in our previous research, the present paper gives a rigorous mathematical justification. In addition to bringing mathematical rigor, the application of the mathematically well-established framework of Markov evolutions allows one to derive perturbation expansions in a transparent and systematic manner, which we hope will facilitate the application of the methods in theoretical ecology.  相似文献   

In randomized studies with missing outcomes, non-identifiable assumptions are required to hold for valid data analysis. As a result, statisticians have been advocating the use of sensitivity analysis to evaluate the effect of varying assumptions on study conclusions. While this approach may be useful in assessing the sensitivity of treatment comparisons to missing data assumptions, it may be dissatisfying to some researchers/decision makers because a single summary is not provided. In this paper, we present a fully Bayesian methodology that allows the investigator to draw a 'single' conclusion by formally incorporating prior beliefs about non-identifiable, yet interpretable, selection bias parameters. Our Bayesian model provides robustness to prior specification of the distributional form of the continuous outcomes.  相似文献   

Both the threat of bioterrorism and the natural emergence of contagious diseases underscore the importance of quantitatively understanding disease transmission in structured human populations. Over the last few years, researchers have advanced the mathematical theory of scale-free networks and used such theoretical advancements in pilot epidemic models. Scale-free contact networks are particularly interesting in the realm of mathematical epidemiology, primarily because these networks may allow meaningfully structured populations to be incorporated in epidemic models at moderate or intermediate levels of complexity. Moreover, a scale-free contact network with node degree correlation is in accord with the well-known preferred mixing concept. The present author describes a semi-empirical and deterministic epidemic modeling approach that (a) focuses on time-varying rates of disease transmission in both unstructured and structured populations and (b) employs probability density functions to characterize disease progression and outbreak controls. Given an epidemic curve for a historical outbreak, this modeling approach calls for Monte Carlo calculations (that define the average new infection rate) and solutions to integro-differential equations (that describe outbreak dynamics in an aggregate population or across all network connectivity classes). Numerical results are obtained for the 2003 SARS outbreak in Taiwan and the dynamical implications of time-varying transmission rates and scale-free contact networks are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

The spread of infectious diseases fundamentally depends on the pattern of contacts between individuals. Although studies of contact networks have shown that heterogeneity in the number of contacts and the duration of contacts can have far-reaching epidemiological consequences, models often assume that contacts are chosen at random and thereby ignore the sociological, temporal and/or spatial clustering of contacts. Here we investigate the simultaneous effects of heterogeneous and clustered contact patterns on epidemic dynamics. To model population structure, we generalize the configuration model which has a tunable degree distribution (number of contacts per node) and level of clustering (number of three cliques). To model epidemic dynamics for this class of random graph, we derive a tractable, low-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations that accounts for the effects of network structure on the course of the epidemic. We find that the interaction between clustering and the degree distribution is complex. Clustering always slows an epidemic, but simultaneously increasing clustering and the variance of the degree distribution can increase final epidemic size. We also show that bond percolation-based approximations can be highly biased if one incorrectly assumes that infectious periods are homogeneous, and the magnitude of this bias increases with the amount of clustering in the network. We apply this approach to model the high clustering of contacts within households, using contact parameters estimated from survey data of social interactions, and we identify conditions under which network models that do not account for household structure will be biased.  相似文献   



A deterministic model is developed for the spatial spread of an epidemic disease in a geographical setting. The disease is borne by vectors tosusceptible hosts through criss-cross dynamics. The model is focused on an outbreak that arises from a small number of infected hosts imported into a subregion of the geographical setting. The goal is to understand how spatial heterogeneity of the vector and host populations influences the dynamics of the outbreak, in both the geographical spread and the final size of the epidemic.


Partial differential equations are formulated to describe the spatial interaction of the hosts and vectors. The partial differential equations have reaction-diffusion terms to describe the criss-cross interactions of hosts and vectors. The partial differential equations of the model are analyzed and proven to be well-posed. A local basic reproduction number for the epidemic is analyzed.


The epidemic outcomes of the model are correlated to the spatially dependent parameters and initial conditions of the model. The partial differential equations of the model are adapted to seasonality of the vector population, and applied to the 2015–2016 Zika seasonal outbreak in Rio de Janeiro Municipality in Brazil.


The results for the model simulations of the 2015–2016 Zika seasonal outbreak in Rio de Janeiro Municipality indicate that the spatial distribution and final size of the epidemic at the end of the season are strongly dependent on the location and magnitude of local outbreaks at the beginning of the season. The application of the model to the Rio de Janeiro Municipality Zika 2015–2016 outbreak is limited by incompleteness of the epidemic data and by uncertainties in the parametric assumptions of the model.

The well-known formula for the final size of an epidemic was published by Kermack and McKendrick in 1927. Their analysis was based on a simple susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model that assumes exponentially distributed infectious periods. More recent analyses have established that the standard final size formula is valid regardless of the distribution of infectious periods, but that it fails to be correct in the presence of certain kinds of heterogeneous mixing (e.g., if there is a core group, as for sexually transmitted diseases). We review previous work and establish more general conditions under which Kermack and McKendrick's formula is valid. We show that the final size formula is unchanged if there is a latent stage, any number of distinct infectious stages and/or a stage during which infectives are isolated (the durations of each stage can be drawn from any integrable distribution). We also consider the possibility that the transmission rates of infectious individuals are arbitrarily distributed—allowing, in particular, for the existence of super-spreaders—and prove that this potential complexity has no impact on the final size formula. Finally, we show that the final size formula is unchanged even for a general class of spatial contact structures. We conclude that whenever a new respiratory pathogen emerges, an estimate of the expected magnitude of the epidemic can be made as soon the basic reproduction number ℝ0 can be approximated, and this estimate is likely to be improved only by more accurate estimates of ℝ0, not by knowledge of any other epidemiological details.  相似文献   

We consider a two-group epidemic model with treatment and establish a final size relation that gives the extent of the epidemic. This relation can be established with arbitrary mixing between the groups even though it may not be feasible to determine the reproduction number for the model. If the mixing of the two groups is proportionate, there is an explicit expression for the reproductive number and the final size relation is expressible in terms of the components of the reproduction number. We also extend the results to a two-group influenza model with proportionate mixing. Some numerical simulations suggest that (i) the assumption of no disease deaths is a good approximation if the disease death rate is small and (ii) a one-group model is a close approximation to a two-group model but a two-group model is necessary for comparing targeted treatment strategies. This research was supported by MITACS and an NSERC Research Grant.  相似文献   



The increasing amount of published literature in biomedicine represents an immense source of knowledge, which can only efficiently be accessed by a new generation of automated information extraction tools. Named entity recognition of well-defined objects, such as genes or proteins, has achieved a sufficient level of maturity such that it can form the basis for the next step: the extraction of relations that exist between the recognized entities. Whereas most early work focused on the mere detection of relations, the classification of the type of relation is also of great importance and this is the focus of this work. In this paper we describe an approach that extracts both the existence of a relation and its type. Our work is based on Conditional Random Fields, which have been applied with much success to the task of named entity recognition.  相似文献   

The duration, type and structure of connections between individuals in real-world populations play a crucial role in how diseases invade and spread. Here, we incorporate the aforementioned heterogeneities into a model by considering a dual-layer static–dynamic multiplex network. The static network layer affords tunable clustering and describes an individual’s permanent community structure. The dynamic network layer describes the transient connections an individual makes with members of the wider population by imposing constant edge rewiring. We follow the edge-based compartmental modelling approach to derive equations describing the evolution of a susceptible–infected–recovered epidemic spreading through this multiplex network of individuals. We derive the basic reproduction number, measuring the expected number of new infectious cases caused by a single infectious individual in an otherwise susceptible population. We validate model equations by showing convergence to pre-existing edge-based compartmental model equations in limiting cases and by comparison with stochastically simulated epidemics. We explore the effects of altering model parameters and multiplex network attributes on resultant epidemic dynamics. We validate the basic reproduction number by plotting its value against associated final epidemic sizes measured from simulation and predicted by model equations for a number of set-ups. Further, we explore the effect of varying individual model parameters on the basic reproduction number. We conclude with a discussion of the significance and interpretation of the model and its relation to existing research literature. We highlight intrinsic limitations and potential extensions of the present model and outline future research considerations, both experimental and theoretical.  相似文献   

Predicted steady-state cell size distributions for various growth models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The question of how an individual bacterial cell grows during its life cycle remains controversial. In 1962 Collins and Richmond derived a very general expression relating the size distributions of newborn, dividing and extant cells in steady-state growth and their growth rate; it represents the most powerful framework currently available for the analysis of bacterial growth kinetics. The Collins-Richmond equation is in effect a statement of the conservation of cell numbers for populations in steady-state exponential growth. It has usually been used to calculate the growth rate from a measured cell size distribution under various assumptions regarding the dividing and newborn cell distributions, but can also be applied in reverse--to compute the theoretical cell size distribution from a specified growth law. This has the advantage that it is not limited to models in which growth rate is a deterministic function of cell size, such as in simple exponential or linear growth, but permits evaluation of far more sophisticated hypotheses. Here we employed this reverse approach to obtain theoretical cell size distributions for two exponential and six linear growth models. The former differ as to whether there exists in each cell a minimal size that does not contribute to growth, the latter as to when the presumptive doubling of the growth rate takes place: in the linear age models, it is taken to occur at a particular cell age, at a fixed time prior to division, or at division itself; in the linear size models, the growth rate is considered to double with a constant probability from cell birth, with a constant probability but only after the cell has reached a minimal size, or after the minimal size has been attained but with a probability that increases linearly with cell size. Each model contains a small number of adjustable parameters but no assumptions other than that all cells obey the same growth law. In the present article, the various growth laws are described and rigorous mathematical expressions developed to predict the size distribution of extant cells in steady-state exponential growth; in the following paper, these predictions are tested against high-quality experimental data.  相似文献   

The definition of a biological impulse's law is possible by the assumption of a biological axiom on a physical level with the Newton's axiom. Hence it follows a unique definition of velocity of growth and of acceleration of growth. With help of this significant quantities and of derived biological equations, hence it follows a closed biological system of quantities as a system of 4 main quantities which is possible to fasten with a lock to SI-System by power. The main quantity is biological force which appear as a vector with n dimensions. With consideration also of information it's possible to derive a biological unit of space which hold this vector. This space allows to derivate 2 more transformation relations analogous the Einstein's relation.  相似文献   

A Framework for Quantified Eco-efficiency Analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Eco-efficiency is an instrument for sustainability analysis, indicating an empirical relation in economic activities between environmental cost or value and environmental impact. This empirical relation can be matched against normative considerations as to how much environmental quality or improvement society would like to offer in exchange for economic welfare, or what the trade-off between the economy and the environment should be if society is to realize a certain level of environmental quality. Its relevance lies in the fact that relations between economy and environment are not self-evident, not at a micro level and not at the macro level resulting from micro-level decisions for society as a whole. Clarifying the why and what of eco-efficiency is a first step toward decision support on these two aspects of sustainability. With the main analytic framework established, filling in the actual economic and environmental relations requires further choices in modeling. Also, the integration of different environmental effects into a single score requires a clear definition of approach, because several partly overlapping methods exist. Some scaling problems accompany the specification of numerator and denominator, which need a solution and some standardization before eco-efficiency analysis can become more widely used. With a method established, the final decision is how to embed it in practical decision making. In getting the details of eco-efficiency better specified, its strengths, but also its weaknesses and limitations, need to be indicated more clearly.  相似文献   

大型野生动物种群数量估算的理想条件是使用数学模型以及严格的实验设计来选择样本。可是,野外条件状况往往违背数学模型假设前提,不可能随机地选择样本。于是,计算的结果不但不可靠,而且很可能没有意义。就野生动物管理来说,不需要获得一个准确的种群数量,只需一个长期的数量趋势,就足以指导相关管理工作。在中国大型哺乳动物长期监测还没有纳入常规。本文报道了位于青海省野牛沟和甘肃省阿克塞县两个野生有蹄类动物种群数量的长期趋势监测项目。我们这些年里一直用相同的方法持续监测,并明确了监测数值结果包含有不确定性。尽管存在不确定性,仍可以发现监测地点野生有蹄类动物种群变化趋势,这些结果可以帮助野生动物管理者据此变化及时作出相应管理计划。  相似文献   

Under-reporting of infected cases is crucial for many diseases because of the bias it can introduce when making inference for the model parameters. The objective of this paper is to study the effect of under-reporting in epidemics by considering the stochastic Markovian SIR epidemic in which various reporting processes are incorporated. In particular, we first investigate the effect on the estimation process of ignoring under-reporting when it is present in an epidemic outbreak. We show that such an approach leads to under-estimation of the infection rate and the reproduction number. Secondly, by allowing for the fact that under-reporting is occurring, we develop suitable models for estimation of the epidemic parameters and explore how well the reporting rate and other model parameters can be estimated. We consider the case of a constant reporting probability and also more realistic assumptions which involve the reporting probability depending on time or the source of infection for each infected individual. Due to the incomplete nature of the data and reporting process, the Bayesian approach provides a natural modelling framework and we perform inference using data augmentation and reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques.  相似文献   

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