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Summary Most hybrids betweenBufo bufo andB. calamita obtained by nuclear transplantation become arrested at the early gastrula stage. In both parental controls and the hybrid embryos, the presence and distribution of extracellular matrix was analysed with fluorescent wheat germ agglutinin and by immunolabelling with antibodies directed against fibronectin. InB. bufo andB. calamita gastrulae and in the few hybrids that complete gastrulation, the inner surface of the blastocoel roof is covered by a fibronectin-rich fibrillar matrix. In nucleocytoplasmic hybrids whose development was arrested at the gastrula stage, the fibronectin-containing extracellular matrix was either totally absent or poorly developed and disorganized.  相似文献   

Intracellular localization of calcium-accumulated structures in the loach embryo cells at the state of early gastrulation was determined by electron microscope histochemical pyroantimonate method. Calcium-precipitate was observed in the nucleus (external and inner membranes, chromatin and nucleolus), and in the cytoplasm (ER, mitochondria and submembrane cortical layer). Our present data show that such cell organelles as nuclear envelope, ER, and mitochondria serve as the basic cellular stores for calcium, confirming the existence of calcium signal system both in the nucleus and in the cytosol.  相似文献   

The following mitogens: concanavalin A (con A), phytohemagglutinin (PHA), hydra growth factor (HGF) as well as neurotoxic agent kainic acid, caused neural differentiation (N) effects differed in value and also in character of dependence on concentration of the agent. The lowest effective concentration of con A was 75 micrograms/ml (15% neural differentiation, treatment during 3 h), and the effect reached maximum of 50-60% at 100-200 micrograms/ml. Con A concentration 50 micrograms/ml showed no effect but after 1% rabbit gamma-globulin was added, 17% neural differentiation was detected. N-effects observed after treatment of explants with con A (200 micrograms/ml, 3h) at 2 degrees and 21 degrees were similar (58 and 42% respectively). Minimum PHA concentration used (6 micrograms/ml, 18h) led to neural differentiation in 5% of explants. N-effect of PHA increased along with the concentration of the lectin and was most pronounced at 25 micrograms/ml. However, further increase in concentration (up to 200 micrograms/ml) resulted in decrease of its N-effect to 13%. At 12 micrograms/ml PHA exerted not only neural differentiation, but also lens-inducing (32%) action on the ectoderm. N-effect of HGF (2.5, 25 and 250 micrograms/ml) was lower as compared with the maximum effects of con A and PHA (30-35%). No correlation of HGF inducing action with its concentration was observed. Kainic acid showed weak N-effect (20-30%) at 1 and 10 micrograms/ml. Higher concentration (100 micrograms/ml) had no N-effect, but in 27% of explants "free" lentoids were found. Oubain (10(-3) and 10(-4) M) and HEPES (20 mM) did not affect the differentiation of explants.  相似文献   

The development of the vertebrate brain depends on the formation of local organizing centres within the neural tube that express secreted signals that refine local neural progenitor identity. The isthmic organizer (IsO) forms at the isthmic constriction and is required for the growth and ordered development of mesencephalic and metencephalic structures. The formation of the IsO, which is characterized by the generation of a complex pattern of cells at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary, has been described in detail. However, when neural plate cells are initially instructed to form the IsO, the molecular nature of the inductive signals remain poorly defined. We now provide evidence that convergent Wnt and FGF signaling at the gastrula stage are required to generate the complex polarized pattern of cells characteristic of the IsO, and that Wnt and FGF signals in combination are sufficient to reconstruct, in na?ve forebrain cells, an IsO-like structure that exhibits an organizing activity that mimics the endogenous IsO when transplanted into the diencephalon of chick embryos.  相似文献   

The metabolism, ultrastructure, and function of mass-isolated pole cells were examined during short-term culture in vitro. In addition to demonstrating that these cells functioned normally in culture, a number of new features of embryonic pole cells were discovered. Cell populations isolated from Renografin density gradients were incubated in medium containing tritiated valine, uridine, or thymidine. Although pole cells incorporated similar amounts of valine into protein as other embryonic cells throughout the first 6 hr in culture, they began to synthesize RNA only after 2 hr in culture. Approximately 30% of the pole cells synthesized DNA in vitro and this synthetic activity occurred largely during the first hour of culture. An ultrastructural analysis of colcemid-treated cells showed that 10% of the pole cells divide shortly after placement in culture. During pole cell culture in vitro, polar granules and nuclear bodies fragment and disperse so that they are eventually not detected in these cells. These changes also occur during pole cell development in vivo. Finally, we have obtained 25 to 33% germ line mosaicism among the fertile adults which were derived from embryos receiving transplantation of isolated pole cells before and after culture in vitro. These results demonstrate that these cells are able to follow their normal developmental program in vitro and are able to give rise to functional germ cells in vivo.  相似文献   

H Ge  P Zuo  J L Manley 《Cell》1991,66(2):373-382
We described previously the purification of a human protein, called alternative splicing factor (ASF), that can switch utilization of alternative 5' splice sites in an SV40 early pre-mRNA. We now report the isolation of a cDNA, designated ASF-1, that encodes this protein. ASF-1 consists of 248 amino acid residues, including an 80 residue RNA-binding domain at its N-terminus and a 50 residue C-terminal region that is 80% serine plus arginine. ASF-1 produced in E. coli can activate splicing in vitro and switch 5' splice-site utilization, establishing that the recombinant protein is sufficient to supply these activities. Analysis of additional cDNAs revealed that ASF pre-mRNA can itself be alternatively spliced, surprisingly, by utilization of a shared 5' splice site and two closely spaced 3' splice sites. Use of the upstream site results in a second mRNA (ASF-2) in which translation of the downstream exon occurs extensively in an alternative reading frame distinct from ASF-1.  相似文献   

The tube protein plays an essential role in the signal transduction pathway that establishes dorsoventral polarity in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Characterization of each of four tube mutants revealed a substitution or insertion in the amino-terminal half of the protein. This portion of the tube protein is also evolutionarily conserved, as demonstrated by isolation and sequencing of the Drosophila virilis tube gene. Moreover, RNA microinjection assays and germline transformation experiments demonstrated that the amino-terminal domain alone provides substantial levels of gene function: constructs encoding only the amino-terminal domain restore dorsoventral polarity to embryos lacking any maternal tube function. In the carboxyterminal domain, sequence conservation is concentrated in the five octapeptide repeats. Although the repeat-containing domain by itself provides no rescue of the tube maternal effect phenotype, it is necessary for wild-type levels of tube activity. This domain is thus likely to play an ancillary role in axis formation.  相似文献   

尚素微  冯明光 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3380-3384
自2002年10月至2005年5月在杭州上空诱获桃蚜(Myzus persicae)的迁飞性有翅蚜2351头,将其带回室内在(21±1)℃和12L∶12D条件下单头饲养12d,其中639头在定殖后7d内发病死亡,初始感染率达27·2%。在病死有翅蚜中,99·4%系5种蚜科专化性虫霉侵染所致,新蚜虫疠霉(Pandora neoaphidis)的发生比例高达81·4%。带病迁飞的有翅蚜在发病死亡前具有一定生殖力,定殖后第6天平均累计产若蚜(2·4±0·13)头,远低于同期未带病有翅蚜产下的(11·6±0·33)头。在带病有翅蚜建立的后代蚜群中,接触传染在母蚜死亡2d后即可见到。在定殖后第12天,二级感染占总观察蚜群数的13·3%,三级感染占总观察蚜群数的4·4%,占二级感染蚜群数的33·3%。此时,未带病有翅蚜的后代蚜群的平均活蚜数达(50·6±2·30)头,而带病有翅蚜的后代蚜群平均仅有(21·5±1·98)头。结果表明,虫霉病能够通过寄主带病迁飞传至寄主迁入地,并在后代蚜群中相互传染而起到调节蚜虫数量增长的作用。  相似文献   

Mature osteoclasts have an increased citric acid cycle and mitochondrial respiration to generate high ATP production and ultimately lead to bone resorption. However, changes in metabolic pathways during osteoclast differentiation have not been fully illustrated. We report that glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation characterized by glucose and oxygen consumption as well as lactate production were increased during receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL)-induced osteoclastogenesis from RAW264.7 and bone marrow-derived macrophage cells. Cell proliferation and differentiation varied according to glucose concentrations (0 to 100 mM). Maximal cell growth occurred at 20 mM glucose concentration and differentiation occurred at 5 mM concentration. Despite the similar growth rates exhibited when cultured cells were exposed to either 5 mM or 40 mM glucose, their differentiation was markedly decreased in high glucose concentrations. This finding suggests the possibility that osteoclastogenesis could be regulated by changes in metabolic substrate concentrations. To further address the effect of metabolic shift on osteoclastogenesis, we exposed cultured cells to pyruvate, which is capable of promoting mitochondrial respiration. Treatment of pyruvate synergistically increased osteoclastogenesis through the activation of RANKL-stimulated signals (ERK and JNK). We also found that osteoclastogenesis was retarded by blocking ATP production with either the inhibitors of mitochondrial complexes, such as rotenone and antimycin A, or the inhibitor of ATP synthase, oligomycin. Taken together, these results indicate that glucose metabolism during osteoclast differentiation is accelerated and that a metabolic shift towards mitochondrial respiration allows high ATP production and induces enhanced osteoclast differentiation.  相似文献   

We have devised a genetic selection for mutant yeast cells that fail to translocate secretory protein precursors into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Mutant cells are selected by a procedure that requires a signal peptide-containing cytoplasmic enzyme chimera to remain in contact with the cytosol. This approach has uncovered a new secretory mutant, sec61, that is thermosensitive for growth and that accumulates multiple secretory and vacuolar precursor proteins that have not acquired any detectable posttranslational modifications associated with translocation into the ER. Preproteins that accumulate at the sec61 block sediment with the particulate fraction, but are exposed to the cytosol as judged by sensitivity to proteinase K. Thus, the sec61 mutation defines a gene that is required for an early cytoplasmic or ER membrane-associated step in protein translocation.  相似文献   

The dorsoventral pattern of the Drosophila embryo is mediated by a gradient of nuclear localization of the dorsal protein which acts as a morphogen. Establishment of the nuclear concentration gradient of dorsal protein requires the activities of the 10 maternal 'dorsal group' genes whose function results in the positive regulation of the nuclear uptake of the dorsal protein. Here we show that in contrast to the dorsal group genes, the maternal gene cactus acts as a negative regulator of the nuclear localization of the dorsal protein. While loss of function mutations of any of the dorsal group genes lead to dorsalized embryos, loss of cactus function results in a ventralization of the body pattern. Progressive loss of maternal cactus activity causes progressive loss of dorsal pattern elements accompanied by the expansion of ventrolateral and ventral anlagen. However, embryos still retain dorsoventral polarity, even if derived from germline clones using the strongest available, zygotic lethal cactus alleles. In contrast to the loss-of-function alleles, gain-of-function alleles of cactus cause a dorsalization of the embryonic pattern. Genetic studies indicate that they are not overproducers of normal activity, but rather synthesize products with altered function. Epistatic relationships of cactus with dorsal group genes were investigated by double mutant analysis. The dorsalized phenotype of the dorsal mutation is unchanged upon loss of cactus activity. This result implies that cactus acts via dorsal and has no independent morphogen function. In all other dorsal group mutant backgrounds, reduction of cactus function leads to embryos that express ventrolateral pattern elements and have increased nuclear uptake of the dorsal protein at all positions along the dorsoventral axis. Thus, the cactus gene product can prevent nuclear transport of dorsal protein in the absence of function of the dorsal group genes. Genetic and cytoplasmic transplantation studies suggest that the cactus product is evenly distributed along the dorsoventral axis. Thus the inhibitory function that cactus product exerts on the nuclear transport of the dorsal protein appears to be antagonized on the ventral side. We discuss models of how the action of the dorsal group genes might counteract the cactus function ventrally.  相似文献   

The effects of ZK 191703 (ZK), a pure antiestrogen, on ovulation, follicle development and peripheral hormone levels were investigated in rats with 4-day estrus cycle and gonadotropin-primed immature rats in comparison to tamoxifen (TAM)-treatment. In adult rats, a single s.c. injection of ZK (5 mg/kg) or TAM (5 mg/kg) at an early stage of the estrus cycle (diestrus 9:00) inhibited ovulation, and was associated with suppression of the surge of preovulatory LH, FSH and progesterone. In rats treated with ZK or TAM at a late stage of the estrus cycle (proestrus 9:00), no inhibitory effects on ovulation, the gonadotropin and progesterone surge were detected. ZK treatment at diestrus 9:00, in contrast to TAM, increased the baseline LH level. When immature rats were treated with antiestrogens in the earlier stage of follicular development, 6 and 30 h but not 48 h or later after injection of gonadotropin (PMSG), ovulation was attenuated, associated with a lowered progesterone level. Unruptured preovulatory follicles were found in most of the ovaries from anovulatory animals treated with ZK or TAM. Antiestrogens, ZK and TAM administered at an early phase of the estrus cycle delay the follicular development functionally and inhibit ovulation in rats and suppression of the preovulatory progesterone surge.  相似文献   

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