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DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta can be distinguished from one another by the differential effects of N-ethylmaleimide, KCl, ara-CTP and temperature, as well as on the basis of sedimentation. The sensitivity of DNA polymerase-beta to elevated temperatures as compared to DNA polymerase-alpha provides a new means of distinguishing between these two enzymes even in crude extracts and a possible probe for determining their function. DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta share several properties in common, including the ability to readily incorporate dUTP in place of dTTP. The Km for dUTP varies from 10 to 30 micron with different preparations of DNA polymerase-alpha and -beta. Thus, in mammalian cells, dUMP could be incorporated into DNA, and if excised by an endonuclease, would lead to discontinuities. Initial analyses of fidelity in direct comparative studies indicate that beta-class DNA polymerases are highly accurate in base selection when copying poly[d(A-T)]. Less than one molecule of dGMP is incorporated for every 12 000-45 000 molecules of dAMP and dTMP polymerized. DNA polymerase-alpha is somewhat less accurate, making one mistake for every 4000-10 000 correct nucleotides incorporated. Since both polymerases lack an exonucleolytic activity, this accuracy must be the result of selectivity for the complementary nucleotide by the polymerase.  相似文献   

Protein clamps are ubiquitous and essential components of DNA metabolic machineries, where they serve as mobile platforms that interact with a large variety of proteins. In this report we identify residues that are required for binding of the beta-clamp to DNA polymerase III of Escherichia coli, a polymerase of the Pol C family. We show that the alpha polymerase subunit of DNA polymerase III interacts with the beta-clamp via its extreme seven C-terminal residues, some of which are conserved. Moreover, interaction of Pol III with the clamp takes place at the same site as that of the delta-subunit of the clamp loader, providing the basis for a switch between the clamp loading machinery and the polymerase itself. Escherichia coli DNA polymerases I, II, IV and V (UmuC) interact with beta at the same site. Given the limited amounts of clamps in the cell, these results suggest that clamp binding may be competitive and regulated, and that the different polymerases may use the same clamp sequentially during replication and repair.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent DNA polymerases have been studied during chick embryo muscle differentiation in vitro. The total activity, extracted at both low and high ionic strengths, does not change throughout the differentiative process, although DNA synthesis stops at the moment of fusion. Analyses by glycerol gradient centrifugation of the extracts at low and high ionic strengths show two major DNA polymerase forms, one sedimenting at 7.5 S and another at 3-4 S. Both enzymes are present in similar amounts in duplicating myoblasts and in post-mitotic myotubes. These data suggest that the arrest of DNA synthesis which accompanies myoblast differentiation is not dependent on the disappearance or decrease of the major DNA polymerase activities described.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA polymerases in DNA replication and DNA repair   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
DNA polymerases carry out a large variety of synthetic transactions during DNA replication, DNA recombination and DNA repair. Substrates for DNA polymerases vary from single nucleotide gaps to kilobase size gaps and from relatively simple gapped structures to complex replication forks in which two strands need to be replicated simultaneously. Consequently, one would expect the cell to have developed a well-defined set of DNA polymerases with each one uniquely adapted for a specific pathway. And to some degree this turns out to be the case. However, in addition we seem to find a large degree of cross-functionality of DNA polymerases in these different pathways. DNA polymerase α is almost exclusively required for the initiation of DNA replication and the priming of Okazaki fragments during elongation. In most organisms no specific repair role beyond that of checkpoint control has been assigned to this enzyme. DNA polymerase δ functions as a dimer and, therefore, may be responsible for both leading and lagging strand DNA replication. In addition, this enzyme is required for mismatch repair and, together with DNA polymerase ζ, for mutagenesis. The function of DNA polymerase ɛ in DNA replication may be restricted to that of Okazaki fragment maturation. In contrast, either polymerase δ or ɛ suffices for the repair of UV-induced damage. The role of DNA polymerase β in base-excision repair is well established for mammalian systems, but in yeast, DNA polymerase δ appears to fullfill that function. Received: 20 April 1998 / Accepted: 8 May 1998  相似文献   

The fidelity of DNA synthesis with purified DNA polymerase alpha and beta from human placenta has been studied. With poly[d(A-T)] as the template-primer and Mg2+ as the metal activator, DNA polymerase alpha incorporates 1 mol of dGMP for every 6,000 to 12,000 mol of complementary nucleotides polymerized. Under the same conditions, DNA polymerase beta is more accurate, the error rate being 1/20,000 to 1/60,000. This greater accuracy of DNA polymerase beta is observed with a variety of homopolymer templates. With both enzymes, substitution of Mg2+ with activating concentrations of Mn2+ or Co2+ enhances the frequency of misincorporation. At greater than activating concentrations of Mn2+ and Co2+, there is an inhibition of complementary nucleotide incorporation, further increasing the frequency of misincorporation. Nearest neighbor analysis of the products synthesized with both enzymes indicates that the noncomplementary nucleotides are incorporated predominantly as single base substitutions. The greater accuracy of DNA polymerase beta over DNA polymerase alpha should be considered in relationship to their possible roles in DNA replication and repair.  相似文献   

Three DNA polymerases are thought to function at the eukaryotic DNA replication fork. Currently, a coherent model has been derived for the composition and activities of the lagging strand machinery. RNA-DNA primers are initiated by DNA polymerase ot-primase. Loading of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA, dissociates DNA polymerase ca and recruits DNA polymerase S and the flap endonuclease FEN1 for elongation and in preparation for its requirement during maturation, respectively. Nick translation by the strand displacement action of DNA polymerase 8, coupled with the nuclease action of FEN1, results in processive RNA degradation until a proper DNA nick is reached for closure by DNA ligase I. In the event of excessive strand displacement synthesis, other factors, such as the Dna2 nuclease/helicase, are required to trim excess flaps. Paradoxically, the composition and activity of the much simpler leading strand machinery has not been clearly established. The burden of evidence suggests that DNA polymerase E normally replicates this strand,but under conditions of dysfunction, DNA polymerase 8 may substitute.  相似文献   

Extension of synthetic primers by purified human polymerase alpha (Hpol alpha) with the (+)-strand of M13mp18 DNA as template encounters numerous specific pause sites on the M13 template. Some of these are regions of template secondary structure, at others the template codes for incorporation of the same base in multiple consecutive positions, but at some the responsible feature in the sequence is not obvious. 2-Chloro-dATP (CldATP) substitutes efficiently for dATP in such chain extension, with 2-chloroadenine (ClA) incorporation into many positions coding for A. However, there are more sites where extension is interrupted than with all four normal nucleotide substrates, particularly (but not exclusively) at template secondary structure and sites of multiple consecutive ClA insertion. DNA synthesis from normal substrates by Hpol beta in this system shows less frequent and less marked pauses, but with CldATP substituted for dATP chain extension is limited because of marked slowing of extension at sites of multiple consecutive ClA insertion. With either polymerase, the rate of extension is decreased even more at such regions when bromo-dATP is used as substrate. Some misincorporation of ClA instead of G or T can occur at certain sites in absence of the corresponding normal substrate, but misincorporation as C is rare. CldATP is a very weak inhibitor of chain extension by Hpol alpha, but a somewhat better inhibitor of Hpol beta. These results may account in part for the inhibition of DNA synthesis in cells exposed to 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine or 2-bromodeoxyadenosine.  相似文献   

Fidelity of mammalian DNA replication and replicative DNA polymerases.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Current models suggest that two or more DNA polymerases may be required for high-fidelity semiconservative DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. In the present study, we directly compare the fidelity of SV40 origin-dependent DNA replication in human cell extracts to the fidelity of mammalian DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon using lacZ alpha of M13mp2 as a reporter gene. Their fidelity, in decreasing order, is replication greater than or equal to pol epsilon greater than pol delta greater than pol alpha. DNA sequence analysis of mutants derived from extract reactions suggests that replication is accurate when considering single-base substitutions, single-base frameshifts, and larger deletions. The exonuclease-containing calf thymus DNA polymerase epsilon is also highly accurate. When high concentrations of deoxynucleoside triphosphates and deoxyguanosine monophosphate are included in the pol epsilon reaction, both base substitution and frameshift error rates increase. This response suggests that exonucleolytic proofreading contributes to the high base substitution and frameshift fidelity. Exonuclease-containing calf thymus DNA polymerase delta, which requires proliferating cell nuclear antigen for efficient synthesis, is significantly less accurate than pol epsilon. In contrast to pol epsilon, pol delta generates errors during synthesis at a relatively modest concentration of deoxynucleoside triphosphates (100 microM), and the error rate did not increase upon addition of adenosine monophosphate. Thus, we are as yet unable to demonstrate that exonucleolytic proofreading contributes to accuracy during synthesis by DNA polymerase delta. The four-subunit DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex from both HeLa cells and calf thymus is the least accurate replicative polymerase. Fidelity is similar whether the enzyme is assayed immediately after purification or after being stored frozen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Stillman B 《Molecular cell》2008,30(3):259-260
The Kunkel laboratory has recently assigned polymerase (Pol) epsilon as the leading strand polymerase. In a recent issue of Molecular Cell, they now assign Pol delta as the lagging strand polymerase.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that processive DNA replication is threatened not only by DNA damage but also by secondary structures that can form in the DNA template. Failure to resolve these structures promptly leads to both genetic instability, for instance DNA breaks and rearrangements, and to epigenetic instability, in which inaccurate propagation of the parental chromatin state leads to unscheduled changes in gene expression. Multiple overlapping mechanisms are needed to deal with the wide range of potential DNA structural challenges to replication. This review focuses on the emerging mechanisms by which specialised DNA polymerases, best known for their role in the replication of damaged DNA, contribute to the replication of undamaged but structured DNA, particularly G quadruplexes.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase activity was studied as a function of stage of tumor growth and correlated with DNA synthesis measured by 3H-TdR uptake. Considerable variations in DNA synthesis activity occur at different growth stages and following host death. DNA alpha-polymerase activity did vary with growth stage in the ascites tumor. However, it did not have a clear correlation with DNA synthesis or with tumor growth. No striking fall in DNA polymerase enzyme levels occurred as the ascites tumor reached stationary phase in contrast to reports in some cell culture systems. A decrease occurred with advanced tumor stage and after host death. DNA beta-polymerase activity did not change with tumor growth stage.  相似文献   

The human genome encodes at least 14 DNA-dependent DNA polymerases--a surprisingly large number. These include the more abundant, high-fidelity enzymes that replicate the bulk of genomic DNA, together with eight or more specialized DNA polymerases that have been discovered in the past decade. Although the roles of the newly recognized polymerases are still being defined, one of their crucial functions is to allow synthesis past DNA damage that blocks replication-fork progression. We explore the reasons that might justify the need for so many DNA polymerases, describe their function and mode of regulation, and finally consider links between mutations in DNA polymerases and human disease.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases function in DNA replication, repair, recombination and translesion synthesis. Currently, 15 DNA polymerase genes have been identified in human cells, belonging to four distinct families. In this review, we briefly describe the biochemical activities and known cellular roles of each DNA polymerase. Our major focus is on the phenotypic consequences of mutation or ablation of individual DNA polymerase genes. We discuss phenotypes of current mouse models and altered polymerase functions and the relationship of DNA polymerase gene mutations to human cell phenotypes. Interestingly, over 120 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in human populations that are predicted to result in nonsynonymous amino acid substitutions of DNA polymerases. We discuss the putative functional consequences of these SNPs in relation to human disease.  相似文献   

DNA and RNA polymerases have evolved in nature to function in specific environments with specific substrates. Thus, although the commercial availability of these enzymes has revolutionized the biotechnology industry, their applications are limited. The availability of polymerases that have unnatural properties would be of even greater utility. Towards this goal, several activity-based screening and selection approaches have been developed. Using these techniques, polymerases that synthesize a variety of different polymers, including those containing 2'-O-methyl-modified nucleotides or unnatural base pairs, have been evolved. These results suggest that polymerases tailored for any specific application could soon be available.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the Y-family DNA polymerases Pol IV (DinB) and Pol V (UmuD2'C) enhance cell survival upon DNA damage by bypassing replication-blocking DNA lesions. We report a unique function for these polymerases when DNA replication fork progression is arrested not by exogenous DNA damage, but with hydroxyurea (HU), thereby inhibiting ribonucleotide reductase, and bringing about damage-independent DNA replication stalling. Remarkably, the umuC122::Tn5 allele of umuC, dinB, and certain forms of umuD gene products endow E. coli with the ability to withstand HU treatment (HUR). The catalytic activities of the UmuC122 and DinB proteins are both required for HUR. Moreover, the lethality brought about by such stalled replication forks in the wild-type derivatives appears to proceed through the toxin/antitoxin pairs mazEF and relBE. This novel function reveals a role for Y-family polymerases in enhancing cell survival under conditions of nucleotide starvation, in addition to their established functions in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Engagement of DNA polymerases during apoptosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DNA replicative and repair machinery was investigated by means of different techniques, including in vitro nuclear enzymatic assays, immunoelectron microscopy and confocal microscopy, in apoptotic cell lines such as HL-60 treated with methotrexate, P815 and K562 exposed to low temperatures and Friend cells exposed to ionizing radiation. The results showed a shift of DNA polymerase α and β activities. DNA polymerase α, which in controls was found to be the principal replicative enzyme driving DNA synthesis, underwent, upon apoptosis, a large decrease of its activity being replaced by DNA polymerase β which is believed to be associated with DNA repair. Such a modulation was concomitant with a topographical redistribution of both DNA polymerase α and the incorporation of BrdUrd throughout the nucleus. Taken together, these results indicate the occurrence of a dramatic response of the DNA machinery, through a possible common or at least similar behaviour when different cell lines are triggered to apoptosis. Although this possibility requires further investigation, these findings suggest an extreme attempt of the cell undergoing apoptosis to preserve its nuclear environment by switching on a repair/defence mechanism during fragmentation and chromatin margination.  相似文献   

Translesional DNA polymerases form a large family of structurally related proteins, known as the Y-polymerases. Bacillus subtilis encodes two Y-polymerases, referred herewith as Pol Y1 and Pol Y2. Pol Y1 was expressed constitutively and did not mediate UV mutagenesis. Pol Y1 overexpression increased spontaneous mutagenesis. This effect depended on Pol Y1 polymerase activity, Pol Y1 interaction with the beta-clamp, and did not require the presence of the RecA protein. In addition, Pol Y1 overexpression delayed cell growth at low temperature. The growth delay was mediated by Pol Y1 interaction with the beta-clamp but not by its polymerase activity, suggesting that an excess of Pol Y1 in the cell could sequester the beta-clamp. In contrast, Pol Y2 was expressed during the SOS response, and, in its absence, UV-induced mutagenesis was abolished. Upon Pol Y2 overproduction, both UV-induced and spontaneous mutagenesis were stimulated, and both depended on the Pol Y2 polymerase activity. However, UV mutagenesis did not appear to require the interaction of Pol Y2 with the beta-clamp whereas spontaneous mutagenesis did. In addition, Pol Y2-mediated spontaneous mutagenesis required the presence of RecA. Together, these results show that the regulation and the genetic requirements of the two B. subtilis Y-polymerases are different, indicating that they fulfil distinct biological roles. Remarkably, Pol Y1 appears to exhibit a mutator activity similar to that of Escherichia coli Pol IV, as well as an E. coli UmuD-related function in growth delay. Pol Y2 exhibits an E. coli Pol V-like mutator activity, but probably acts as a single polypeptide to bypass UV lesions. Thus, B. subtilis Pol Y1 and Pol Y2 exhibit distinctive features from the E. coli Y-polymerases, indicating that different bacteria have adapted different solutions to deal with the lesions in their genetic material.  相似文献   

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