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Group II phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is an acute-phase protein and an important component of the host defense against bacteria. In this study we investigated the distribution of PLA2 protein by immunohistochemistry and the distribution of mRNA of PLA2 by Northern blotting and in situ hybridization in rat tissues. PLA2 protein was localized in the Paneth cells of the intestinal mucosa, chondrocytes and the matrix of cartilage, and megakaryocytes in the spleen. By Northern blotting, mRNA of PLA2 was found in the gastrointestinal tract, lung, heart, and spleen. By in situ hybridization, PLA2 mRNA was localized in the Paneth cells of the small intestinal mucosa but in no other cell types. Our results show specific distribution of PLA2 in a limited number of cell types in rat tissues. The reagents developed in this study (the anti-rat PLA2 antibody and probes for Northern blotting and in situ hybridization of mRNA of rat PLA2) will provide useful tools for future studies concerning the role of PLA2 in various experimental disease models.  相似文献   

The ever growing number of completely sequenced prokaryotic genomes facilitates cross-species comparisons by genomic annotation algorithms. This paper introduces a new probabilistic framework for comparative genomic analysis and demonstrates its utility in the context of improving the accuracy of prokaryotic gene start site detection. Our frame work employs a product hidden Markov model (PROD-HMM) with state architecture to model the species-specific trinucleotide frequency patterns in sequences immediately upstream and downstream of a translation start site and to detect the contrasting non-synonymous (amino acid changing) and synonymous (silent) substitution rates that differentiate prokaryotic coding from intergenic regions. Depending on the intricacy of the features modeled by the hidden state architecture, intergenic, regulatory, promoter and coding regions can be delimited by this method. The new system is evaluated using a preliminary set of orthologous Pyrococcus gene pairs, for which it demonstrates an improved accuracy of detection. Its robustness is confirmed by analysis with cross-validation of an experimentally verified set of Escherichia coli K-12 and Salmonella thyphimurium LT2 orthologs. The novel architecture has a number of attractive features that distinguish it from previous comparative models such as pair-HMMs.  相似文献   

Lefkowitz LJ  Deems RA  Dennis EA 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14174-14184
Site-directed mutants of the group IA phospholipase A(2) from cobra venom were constructed and expressed in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris to probe for the proposed phosphatidylcholine (PC) activator site. Previous crystallographic and molecular modeling studies have identified two regions of the enzyme as likely candidates for this site. Residues Glu-55, Trp-61, Tyr-63, Phe-64, and Lys-65 were mutated to test the site advanced by Ortiz et al. [(1992) Biochemistry 31, 2887-2896] while Asp-23 and Arg-30 were mutated to assess the site proposed by Segelke et al. [(1998) J. Mol. Biol. 279, 223-232]. Expressed enzymes were purified by affinity chromatography and analyzed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy, and circular dichroism. Both phospholipid headgroup specificity and rates of hydrolysis on monomeric PC substrates were determined and found to be similar for native, wild-type, and all of the mutant enzymes. These results suggest that all of the expressed enzymes were properly folded and contained functional catalytic sites. Mutations of the aromatic residues in the Ortiz site generally had little effect on PC activation, arguing against the importance of this region of the enzyme for PC activation; however, these aromatic amino acids appeared to be important for interfacial activation. In contrast, the D23N mutant in the Segelke site reduced PC activation by 10-fold without affecting activity toward micellar phosphatidylethanolamine substrates. Similar results were found with the D23N/R30M double mutant, suggesting that this region is critical for PC activation. These results provide evidence for the Segelke site as a PC activator site that is distinct from the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The chromosomal gene for human phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT; EC was isolated from a human genomic library using a cloned human PNMT cDNA as a probe, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. PNMT is encoded in a single gene which consists of three exons. We observed newly the presence of minor PNMT mRNA (type B) besides the major mRNA (type A) as reported previously (Kaneda et al., J. Biol. Chem. 263, 7672–7677, 1988) by Northern hybridization. Type B mRNA carries an approximately 700 nucleotide-long untranslated region in the 5′ terminus. This suggests that two types of mRNA are produced from a single gene through the use of two alternative promoters. A TATA-like sequence locates 30 base pair upstream from the cap site of type A mRNA. Upstream of the cap site, there are several sequences resembling Spl binding sites and glucocorticoid responsive elements, with the latter also found in the first intron.  相似文献   

Inflammatory factors such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin 1 (IL-1), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) greatly enhance the expression of group II phospholipase A2 (PLA2-II) mRNA, leading to increased secretion of PLA2-II enzyme from rat-cultured astrocytes. The potent antiinflammatory agent dexamethasone suppressed the PLA2-II expression induced by LPS. In vivo studies also demonstrated that the level of PLA2-II mRNA in the brain increased with intravenous injection of LPS. These results suggest that PLA2-II in the brain plays important roles in the inflammatory response. Agents which increase intracellular cAMP concentration did not stimulate PLA2-II expression by themselves but selectively enhanced TNF-induced PLA2-II expression about 5-fold. Phorbol ester, a well known protein kinase C activator, increased the PLA2-II expression. H-7, a protein kinase C inhibitor, inhibited the LPS-induced PLA2-II expression, but did not inhibit the TNF-induced one. Therefore, we conclude that the TNF-activated pathway differs from the LPS-activated one: the former is enhanced by cAMP and the latter involves protein kinase C.  相似文献   

A novel phospholipase A2 (PLA2) with Asn at its site 49 was purified from the snake venom of Protobothrops mucrosquamatus by using SP-Sephadex C25, Superdex 75, Heparin-Sepharose (FF) and HPLC reverse-phage C18 chromatography and designated as TM-N49. It showed a molecular mass of 13.875 kDa on MALDI-TOF. TM-N49 does not possess enzymatic, hemolytic and hemorrhagic activities. It fails to induce platelet aggregation by itself, and does not inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by ADP. However, it exhibits potent myotoxic activity causing inflammatory cell infiltration, severe myoedema, myonecrosis and myolysis in the gastrocnemius muscles of BALB/c mice. Phylogenetic analysis found that that TM-N49 combined with two phospholipase A2s from Trimeresurus stejnegeri, TsR6 and CTs-R6 cluster into one group. Structural and functional analysis indicated that these phospholipase A2s are distinct from the other subgroups (D49 PLA2, S49 PLA2 and K49 PLA2) and represent a unique subgroup of snake venom group II PLA2, named N49 PLA2 subgroup.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and sensitive method of determining cerebrospinal fluid IgG is presented. The procedure depends upon the fact that spinal fluid gamma globulin, and two of its components (IgG and IgM) will precipitate latex particles in proportion to their concentration, and that the optical density of the supernatant solution containing unprecipitated latex particles after centrifugation is inversely proportional to the concentration of these immunoglobulins. The method is sensitive to 50 nanograms, is inexpensive, requires 0.1 ml. or less of spinal fluid, and can be performed in minutes. Preliminary studies show that it compares favorably with results obtained by radial immunodiffusion.  相似文献   

A simple method for the quantification of tipranavir, the first non-peptidic HIV protease inhibitor, was developed and validated. Quinoxaline, as internal standard, was added to 50 microl of plasma before a liquid-liquid extraction by 600 microl of protein precipitation solution. The extracts were diluted before being injected in the chromatographic system. Chromatographic separation was made on a C18 column using potassium phosphate buffer (pH 3.2) and acetonitrile with gradient. Detection was performed by an UV detector at 260 nm. Relative error at three control quality concentrations ranged from -1.81 to 1.72%. Intra-day (CV%) and inter-day (CV%) precision ranged from 0.94 to 2.55% and from 3.07 to 4.24%, respectively. LOQ and LOD were 0.090 microg/ml and 0.035 microg/ml, respectively. Mean recovery was 87.1%+/-2.4%. Calibration curve was linear up to 180 microg/ml. Concentration range when optimized (0.703-180 microg/ml) proved to be adequate to measure tipranavir concentration in HIV-1-positive patients, therefore this method could be suitable for therapeutic drug monitoring of this drug.  相似文献   

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