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江澎  孙啸  陆祖宏 《遗传学报》2007,34(3):275-284
比较分析了嗜热泉生古细菌(Aeropyrum pernix K1)和其他两种系统发育相关的泉古菌[嗜气菌(Pyrobaculum aerophi-lumstr.IM2)和嗜硫菌(Sulfolobus acidocaldarius DSM 639)]的同义密码子使用偏向性。结果表明嗜热泉生古细菌(Aeropyrum pernix K1)的密码子偏向性很小,并且与GC3S成高度的相关性。这3种泉古菌的密码子使用模式在进化上很保守。与基因的功能对密码子使用的影响相比,这些泉古菌密码子的使用偏向性更是由其物种所决定的。嗜热泉生古细菌(A.pernix K1),嗜气菌(P.aerophilum str.IM2)和嗜硫菌(S.acidocaldarius DSM 639)生存在不同的极限环境中。推测正是这些极限环境决定了这些泉古菌的密码子使用偏向性模式。此外在这些泉古菌的基因组中并没有发现其正义链和反义链的密码子使用偏向性差别。嗜热泉生古细菌(A.pernix K1)和嗜硫菌(S.acidocaldarius DSM 639)的密码子偏向性程度与基因表达水平有高度的相关性,而嗜气菌(P.aerophilum str.IM2)的基因组并没有发现这种规律。  相似文献   


Genes involved in the symbiotic interactions between the nitrogen-fixing endosymbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum, and its leguminous host are mostly clustered in a symbiotic island (SI), acquired by the bacterium through a process of horizontal transfer. A comparative analysis of the codon and amino acid usage in core and SI genes/proteins of B. japonicum has been carried out in the present study. The mutational bias, translational selection, and gene length are found to be the major sources of variation in synonymous codon usage in the core genome as well as in SI, the strength of translational selection being higher in core genes than in SI. In core proteins, hydrophobicity is the main source of variation in amino acid usage, expressivity and aromaticity being the second and third important sources. But in SI proteins, aromaticity is the chief source of variation, followed by expressivity and hydrophobicity. In SI proteins, both the mean molecular weight and mean aromaticity of individual proteins exhibit significant positive correlation with gene expressivity, which violate the cost-minimization hypothesis. Investigation of nucleotide substitution patterns in B. japonicum and Mesorhizobium loti orthologous genes reveals that both synonymous and non-synonymous sites of highly expressed genes are more conserved than their lowly expressed counterparts and this conservation is more pronounced in the genes present in core genome than in SI.  相似文献   

The fungal genus Puccinia, comprising of several menacing pathogens, has been a persistent peril to global agriculture. Genome sequencing of various members of Puccinia offers a scope to excavate their genomic riddles. The present study has been addressed at exploring the complex niceties of codon and amino acid usage patterns and subsequent elucidation of the determinants that drive such behavior. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed a complex interplay of natural selection for translation and compositional bias to be operational on the codon usage patterns. Gene expression level was observed to be the most competent factor governing codon usage behavior of the genus. In spite of subtle AT richness of the genus, potential highly expressed gene sets were found to preferentially employ GC rich optimal codons. Estimation of relative dinucleotide abundance revealed preference toward the employment of GpA, CpA, TpC, and TpG dinucleotides and restraint from using TpA dinucleotide among the members of the genus. Extensive codon context analysis revealed that codon pairs with GpA, CpA, TpC, and TpG dinucleotides were over-represented and codon pairs with TpA dinucleotide were extensively avoided at the codon–codon (cP3–cA1) junctions. Amino acid usage signatures of the genus were found to be influenced considerably by several imperative factors like aromatic and hydrophobic character of the encoded gene products, genomic compositional constraint, and gene expressivity. Detailed know-how of the potential highly expressed gene sets and associated optimal codons in the genus promise to be informative for the scientific community engaged in combating Puccinia pathogenesis.  相似文献   

影响耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌基因组密码子使用的因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
基因组密码子使用的影响因素分析有助于发现影响密码子使用的进化动力学 ,对发现和预测进化的方向和模式有重要的作用。同时 ,分析完整的基因组可以发现特定基因组中密码子的使用模式 ,从而重新设计高效的PCR引物和外源导入基因 ,促进外源基因在特定生物体中的高效率表达。导致瘟疫等外源性感染疾病的耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌完整基因组序列已经测序公布。为了对鼠疫杆菌的同义密码子使用的进化模式有更加深入的了解 ,详细的研究分析鼠疫杆菌的基因组密码子的使用模式和影响密码子使用的因素。结果发现 ,尽管鼠疫杆菌基因组序列中“G” “C”含量相对较低 (4 7.6 4 % ) ,高水平表达基因的密码子第三位碱基使用胞嘧啶 (C)的频率比表达水平低的基因使用胞嘧啶 (C)有显著的提高 ,表达水平较低的基因在密码子的第三位碱基更趋向使用鸟嘌呤 (G)。在表达水平高低的两组基因中 ,对密码子的第三位碱基使用腺嘌呤 (A)和胸腺嘧啶 (T)总体上趋于随机使用。基因的表达水平与对应分析的第一条向量轴呈高度相关 (R =0 .6 3,P <0 .0 0 0 1)。通过分析比较表达水平高低两组基因的密码子使用模式发现 ,基因的表达水平对于密码子使用有显著的影响。GC skew分析结果显示 ,复制转录阶段的选择对密码子使用有一定的影响。在不同长度  相似文献   

杨树同义密码子用法的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨树是世界上广泛栽培的重要造林树种之一,已经成为林木基因工程研究的模式植物。用杨树的314个蛋白编码基因,通过对应分析和ENC-plot分析探讨了若干重要因子对杨树密码子用法的效应。从分析结果中可以看出,在影响最大的第一条向量轴上,基因的坐标位置与该基因的表达水平(CAI)极显著负相关(r=-0.94**),其次是与GC3S和基因长度极显著相关(r=0.86**和r=-0.57**),说明基因表达水平高低是影响密码子发挥作用的主要因素,基因编码区碱基组成和基因长度次之。ENC-plot分析结果也证明了这一点。相对密码子使用值(RSCU)的计算结果表明,高表达基因强烈偏好以A或T结尾的密码子,并确定了TTA和ATA等10个密码子为杨树的主要偏爱密码子。将杨树的密码子使用频率与拟南芥、水稻、大肠杆菌和人等不同模式生物种比较后发现,杨树密码子的偏爱性与同为双子叶植物的拟南芥最为相似,与人和大肠杆菌之间的差异较大。  相似文献   

伪狂犬病病毒基因编码区碱基组成与密码子使用偏差   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
由于伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)中G C含量高达74%,至今尚没有一个毒株完成全基因组测序。对已知的68个PRV基因编码区序列碱基组成及密码子使用现象进行了统计分析,结果发现PRV基因中存在非常强的密码子使用偏差。所有68个PRV基因编码区密码子第三位总的G C含量为96.24%,其中UL48基因高达99.52%。PRV基因偏向于使用富含GC的密码子,特别是以C或G结尾的密码子。此外,还发现PRV中G C含量变化较大的UL48、UL40、UL14和IE180等基因附近正好与已知的PRV基因组复制起始区相对应。根据基因功能将PRV基因分为6类进行分析发现,基因功能相同或相近的基因其密码子使用模式相似,其中调节基因的同义密码子相对使用度(RSCU)与其他基因有显著差异,在调节基因中以C结尾的密码子的RSCU值远大于其他同义密码子。最后,对PRV基因氨基酸组成差异进行多元分析,发现不同功能的PRV基因在对应分析图上分布不同,表明PRV基因密码子使用模式可能与基因功能相关。  相似文献   

To reveal how the AT-rich genome of bacteriophage PhiKZ has been shaped in order to carryout its growth in the GC-rich host Pseudomonas aeruginosa,synonymous codon and amino acid usage bias ofPhiKZ was investigated and the data were compared with that of P.aeruginosa.It was found that synonymouscodon and amino acid usage of PhiKZ was distinct from that of P.aeruginosa.In contrast to P.aeruginosa,the third codon position of the synonymous codons of PhiKZ carries mostly A or T base;codon usage biasin PhiKZ is dictated mainly by mutational bias and,to a lesser extent,by translational selection.A clusteranalysis of the relative synonymous codon usage values of 16 myoviruses including PhiKZ shows that PhiKZis evolutionary much closer to Escherickia coli phage T4.Further analysis reveals that the three factors ofmean molecular weight,aromaticity and cysteine content are mostly responsible for the variation of aminoacid usage in PhiKZ proteins,whereas amino acid usage of P.aeruginosa proteins is mainly governed bygrand average of hydropathicity,aromaticity and cysteine content.Based on these observations,we suggestthat codons of the phage-like PhiKZ have evolved to preferentially incorporate the smaller amino acid residuesinto their proteins during translation,thereby economizing the cost of its development in GC-rich P.aeruginosa.  相似文献   

In many organisms, the difference in codon usage patterns among genes reflects variation in local base compositional biases and the intensity of natural selection. In this study, a comparative analysis was performed to investigate the characteristics of codon bias and factors in shaping the codon usage patterns among mitochondrion, chloroplast and nuclear genes in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). GC contents in nuclear genes were higher than that in mitochondrion and chloroplast genes. The neutrality and correspondence analyses indicated that the codon usage in nuclear genes would be a result of relative strong mutational bias, while the codon usage patterns of mitochondrion and chloroplast genes were more conserved in GC content and influenced by translation level. The Parity Rule 2 (PR2) plot analysis showed that pyrimidines were used more frequently than purines at the third codon position in the three genomes. In addition, using a new alterative strategy, 11, 12, and 24 triplets were defined as preferred codons in the mitochondrion, chloroplast and nuclear genes, respectively. These findings suggested that the mitochondrion, chloroplast and nuclear genes shared particularly different features of codon usage and evolutionary constraints.  相似文献   

Chanda I  Pan A  Saha SK  Dutta C 《FEBS letters》2007,581(30):5751-5758
Comparative analyses of codon/amino acid usage in Leishmania major, Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi reveal that gene expressivity and GC-bias play key roles in shaping the gene composition of all three parasites, and protein composition of L. major only. In T. brucei and T. cruzi, the major contributors to the variation in protein composition are hydropathy and/or aromaticity. Principle of Cost Minimization is followed by T. brucei, disregarded by T. cruzi and opposed by L. major. Slowly evolving highly expressed gene-products of L. major bear signatures of relatively AT-rich ancestor, while faster evolution under GC-bias has characterized the lowly expressed genes of the species by higher GC12-content.  相似文献   

Pan A  Chanda I  Chakrabarti J 《Genomics》2011,98(3):213-222
The genome/proteome composition of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, the predatory microorganism that preys on other Gram-negative bacteria, has been analyzed. The study elucidates that translational selection plays a major role in genome compositional variation with higher intensity compared to other deltaproteobacteria. Other sources of variations having relatively minor contributions are local GC-bias, horizontal gene transfer and strand-specific mutational bias. The study identifies a group of AT-rich genes with distinct codon composition that is presumably acquired by Bdellovibrio recently from Gram-negative prey-bacteria other than deltaproteobacteria. The proteome composition of this species is influenced by various physico-chemical factors, viz, alcoholicity, residue-charge, aromaticity and hydropathy. Cell-wall-surface-anchor-family (CSAPs) and transporter proteins with distinct amino acid composition and specific secondary-structure also contribute notably to proteome compositional variation. CSAPs, which are low molecular-weight, outer-membrane proteins with highly disordered secondary-structure, have preference toward polar-uncharged residues and cysteine that presumably help in prey-predator interaction by providing particular bonds of attachment.  相似文献   

Iriarte A  Baraibar JD  Romero H  Musto H 《Gene》2011,473(2):110-118
Mollicutes are parasitic microorganisms mainly characterized by small cell sizes, reduced genomes and great A and T mutational bias. We analyzed the codon usage patterns of the completely sequenced genomes of bacteria that belong to this class. We found that for many organisms not only mutational bias but also selection has a major effect on codon usage. Through a comparative perspective and based on three widely used criteria we were able to classify Mollicutes according to the effect of selection on codon usage. We found conserved optimal codons in many species and study the tRNA gene pool in each genome. Previous results are reinforced by the fact that, when selection is operative, the putative optimal codons found match the respective cognate tRNA. Finally, we trace selection effect backwards to the common ancestor of the class and estimate the phylogenetic inertia associated with this character. We discuss the possible scenarios that explain the observed evolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

Order Chiroptera is a unique group of mammals whose members have attained self-powered flight as their main mode of locomotion. Much speculation persists regarding bat evolution; however, lack of sufficient molecular data hampers evolutionary and conservation studies. Of ~ 1200 species, complete mitochondrial genome sequences are available for only eleven. Additional sequences should be generated if we are to resolve many questions concerning these fascinating mammals. Herein, we describe the complete mitochondrial genomes of three bats: Corynorhinus rafinesquii, Lasiurus borealis and Artibeus lituratus. We also compare the currently available mitochondrial genomes and analyze codon usage in Chiroptera. C. rafinesquii, L. borealis and A. lituratus mitochondrial genomes are 16438 bp, 17048 bp and 16709 bp, respectively. Genome organization and gene arrangements are similar to other bats. Phylogenetic analyses using complete mitochondrial genome sequences support previously established phylogenetic relationships and suggest utility in future studies focusing on the evolutionary aspects of these species. Comprehensive analyses of available bat mitochondrial genomes reveal distinct nucleotide patterns and synonymous codon preferences corresponding to different chiropteran families. These patterns suggest that mutational and selection forces are acting to different extents within Chiroptera and shape their mitochondrial genomes.  相似文献   

The genus Ovis (Bovidae, Artiodactyla) includes six species, i.e. Ovis ammon, Ovis aries, Ovis canadensis, Ovis dalli, Ovis nivicola and Ovis vignei. Based on morphology, geographical location, habitat, etc., the species O. ammon is divided into nine subspecies. The near threatened Tibetan argali is distributed across the Tibetan Plateau and its peripheral mountains, and believed to be one of the O. ammon subspecies (O. a. hodgsoni). However, considering its morphological features and distributions, a question has been proposed by some researchers about the subspecies status of Tibetan argali. In this study, we employed complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to explore the phylogenetic relationship and population genetic structure of Tibetan argali. The results revealed that the nucleotide composition, gene arrangement and codon usage pattern of the mitochondrial genome of Tibetan argali are similar to those of other caprines. Phylogenetic analyses showed that Tibetan argali was clustered with O. ammon. Interestingly, five Tibetan argali individuals and one of the three Gansu argali (O. a. dalailamae) individuals were clustered in the same branch, which is a sister group to other two Gansu argali individuals. Together with morphological characteristics, our results suggested that Tibetan argali and Gansu argali may belong to the same subspecies (O. a. hodgsoni) of O. ammon, rather than two different subspecies.  相似文献   

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