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Somatic chromosomes of Schistosoma mansoni.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Recent progress of chicken genome projects has revealed that bird ZW and mammalian XY sex chromosomes were derived from different autosomal pairs of the common ancestor; however, the evolutionary relationship between bird and reptilian sex chromosomes is still unclear. The Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) exhibits genetic sex determination, but no distinguishable (heteromorphic) sex chromosomes have been identified. In order to investigate this further, we performed molecular cytogenetic analyses of this species, and thereby identified ZZ/ZW-type micro-sex chromosomes. In addition, we cloned reptile homologues of chicken Z-linked genes from three reptilian species, the Chinese soft-shelled turtle and the Japanese four-striped rat snake (Elaphe quadrivirgata), which have heteromorphic sex chromosomes, and the Siam crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis), which exhibits temperature-dependent sex determination and lacks sex chromosomes. We then mapped them to chromosomes of each species using FISH. The linkage of the genes has been highly conserved in all species: the chicken Z chromosome corresponded to the turtle chromosome 6q, snake chromosome 2p and crocodile chromosome 3. The order of the genes was identical among the three species. The absence of homology between the bird Z chromosome and the snake and turtle Z sex chromosomes suggests that the origin of the sex chromosomes and the causative genes of sex determination are different between birds and reptiles.  相似文献   

The peculiar cytology and unique evolution of sex chromosomes raise many fundamental questions. Why and how sex chromosomes evolved has been debated over a century since H.J. Muller suggested that sex chromosome pairs evolved ultimately from a pair of autosomes. This theory was adapted to explain variations in the snake ZW chromosome pair and later the mammal XY. S. Ohno pointed out similarities between the mammal X and the bird/reptile Z chromosomes forty years ago, but his speculation that they had a common evolutionary origin, or at least evolved from similar regions of the genome, has been undermined by comparative gene mapping, and it is accepted that mammal XY and reptile ZW systems evolved independently from a common ancestor. Here we review evidence for the alternative theory, that ZW<-->XY transitions occurred during evolution, citing examples from fish and amphibians, and probably reptiles. We discuss new work from comparative genomics and cytogenetics that leads to a reconsideration of Ohno's idea and advance a new hypothesis that the mammal XY system may have arisen directly from an ancient reptile ZW system.  相似文献   

Evolution of fungal sex chromosomes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sexual reproduction enables organisms to shuffle two parental genomes to produce recombinant progeny, and to purge the genome of deleterious mutations. Sex is conserved in virtually all organisms, from bacteria and fungi to plants and animals, and yet the mechanisms by which sexual identity are established share both conserved general features and are remarkably diverse. In animals, sexual identity is established by dimorphic sex chromosomes, whereas in fungi a specialized region of the genome, known as the mating-type locus, governs the establishment of cell type identity and differs in DNA sequence between cells of different mating-types. Recent studies on the mating-type loci of fungi and algae reveal features shared with the mammalian X and Y chromosomes, suggesting that these represent early steps in the evolution of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Karyotypes stained with conventional Giemsa and with a C-banding method were compared among 7 strains of Schistosoma mansoni: 2 from Puerto Rico and 1 each from St. Lucia, Brazil, Venezuela, Egypt, and Kenya. A few differences were noted in relative lengths and centromeric indexes, but overall karyotypes of all strains were similar, with 2n = 16. The W chromosome of the female of all strains had a relatively large heterochromatic block, distinguishing the female from the male karyotype.  相似文献   

William J Murphy  Roscoe Stanyon  Stephen J O'Brien 《Genome biology》2001,2(6):reviews0005.1-reviews00058
Comparative genome analyses, including chromosome painting in over 40 diverse mammalian species, ordered gene maps from several representatives of different mammalian and vertebrate orders, and large-scale sequencing of the human and mouse genomes are beginning to provide insight into the rates and patterns of chromosomal evolution on a whole-genome scale, as well as into the forces that have sculpted the genomes of extant mammalian species.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: male-biased sex ratios in snails and mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adult sex ratios of Schistosoma mansoni, in mice, were shown to be biased toward males (3:1) despite the finding that sex ratios of miracidia were 50:50. The adult male bias was caused by greater male infectivity of miracidia for snails and cercariae for mice. A significantly higher percentage of male miracidia developed to cercarial production in unimiracidial infections (57 male, 34 female), and a significantly higher percentage of male cercariae developed to adulthood in mice (143 male, 79 female worms resulted from 900 male and 900 female cercariae). No significant differences were found between male and female parasites for longevity of miracidia (both sexes, 10 hr) and cercariae (males 21.3 +/- 5.75 hr, females 25.0 +/- 7.02 hr), prepatent periods in snail hosts (male 34 +/- 2.92 days, females 33 +/- 2.36 days), longevity of snail infections (males 96.6 +/- 25.15 days, females 115.2 +/- 82.43 days), and the numbers of cercariae produced per snail lifetime (males 30,751.44 +/- 18,064.33, females 34,083.00 +/- 33,732.82). Present results provide a better understanding of the life cycle of S. mansoni, are of theoretical significance for theories of biased sex ratios (which at present cannot account for the male-biased ratio of S. mansoni), and also suggest that schistosomiasis transmission models assuming a 50:50 sex ratio at all stages of the life cycle should be reassessed.  相似文献   

Reptiles (sauropsids) represent the sister group to mammals, and the basal members of Reptilia may provide a good model for the condition of the common ancestor of both groups. Sex-determining mechanisms (SDM) and organizations of sex chromosomes among genotypically sex-determining (GSD) species vary widely across reptiles. Birds and snakes, for example, are entirely GSD whereas other reptiles, like all crocodilians, exhibit temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Here we explore the evolution of sex chromosomes and SDM within reptiles, using family-level analyses of character evolution and applying parsimony, likelihood, Bayesian, and stochastic methods. We find support for the common ancestor of amphisbaenians and whiptail lizards (Laterata) possessing the XY (male heterogametic) GSD mechanism, while the ancestors of Testudines and Crocodylia, as well as the larger group Archosauromorpha (here containing turtles) are inferred to have exhibited TSD. We also find evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the XY system is more labile and evolves faster than does the ZW (female heterogametic) system. Phylogenetic-based speciation tests do not support an association between GSD and speciation, and reject the hypothesis that the presence of the XY system is associated with speciation in reptiles.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library has been established from genomic DNA isolated from the trematode parasite of human, Schistosoma mansoni. This library consists of more than 21,000 recombinant clones carrying inserts in the pBeloBAC11 vector. The mean insert size was 100 kb, representing an approximate 7.95-fold genome coverage. Library screening with eight chromosome-specific or single-copy gene probes yielded between 1 and 9 positive clones, and none of those tested was absent from the library. End sequences were obtained for 93 randomly selected clones, and 37 showed sequence identity to S. mansoni sequences (ESTs, genes, or repetitive sequences). A preliminary analysis by fluorescence in situ hybridization localized 8 clones on schistosome chromosomes 1 (2 clones), 2, 3, 5, Z, and W (3 clones). This library provides a new resource for the physical mapping and sequencing of the genome of this important human pathogen.  相似文献   

Dioecy is relatively rare in plants and sex determination systems vary among such species. A good example of a plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes is hop (Humulus lupulus). The genotypes carrying XX or XY chromosomes correspond to female and male plants, respectively. Until now no clear cytogenetic markers for the sex chromosomes of hop have been established. Here, for the first time the sex chromosomes of hop are clearly identified and characterized. The high copy sequence of hop (HSR1) has been cloned and localized on chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The HSR1 repeat has shown subtelomeric location on autosomes with the same intensity of the signal. The signal has been present in the subtelomeric region of the long arm and in the near-centromeric region but absent in the telomeric region of the short arm of the X chromosome. At the same time the signal has been found in the telomeric region only of the long arm of the Y chromosome. This finding indicates that the sex chromosomes of hop have evolved from a pair of autosomes via ancient translocation or inversion. The observation of the meiotic configuration of the sex bivalents shows the location of a pseudoautosomal region on the long arms of X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

Tegumental tissues of paired adult Schistosoma mansoni were removed by treatment with Triton X-100 and recovered by centrifugation. The chloroform-methanol insoluble residues of this isolated tegumental fraction and of the denuded carcasses were analysed for glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and sialic acid contents. Treatment with GAG-specific enzymes followed by electrophoretic analysis showed that both the carcass and tegument contained heparin and/or heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid. All these except hyaluronic acid were present in the tegumental fraction. Based on uronic acid content, about 73% of the total GAG was in the tegumental membrane, 15% in the tegmental matrix and the remaining 12% was in the carcass. The presence of heparin-like polysaccharide may present entrapment of the schistosoma by the hosts' blood-clotting process.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni has a genome of 270 Mb contained on 8 pairs of chromosomes. C-banding has been a useful technique in identifying the 7 autosomal and sex chromosomes. However, even with C-banding, S. mansoni chromosomes 5, 6, and 7 are difficult to discriminate from each other, because of their small sizes, morphological similarity, and poor banding patterns. We have identified probes that specifically paint chromosomes 5, 6, and 7 of S. mansoni with the use of chromosome microdissection and the degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR). Exact chromosome identification is required for accurate chromosome mapping of genomic clones and genetic elements, which is an essential component of the schistosome genome project.  相似文献   

Evolution of the avian sex chromosomes and their role in sex determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Is it the female-specific W chromosome of birds that causes the avian embryo to develop a female phenotype, analogous to the dominance mode of genic sex differentiation seen in mammals? Or is it the number of Z chromosomes that triggers male development, similar to the balance mode of differentiation seen in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans? Although definite answers to these questions cannot be given yet, some recent data have provided support for the latter hypothesis. Moreover, despite the potentially common features of sex determination in mammals and birds, comparative mapping shows that the avian sex chromosomes have a different autosomal origin than the mammalian X and Y chromosomes.  相似文献   

Mammalian sex chromosomes: Evolution of organization and function   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Comparisons of chromosome size, morphology and gene arrangements between mammals of different species permit us to deduce the genome characteristics of the common ancestor, and to chart the changes that have occurred during the divergence of the two lineages. The more distantly related are the species compared, the more remote the common ancestor whose characteristics can be deduced. This means that, providing there are sufficient similarities to warrant comparison, the more divergent the species compared, the more significant the contribution to our understanding of the organization of an ancestral mammalian genome and the process of mammalian genome evolution. One of the genetic surprises of the last decade was the discovery that, although gross karyotypes of distantly related orders of eutherian mammals (e.g. cat, cow, rabbit, man) have diverged extensively, gene mapping studies reveal the presence of large chromosome segments conserved across at least 60 million years (O'Brien et al. 1988). This finding makes it worthwhile to extend genetic comparisons to the two groups of mammals most distantly related to eutherian mammals--marsupials and monotremes. Here we will review comparisons of the sex chromosomes in these three major groups of extant mammals, and show how they have led us to a new view of the evolution of mammalian sex chromosome organization and function in sex determination and X chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Section Acrocentron of the genus Centaurea is one of the largest sections of Centaurea with approx. 100 species. The geographic distribution, centred in the Mediterranean, makes it an excellent example for studies of the biogeographic history of this biodiversity-rich region.


Plastid (trnH-psbA) and nuclear (ITS and ETS) DNA sequence analysis was used for phylogenetic reconstruction. Ancestral biogeographic patterns were inferred by dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA).

Key Results

The resulting phylogeny has implications for the sectional classification of Acrocentron and confirms merging sect. Chamaecyanus into Acrocentron as a subsection. Previous suggestions of an eastern Mediterranean origin of the group are confirmed. The main centres of diversification established in previous studies are now strongly supported. Expansion of the group in two different radiations that followed patently diverse paths is inferred.


Radiation followed two waves, widely separated in time scale. The oldest one, from Turkey to Greece and the northern Balkans and then to North Africa and Iberia, should be dated at the end of the Miocene in the Messinian period. It reached the Iberian Peninsula from the south, following a route that is landmarked by several relictic taxa in Sicily and North Africa. A later radiation during the Holocene interglacial periods followed, involving species from the north of the Balkan Peninsula, along a Eurasian pathway running from Central Iberia to the steppes of Kazakhstan. A generalized pattern of reticulation is also evident from the results, indicating past contacts between presently separated species. Molecular data also confirmed the extent of hybridization within Acrocentron and were successful in reconstructing the paleogeography of the section.Key words: Centaurea sect. Acrocentron, Cardueae, dispersal-vicariance, ETS, ITS, Mediterranean, phylogeny, psbA-trnH, radiation, reticulation  相似文献   

The granulomatous pathology in human intestinal schistosomiasisis induced primarily by the egg antigens of schistosome, a parasitictrematode. Glycolipids and glycoproteins were extracted fromthe eggs of the two major species which infect human, Schistosomamansoni and Schistosoma japonicum, for structural characterizationbased on highly sensitive mass spectrometric analysis coupledwith chemical derivatization. Here, we demonstrate that a seriesof uniquely multifucosylated glycosphingolipids constitute themajor egg glycolipids of S.mansoni but not of S.japonicum. TheS.mansoni glycosphingolipids were found to be extended by varyingnumbers of an unusual repeating unit,  相似文献   

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