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The large seeds of Aglaia mackiana (Meliaceae) germinate and produce vigorous seedlings under closed canopies or in large gaps. To assess seedling ecology after germination, we measured growth, herbivore damage, and survivorship of seedlings over one year. The sample included shaded seedlings from dispersed seeds, undispersed seeds under parent trees, and seedlings transplanted to gaps. We quantified the light environment using hemispherical canopy photographs taken above seedlings at the beginning and end of the one–year study. Seedlings transplanted to gaps grew faster and had more leaves, larger total leaf surface area, longer secondary roots, and greater root mass than shaded seedlings. Seedlings in gaps did not differ from shaded seedlings in survivorship or amount of herbivore– and pathogen–caused leaf damage. The canopy photographs taken one year apart suggest there is a rough equilibrium in closed canopies with slight changes occurring around an average light level. Sites with < 0.06 ISF (a unitless, relative measure of canopy openness or reflected sunlight) tended to remain the same with minor fluctuations toward brighter or darker. Sites with canopy openness > 0.06 ISF tended to close; few gaps grew larger. Seedlings under parenr trees and seedlings away from parent trees had similar amounts of leaf damage and virtually identical survivorship after 18 months, but seedlings under parent trees had slower growth rates and smaller total leaf surface areas. Dispersal did not strongly benefit seeds via escaping high levels of mortality or comperition around the parent.  相似文献   

Picris hieracioides var. japonica (Asteraceae), which grows in occasionally disturbed habitats such as riverbanks, is rarely observed under dense vegetation. We examined the effect of the experience and timing of receiving leaf-transmitted light in gap-detecting seed germination in this plant. Seeds under unfiltered light, which simulated the light conditions of seeds on the soil surface in a canopy gap, germinated at a constant temperature of 20°C. However, most seeds in darkness, which simulated the light conditions of seeds buried in the soil without receiving leaf-transmitted light, germinated under temperature fluctuations of over 4°C. Seeds in darkness after receiving leaf-transmitted light for 1 week, which simulated the light conditions of seeds buried in the soil after receiving leaf-transmitted light, germinated under temperature fluctuations of over 8°C. Finally, seeds under continuous leaf-transmitted light, which simulated the light conditions of seeds on the soil surface below preexisting vegetation, germinated under temperature fluctuations of over 12°C. Seeds that experience unfiltered light, which suggests that they are in a gap, should not delay germination. In contrast, seeds that have received leaf-transmitted light should delay germination until the vegetation above is removed. Seeds exposed to leaf-transmitted light required larger temperature fluctuations in darkness than did untreated seeds, and seeds under continuous leaf-transmitted light required the largest temperature fluctuations. The various germination reactions to each gap signal in P. hieracioides var. japonica seeds allow the more reliable detection of gaps for subsequent seedling establishment. The requirement for gap signals that created high precision of timing in the germination process results in the germination of this species only in gaps. Therefore, P. hieracioides var. japonica is rarely found under dense vegetation.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal ground-surface dynamics are major factors that affect regeneration and species coexistence in tropical peat swamp forests. We studied the seedling survivorship and morphological features of two tree species that play important roles in maintaining the ground-surface dynamics of a peat swamp forest in Sumatra. Large Swintonia glauca trees form mounds, whereas large Stemonurus scorpioides trees occupy non-mounds. We monitored the demography of naturally dispersed Swintonia and Stemonurus seedlings that germinated in 2000. Survivorship of Swintonia seedlings was high under conditions of late germination, high-light environment, and elevated ground surface, and was negatively affected by distance to the nearest conspecific adult. Survivorship of Stemonurus was high under conditions of early germination and high conspecific seedling density, and was also negatively affected by distance to the nearest conspecific adult. The allometric features of Stemonurus seedlings indicated characteristics of stress tolerance, that is, low growth rate and thick, porous roots. Stemonurus, which has large wingless seeds, regenerated in non-mounds around the parental trees, while winged Swintonia seeds dispersed farther from the parent and established in patchily distributed gaps and mounds. Thus, Swintonia seedlings can survive on non-mound sites within gaps and possibly create mounds, while Stemonurus seedlings tend to maintain non-mounds around the parental trees.  相似文献   

Strong fluctuations are exhibited by populations of the perennial herb Ambrosia tenuifolia in the grasslands of the Salado basin (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina), an area frequently enduring prolonged floods. Flooding causes the death of most dicotyledon plants of the community, A. tenuifolia among them, opening numerous gaps of various sizes. After the recession of the flood the density of A. tenuifolia seedlings was higher in flooded than in non-flooded plots and it was larger in wider gaps. Canopy removal in non-flooded plots increased field seedling emergence of A. tenuifolia up to the levels found in flooded plots. Responses of the seeds in the soil to gap-associated environmental factors such as light quality and temperature regime were studied both in the field and under controlled were studied both in the field and under controlled conditions. Seedling emergence was significantly enhanced when the red:far-red ratio of natural light reaching the soil surface under the canopy of nonflooded plots was increased by means of copper sulfate filters. The influence of light quality and temperature on germination of the soil seed population was also tested using grassland soil monoliths or mesocosms, transported from the field to the laboratory, in which the canopy was clipped and the soil exposed to either red or far-red light and kept at constant or fluctuating temperatures. Significant seedling emergence was observed only when the soil samples were exposed to red light and incubated at alternating temperatures. No emergence was recorded in samples exposed to far-red light or incubated at a constant 25°C. Seeds stored dry in the laboratory were also stimulated to germinate by red light and alternating temperatures but only after dormancy was sufficiently decreased by low temperature stratification or by low temperature under immersion. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that primary dormancy of A. tenuifolia seeds is decreased by low temperatures in winter even if the seeds are submerged as happens when floods occur. The decrease in dormancy makes the seeds prone to be stimulated to germinate by the Pfr form of phytochrome in combination with alternating temperatures. These conditions are likely to be met in the gaps opened by the flood-caused death of dicotyledon plants.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that impacts of fungal pathogens on tree recruitment tend to be greater in the forest understory than in openings, and that shade-tolerant trees are less vulnerable than shade-intolerant species. To investigate the role that harmful soil fungi may have in reducing regeneration of temperate trees, we applied fungicide to buried seeds of matched pairs of species differing in their relative shade tolerance and/or successional status (Acer negundo versus Acer saccharum, Prunus virginiana versus Prunus serotina, and Pinus strobus versus Tsuga canadensis), in three habitats that differed in their degree of openness (old field, forest gap, and forest understory). Our results indicated that soil fungi reduced germination of A. negundo, P. virginiana, P. serotina. and T. canadensis, and reduced viability of ungerminated seeds of P. strobus; no significant effects of fungi on seeds of A. saccharum were detected. However, we found seeds were not less likely to survive following burial in forest understory than in gaps. As well, results for only one species pair (A. negundo versus A. saccharum) were consistent with the prediction that shade-intolerant or successional species should be more susceptible to fungal attack than mature forest species. These results contrast with other studies of temperate and especially tropical forest trees.  相似文献   

Post‐logging seedling regeneration density by big‐leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), a nonpioneer light‐demanding timber species, is generally reported to be low to nonexistent. To investigate factors limiting seedling density following logging within the study region, we quantified seed production rates, germinability, dispersal patterns, and seed fates on the forest floor through germination and the first seedling growing season in southeastern Amazonia, Brazil. Fruit production rates were low by three logged and one unlogged populations compared to reports from other regions. Commercial‐sized trees (>60 cm diameter) were more fecund than noncommercial trees (30–60 cm diameter) at two sites, averaging 14.5 vs. 3.9 fruits/tree/year, respectively, at Marajoara, a logged site, over 8 yr. Fruit capsules contained an average of 60.3 seeds/fruit, 70 percent of which appeared viable by visual inspection. Sixty‐seven to 72 percent of apparently viable seeds germinated in nursery beds 2.5 mo after the dispersal period, when wet season rains began. Dry season winds blew most seeds west‐northwest of parent trees, with median dispersal distances of 28 and 9 m on west and east sides of parent trees, respectively. Nearly 100 percent of seeds fell within an area of 0.91 ha. On the forest floor beneath closed canopies, mammals, invertebrates, and fungal pathogens killed 40 percent of apparently viable seeds, while 36 percent germinated. Nine months after seedling establishment—midway through the first logging season following seed dispersal—14 percent of outplanted seeds survived as seedlings, representing 5.8 seeds/fruit. We conclude that seedlings are likely to survive in logging gaps at appreciable densities only in rare cases where previous year fruit production rates by logged trees were high (4–12.5% of commercial‐sized trees/year at Marajoara) and where tree crowns were felled in west or northwest directions.  相似文献   

Demel Teketay   《Flora》2002,197(1)
The germination responses of Discopodium penninervium were tested at different constant and alternating temperature regimes as well as under various light conditions both in the laboratory and glasshouse. Seeds incubated at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C failed to germinate. When the seeds were incubated at alternating temperatures of 20/12 °C and 30/12 °C under continuous light, germination was 89 and 61%, indicating that the species requires alternating temperatures as a cue for germination. However, germination declined as the amplitude of alternating temperatures increased from 8 °C and was completely inhibited at an amplitude of 23 °C, suggesting that the optimum amplitude is around 8 °C. Germination was less than 10% in light and nil in darkness at 20 °C in the laboratory. In contrast, seeds incubated at 20/12 °C germinated to 96 and 86% in light and darkness, respectively. Seeds incubated under leaf shade in the glasshouse failed to germinate whereas those incubated under direct daylight and darkness germinated to 44 and 50%, respectively, 30 days after sowing. When seeds incubated under leaf shade and in darkness were exposed afterwards to light, final percent germination was 83% from seeds incubated initially under direct daylight, 79% from those incubated under leaf shade and 86% from those incubated in darkness. The requirement for alternating temperatures and light rich in red:far red ratio to break the dormancy of seeds of D. penninervium could restrict germination to gaps in the vegetation. The results conform with the ecology of the species.  相似文献   

The effect of environmental conditions during storage and imbibition on germination was investigated in field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.), a weed species that can behave as a winter or a summer annual. Freshly harvested seeds of an inbred line with a cold requirement for flowering exhibited primary dormancy that was rapidly lost following 1 month of afterripening in a dry state. Nondormant seeds were positively photoblastic. The light effect was mediated through phytochrome since germination was promoted by red light and inhibited by far red light. Seedling emergence was also inhibited by light filtered through a canopy of wheat leaves. Germination of field pennycress seeds was considerably more sensitive to moisture stress than two sympatric species, wild oat (Avena fatua L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. ERA). Seeds of the latter two species were chosen in order to compare the effect of water potential on germination in field pennycress with that in sympatric species. It was concluded that the major environmental factor limiting nondormant field pennycress seeds on the soil surface was water availability. Imbibition of fully afterripened seeds at low temperatures (6 C) induced a deep secondary dormancy. In contrast to primary dormancy, cold-induced dormancy was not alleviated by red light, alternating temperatures (21/5 C), or 2 months of dry storage at 6, 15, or 35 C. However, exogenous gibberellin A3 or 24 weeks of dry storage resulted in germination in cold-induced dormant seeds. Secondary dormancy was not observed in fully afterripened seeds that were preincubated at 21 C for 1 or 2 days prior to the cold treatment. These results may explain the failure in field experiments to observe the cold-induced secondary dormancy that limits spring emergence in other winter annuals (J. Baskin, C. Baskin, Weed Res. 1979 19: 285–292).  相似文献   

The effects of population density on male and female reproductive success of Betula maximowicziana were evaluated in two mixed and two post-fire stands, with various population densities, ranging from 1.9 to 300.0 trees per ha, in central Hokkaido, Japan. First, we investigated ecological determinants of reproductive success (seed set and germination) of both seeds collected from the trees (tree seeds) and dispersed seeds collected from seed traps (dispersed seeds). We then evaluated the effects of population density on seed set and germination of tree seeds and dispersed seeds using a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). Subsequently, we genotyped 950 seeds collected from mother trees and 940 seeds trapped after dispersal derived from tree seeds and dispersed seeds, respectively, using eleven microsatellite loci. Using the acquired data, we then evaluated the outcrossing rate and effective number of pollen donors (N ep) of the tree seeds, and the genetic structure of both pollen pools and dispersed seed populations. The seed set and germination rate of dispersed seeds was significantly lower both in the lowest-density stand and in the highest-density stand. The GLMM revealed that seed set and germination rates of dispersed seeds may be maximal at approximately 120 trees per hectare (optimal density). Outcrossing rates were consistently high (t m = 0.995), regardless of the population density. In contrast, N ep was lower in the lowest-density stands. Significant genetic structure of the dispersed seed population was found in two low-density stands, probably due to the limitation of overlapping seed shadows.  相似文献   

以普洱地区14种常见植物种子为材料,在实验室条件下研究了其在白光、黑暗、红光和蓝光条件下的萌发特性,并分析了种子大小与萌发率、萌发速率、萌发开始时间的关系。结果表明:光质对四方蒿、沙针、尖子木、藿香蓟种子萌发率和萌发速率均有显著影响(P0.05)。光质对大叶斑鸠菊、云南山枇花、臭灵丹、车桑子、光萼猪屎豆、葫芦茶、云南地桃花、西南宿苞豆、岗柃、中国宿苞豆10个物种的种子萌发率和萌发速率均没有显著影响(P0.05),以上物种中除中国宿苞豆外,其他物种种子萌发率均在20%以下,处于休眠状态。四方蒿种子在白光(89.9%)和红光(84.7%)下萌发率最高,红光下种子萌发最快(4.93),蓝光下种子萌发开始时间最晚(11.3 d);沙针种子在白光下萌发率最高(80.4%)、萌发速率最快(2.71),在黑暗和蓝光下萌发率较低(43.9%和38%)、萌发速率最慢(0.73和0.85),白光、红光下萌发开始最早(11 d),黑暗条件下萌发开始最晚(21.7 d);尖子木种子萌发率在白光、黑暗、蓝光下均在86%以上,而红光下仅32%且萌发速率最慢(1.29),在蓝光下萌发开始时间最晚(13 d);藿香蓟种子萌发率和萌发速率在红光下最高(分别为71.3%和6.46),黑暗条件下最低(分别为42.5%和2.62);大叶斑鸠菊萌发开始时间在黑暗条件下最早(6 d),其次是白光下(7 d),蓝光和红光下较晚,分别为8 d和7.7 d。14个物种种子的萌发率与种子大小间均有显著负相关关系;种子萌发速率、萌发开始时间与种子大小间也有负相关关系,但不显著;种子大小与萌发率、萌发速率和萌发开始时间的关系不会随着光质的变化而发生变化。  相似文献   

Izumi Washitani 《Oecologia》1985,66(3):338-342
Summary The germination of seeds of Amaranthus patulus Bertol., is known to be sensitive to leaf-transmitted light. Seeds were enclosed in transparent polyester-mesh envelopes and placed horizontally in 10-cm deep soil or on the soil surface, beneath a closed vegetation cover in the field. Changes in the numbers of firm intact seeds and of germinable seeds were traced for up to 3 years by periodical retrievals and germination tests. Rapid loss of germinable seeds, mainly due to germination, was observed in the buried seed population, in which only 20% of seeds maintained their germinability after 1 year, and a negligible number after 3 years. In contrast, the seeds placed on the soil surface maintained germinability relatively well: over 80% of seeds remained germinable after 1 year and a low percentage still preserved their germinability after 3 years. Assuming exponential decay in germinability, the decay rates on and in the soil were calculated from the data of the 1-year experiment to be 0.21 and 0.84 year-1 respectively. The fate of seeds that were exposed to canopy light on the soil for a month and then buried was shown to be almost the same as that of the seeds which had been continuously in 10-cm deep soil. Correspondingly, the possibility of the induction of secondary (induced) dormancy by exposure to canopy light was excluded in a laboratory experiment, in which it was found that the imbibed seeds suffering leaf-canopy inhibition of germination exuded some diffusible germination inhibitor responsible for apparent dormancy. Estimation of numbers of A. patulus in the seed bank of an early successional field showed that 3,500 seeds/m2 remained in the soil to the depth of 10 cm after 3 years' exclusion of the species following the production of 700,000 seeds/m2, by a population explosively established after experimental induction of secondary succession.  相似文献   

Edward L. Webb 《Biotropica》1999,31(1):102-110
The probability of achieving a sustainable tropical logging operation is increased if the growth of surviving trees is maximized after logging. This research examined the growth ecology of seedlings and trees of the Neotropical timber species, Carapa nicaraguensis (Meliaceae). Shadehouse experiments, field plantings, and growth rate analyses tested the hypothesis that Carapa seedlings and trees experience higher growth rates in high light levels (recently formed logging gaps or logged forest plots) than in low light levels (old logging gaps or undisturbed forest plots). Consistently poor seedling growth rates under low light conditions suggest that seedlings establishing in newly formed gaps will be more successful than those establishing in building-phase gaps. Thus, the first year after logging is a critical time for gap recolonization by Carapa, and seed casting into gaps after logging is recommended. Growth of Carapa trees was significantly faster in logged forest than in undisturbed forest, and was positively associated with light availability. The results provide evidence that harvest models can be both diameter- and illumination-based. Crown illumination was not significantly higher in logged forest than in undisturbed forest, indicating that the illumination scale for this study was not sensitive enough to detect increases in light availability brought about by selective logging. Potential silvicul-tural methods (particularly poison-girdling) that maintain adequate forest light levels in Carapa swamps without significantly altering long-term tree diversity or allowing invasion of secondary species should be explored.  相似文献   

According to the Janzen–Connell model, high mortality of seeds and seedlings in proximity to conspecific adults can help maintain species diversity in tropical forests. Using a natural population of big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King), we tested the model’s mechanism by examining seed predation and juvenile recruitment in the forest understory and in treefall gaps in the vicinity of both isolated and clumped adults. We used tethered seeds placed in three types of exclosure plots: (1) complete access to seeds, (2) semi-access (access by small-sized seed predators) and (3) no access (all mammals excluded). Exclosure treatments were applied within the understory (both near and far from adults) and in gaps at eight fruiting adults in the late dry season (2001) and scored ten months later. Significantly more seeds were removed in canopy gaps near clumped adults than at isolated adults; otherwise, none of the treatment factors significantly influenced seed predation. In contrast, understory juvenile recruitment was significantly enhanced by distance from adults and was twice as high at isolated than clumped adults, providing novel support for the Janzen–Connell mechanism. No-access exclosures protected significantly more seeds than semi- and full-access exclosures, implicating small mammals in seed losses. Across the eight trees, juvenile recruitment in the no-access exclosures decreased significantly with conspecific adult densities, implicating non-mammalian density-responsive factor(s) in mortality following germination; likely a known specialist invertebrate herbivore. When all treatments were combined, conspecific adult basal area and total DBH explained 72 and 90% of variation in overall juvenile recruitment, respectively. Collectively, these results indicate that Janzen–Connell effects can operate in S. macrophylla, especially during the seed-to-seedling transition, and will likely reduce recruitment in areas of high conspecific densities. They also suggest that further research into the causes of density-dependence in tropical trees should investigate mortality agents following germination.  相似文献   

It has long been argued that seed dispersal enhances recruitment in tropical trees by allowing offspring to `escape' strong density/distance-dependent attack by insects, pathogens and rodents. Here we examined the effects of canopy openness and parent-offspring distance upon the frequency and timing of Chlorocardium rodiei seed attack and germination within a 15-ha plot of Guyanan tropical rain forest. Seeds were artificially dispersed beneath parent trees, in the understorey away from trees and in gaps. Analysing our data from an 85-week period of regular monitoring, we found that the main spatial gradients, canopy openness and distance to nearest adult conspecific, do not lead to differences in the final number of seeds attacked by infesting scolytid beetles or rodents. The timing of beetle attack, however, varied along the distance gradient and this difference affords seeds at further distances a `window' in which to germinate and produce a seedling before attack. Canopy openness was not a good predictor of rooting success, but distance was strongly associated with root and shoot formation success and the mean time to shoot formation. There was a strong negative effect of distance on the likelihood of a seed being colonised by scolytid beetles prior to removal by rodents and shoot failure was strongly associated with prior infestation. We believe these results bring a key point to bear on the well-established notion of distance-dependent attack on seeds in tropical rainforests, viz. that seed characteristics (size, germination syndrome) and the timing of attack may be more important in explaining patterns of early seedling recruitment than distance. Our studies suggest that advantages accrued through dispersal in species like Chlorocardium will depend heavily on the `race' between seed germination and attack. In the case of Chlorocardium, the `race' can be lost at considerable distances due to its prolonged dormancy and the temporal fluctuations in fruitfall and rainfall which influence attack and germination. The results presented here suggest that the lag between seed attack and germination in tropical trees can regulate the influence of parent-offspring distance on cohort recruitment at this life history stage. Received: 5 March 1998 / Accepted: 6 December 1998  相似文献   

Abstract Buchnera hispida, a facultative root parasite of grasses and graminaceous crops, has a light requirement for germination. Studies were carried out on the effects of varying photoperiods with or without preceding dark incubation, on seed germination. Buchnera seeds showed long-day behaviour, since they germinated at all photoperiods including continuous light, and longer photoperiods were more effective in triggering seed germination than shorter photoperiods. Also, effects of red and far-red light indicated that the phytochrome system is operative in the light-induced germination of Buchnera. Although dark incubation in water before illumination was not absolutely necessary for germination, it caused the seeds to respond more rapidly to light. The longer the time of the dark incubation the more responsive the seeds were to photoperiod except when 15 min light was given. The effectiveness of a preceding dark incubation in making Buchnera seeds sensitive to rapid light action was completely inhibited at 4°C. This is in agreement with the hypothesis that a reaction partner of the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome is produced during dark incubation of Buchnera seeds. Such an intermediate has also been reported in some positively photoblastic seeds of non-parasitic flowering plants.  相似文献   

The relationships between fruit morphology and the foraging behavior of the Yakushima macaque, Macaca fuscata yakui were studied during a 9-month field study and series of laboratory experiments on Yakushima Island, southern Japan. These relationships may affect seed germination traits through seed dispersal. The macaques foraging behavior was observed in order to obtain data concerning the treatment of pulp and seeds. Seeds in feces and spat seeds were collected and analyzed. A linear discriminant analysis of the data led to the following results: (i) an increase in the relative flesh volume of a fruit was one of the potential factors which increased the probability of seed dispersal by the macaques; and (ii) seed size was an important parameter in relation to the type of seed dispersal (by defecation or spitting out). The germination test was conducted in a laboratory, then the germination rates and delays of dispersed seeds were compared with those of seeds collected directly from trees. The germination of dispersed seeds of Ficus thunbergii, Eurya japonica, and Vaccinium bracteatum, was significantly enhanced by passage through the macaques gut. The enhanced germination behavior was not seen in larger seeds, such as those of Psychotria serpens, Myrsine seguinii, Diospyros morrisiana, and Neolitsea sericea. The germination enhancement in small-seeded plants could be due to a sorting effect from the passage through the gut, which selects seeds with a narrower range of germination traits.  相似文献   

Daniel G. Wenny 《Biotropica》2000,32(2):327-337
Dispersal quality, as estimated by the cumulative effects of dispersal, germination, seed predation, and seedling survival, was examined for Beilschmiedia pendula (Lauraceae) in Monteverde, Costa Rica. I determined the pattern of dispersal by finding seeds deposited by birds, protected the seeds from seed predators with cages to assess germination and seedling survival, and examined seed predation rates with marked seeds. Seed predation, germination, and seedling survival were compared between seeds naturally dispersed by birds and seeds placed at randomly located sites. Approximately 70 percent of seeds dispersed by birds (N= 244) were deposited <10 m from crown edges of fruiting B. pendula trees, although some seeds were dispersed at least 70 m away. Larger seeds were more likely to be dispersed under or close to the parent trees, and larger seeds produced larger seedlings. Seed size was not correlated directly with seedling survival, but larger seedlings at three months were most likely to survive one year. Seed predation by mammals and insects and seedling mortality due to fungal pathogens were concentrated beneath the crowns of parent trees. Seedlings and saplings were more abundant beneath fruiting B. pendula trees, but individuals farther away were taller on average. Thus, dispersal is beneficial for B. pendula, but such benefits appear most pronounced at a small spatial scale; seeds dispersed >30 m from the crown edges actually had a lower probability of survival than those dispersed 10–20 m. Only 10 percent of B. pendula. seeds received high‐quality dispersal in terms of landing in the zone with the highest per seed probability of seedling survival 10–20 m from parental crowns.  相似文献   

Abstract. For the regeneration niche to contribute to the maintenance of species diversity interspecific differences in sensitivity of seedling recruitment to environmental conditions is assumed. We experimentally tested differences between meadow species for the response of seed germination to chilling, and sensitivity of seedling recruitment to microscale heterogeneity. We also compared the dynamics of seedling recruitment in gaps. Seed germination was tested in standard laboratory germination tests, comparing control seeds with seeds chilled at +4 °C, and at –14°C for one month. Species responses varied from significant increases in germinability after chilling (e.g. Cirsium palustre, Betonica officinalis, Angelica sylvestris) to significant decreases (e.g. Hieracium umbellatum, Succisa pratensis, Selinum carvifolia). In some species, chilling at + 4 °C has a similar effect to chilling at –14 °C, in others the effect of chilling at + 4°C was intermediate, and in some, there was no effect of chilling at + 4°C, but an effect of chilling at –14°C. Different chilling temperatures also affect timing and speed of seed germination under greenhouse conditions. The dynamics of seed germination under field conditions was studied by sowing seeds into artificially created gaps and following their germination, both where the seedlings were removed after emergence and where they were not removed. Species differ in their germination dynamics: they all start late April, but then differentiate from an abrupt maximum and early finish of germination (in the second half of May), to prolonged germination without a marked maximum. Seedling removal increased the total number of germinated seeds, with a marked density dependence at this stage. Seeds were also sown into plots with treatments (1) gaps, sod stripped, above-ground vegetation removed; (2) mown, moss layer removed; (3) mown; (4) untouched control. Seedling emergence was monitored for 3 yr. Seedling recruitment decreased from treatments (1) to (4), but sensitivity differed between species. With increasing seed weight, the difference between gaps and other treatments decreased. The results show that there are considerable differences in seedling recruitment sensitivity between species.  相似文献   

Summary Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium album L., and Amaranthus retroflexus L. are three summer annual weeds that occur in disturbed habitats. In nature, the peak germination season for A. artemisiifolia and C. album is in early to mid-spring, while in A. retroflexus the peak germination season is late spring to early summer. Furthermore, seeds of A. artemisiifolia germinate only in spring, while seeds of C. album and A. retroflexus germinate throughout the summer. In an attempt to explain the differential germination behavior of these three species in nature, changes in their germination responses to temperature during burial in a non-heated greenhouse from October 1974 to October 1975 were monitored. A high percentage of the seeds of all three species after-ripened during winter. Seeds of A. artemisiifolia and C. album germinated at temperatures characteristic of those in the field in early and mid-spring, but seeds of A. retroflexus required the higher temperatures of late spring and early summer for germination. Seeds of all three species germinated to higher percentages in light than in darkness. Non-dormant seeds of A. artemisiifolia that did not germinate in spring entered secondary dormancy. On the other hand, seeds of C. album and A. retroflexus that did not germinate when temperatures first became favorable for germination, did not enter secondary dormancy and, thus, retained the ability to germinate at summer field temperatures during summer. Thus, temporal differences in the germination behavior of these three species are caused by the differential reaction of the seeds to temperature during the annual temperature cycle.  相似文献   

  • In the model species Arabidopsis thaliana phytochromes mediate dormancy and germination responses to seasonal cues experienced during seed maturation on the maternal plants. However, the effect of the maternal light environment on seed germination in native wild species has not been well studied. This is particularly important given its practical application in the context of environmental restoration, when there can be marked changes in the canopy.
  • Plants of Primula vulgaris were grown in the field over two vegetative seasons under four shading treatments from low to high ratio of red to far‐red light (R:FR). Leaf and seed traits were assessed in response to the light treatments. The germination of seeds from these four maternal environments (pre‐dispersal) was investigated at seven light and five temperature treatments (post‐dispersal).
  • Thinner leaves, larger leaf area and greater chlorophyll content were found in plants growing in reduced R:FR. Shading in the maternal environment led to increased seed size and yield, although the conditions experienced by the maternal plants had no effect on seed germination. Seeds responded strongly to the cues experienced in their immediate germination environment. Germination was always enhanced under higher R:FR conditions.
  • The observed phenotypic trait variation plays a major role in the ability of P. vulgaris to grow in a wide range of light conditions. However, the increased germination capacity in response to a higher R:FR for all maternal environments suggests potential for seedling establishment under vegetative shade only in the presence of canopy gaps.

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