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本文报道了西藏高寒山区田鼠盲肠内的一寄生线虫——加查首尾线虫,新种(Cephaluris jiachaensis sp-nov.)。隶属于线虫纲、尖尾亚目、异尖线虫科。本新种的鉴别特征为:1.缺肛前栉。2.泄殖孔前后仅两对乳突。3.交合刺明显长于已知种的交合刺。  相似文献   

报道寄生于北京猛禽的2种旋尾类线虫,其中一种为新种,另一种为中国新纪录种。作者分别对其做了光镜和电镜观察。北京副旋翼线虫,新种Paraspiralatus beijingensis sp.nov.采自于雕鸮的口腔和胃内,它与P. sakeri Gibbons,Nicholls &Bailey,2004的不同之处在于具有单个的肛前乳突,右交合刺远末端弯向背侧并稍微膨大而P. sakeri的交合刺远末端是直的,不膨大,呈钝尖形。纵纹腹小鸮无肛线虫Aprocta noctuae Spaul,1928采自红角鸮的体腔。本次所观察标本在形态上,如交合刺的长短和形状,尾乳突的数目和排列,阴门的位置,卵的大小等,都与前人对A. noctuae的描述一致。但是电子扫描电镜结果显示,A. noctuae的头端具有8个头乳突而不是4个,线虫角质层具有精细的横纹。A. noctuae为我国新纪录种。标本保存于河北师范大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

该文报道从有庄动物园一只死亡的斑海豹Phlcoa vitulina中采集的一种线虫,旋尾双瓣线虫Dipetlaonema spirocattda(Leidy,1858)Anderson,1959。这个虫种与Anderson的描述基本相同,但虫体的大小、雄虫尾乳突的数目以及左交合刺的长度与Anderson的描述略有不同。该种线虫在我国首次报道,为我国新纪录种。  相似文献   

棒尾拟短体线虫Pratylenchoides davicauda Geraert,Choi&Choi,1990为中国新纪录种.该种线虫的主要鉴别特征为:唇区前端平圆,具4~5条环纹;侧区6条侧线;食道腺双叶状从背侧长覆盖肠;雌虫双卵巢;尾圆筒形,末端无环纹或具2~3条不规则环纹;雄虫交合刺长21.8~26.2μm.  相似文献   

本文记述环线虫科二新种及一新纪录种。它们是强壮轮刺线虫,新种Criconema robusta sp.nov.丰富轮线虫,新种 Criconemoides profuses sp.nov.和四角轮线虫Criconemoides quadricorne(Kirjanova.1948)Raski,1952.  相似文献   

本文报告刚刺颚口线虫Gnathostoma hispidum和棘颚口线虫Gnathostoma spinigerum流行学和动物实验。证明我国有40种动物充当它们的第一、二中间宿主和转续宿主,其中30种是这两种病源共同宿主。首次报告猕猴Macaca mulatta可作刚刺颚口线虫的第二中间宿主和转续宿主。用刚刺颚口线虫晚第三期幼虫经皮肤感染家猫和小白鼠均得阳性。调查和实验结果表明刚刺颚口线虫和棘颚口线虫的生物学和流行学特性十分相似,显示它们都是人兽共患的寄生虫。文中讨论刚刺颚口线虫的传播途径和人体感染问题。  相似文献   

广东格氏线虫中国品系(C85011)的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次报道采自我国广东省海陵岛的格氏线虫Steinernema glaseri(steiner,1929)中国品系(CB5011)。经研究(C85041)与国外的格氏线虫(NC513,KG)品系可以杂交并产生正常后代,但与国外品系有以下区别:交合刺顶端腹面具槽形凹陷,而非钩状;在试管斜面培养(C85011),它的三龄感染期幼虫除分散爬满管壁外,还在培养基斜面的顶端结成立体团块,而国外的品系不结成立体团块;(C85011)的酯酶凝胶电泳酶带与国外格氏线虫的主要酶带位置相同,但当加样量增加到40微升以上,(C85011)除具三条主带外,还比国外的格氏线虫多3—4条弱带。  相似文献   

钩口科(Ancylostomatidae)弯口属(Uncinaria)计14种,我国共发现2种:长刺弯口线虫(U.longespiculum Maplestone,1931)和狭首弯口线虫(U.stenocephala Ralliet,1885)。长刺弯口线虫是陈心陶(1937)在广州果子狸体内发现的,此后国内各地未见报道。我们在四川省南充县果子狸小肠内也发现该虫种,此虫种为四川省新纪录,其形态和测量数据与陈心陶的报道一致,仅交合刺稍长(1.81—2.30mm),简记如下。雄虫体长3.2—4.2mm,最大宽度0.28—0.29mm,交合刺两根等长。雌虫体长3.9—4.3mm,最大宽度0.27—0.36mm,阴门在体后部距尾端1.2—1.3mm,尾刺长0.015—…  相似文献   

新种大连滑刃线虫.Aphelenchoides dalianensis sp.nov.采自中国辽宁省大连市老铁山的枯死黑松.新种的鉴别特征为:体较短(雌虫:571.5~658.0 μm;雄虫:436.8~520.0μm),口针纤细(雌虫:10.0~12.7 μm;雄虫:9.2~11.8μm)具有基部球,侧线4条.雌虫阴门位于虫体60%~75%处,尾型特殊,具蜗牛触角状分叉的尾尖突;雄虫尾部向腹面弯曲成拐杖形,有1简单尾尖突,交合刺小(10.0~12.9μm),乳突3对,无交合伞.新种的近似种是大核滑刃线虫A.macronucleatus,主要区别在于大核滑刃线虫的雌虫仅具一简单尾尖突,雄虫加热杀死后呈"L"形,而非新种的"J"形.应用限制性酶切图谱(PCR-ITS-RFLP)的方法以及DNA测序为新种提供了分子生物学的证据.  相似文献   

昆虫病原线虫斯氏线虫科分类研究的进展许再福,玉国汉(茂名林业科学研究所茂名市525000)(华南农业大学植保系)关键词斯氏线虫科,斯氏线虫属,分类斯氏线虫科Steinernematidae(异名:新线虫科Neoaplectinidae),属小杆总科R...  相似文献   

External morphology of spicules in several species of Trichodoridae was studied by scanning electron and light microscopy. The bristles on the spicules observed in the light microscope in several species were revealed as small scales forming a sheath which covers most of the spicule body. Some species have smooth spicules, whereas other species exhibited complicated structures formed by projections. In all of the species studied, either a ventro-terminal or terminal opening of the spicules was observed.  相似文献   

Centrohelid heliozoans form a monophyletic group with uncertain affinities to other groups of protists. Except for a number of naked species, they have either siliceous scales or organic spicules covering the cell. According to the phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rDNA gene, it is hypothesized that scales are the ancestral form of cell coverings, while spicules are derived structures. The present paper describes a new species of centrohelids, Raphidiophrys heterophryoidea, isolated from the inner lakes of Valamo Island (North-Western Russia). This species has tangential scales, consisting of two plates, connected with radial, sometimes branched septa. Raphidiophrys heterophryoidea also has radially oriented spindle-shaped spicules. The organic nature of spicules and the siliceous nature of scales were verified by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Such a combination of organic and siliceous skeletal elements in one heliozoan is novel for any heliozoan species. The complex bipartite structure of scales suggested placing this new species in the genus Raphidiophrys. Consequently, the diagnoses of the genus Raphidiophrys and the family Raphidiophryidae were amended taking into account the optional presence of spicules. Raphidiophrys heterophryoidea presumably represents a stage of shift from scales to spicules, which, according to the molecular phylogenetic data, occurred at least twice in centrohelid evolution.  相似文献   

Many dorid nudibranchs possess large numbers of calcareous spicules in their mantle, gill, rhinophores and foot. However, the arrangements of these structures and their differences among taxa are poorly known. Spicule networks were stained with Alizarin red and compared among 12 species of cryptobranchiate dorid nudibranchs and four outgroups. Three general types of networks were found: a cobweb-like, unbraced framework of one or few spicules per side; a ramifying system of thick, spiculated tracts; and a lattice-like arrangement of distinct radial and circumferential tracts. The Discodorididae species investigated shared a cobweb-like network and papillae supported by a ring of spicules, while the Porostomata showed consistent characters leading to a lattice-like network with larger spicules in the central notum. The Dorididae studied were not cohesive, but each species shared characters with the aforementioned groups. Therefore, spicule network form may provide new characters to help resolve the phylogeny of Doridina.  相似文献   

The presence of spicules (also termed spines, teeth, or denticles) on the intromittent organ, a character unique to male members of some species in the African caecilian family Scolecomorphidae, has long been known (Noble, '31; Taylor, '68; Wake,'72; Nussbaum,'85). However, their organization and structure has not been examined. Series of males of three species of Scolecomorphus were examined in order to determine the gross and histological organization of the spicules. Spicule morphology changes with ontogeny within species and differs grossly among species. The cellular organization of the spicules is remarkably similar among species, however. The spicules are composed of chondroid cartilage. The large discoid cells are arranged in “stacks” to form the projections, which emerge from an extensive base plate of the same cartilage. The spicules have a connective tissue sheath, which is not continuous with the cloacal epithelium. The sheath of the spicules may or may not be mineralized; the cartilage itself does not appear to be calcified. Mineralization apparently is not correlated with age, reproductive status, or season. Cartilage in the cloaca of these few species poses a series of questions about the interactions of developmental, structural, functional, and phylogenetic properties in the evolution of the reproductive biology of caecilians. J. Morphol. 237:177–186, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight specimens belonging to four genera and 15 species of the nudibranch family Phyllidiidae were examined to investigate whether the morphology of their integumentary calcareous spicules and/or the occurrence of the spicules within the regions of the body could be used to distinguish genera and species. The spicules were studied separately from five regions of the body of each specimen—the foot, gills, mantle, dorsal pustules (or ridges in Reticulidia) and rhinophores. The mantle itself plus its pustules were found to possess the full complement of spicules in every individual. Four types of spicules were recorded overall—smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines, triactines and tetractines. Different regions of the body were found to possess different spicule types: (a) only smooth diactines in the gills, (b) both smooth diactines and triactines in the foot and (c) all of smooth diactines, centro-polytylote diactines and triactines in the mantle, dorsal pustules and the rhinophores. Among the genera, three types of spicules (smooth diactine, triactine, and tetractine) are present in Phyllidia, Phyllidiopsis and Reticulidia, but the form of the spicules is not diagnostic between these genera or between the constituent species. The fourth type of spicule (centro-polytylote diactine) is present exclusively in Phyllidiella, and is diagnostic for that genus. However, we failed to find any difference in spicule form, or composition, or location in the body between the three (closely related) species of Phyllidiella we investigated. Therefore, our key conclusion is that spicule morphology is an extremely important character to tell the genus Phyllidiella apart from all the other genera of the family, but it is not taxonomically informative at the level of species.  相似文献   

Abebe  Eyualem  Coomans  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,345(2-3):149-184
Two new and one known species of the genus Brevitobrilus, Epitobrilus setosus, Tripyla glomerans, and Ironus ignavus and I. sphincterus are described from sediments of LakesShala, Tana and Ziway, and River Abbay, Ethiopia. Brevitobrilus fesehai n. sp. can be recognized by acombination of characteristics: in having a narrowanterior end, short cephalic and outer labial setae,long and bow-shaped spicules, the posteriormostsupplement at a distance of less than a spicule lengthfrom cloacal opening, numerous micropapillae, andterminal and subterminal setae. B. tsalolikhinin.sp. can also easily be differentiated from allknown species in the genus in having a combination ofcharacteristics: long cephalic and outer labial setae,short spicules without median stiffening piece, theposteriormost supplement situated very close to thecloacal opening, supplements with straight duct thatmerges with the dorsal wall of the ampulla, andelongate spermatozoa. The remaining five species aredescribed in detail. Also scanning electronmicroscopic pictures of B. fesehai n.sp., B. tsalolikhini n.sp., Epitobrilus setosus andTripyla glomerans are presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Parahadjelia occurs in the muscovy duck, Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), from the Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The new species differs from Parhadjelia neglecta Lent and Freitas, 1939, in the body size, in the spicules shape and ratio of spicules, and in having 2 pairs of sessile papillae near the tail tip of the male. The characters exhibited by P. neglecta and the new species validate its generic status distinct from Hadjelia.  相似文献   

During the Spanish oceanographic expedition BENTART '95, carried out in Antarctic waters off Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands), five small specimens of a new species of Solenogastres-Cavibelonia, Dorymenia troncosoi sp. nov., were collected at a depth of 65–240 m on a silt bottom. The species is characterized by the presence of a pallial cavity with four pouches (a dorsal, two lateral and a ventral pouch), seminal receptacles that open into the spawning ducts through a short duct, radula having 9–11 teeth per row (1 central and 4–5 lateral, all the same size), the end of the copulatory spicules having a cross-section in the shape of a four-pointed star, and abdominal spicules present. These characteristics separate this species from other species of the genus, particularly from Dorymenia profunda, which is the most similar. Received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

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