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Summary Crab photoreceptors were examined after treatment by the osmium-DMSO-osmium method for high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. This technique of specimen preparation was also adapted for transmission electron microscopy, enabling sections up to 1 urn thick to be viewed in a conventional microscope at 75 kV. With appropriate pretreatment, some cytoskeletal elements can be visualised by both techniques. The methods were then used to investigate some of the daily changes known to occur in photoreceptor cell structure. Striking differences were found in the structure of Golgi bodies present in retinula cells during the synthesis and breakdown phases of the daily cycle of photoreceptor membrane turnover. Cyclic changes were also noticed in the mitochondria of retinula cells, and additional evidence was found for a previously proposed model of rhabdomeral microvillus formation.  相似文献   

Summary The gross structure and neuronal elements of the first optic ganglion of two crabs, Scylla serrata and Leptograpsus variegatus, are described on the basis of Golgi (selective silver) and reduced silver preparations. Of the eight retinula cells of each ommatidium, seven end within the lamina, while the eighth cell sends a long fibre to the external medulla. Five types of monopolar neurons are described, three types of large tangential fibres, and one fibre which may be centrifugal. The marked stratification of the lamina is produced by several features. The main synaptic region, the plexiform layer, is divided by a band of tangential fibres; the short retinula fibres end at two levels in the plexiform layer; and two types of monopolar cells have arborisations confined to the distal or proximal parts of the plexiform layer. The information presently available concerning the retina-lamina projection in Crustacea is examined. Some of the implications of retina and lamina structure are discussed in conjunction with what is known about their electrophysiology.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae and Toxorhynchites brevipalpis represent the nocturnal and diurnal extremes of the mosquito light intensity range, and their eyes are structurally very different. A. gambiae has fused rhabdoms with huge acceptance angles, whereas T. brevipalpis has open rhabdoms with rhabdomere acceptance angles comparable with those of advanced (brachyceran) flies. Here, we show that the retina-lamina projections are consistent with these differences. The short receptor axons from each ommatidium in A. gambiae insert as a group between four lamina monopolar cell clusters. In T. brevipalpis axon bundles from each ommatidium undergo a twist in their passage through the nuclear layer of the lamina, and then fan out into a space the diameter of which is about twice the separation of the monopolar cell clusters. This arrangement is consistent with a neural superposition mechanism closely similar to that found in higher Diptera, but which must have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of Pinus sylvestris L. were grown on defined nutrient solutions on carbon filters, either sterile or infected with the basidiomycete Suillus variegatus O. Kuntze. After mycorrhizas were established, the shoot of the seedling was subjected to 14CO2 photosynthesis. 14C-labelled photoassimilates were translocated to both mycorrhizas and non-infected root tips. Microautoradiographs of mycorrhizas indicated that omission of external sugars did not affect the formation of mycorrhizas; 14C-photoassimilates were supplied to cortex, Hartig net and the mantle of hyphae surrounding the rootlet. Nutrient solution containing sugars (malt extract, glucose) enhanced the growth of the fungus. As a consequence, 14C-photoassimilates from the seedling were accumulated in the mantle, but defence mechanisms of the host cannot be excluded. When soluble nitrogen was omitted from the nutrient solution and replaced by chitin precipitated on the filter-bearing mycorrhizas, the fungus appeared strongly labelled in the mantle, where the fungal chitinase provided soluble nitrogen compounds, necessary for the growth of the seedling.  相似文献   

Summary Dawn photoreceptor breakdown in the crab Leptograpsus variegatus is analysed at the ultrastructural level. Coated vesicles derived from microvilli are assembled as multivesicular bodies (mvbs), which degrade to multilamellar bodies (mls) and are lysed. Cytochemical markers for hydrolases were a fluorideinhibited -glycerophosphatase and a fluoride-insensitive p-nitrophenyl phosphatase, with indistinguishable distributions when localised at pH 5.0. These enzymes are injected into the secondary lysosomes from two sources: (i) Immediately after dawn Golgi bodies are highly active, and differentiate a transtubular network, from which tubules and vesicles detach, and can be seen fusing with mvbs and mlbs. (ii) Saccules derived from the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) provide a second source and are most often seen in association with late mlbs. Both kinds of primary lysosome rarely give AcPh-positive responses when free in the cytosol, but are seen to do so as they make contact with their secondary lysosomal targets. Lipid droplets and lipofuscin bodies are interpreted as the residual products of breakdown. These results are discussed in relation to previous findings on photoreceptor membrane breakdown in a dinopid spider. Attention is drawn to the implied diversity of organisation of lysosomal compartments in receptors which internalise membranes of similar compositions.The authors thank Professor T.H. Waterman for hospitality extended to A.D. Blest at Yale University, for allowing them to see results prior to publication, and for enthusiastic encouragement of at present project during a visit to this University in 1979. We also thank Dr. Gary Hafner and Dr. D.R. Nassel for sending us results prior to publication, and others, especially Dr. Dean Bok, for discussions in correspondence. Bruce Ham helped to collect crabs. Rod Whitty and the staff of the Electron Microscope Unit provided advice and support throughout these studies. Chris Snoek prepared Fig. 1 a, b  相似文献   

Decapod crustacean pericardial organs contain extensive neurohormonal reserves which can be released directly into the haemolymph to act as physiological modulators. The present paper concerns the in vivo effects of two pericardial peptides, proctolin and crustacean cardioactive peptide, on cardiovascular dynamics in the crab Cancer magister. Infusion of proctolin into the pericardial sinus caused a slight decrease in heart rate concurrent with a large increase in cardiac stroke volume. It decreased haemolymph flow anteriorly through the paired anterolateral arteries and increased flow posteriorly and ventrally through the posterior aorta and sternal artery, respectively. The threshold for responses occurred at circulating concentrations of 10-9 mol·l-1, and haemolymph flows remained elevated for up to 30 min after peptide infusion. The effects of crustacean cardioactive peptide were less dramatic. Heart rate was not affected but a significant increase in stroke volume was observed. Crustacean cardioactive peptide increased haemolymph flow through the anterolateral arteries and increased scaphognathite rate. The threshold for crustacean cardioactive peptide activity was higher than for proctolin (10-7 mol·l-1 and 10-6 mol·l-1) but the responses to crustacean cardioactive peptide were of longer duration. The effects of proctolin on regional haemeolymph distribution in Cancer magister closely resemble the cardiovascular responses of this species when exposed to hypoxic conditions. These peptides may be implicated as cardiovascular regulators during environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase from the posterior gills of the euryhaline crab Eriocheir sinensis acclimated to freshwater is likely regulated in part via phosphorylation induced by endogenous cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases. Phosphofructokinase from gill extracts devoid of low molecular weight compounds by chromatography through a PD10 Sephadex column, incubated in the presence of cAMP or cGMP protein kinases activators (cAMP or cGMP, Mg-ATP and Mg2+), shows an increased catalytic activity. This treatment is accompanied by 32P incorporation into the proteins immunoprecipitated with anti-mammalian phosphofructokinase polyclonal antibodies cross-reacting with the analog crustacean enzyme. Our results indicate that the covalent modification induced by these nucleotide-dependent protein kinases activates the glycolytic enzyme by increasing its affinity for its substrate and, when the activation is specifically due to cAMP-dependent protein kinases, by also reducing the homotropic cooperativity between its multiple substrate binding sites.  相似文献   

Summary The appearance of neurosecretory granules in the crab sinus gland was studied after fixation at different pHs. Whereas at pH 7.0 the neurosecretory granules were pleomorphic with respect to electron density, at pH 5.0 or 6.0 all the granules remained electron dense. The possible role of maturation as an explanation of this observation is discussed.ERA 493 CNRS  相似文献   

Summary Carapace movements in crabs are briefly reviewed. While on land and recirculating branchial water, the Australian semaphore crab Heloecius cordiformis (Decapoda: Ocypodidae), a semi-terrestrial air-breathing mangrove crab, sequentially depresses and elevates its carapace relative to its thorax (0.5–1 mm excursion) in a regular pump-like manner. In quiescent crabs each carapace-pumping cycle lasts about 4 s; carapace depression takes 3 s and elevation 1 s. Carapace movements are brought about by pressures generated within the branchial chambers by the scaphognathites, probably in combination with carapace muscles. Carapace movements are associated with bilaterally synchronised scaphognathite activity. Unilateral scaphognathite activity was not observed. During normal forward recirculation of branchial water the scaphognathites beat at about 1.5 Hz (slow-forward pumping) and the lungs (epibranchial chambers) are not ventilated. In Heloecius, the lungs are not physically separated from the gills below by an anatomical barrier. Lung ventilation is accomplished during the following sequence of events: the carapace is lowered and the scaphognathites pump in a fast-forward mode at about 2.8 Hz. This activity preferentially pumps air out of the lungs and generates suction within the branchial chambers (4–10 cm H2O below ambient) which draws water from external body surfaces into the hypobranchial space below and around the gills. At the end of the carapace's downward travel the scaphognathites switch from fast-forward to fastreverse beating at about 4 Hz. This pumps air into the lungs and the carapace elevates. As a result, during carapace elevation the water which had previously been drawn into the branchial chambers by fast-forward pumping activity is released and flows out between the legs and into the abdominosternal cavity. When the carapace reaches its original resting or up position the scaphognathites switch from fast-reverse to slowforward beating to re-establish water recirculation through the branchial chambers. This cycle is subsequently repeated. In stationary crabs, there are 2 carapace-pumping cycles per minute, increasing to 14 per minute in active crabs (walking). When water is absent, the lungs are preferentially ventilated by slow-reverse scaphognathite pumping activity. Carapace movements do not occur in the absence of branchial water. Carapace pumping is thought to provide a mechanism which permits the scaphognathites to ventilate the lungs in the presence of recirculating branchial water, without this water interfering with lung ventilation or being lost to the environment.Abbreviations FF, FR, SF, SR fast-forward, fast-reverse, slowforward, slow-reverse scaphognathite pumping - MEA Milne Edwards aperture  相似文献   

Blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), are an ecologically and commercially important species along the East coast of North America. Over the past century and a half, blue crabs have been exposed to an expanding set of exotic species, a few of which are potential competitors. To test for interactions with invasive crabs, juvenile C. sapidus males were placed in competition experiments for a food item with two common non-indigenous crabs, the green crab Carcinus maenas (L.) and the Japanese shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan). Agonistic interactions were evaluated when they occurred. In addition, each species’ potential to resist predators was examined by testing carapace strength. Results showed that C. maenas was a superior competitor to both C. sapidus and H. sanguineus for obtaining food, while the latter two species were evenly matched against each other. Regarding agonism, C. sapidus, was the “loser” a disproportionate number of times. C. sapidus carapaces also had a significantly lower breaking strength. These experiments suggest that both as a competitor, and as potential prey, juvenile blue crabs have some disadvantages compared with these common sympatric exotic crab species, and in areas where these exotics are common, juvenile native blue crabs may be forced to expend more energy in conflict that could be spent foraging, and may be forced away from prime food items toward less optimum prey.  相似文献   

Summary While on land and recirculating branchial water the Australian semaphore crab Heloecius cordiformis (Decapoda: Ocypodidae), a semi-terrestrial airbreathing mangrove crab, sequentially depresses and elevates its carapace in a regular pump-like manner. The functional role of these carapace movements in aerial oxygen consumption is investigated. Carapace immobilisation (reversible and non-injurious) did not appear to affect branchial water circulation. In dry crabs (branchial water removed) carapace immobilisation had no effect on the rate of oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate or whole-body lactate (WBL) levels. In wet crabs (with branchial water) carapace immobilisation caused VO2 to drop by 38% from 81 to 46 l O2 · g-1 · h-1, heart rate to decline by 32%, from 2.5 to 1.7 Hz, and WBL levels to increase over 2.5-fold, from 0.27 to 0.67 mg · g-1, after 3 h of carapace immobilisation. The (VO2) of carapace-immobilised crabs with branchial water was similar to lung-occluded crabs with branchial water. Severe hypoxia induced physiological responses similar to those of carapace-immobilised crabs with branchial water. After 3 h of severe hypoxia, heart rate had declined by 80%, from 2.2 to 0.43 Hz, and the incidence of carapace pumping slowed by 85%, from 2.4 to 0.37 cycles · min-1. It is concluded that in the absence of carapace movements branchial water in some way inteferes with lung ventilation. Under normal circumstances water circulation and lung ventilation are mutually exclusive processes (due to their singular dependence on the scaphognathites), yet in Heloecius these processes must be carried out simultaneously. Carapace movements may alleviate this conflict.Abbreviations FF, FR, SF, SR fast-forward, fast-reverse, slow-forward, slow-reverse scaphognathite pumping - MEA Milne Edwards aperture - VO2 rate of oxygen consumption - WBL whole-body lactate  相似文献   

Summary The isolated retina of the terrestrial crab Ocypode ryderi exhibits a pronounced lactate production in spite of being supplied with sufficient O2 (140 torr). To determine whether this lactate production is caused by hypoxic areas in the tissue or represents aerobic glycolysis, oxygen partial pressure and pH measurements with two-channel glass microelectrodes and additional biochemical analyses were carried out on this organ. Distinct profiles were obtained for O2 partial pressure and pH inside the tissue. At a depth of 200 m different O2 partial pressure levels could be observed depending on the O2 partial pressure in the medium (85 torr at 280 torr and 36 torr at 130 torr, respectively). The extracellular pH displays a similar pattern; it reaches a stable value of 7.15 at 100 m inside the tissue. Lowering bath O2 partial pressure from 280 torr to about 15 torr (hypoxia) induces a decrease of the O2 partial pressure in the tissue with different time-courses for different tissue depths. However, hypoxia did not change the extracellular pH. Addition of antimycin A (100 mol · 1-1) to the medium abolishes the O2 partial pressure gradient and the delayed recovery of the tissue O2 partial pressure after hypoxia. These results and the biochemical data suggest that in the crab retina a high glycolytic activity occurs simultaneously with oxydative carbohydrate degradation (aerobic glycolysis).Abbreviations AEC Atkinson energy charge - DC bioelectric potential - dw dry weight - HEPES N-[2-Hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N-[2-ethanesulphonic acid] - PCO2 carbon dioxide partial pressure - PO2 oxygen partial pressure - P tO2 oxygen partial pressure inside the tissue - P mO2 oxygen partial pressure in the medium - pHt pH inside the tissue - pHm pH in the superfusion medium  相似文献   

This paper reports the first noninvasive, volumetric study of entire cross-sections of a sea urchin tooth in which the individual calcite structural elements could be resolved. Two cross-sectionally intact fragments of a Lytechinus variegatus tooth were studied with synchrotron microCT (microcomputed tomography) with 1.66 microm voxels (volume elements). These fragments were from the plumula, that is the tooth zone with rapidly increasing levels of mineral; one fragment was from a position aboral of where the keel developed and the second was from the zone where the keel was developing. The primary plates, secondary plates, carinar process plates, prisms, and elements of the lamellar-needle complex were resolved. Comparison of the microCT data with optical micrographs of stained thin sections confirmed the identifications and measured dimensions of the characteristic microarchitectural features. The interplay of reinforcing structures (plates and prisms) was more clearly revealed in the volumetric numerical data sets than in single or sequential slices. While it is well known that the primary plates and prisms in camarodont teeth are situated to improve resistance to bending (which can be termed primary bending), the data presented provide a new understanding of the mechanical role of the carinar process plates, that is, a geometry consistent with that required in the keel to resist lateral or transverse bending of the tooth about a second axis. The increase in robustness of teeth incorporating lateral keel reinforcement suggests that the relative development of carinar processes (toward a geometry similar to that of L. variegatus) is a character which can be used to infer which sea urchins among the stirodonts are most primitive and among the camarodonts which are more primitive.  相似文献   

The coral crab genus Carpilius currently includes three widely distributed species that inhabit tropical coral reefs and adjacent waters. The relationship of Carpilius to other xanthoid crabs is unknown. Previously, carcinologists considered Carpilius to be allied with crabs of the family Xanthidae (e.g., Euryozius, Liagore, and Liomera), however, recent workers have considered it to be a monotypic genus within its own family, Carpiliidae. Mitochondrial 12S- and 16S-rDNA gene fragments confirm the monophyly and distinct status of the family Carpiliidae. Within the genus Carpilius, the Caribbean species C. corallinus is basal to the two Pacific species C. maculatus and C. convexus. The Pacific species are sister taxa, despite the greater morphological resemblance of C. corallinus to the Pacific C. convexus. The relationship of the Carpiliidae (Carpilius) to other xanthoid crabs is investigated, and results of a preliminary analysis of higher xanthoid relationships did not resolve the relationships of Carpiliidae, "Xanthidae," Menippidae, Trapeziidae, and Ocypodidae to one another. A Menippidae and Carpilius relationship could not be rejected, although a Liomera, Liagore, and Carpilius relationship was.  相似文献   

Summary The hydrolysis of glucose-6-phospate in the digestive gland of the crab Carcinus maenas is carried out by an aspecific phosphatase. This enzyme possesses the following features: (1) insensitivity to acid treatment; (2) absence of inhibition when exposed to citrate at low pH; (3) similar affinity for G6P as the acid phosphatase for Na--glycerophosphate (K m 2.3 and 2.0 mM, respectively). Glucose-6-phosphate and Na--glycerophate hydrolysis reactions seem to be catalysed by the same enzyme, since both activities exhibit the same distribution in a subcellular fractionation of the gland. Furthermore, as these activities are principally recovered in the subcellular fraction enriched in calcospherites (or calcium phosphate granules), it is proposed that the aspecific G6P-phosphohydrolase could play a major role in the formation of these granules. The phosphorylation of glucose is made by two low K m hexokinases (230 and 64 M, respectively). As their level of activity shows significant changes over the moult cycle, these enzymes could be considered as having a regulatory role in the storage of glucose in the digestive gland.Abbreviations Acid Pase aspecific acid phosphatase - ATP adenosine triphosphate - DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetate - G calcium phosphate granules fraction - G6P glucose-6-phosphate - G6Pase hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase - G6PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - K m Michaelis-Menten constant - MI mitochondria and intermediate postmitochondrial particles - N nuclei fraction - NADH nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide - P microsome fraction - Pi inorganic phosphate - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonylfluoride - STI soybean trypsin inhibitor - glyP Na--glycerophosphate - T1,2,3 transport protein 1,2,3 - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

The mangrove crab Ucides cordatus showed a significant reduction in its output of isosmotic urine (to 60% of submerged rates) in humid, emersed conditions when in apparent water balance. A similar, but lesser, reduction was observed in the intertidal temperature species Carcinus maenas. Some of the decrease is effected by increased water withdrawal of an isosmotic fluid in the antennal gland (inulin urine to haemolymph concentration ratio=1.27) in Ucides but most is due to the reduced filtration rate which decreases from 3.41 to 2.19 ml·100 g-1·day-1 (in Carcinus from 7.37 to 5.88). In Carcinus, inulin urine to haemolymph concentration ratios are within the range 1.34–1.41 and show significant change on emersion. Comparisons of ion and inulin clearance ratios revealed interspecific differences in renal handling of Na+ and Cl-. During emersion total Na+ efflux is markedly reduced in both species. Urinary Na+ losses are responsible for most of the efflux in Carcinus but represent only 50% of the total in Ucides. Significant Na+ uptake from interstitial water occurs in Ucides. REductions in ion and water loss appear to be mainly dependent on decreases in urine output (clearance rate). However, some released urine was found to accumulate in the branchial chambers in both species. Whether or not extrarenal reabsorption of ions from released urine occurs in the gill chambers in either crab species remains to be proved.Abbreviations CPM counts per minute - ECF extracellular fluid - k rate constant for inulin clearance - k Na rate constant for sodium efflux - J out Na sodium efflux rate - Q tot total radioactivity injected - SEM standard error of mean - SW sea water - 9-SW sea water, salinity 9 mg·ml-1 (ppt) - 26-SW sea water, salinity 26 mg·ml-1 (ppt) - U/B ratio of urine (U) to haemolymph (B) concentrations - V c1 clearance rate - V u urine output - V a inulin space  相似文献   

We quantified metabolic power consumption as a function of wind speed in the presence and absence of simulated solar radiation in rock squirrels, Spermophilus variegatus, a diurnal rodent inhabiting arid regions of Mexico and the western United States. In the absence of solar radiation, metabolic rate increased 2.2-fold as wind speed increased from 0.25 to 4.0 m·s-1. Whole-body thermal resistance declined 56% as wind speed increased over this range, indicating that body insulation in this species is much more sensitive to wind disruption than in other mammals. In the presence of 950 W·m-2 simulated solar radiation, metabolic rate increased 2.3-fold as wind speed was elevated from 0.25 to 4.0 m·s-1. Solar heat gain, calculated as the reduction in metabolic heat production associated with the addition of solar radiation, increased with wind speed from 1.26 mW·g-1 at 0.25 m·s-1 to 2.92 mW·g-1 at 4.0 m·s-1. This increase is opposite to theoretical expectations. Both the unexpected increase in solar heat gain at elevated wind speeds and the large-scale reduction of coat insulation suggests that assumptions often used in heat-transfer analyses of animals can produce important errors.Abbreviations absorptivity of coat to solar radiation - kinematic viscosity of air (mm2·s-1) - reflectivity of coat to solar radiation - a r B expected at zero wind speed (s·m-1) - A P projected surface area of animal on plane perpendicular to solar beam (cm2) - A SKIN skin surface area (cm2) - b Coefficient describing change in r B with change in square-root of wind speed (s1.5·m1.5) - d hair diameter (m) - d characteristic dimension of animal (m) - D H thermal diffusivity of air (m2·s-1) - E evaporative heat loss (W·m-2) - I probability per unit coat depth that photon will strike hair - k constant equalling 1200 J·m-3·°C-1 - l C coat depth m) - l H hair length (m) - M metabolic rate (W·m-2) - n density of hairs of skin (m-2) - Q A solar heat gain to animal (W·m-2) - Q I solar irradiance intercepted by animal (W·m-2) - RQ respiratory quotient - r A thermal resistance of boundary layer (s·m-1) - r B whole-body thermal resistance (s·m-1) - r E thermal resistance between animal surface and environment s·m-1) - r R radiative resistance (s·m-1) - r S sum of r B and r E at 0.25 m·s-1 (s·m-1) - r T tissue thermal resistance s·m-1) - T AIR air temperature (°C) - T B body temperature (°C) - T E operative temperature of environment (°C) - T ES standard operative temperature of environment (°C) - u wind speed (m·s-1)  相似文献   

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