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Human societies maintain between-group variation despite mixing of people and ideas. In order for variation to remain, migrants or their children must preferentially adopt local norms, customs, and beliefs. Yet the details of how cultural variation is maintained, despite mixing, remain unknown. This article addresses this problem by using a simple model of the evolution of cultural learning to interpret the results of a study of cultural variation in a small region of East Africa. I argue that the manner in which migrants of two diverse regions adapt to local beliefs and behavior depends on the costs and accuracy of learning in each domain. Observational studies are never definitive tests of any hypothesis, but these results suggest that conclusions about the significance of cultural learning for understanding individual attitudes and behavior depend strongly upon the domain of investigation.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of nine hermaphroditic understory species in a tropical montane Quercus forest was studied at two sites (2300 and 2600 m elev.) in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Flower life span, studied in six species, averaged 4.4 d. This is longer than flower life spans found in the Monteverde cloud forest (2.7 d) and comparable to flower life spans found for arctic and alpine species. We studied the breeding system in five species and found no self-incompatible species. Four species proved self-compatible, and three of these showed autogamy. The main diurnal insect pollinator was the bumblebee Bombus ephippiatus. Natural fruit set was low (8-32%) in six species with few seeds per fruit, while two many-seeded species showed a high rate of fruit set (90 and 96%). The incidence of pre–dispersal seed predation was high; the percentage of seeds infested in four species ranged from 8 to 56 percent.  相似文献   

该研究采用内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原长期试验平台2004~2015年期间不同降水年型(丰水、平水、欠水)下的植被数据,分析研究区7个主要植物21个种对的种间关系及其对降水年型的响应;应用方差比率法确定物种间的总体联结性,基于χ^2检验测定种对间的联结性,采用联结系数AC判断种对间联结的正负,运用共同出现百分率PC、Ochiai指数、Dice指数分析种对相伴出现的几率,以明确荒漠草原主要物种间的关系,揭示降水对种群间相互作用的影响机制。结果表明:(1)样方内的平均物种数在平水年达到最大,主要物种的总体联结性在丰水年呈显著正相关、平水年呈不显著正相关、欠水年呈不显著负相关,表明年降水量的下降致使种对间的关系由共存为主转变为竞争为主。(2)降水年型的变化使部分种对间的联结性发生改变,丰水年正联结的种对占57.1%,平水年降至52.4%,欠水年降至33.3%,也表明干旱胁迫导致协同共存的种对数减少,相互竞争的种对数增加。(3)降水年型的变化主要影响狭叶锦鸡儿与其他物种的共同出现几率,并以平水年最大,而对其他种对间的正相互作用无影响。  相似文献   

以中国荒漠特有植物艾比湖沙拐枣(Calligonum ebi-nuricum)果实形态特征为研究对象,对分布于原产区的同一居群12个样株的果实进行形态特征比较研究。通过每株30粒果实的喙长、果实长度、果实宽度、果实形状、瘦果长度、瘦果宽度、瘦果形状、刺毛长度、头部刺毛长度、两肋间距、两刺间距11个性状指标的数值分析表明:在株内与株间均有变异,株间果实性状变异较株内果实性状变异大;代表果实和瘦果大小指标正相关性极显著(p<0.01);两肋间距与瘦果形状呈负相关(r=-0.297**,p<0.01)。研究结果证明:其果实形状和瘦果形状(长度、宽度及长宽比)较为稳定,可作为艾比湖沙拐枣的分种依据,而其它果实性状可塑性较大,只能作为分类的参考。该研究结果可供沙拐枣属其它种的准确分类参考。  相似文献   

The reproductive success of Arum italicum in south-western France showed a positive relationship with plant vigour at both the plant (number of inflorescences) and inflorescence (number of seeds) levels. However, the infructescence and berry numbers were not related to the number of inflorescences, and two-fold more seeds were produced by individuals flowering several times than by those flowering just once. Moreover, the reproductive success of this species appeared to be limited by the high abortion rate (50%), strong predation pressure on the inflorescences (34%), and low seed set rate of nonpredated inflorescences (36%), suggesting pollination limitation. Nevertheless, a positive relationship was found between the mean number of Psychoda trapped per inflorescence and the number of maturing infructescences, particularly for the most abundant species, Psychoda crassipenis . Therefore, pollinator availability appeared to be an important limiting factor for fructification in the studied population, by contrast with other studies in which the fruit set appeared to be related more strongly to the density of inflorescences. Such different results may have been caused by the relatively low abundance of Psychoda in the present study.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 43–49.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria, the world's largest tropical freshwater lake, is an important resource, ecologically and economically. THg distribution in the northern parts of the lake are not well known, so to answer this gap, patterns in total mercury (THg) in water, soil and two dated sediment cores from northern Lake Victoria were determined. Water THg concentrations ranged from 0.7 to 5.8 ng/L, and there were no apparent differences observed between Napoleon and Winam Gulfs. Two precipitation samples had Hg concentrations of 7 and 31 ng/L. Surface soil samples collected from various agricultural sites around Jinja, Napoleon Gulf, have THg concentrations between 12.7 and 48.4 ng/g dry weight; they were correlated with organic carbon, total phosphorus and % clay. A near-shore core taken in Itome Bay in Napoleon Gulf, and an offshore core collected from the deepest part of the lake had similar THg concentrations and profiles (78 to 458 ng/g dry weight). The increase in THg concentration in the profiles of both cores began around 1960 and peaked around 1980. The similar sedimentary THg profiles and fluxes in the cores suggest that the THg sources to L. Victoria are primarily atmospheric, with some erosion inputs, and that equatorial African ecosystems are not exempt from the global increase in baseline THg concentrations.  相似文献   

Gynodioecious populations (i.e. populations with female and hermaphrodite individuals) often contain a third phenotype with an intermediate sex expression. In Silene italica , this phenotype is characterized by a mixture of pistillate and perfect flowers and is thus gynomonoecious. To characterize sexual functions of these gynomonoecious individuals and their potential influence in the maintenance of gynodioecy, reproductive characters of the three sexual phenotypes were compared over 2 years in several families of S. italica produced by crossing. We found that gynomonoecious individuals were intermediate for flower production and female fertility characters, although they did not always significantly differ from female individuals. Perfect flowers of gynomonoecious and hermaphrodite plants were similar in size and pollen production. Gynomonoecious individuals were thus intermediate in female and in male functions. Family effects were found for most of the characters. The female advantage (i.e. the fertility of females compared to the female fertility of pollen producing plants) was not dramatically different when gynomonoecious plants were taken into account.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 583–591.  相似文献   

Lecocarpus pinnatifidus is an endemic member of the Asteraceae occurring on only one island in the Galápagos archipelago. The capitula are large with female ray florets and male disc florets. They are self-compatible but this study suggests fruit set is pollen limited. Visits from Xylocopa darwini and other larger insect pollinators are rare, and small insects seem to be the main pollinators. Small insects carry few pollen grains and most likely mediate self-pollinations. Self-compatibility and seed set after selfing are the most common reproductive strategy in the Galápagos Islands and L. pinnatifidus seemingly fits well into this group.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 171–180.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the reproductive biology of endangered plants is essential for their effective conservation. It also provides important information for understanding the evolutionary processes that affect speciation, thus helping the definition of proper units for conservation in endangered plants with problematic taxonomy. We studied the reproductive potential and possibility for hybridization in the endangered genus Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) by examining flowering phenology, flower and seed production and pollination of three sympatric cross‐compatible Saintpaulia species in the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania. The synchrony observed in flowering in S. confusa and S. difficilis may enable hybridization between these two species, whereas partial phenological separation may contribute to the integrity of S. grotei. Although the level of flower abortion is high in S. confusa, each pollinated flower yields about 1000 seeds. Saintpaulia confusa produces fruits following both self‐ and cross‐pollination but spontaneous self‐pollination seems not to occur. Thus, seed production depends on sufficient pollinator service. Floral heteromorphy (i.e. enantiostyly) and bee pollination are likely to further enhance cross‐pollination, suggesting that the genus predominantly outcrosses. Thus, Saintpaulia populations are likely to suffer from negative effects of inbreeding if they become small and isolated.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the inherent relative growth rate (RGR) under controlled environment conditions of 10 contrasting Acacia species from semi-arid and mesic environments. For several of the species, compound pinnate leaves produced early in the seedling stage, were gradually replaced by phyllodes (expanded petioles that form simple lamina). Other species either did not form phyllodes, or only did so to a minor degree by the end of the study. Phyllode production was dominant in the four slow-growing Acacia species from semi-arid environments (A. aneura, A. colei, A. coriacea and A. tetragonophylla), with leaf production being exclusive or dominant in five (A. dealbata, A. implexa, A. mearnsii, A. melanoxylon and A. irrorata) of the six faster-growing species from mesic environments. The exception was A. saligna which was fast growing but did produce phyllodes. From a carbon economy perspective, slow growth in the semi-arid species was not associated with lower net assimilation rates or less plant mass allocated to foliage. Rather, the primary factor associated with their slow growth was a smaller foliage area per unit foliage mass. This was true for comparisons based on the mean over all harvests or at set plant masses. The production of phyllodes by the semi-arid species substantially reduced foliage area per unit foliage mass, as this was lower for phyllodes than leaves in all species. To assess the impact that phyllode production had on ontogenetic changes in RGR, we modelled the situation where only leaves were formed. This analysis showed that changing from leaves to phyllodes substantially reduced the RGR. There was little difference in plant nitrogen concentration or the ratio of foliage nitrogen to plant nitrogen between the species. This resulted in foliage nitrogen productivity (dry mass gain per unit foliage nitrogen and time) being directly proportional to foliage area per unit foliage mass between species. We concluded that a smaller foliage area per unit foliage mass and phyllode production are the primary factors associated with lower RGR in contrasting Acacia species.  相似文献   

Variation in the abundance, distribution and size of four species of mangrove littorinid gastropods (genus Littoraria) was investigated using a nested sampling design at different spatial scales along the East African coast, from Tanzania to South Africa. Littorinid abundance and diversity decreased abruptly south of Inhaca Island at the southern end of the study area. All species presented a large-scale spatial variation in abundance, with L. subvittata showing the greatest abundance while L. intermedia was rare. Littoraria scabra and L. intermedia were found mainly at the seaward edge of the forests. Littoraria subvittata increased in abundance in the middle of the forest and towards the landward side. Littoraria pallescens occurred mainly at the seaward edge and in the middle areas in the Rhizophora zone. These small-scale variations show contrasting specific distribution patterns within the mangrove, likely reflecting different tolerances to physical factors and biological interactions. All species appeared decreased in shell height from north to south. Littoraria scabra was always significantly larger than other species at all mangrove study sites. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Climate change is hypothesized as a cause of major events of Plio-Pleistocene East African hominin evolution, but the vertically discontinuous and laterally confined nature of the relevant geological records has led to difficulties with assessing probable links between the two. High-resolution sedimentary sequences from lacustrine settings can provide comprehensive data of environmental changes and detailed correlations with well-established orbital and marine records of climate. Hominin-bearing deposits from Koobi Fora Ridge localities in the northeast Turkana Basin of Kenya are an archive of Plio-Pleistocene lake-margin sedimentation though significant developmental junctures of northern African climates, East African environments, and hominin evolution. This study examines alluvial channel and floodplain, nearshore lacustrine, and offshore lacustrine facies environments for the approximately 136-m-thick KBS Member (Koobi Fora Formation) exposed at the Koobi Fora Ridge. Aspects of the facies environments record information on the changing hydrosedimentary dynamics of the lake margin and give insights into potential climatic controls. Seasonal/yearly climate changes are represented by the varve-like laminations in offshore mudstones and the slickensides, dish-shaped fractures, and other paleosol features overprinted on floodplain strata. Vertical shifts between facies environments, however, are interpreted to indicate lake-level fluctuations deriving from longer-term, dry-wet periods in monsoonal rainfall. Recurrence periods for the inferred lake-level changes range from about 10,000 to 50,000 years, and several are consistent with the average estimated timescales of orbital precession ( approximately 20,000 years) and obliquity ( approximately 40,000 years). KBS Member facies environments from the Koobi Fora Ridge document the development of lake-margin hominin habitats in the northeast Turkana Basin. Environmental changes in these habitats may be a result of monsoonal rainfall variations that derive from orbital insolation and/or glacial forcing.  相似文献   

大棚油桃授粉方式研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年2-5月,研究利用蜜蜂、壁蜂花期传粉及人工授粉技术对大棚油桃艳光和潍甜1号的座果率及产量均有不同程度的提高;其中潍甜1号的座果率提高幅度最大。上述几种方法中,人工授粉的效果最好。  相似文献   

The paper ‘Bird diversity in the savanna habitats of Akagera National Park, Rwanda, in the post-war recovery period’ by Gatali and Wallin (Ostrich 86(3): 267–276, 2015) makes several claims for new species records for Akagera National Park and Rwanda. We found that Gatali and Wallin recorded several species considered very rare in Rwanda and new discoveries; these findings often contradicted the existing literature. We doubt the validity of 34 species records and we aim to demonstrate that these claims are mostly the result of misidentification or human error and consider that future researchers should use their findings with caution. Some findings around more common species may be validated through further studies and we encourage others to conduct fieldwork in Akagera National Park.  相似文献   

Matrix models are widely used for demographic analysis of age and stage structured biological populations. Dynamic properties of the model can be summarized by the net reproductive rate R 0. In this paper, we introduce a new method to calculate and analyze the net reproductive rate directly from the life cycle graph of the matrix. We show, with examples, how our method of analysis of R 0 can be used in the design of strategies for controlling invasive species.  相似文献   

The African palm fossil record is limited but the data provide an outline of palm evolution from the Late Cretaceous through the Neogene. Pollen attributed to palms is reported from the Aptian (125–112 Mya), but the earliest unequivocal record in Africa is Campanian (83.5–70.6 Mya). Palms diversified 83.5–65.5 Mya and became widespread, although most records are from the west and north African coasts. Many taxa were shared between Africa and northern South America at that time, but a few were pantropical. Extirpations occurred throughout the Palaeogene, including a notable species turnover and decline at the Eocene–Oligocene boundary (33.9 Mya), a change that resulted in the elimination of nypoid palms from Africa. The Neogene plant macrofossil record is better sampled than the Palaeogene, although few palms are documented. Thus, the low diversity of African palms today is more likely the result of Palaeogene, rather than Neogene extinctions. Newly discovered palm fossils of leaves, petioles and flowers from the Late Oligocene (27–28 Mya) of north-western Ethiopia document the abundance and dominance of palms in some communities at that time. The fossils represent the earliest records of the extant genera Hyphaene (Coryphoideae) and Eremospatha (Calamoideae).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 69–81.  相似文献   

1. Global pollinator declines have led to concern that crop yields might fall as a result of a pollination deficit. Companion planting is a traditional practice thought to increase yield of insect pollinated crops by planting a co-flowering species next to the crop. 2. Using a combination of conventional researcher-led experiments and observational citizen scientist data, we tested the effectiveness of bee-friendly borage (Borago officinalis) as a companion plant to strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Insect visitors to the ‘Test’ (strawberry + borage) versus ‘Control’ (strawberry only) plants were observed, and strawberry fruit collected. Strawberries collected during the researcher-led experiment were also subject to fruit measurements and assessments of market quality. 3. Companion plants were found to significantly increase both yield and market quality of strawberries, suggesting an increase in insect pollination per plant. Test strawberries companion planted with borage produced an average of 35% more fruits, and 32% increased yield by weight. Test strawberry plants produced significantly more fruit of higher aesthetic quality when assessed by Marketing Standards for Strawberries. 4. Although there was no significant difference in the overall insect visits, when broken down by broad insect group there were significantly more flies visiting the test strawberries than controls. 5. These results could have implications for both gardeners and commercial growers. As consumers prefer a cosmetically perfect fruit, the production of fruit with increased aesthetics aids food waste reduction.  相似文献   

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