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Many parasitic angiosperms have a broad host range and are therefore considered to be host generalists. Orobanche minor is a nonphotosynthetic root parasite that attacks a range of hosts from taxonomically disparate families. In the present study, we show that O. minor sensu lato may comprise distinct, genetically divergent races isolated by the different ecologies of their hosts. Using a three‐pronged approach, we tested the hypothesis that intraspecific taxa O. minor var. minor and O. minor ssp. maritima parasitizing either clover (Trifolium pratense) or sea carrot (Daucus carota ssp. gummifer), respectively, are in allopatric isolation. Morphometric analysis revealed evidence of divergence but this was insufficient to define discrete, host‐specific taxa. Intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) marker‐based data provided stronger evidence of divergence, suggesting that populations were isolated from gene flow. Phylogenetic analysis, using sequence‐characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers derived from ISSR loci, provided strong evidence for divergence by clearly differentiating sea carrot‐specific clades and mixed‐host clades. Low levels of intrapopulation SCAR marker sequence variation and floral morphology suggest that populations on different hosts are probably selfing and inbreeding. Morphologically cryptic Orobanche taxa may therefore be isolated from gene flow by host ecology. Together, these data suggest that host specificity may be an important driver of allopatric speciation in parasitic plants.  相似文献   

Orobanche minor is a non-photosynthetic root holoparasitic plant. Although it is known that photosynthesis-related genes are inactivated or have been eliminated from the plastid genomes of holoparasites, little is known about the alterations in their genes involved in the signaling networks by which light regulates photosynthesis. Cryptochromes (crys), which are blue-light receptors, appear to control both photosynthesis-related and non-photosynthetic responses to light in higher plants. Because we are interested in to what extent a cry-mediated light signaling network remains in the holoparasites, we cloned CRY homologous cDNA from O. minor (OmCRY1) and used real-time RT-PCR to compare its expression under natural daylight and darkness. We found that the OmCRY1 has a high degree of homology with CRY1 s from photosynthetic plants. Expression of the OmCRY1 gene was higher in plants grown in the dark than that in the plants grown under natural daylight. This is the first report of the gene expression of a blue-light receptor in non-photosynthetic plants.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a chick alpha-actinin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have isolated and sequenced a 2.1-kilobase cDNA encoding 86% of the sequence of alpha-actinin. The cDNA clone was isolated from a chick embryo fibroblast cDNA library constructed in the expression vector lambda gt11. Identification of this sequence as alpha-actinin was confirmed by immunological methods and by comparing the deduced protein sequence with the sequence of several CNBr fragments obtained from adult chicken smooth muscle (gizzard) alpha-actinin. The deduced protein sequence shows two distinct domains, one of which consists of four repeats of approximately 120 amino acids. This region corresponds to a previously identified 50-kDa tryptic peptide involved in formation of the alpha-actinin dimer. The last 19 residues of C-terminal sequence display an homology with the so-called E-F hand of Ca2+-binding proteins. Hybridization analysis reveals only one size of mRNA (approximately 3.5 kilobases) in fibroblasts, but multiple bands in genomic cDNA.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding rat cationic trypsinogen   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A cDNA encoding rat cationic trypsinogen has been isolated by immunoscreening from a rat pancreas cDNA library. The protein encoded by this cDNA is highly basic and contains all of the structural features observed in trypsinogens. The amino acid sequence of rat cationic trypsinogen is 75% and 77% homologous to the two anionic rat trypsinogens. The homology of rat cationic trypsinogen to these anionic trypsinogens is lower than its homology to other mammalian cationic trypsinogens, suggesting that anionic and cationic trypsins probably diverged prior to the divergence of rodents and ungulates. The most unusual feature of this trypsinogen is the presence of an activation peptide containing five aspartic acid residues, in contrast to all other reported trypsinogen activation peptides which contain four acidic amino acid residues. Comparisons of cationic and anionic trypsins reveal that the majority of the charge changes occur in the C-terminal portion of the protein, which forms the substrate binding site. Several regions of conserved charge differences between cationic and anionic trypsins have been identified in this region, which may influence the rate of hydrolysis of protein substrates.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of the lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) lectin was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone. The lectin appears to be synthesized as a prepeptide consisting of a signal sequence of 21 residues and a mature protein of 241 amino acids. Comparison of the lima bean lectin sequence to the sequences of other leguminous seed lectins indicates regions of extensive homology. Northern blot analysis showed absence of lectin mRNA in the leaves, roots, or stems of 16-day-old lima bean plants.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding rat 5-lipoxygenase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A full-length cDNA clone encoding 5-lipoxygenase, a key enzyme in the formation of leukotrienes, was isolated from a rat basophilic leukemia cell lambda gt11 cDNA library. The 2.5-kilobase (kb) cDNA insert, whose identity was confirmed by hybrid-select translation and DNA sequence analysis, has a 2.0-kb open reading frame encoding a protein of Mr approximately 77,600 and includes 60 base pairs of 5'-untranslated region and 0.4 kb of 3'-untranslated region to the polyadenylation signal. The deduced amino acid sequence shows significant homology with published sequences for the rabbit reticulocyte lipoxygenase and soybean lipoxygenase-1; it also contains sequences similar to a consensus sequence found in several calcium-dependent membrane-binding proteins. The cDNA recognizes a 2.6-kb mRNA species which is detected in all tissues but is particularly abundant in RNA from lung.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a 65-kilodalton antigen of the rat synaptonemal complex, SC65, has been cloned by screening rat testis lambda gt11 and lambda ZAPII cDNA expression libraries using polyclonal antibodies against rat synaptonemal complex proteins. The longest open reading frame, initiating at an ATG codon in the cDNA, encodes a protein of 431 amino acids, with a relative molecular mass of 50,000. Immunological analysis locates the SC65 gene product on the synaptonemal complex between the pairing faces of the parallel aligned cores of homologous chromosomes in spermatocytes. Of the rat tissues examined, the SC65 gene is transcribed in testis, brain, and heart at similar levels, and in the liver at a much lower level. The DNA sequence extending about 80 base pairs downstream of the translation termination codon has 93% similarity to the identifier sequence present in the rat genome in 1 x 10(5)-1.5 x 10(5) copies and in cDNA clones of precursors of brain-specific mRNAs. The amino acid sequence encoded by the SC65 gene contains an acidic region in the C-terminal domain of the protein, potential glycosylation sites, and at least one possible phosphorylation site. The protein shows no overall similarity to proteins of known function, nor is there similarity to protein sequences present in GenBank or EMBL data bases.  相似文献   

Chaperonins are ubiquitous proteins that facilitate protein folding in an adenosine triphosphate-dependent manner. Here we report the isolation of a sea urchin cDNA (Plhsp60) coding for mitochondrial chaperonin (Cpn60), whose basal expression is further enhanced by heat shock. The described cDNA corresponds to a full-length mRNA encoding a protein of 582 amino acids, the first 32 of which constitute a putative mitochondrial targeting leader sequence. Comparative analysis has demonstrated that this protein is highly conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA encoding an endoplasmic reticulum alpha-mannosidase, an asparagine-linked oligosaccharide processing enzyme, from a rat liver lambda gt11 library. Two degenerate oligonucleotides, based on amino acid sequence data from the purified enzyme, were used as primers in the polymerase chain reaction with liver cDNA as a template to generate an unambiguous cDNA probe. The cDNA fragment (524 base pair) obtained was then used to isolate cDNA clones by hybridization. We isolated two overlapping clones which were used to construct a full-length cDNA of 3392 base pairs. A single open reading frame of 1040 amino acids encodes a protein with a molecular mass of 116 kilodaltons containing the six known peptide sequences. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed no classical signal sequence or membrane-spanning domain. The alpha-mannosidase encoding cDNA can be expressed transiently in COS cells using the mammalian expression vector pXM, causing a 400-fold increase in alpha-mannosidase activity as well as a dramatic increase in immunoreactive polypeptide. The rat liver endoplasmic reticulum alpha-mannosidase bears striking homology to the vacuolar alpha-mannosidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Partial sequences of the nuclear gene encoding the photoreceptor phytochrome A (PHYA) are used to reconstruct relationships within Orobanchaceae, the largest of the parasitic angiosperm families. The monophyly of Orobanchaceae, including nonphotosynthetic holoparasites, hemiparasites, and nonparasitic Lindenbergia is strongly supported. Phytochrome A data resolve six well-supported lineages that contain all of the sampled genera except Brandisia, which is sister to the major radiation of hemiparasites. In contrast to previous plastid and ITS trees, relationships among these major clades also are generally well supported. Thus, the robust phylogenetic hypothesis inferred from the PHYA data provides a much better context in which to evaluate the evolution of parasitism within the group. Ninety-eight species of Orobanchaceae, representing 43 genera, are included and Brandisia, Bungea, Cymbaria, Esterhazya, Nesogenes, Phtheirospermum, Radamaea, Siphonostegia, and Xylocalyx are confirmed as members of Orobanchaceae. The earliest diverging lineage of hemiparasites is identified for the first time; it contains Bungea, Cymbaria, Monochasma, Siphonostegia, and the monotypic Schwalbea, which is federally endangered. This basal clade is marked by the presence of two novel introns. A second, apparently independent gain of one of these introns marks a clade of largely European taxa. There is significant rate heterogeneity among PHYA sequences, and the presence of multiple PHYA in some taxa is consistent with observed ploidy levels.  相似文献   

A cDNA was isolated from a zebra finch telencephalon cDNA library that encodes the myelin proteolipid protein. The clone was 2874 nucleotides long containing an open reading frame of 831 nucleotides that encoded a 277 amino acid myelin proteolipid protein. The 5-and 3 untranslated regions were 112 and 1931 nucleotides, respectively. In Northern blots the clone hybridized to 3 bands of 3.5, 2.4 and 1.5 Kb in mouse brain RNA, but to only a single band of 3.0 kb in zebra finch brain RNA, suggesting the lack of alternative polyadenylation sites within the 3 untranslated region of the zebra finch PLP mRNAs. There was a small degree of homology between the zebra finch and chicken PLP 5 untranslated regions, but relatively little homology of the 5 untranslated regions of the zebra finch PLP cDNA clone with the homologous regions of PLP cDNAs of many mammalian species. Except for a small stretch of considerable homology, there was little overall homology with the 3 untranslated regions of mammalian PLP mRNAs. Approximately 10% (i.e. 28) of the amino acids in the zebra finch PLP differed from mammalian PLP, with most of these changes located within exon 3. There were 16 amino acid changes between zebra finch and chicken, suggesting that greater sequence variation in PLP structure is tolerated among avian species than among mammalian species.Abbreviations DM20 25 kDa proteolipid protein in myelin - PLP classic 30 kDa myelin proteolipid protein Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marjorie B. Lees.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced a MAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinase-type cDNA from a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cell suspension cDNA library by screening with a PCR fragment amplified from the same library with oligonucleotide primers corresponding to two sequences conserved in yeast and animal MAP kinases. The tobacco sequence, ntf3, shows 45–54% identity to various members of the MAP kinase family at the protein level. Northern experiments showed that ntf3 is expressed in all tobacco tissues tested, including pollen isolated at different developmental stages. Southern analysis indicated that, as in other organisms, there is a family of MAP kinase genes in tobacco. In complementary tests, ntf3 could not substitute the yeast MAP kinase genes fus3 and kss1.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of rice phytochrome A mutants   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
To elucidate phytochrome A (phyA) function in rice, we screened a large population of retrotransposon (Tos17) insertional mutants by polymerase chain reaction and isolated three independent phyA mutant lines. Sequencing of the Tos17 insertion sites confirmed that the Tos17s interrupted exons of PHYA genes in these mutant lines. Moreover, the phyA polypeptides were not immunochemically detectable in these phyA mutants. The seedlings of phyA mutants grown in continuous far-red light showed essentially the same phenotype as dark-grown seedlings, indicating the insensitivity of phyA mutants to far-red light. The etiolated seedlings of phyA mutants also were insensitive to a pulse of far-red light or very low fluence red light. In contrast, phyA mutants were morphologically indistinguishable from wild type under continuous red light. Therefore, rice phyA controls photomorphogenesis in two distinct modes of photoperception--far-red light-dependent high irradiance response and very low fluence response--and such function seems to be unique and restricted to the deetiolation process. Interestingly, continuous far-red light induced the expression of CAB and RBCS genes in rice phyA seedlings, suggesting the existence of a photoreceptor(s) other than phyA that can perceive continuous far-red light in the etiolated seedlings.  相似文献   

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