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稳定性同位素技术在生态学上的应用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
稳定性同位素技术早在20世纪70年代末期就被引入到生态学领域。最初是利用植物稳定性碳同位素的差异。开展了许多有关营养流动方面的研究;到90年代,稳定性碳和氮同位素被用来分析动物的食性、营养级位置关系以及食物链结构;本世纪初,由于技术的进步,稳定性同位素(特别是氢同位素)被用来开展动物迁徙习性方面的研究。到目前为止,国内有关这方面的研究还鲜有报道,而且对自然界存在的稳定性同位素的理解还存在一定偏差。本文主要介绍了稳定性同位素效应及其分馏原理、稳定性同位素在示踪动物食性信息、确定营养级位置关系、分析食物网结构以及研究动物迁徙生态学中的作用等方面的内容。  相似文献   

A combination of stomach contents, nitrogen stable‐isotope and tissue C:N values are presented to demonstrate feeding activity of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus on the Gulf of Mexico (GOMEX) spawning grounds. Diets include teleosts, cephalopods, crustaceans and a pelagic tunicate (Pyrosoma atlanticum). Results reveal the need to classify the GOMEX as a T. thynnus feeding ground.  相似文献   

The Korean shuttles mudskipper Periophthalmus modestus has paired olfactory organs on its snout, consisting of anterior and posterior nostrils, a single olfactory canal with sensory and nonsensory epithelia, and a single accessory nasal sac. Its sensory epithelium consists of numerous islets forming a pseudostratified layer and contains various cells: olfactory receptor neurons, supporting cells, basal cells, lymphatic cells (LCs), and axon bundles. The sensory epithelium is a stratified squamous layer comprising stratified epithelial cells, mucous cells (MCs) with glycogen, flattened cells (FCs), LCs, and unidentified cells. Specific structures are as follows: (a) a tubular anterior nostril projecting outward, (b) a slit posterior nostril, (c) an elongated olfactory canal, (d) an ethmoidal accessory nasal sac, (e) axon bundles found only in the basal layer of the sensory epithelium, (f) FCs only at the top of the nonsensory epithelium, and (g) glycogen-containing MCs. Such structures seem to be unique in that they have not been observed in most teleost fishes spending their whole life in water.  相似文献   

1. Riverscapes consist of the main channel and lateral slackwater habitats along a gradient of hydrological connectivity from maximum connection in main channel habitats to minimum connection in backwaters. Spatiotemporal differences in water currents along this gradient produce dynamic habitat conditions that influence species diversity, population densities and trophic interactions of fishes. 2. We examined the importance of lateral connectivity gradients for food web dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River during spring (high flow, moderately low temperatures) and summer (low flow, higher temperatures). We used literature information and gut contents analyses to determine feeding guilds and stable isotope analysis to estimate mean trophic position of local fish assemblages. During June and August 2006, we collected over 1000 tissue samples from four habitats (main channel, secondary channels, tertiary channels and backwaters) distributed within four hydrologic connectivity gradients. 3. Mean trophic position differed among feeding guilds and seasons, with highest values in spring. Mean trophic position of fish assemblages, variability in trophic position and food chain length (maximum trophic position) of the two dominant piscivore species (Micropterus salmoides and M. dolomieu) in both seasons were significantly associated with habitat along the lateral connectivity gradient. Food chain length peaked in tertiary channels in both seasons, probably due to higher species diversity of prey at these habitats. We infer that food chain length and trophic position of fish assemblages were lower in backwater habitats in the summer mainly because of the use of alternative food sources in these habitats. 4. A greater number of conspecifics exhibited significant among‐habitat variation in trophic position during the summer, indicating that low river stages can constrain fish movements in the Upper Mississippi River. 5. Results of this study should provide a better understanding of the fundamental structure of large river ecosystems and an improved basis for river rehabilitation and management through knowledge of the importance of lateral complexity in rivers.  相似文献   

Cover illustration . Skeletal body plan of the Atlantic mudskipper (Periophthalmus barbarus) from a lateral view. The mudskipper uses its fish feeding apparatus to successfully feed in the terrestrial environment. Each color represents a unit of fused or otherwise firmly interconnected ossified structures. Presented from a micro CT‐scan using Amira (FEI Visualization Sciences Group). See Michel et al. (pp. 1145–1160 10.1002/jmor.20291 ) for further details.  相似文献   

1.  Food webs represent the paths of material and energy flow through organisms in an ecosystem. Anuran larvae are important components of pond food webs: they are abundant, consume large quantities of food and serve as prey for many organisms. However, there are very basic uncertainties about the feeding ecology of anuran larvae; for instance, as to which trophic level they belong and whether species differ in resource use. Because anuran larvae have been employed in model systems in experimental ecology for decades, these uncertainties could lead to misinterpretation of published experiments, or inadequate designs of experiments directed at general, conceptual issues in ecology.
2.  Using 13C and 15N stable isotope and gut content analyses of free-ranging and enclosed tadpoles of four ranid species ( Lithobates sylvaticus , L. pipiens , L. clamitans , L. catesbeianus ) in the food webs of six wetlands, we tested the following null hypotheses: (i) that anuran larvae are strict primary consumers; (ii) that they are non-selective feeders and therefore exhibit little feeding niche differentiation; (iii) that they are opportunistic consumers and (iv) that their diet remains unchanged through ontogeny.
3.  All four species consumed and assimilated substantial amounts of animal food; bullfrog larvae, in particular, appear to be predatory. Significant feeding niche differentiation among species occurred with respect to the sources of carbon, consumption of animal matter and nutritional quality of food ingested. We further documented opportunistic feeding habits and ontogenetic shifts in diet.
4.  Collectively, these studies revealed complex trophic relationships that might require a reconsideration of the role of anuran larvae in pond food webs, as well as a reinterpretation of results of previous studies employing anuran larvae in model experimental systems.  相似文献   

In order to replace the diffusive loss of water to the surrounding environment, seawater (SW)-acclimated euryhaline fishes have gastrointestinal tracts with higher ion/water flux in concert with greater permeability, and contrast that to freshwater (FW)-acclimated fish. To understand the cellular basis for these differences, we examined cell proliferation and apoptosis in the anterior intestine of mudskipper transferred from one-third SW to FW or to SW for 1 and 7 days, and those kept out of water for 1 day. The intestinal apoptosis (indicated by DNA laddering) increased during seawater acclimation. TUNEL staining detected numerous apoptotic cells over the epithelium of SW-acclimated fish. Cell proliferation ([3H]thymidine incorporation) in the FW fish was greater than those in SW 7 days after transfer. Labeling with a Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) antibody indicated that proliferating cells were greater in number and randomly distributed in the epithelium of FW fish, whereas in SW fish they were almost entirely in the troughs of the intestinal folds. There were no changes in cell turnover in fish kept out of water. During acclimation to different salinities, modification of the cell turnover and abundance may play an important role in regulating the permeability (and transport capacity) of the gastrointestinal tract of fish.  相似文献   

Burrows of fishes are important to their creators, but knowledge of burrowing behaviour, structure and utilization are poorly understood. We report the burrowing behaviour of the amphibious mudskipper, Periophthalmus chysospilos, from estuarine and coastal sites within the Mekong Delta (Vietnam). Activities at and around the burrow were observed over 12 months (April 2020 to March 2021). Burrow casts were recovered monthly to determine burrow structure and utilization in this species. Observations revealed that males excavate burrows with their mouths during the ebb tide. Burrows were J-, Y- and U-shaped, with 1–2 openings to the surface and a bulbous egg chamber. The burrow depth (BD) and total length (BL) varied with shape and site, but not season. The BD and BL ranged from 15.1 ± 0.9 to 18.6 ± 0.80 SE cm and from 22.1 ± 1.2 to 25.7 ± 1.0 SE (standard error of mean) cm, respectively. These results provide insights into the burrowing ability and better understand the ecology of these fishes in the Mekong Delta.Running head: Burrow behaviour, structure and utilization of Periophthalmus chrysospilos.  相似文献   

Copepods are essential components of marine food webs worldwide. In the North Atlantic, they are thought to perform vertical migration and to remain at depths more than 500 m during winter. We challenge this concept through a study of the winter feeding ecology of little auks (Alle alle), a highly abundant planktivorous seabird from the North Atlantic. By combining stable isotope and behavioural analyses, we strongly suggest that swarms of copepods are still available to their predators in water surface layers (less than 50 m) during winter, even during short daylight periods. Using a new bioenergetic model, we estimate that the huge number (20–40 million birds) of little auks wintering off southwest Greenland consume 3600–7200 tonnes of copepods daily, strongly suggesting substantial zooplankton stocks in surface waters of the North Atlantic in the middle of the boreal winter.  相似文献   

Niche segregation between similar species will result from an avoidance of competition but also from environmental variability, including nowadays anthropogenic activities. Gulls are among the seabirds with greater behavioural plasticity, being highly opportunistic and feeding on a wide range of prey, mostly from anthropogenic origin. Here, we analysed blood and feather stable isotopes combined with pellet analysis to investigate niche partitioning between Audouin's gull Larus audouinii and yellow‐legged gull Larus michahellis breeding in sympatry at Deserta Island, southern Portugal, during 2014 and 2015. During the breeding season there was considerable overlap in the adults’ diet, as their stable isotope values of blood and primary feather (P1) did not differ, and their pellets were comprised mainly by marine fish species. However, Audouin's gulls presented higher occurrences of pelagic fish, while yellow‐legged gulls fed more on demersal fish, insects, and refuse. SIAR mixing models also estimated a higher proportion of demersal fish in the diet of yellow‐legged gulls. We also found differences between the two gull species in chicks’ feathers, suggesting that Audouin's gull adults selected prey with lower carbon isotope values to feed their young. Secondary feather (S8) of Audouin's gull presented higher isotope values compared to yellow‐legged gulls, indicating different foraging areas (δ13C) and/ or trophic levels (δ15N) between the two species in the non‐breeding season. During both the all‐year and non‐breeding periods the yellow‐legged gull showed a broader isotopic niche width than Audouin's gull in 2013, and in 2014 the two gull species exhibited different isotopic niche spaces. Our study suggests that both gull species foraged in association with fisheries during the breeding season. In this sense, a discard ban implemented under the new European Union Common Fisheries Policy may lead to a food shortage, therefore future research should closely monitor the population dynamics of Audouin's and yellow‐legged gulls.  相似文献   

1. Despite the ubiquity and abundance of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) in temperate streams and rivers and their potential usefulness as sentinels in contaminant studies, little is known about their feeding ecology and lipid dynamics. 2. In this study we used stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) and elemental carbon to nitrogen ratios (C/N) to assess dietary habits and lipid content, respectively, for water striders. 3. To determine diet‐tissue fractionation factors, nymphs of the most common species in New Brunswick, Canada, Aquarius remigis were reared in the laboratory for 73 days and exhibited rapid isotopic turnover in response to a switch in diet (C half‐life = 1.5 days, N half‐life = 7.8 days). Their lipid content increased towards the end of the growing season and resulted in lower δ13C values. Diet‐tissue fractionation factors were established after correction of δ13C data for the confounding effect of de novo lipid synthesis (strider δ13Cadj– diet δ13Cadj = 0.1‰, strider δ15N – diet δ15N = 2.7‰). 4. Water striders from the majority of 45 stream sites (83%) in New Brunswick had less than 50% contribution of aquatic carbon to their diets but showed a gradual increase in the contribution of this carbon source to their diet with increasing stream size. 5. These data indicate that striders exhibit a strong connection to terrestrial carbon sources, making them important users of energy subsidies to streams from the surrounding catchment. However, this dependence on terrestrial organic matter may limit their utility as indicators of contamination of aquatic systems by heavy metals and other pollutants.  相似文献   

崂山湾人工鱼礁区星康吉鳗摄食生态及食物网结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2015年4月至2017年1月于崂山湾人工鱼礁区地笼网和延绳钓捕获的279尾星康吉鳗样本,从胃含物组成、食性类型、摄食等级、营养生态位和营养级等方面对其摄食生态进行研究,同时结合海区许氏平鲉、大泷六线鱼、斑头鱼、褐菖鲉、花鲈等9种鱼类的胃含物分析结果,构建人工鱼礁区鱼类关键种的简化食物网模型.食性研究结果表明:星康吉鳗共摄食7类30余种饵料,虾类是其最主要的饵料类群,其次为鱼类和头足类,大泷六线鱼、方氏云鳚、鹰爪虾、玉筋鱼和日本鼓虾等是其优势饵料.星康吉鳗的饵料生物组成随肛长和季节发生显著变化.四季均以鱼类和虾类为主,春季胃含物中包括头足类,秋季包括头足类和蟹类,冬季亦有蟹类出现.肛长≤120 mm的星康吉鳗主要摄食鱼卵和鹰爪虾,120~130 mm肛长组主要摄食玉筋鱼和日本鼓虾,肛长>130 mm的星康吉鳗主要摄食大泷六线鱼和方氏云鳚.其摄食强度也随季节和肛长而变化,空胃率的季节性差异显著,平均胃饱满系数的季节性差异不显著,不同肛长组的空胃率和平均胃饱满系数均不存在显著差异.人工鱼礁区简化食物网结构显示:鱼类关键种的营养级均在3级以上,星康吉鳗的营养级为4.636,处于海区食物网的最顶端.虾类、蟹类、端足类和软体动物等是鱼类关键种的主要饵料,甲壳类、方氏云鳚、大泷六线鱼和玉筋鱼是高营养级鱼类花鲈和星康吉鳗的主要饵料.  相似文献   

On sandy beach nursery grounds along the west coast of Ireland, 0 year-group turbot Scophthalmus maximus were found to consume six types of crustaceans, in addition to polychaetes. The 0 year-group brill Scophthalmus rhombus fed almost exclusively on mysids, even though nine taxonomic prey groups were identified in the sediment across the investigated beaches. Both species avoided non-motile organisms such as gastropods and bivalves, which were present in high abundances in the sediment and their growth and condition was not significantly related to the quantity or type of prey consumed, temperature or salinity. A high incidence of feeding was detected for both species over the duration of the study, suggesting that food was not limiting on west of Ireland nursery grounds. Temporal partitioning of settlement was detected between S. maximus and S. rhombus, indicating that inter-specific competition for food does not occur between these two flatfish species on west of Ireland nursery grounds.  相似文献   

We estimated trophic position and carbon source for three consumers (Florida gar, Lepisosteus platyrhincus; eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki; and riverine grass shrimp, Palaemonetes paludosus) from 20 sites representing gradients of productivity and hydrological disturbance in the southern Florida Everglades, U.S.A. We characterized gross primary productivity at each site using light/dark bottle incubation and stem density of emergent vascular plants. We also documented nutrient availability as total phosphorus (TP) in floc and periphyton, and the density of small fishes. Hydrological disturbance was characterized as the time since a site was last dried and the average number of days per year the sites were inundated for the previous 10 years. Food-web attributes were estimated in both the wet and dry seasons by analysis of δ15N (trophic position) and δ13C (food-web carbon source) from 702 samples of aquatic consumers. An index of carbon source was derived from a two-member mixing model with Seminole ramshorn snails (Planorbella duryi) as a basal grazing consumer and scuds (amphipods Hyallela azteca) as a basal detritivore. Snails yielded carbon isotopic values similar to green algae and diatoms, while carbon values of scuds were similar to bulk periphyton and floc; carbon isotopic values of cyanobacteria were enriched in C13 compared to all consumers examined. A carbon source similar to scuds dominated at all but one study site, and though the relative contribution of scud-like and snail-like carbon sources was variable, there was no evidence that these contributions were a function of abiotic factors or season. Gar consistently displayed the highest estimated trophic position of the consumers studied, with mosquitofish feeding at a slightly lower level, and grass shrimp feeding at the lowest level. Trophic position was not correlated with any nutrient or productivity parameter, but did increase for grass shrimp and mosquitofish as the time following droughts increased. Trophic position of Florida gar was positively correlated with emergent plant stem density.  相似文献   

Summary 1. To examine spatial heterogeneity of trophic pathways on a small scale (<5 m diameter), we conducted dual stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) analyses of invertebrate communities and their potential food sources in three patchy habitats [sphagnum lawn (SL), vascular‐plant carpet (VC) and sphagnum carpet] within a temperate bog (Mizorogaike Pond, Kyoto, Japan). 2. In total, 19 invertebrate taxa were collected from the three habitats, most of which were stenotopic, i.e. collected from a single habitat. Amongst the habitats, significant variation was observed in the isotopic signatures of dominant plant tissues and their detrital matter [benthic particulate organic matter (BPOM)], both of which were potential organic food sources for invertebrates. Site‐specific isotopic variation amongst detritivores was found in δ13C but not in δ15N, reflecting site‐specificity in the isotopic signatures of basal foods. The eurytopic hydrophilid beetle Helochares striatus was found in all habitats, but showed clear site variation in its isotopic signatures, suggesting that it strongly relies on foods within its own habitat. 3. The most promising potential foods for detritivores were the dead leaf stalks of a dominant plant in the VC and BPOM in the SL and carpet. An isotopic mixing model (IsoSource version 1.3.1) estimated that aquatic predators rely on unknown trophic sources with higher δ13C than detritus, whereas terrestrial predators forage on allochthonous as well as autochthonous prey, suggesting that the latter predators might play key roles in coupling between habitats. 4. Our stable isotope approach revealed that immobile detritivores are confined to their small patchy habitats but that heterogeneous trophic pathways can be coupled by mobile predators, stressing the importance of habitat heterogeneity and predator coupling in characterising food webs in bog ecosystems.  相似文献   

Resource partitioning in two congeneric sparids, pandora Pagellus erythrinus and axillary seabream Pagellus acarne, was investigated using stomach content analysis integrated with data on stable isotopes (δ(15) N and δ(13) C). The study was carried out on coastal muddy bottoms in the Gulf of Castellammare (southern Tyrrhenian Sea, western Mediterranean Sea) in seasons (autumn, November 2004; winter, March 2005; spring, early June 2005), at depths between 50 and 100 m. Stomach content analysis suggested low trophic niche overlap between the two species. Pagellus erythrinus mainly preyed on strictly benthic organisms (polychaetes, brachyuran crabs and benthic crustaceans). Although it consumed benthic prey, P. acarne preferred suprabenthic prey such as peracarid crustaceans from the benthic boundary layer a few metres above the bottom. The two species showed different isotopic values, with P. erythrinus exhibiting higher δ(15) N and more enriched δ(13) C than P. acarne, in accordance with its marked benthic behaviour and high predation on carnivore polychaetes. Significant temporal variability in both diet and isotopic values caused trophic differences between the two species. The autumn and winter diet differed from the spring diet and the trophic levels of both species increased from autumn and winter to spring, in accordance with variations in food availability and changes in prey δ(15) N and δ(13) C. These temporal variations may be linked to an increase in energy requirements for reproduction, together with the differing availability of preferred prey throughout the year. Significantly, lower δ(13) C was recorded in fishes collected in winter (March), suggesting the influence of river inputs as a source of particulate organic matter in this zone after the flooding season. In conclusion, these sympatric congeneric fish species displayed clear food partitioning throughout the temporal scale analysed.  相似文献   

Coexistence of ecotypes, genetically divergent population units, is a widespread phenomenon, potentially affecting ecosystem functioning and local food web stability. In coastal Skagerrak, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) occur as two such coexisting ecotypes. We applied a combination of acoustic telemetry, genotyping, and stable isotope analysis to 72 individuals to investigate movement ecology and food niche of putative local “Fjord” and putative oceanic “North Sea” ecotypes—thus named based on previous molecular studies. Genotyping and individual origin assignment suggested 41 individuals were Fjord and 31 were North Sea ecotypes. Both ecotypes were found throughout the fjord. Seven percent of Fjord ecotype individuals left the study system during the study while 42% of North Sea individuals left, potentially homing to natal spawning grounds. Home range sizes were similar for the two ecotypes but highly variable among individuals. Fjord ecotype cod had significantly higher δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values than North Sea ecotype cod, suggesting they exploited different food niches. The results suggest coexisting ecotypes may possess innate differences in feeding and movement ecologies and may thus fill different functional roles in marine ecosystems. This highlights the importance of conserving interconnected populations to ensure stable ecosystem functioning and food web structures.  相似文献   

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