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This study demonstrates conclusively that tissues of the sponge Tethya aurantia contain significant creatine kinase (CK) activity. This CK was purified and analyzed with respect to a number of physico-chemical properties. Size exclusion chromatography and denaturing gel electrophoresis analyses showed that this enzyme is dimeric. The sequences of several Lys-C endoproteinase peptides from Tethya CK are consistent with this enzyme being a member of the phosphagen kinase family and a true CK. CK in higher organisms exists in a variety of quaternary structure forms--dimer, octamer and large monomer consisting of a three contiguous CK domains. The present results indicate that CK evolved very early in metazoan evolution and that the dimeric structure preceded other subunit association forms.  相似文献   

Initiation of glucose polymerization by glycogenin autoglucosylation at Tyr-194 is required to prime de novo biosynthesis of glycogen. It has been proposed that the synthesis of the primer proceeds by intersubunit glucosylation of dimeric glycogenin, even though it has not been demonstrated that this mechanism is responsible for the described polymerization extent of 12 glucoses produced by the dimer. We reported previously the intramonomer glucosylation capability of glycogenin without determining the extent of autoglucopolymerization. Here, we show that the maximum specific autoglucosylation extent (MSAE) produced by the non-glucosylated glycogenin monomer is 13.3 ± 1.9 glucose units, similar to the 12.5 ± 1.4 glucose units measured for the dimer. The mechanism and capacity of the dimeric enzyme to carry out full glucopolymerization were also evaluated by construction of heterodimers able to glucosylate exclusively by intrasubunit or intersubunit reaction mechanisms. The MSAE of non-glucosylated glycogenin produced by dimer intrasubunit glucosylation was 16% of that produced by the monomer. However, partially glucosylated glycogenin was able to almost complete its autoglucosylation by the dimer intrasubunit mechanism. The MSAE produced by heterodimer intersubunit glucosylation was 60% of that produced by the wild-type dimer. We conclude that both intrasubunit and intersubunit reaction mechanisms are necessary for the dimeric enzyme to acquire maximum autoglucosylation. The full glucopolymerization capacity of monomeric glycogenin indicates that the enzyme is able to synthesize the glycogen primer without the need for prior dimerization.  相似文献   

Thermal unfolding of monomeric and dimeric beta-lactoglobulins.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal stabilities of dimeric bovine beta-lactoglobulin and monomeric equine beta-lactoglobulin were investigated at neutral pH by means of differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism, tryptophan fluorescence, and by binding of an hydrophobic probe. Differential scanning calorimetry showed the presence of two structural domains with different thermal stabilities in both proteins. Thermodynamic analysis of the calorimetric signal revealed that the two domains unfold independently according to a mechanism where an equilibrium step is followed by an irreversible transition. The spectroscopic data supported this model and allowed recognition of the structural regions corresponding to the more thermally stable domain. The differences in thermal stability between the two proteins can be primarily ascribed to the properties of the less stable domain.  相似文献   

At present, human genes and human lives are incongruent, especially in affluent Western nations. When our current genome was originally selected, daily physical exertion was obligatory; our biochemistry and physiology are designed to function optimally in such circumstances. However, today's mechanized, technologically oriented conditions allow and even promote an unprecedentedly sedentary lifestyle. Many important health problems are affected by this imbalance, including atherosclerosis, obesity, age-related fractures and diabetes, among others. Most physicians recognize that regular exercise is a critical component of effective health promotion regimens, but there is substantial disagreement about details, most importantly volume: how much daily caloric expenditure, as physical activity, is desirable. Because epidemiology-based recommendations vary, often confusing and alienating the health-conscious public, an independent estimate, arising from a separate scientific discipline, is desirable, at least for purposes of triangulation. The retrojected level of ancestral physical activity might meet this need. The best available such reconstruction suggests that the World Health Organization's recommendation, a physical activity level of 1.75 ( approximately 2.1 MJ (490 kcal)/d), most closely approximates the Paleolithic standard, that for which our genetic makeup was originally selected.  相似文献   

Tanaka K  Suzuki T 《FEBS letters》2004,573(1-3):78-82
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the mechanisms of guanidine substrate specificity in phosphagen kinases, including creatine kinase (CK), glycocyamine kinase (GK), lombricine kinase (LK), taurocyamine kinase (TK) and arginine kinase (AK). Among these enzymes, LK is unique in that it shows considerable enzyme activity for taurocyamine in addition to its original target substrate, lombricine. We earlier proposed several candidate amino acids associated with guanidine substrate recognition. Here, we focus on amino-acid residue 95, which is strictly conserved in phosphagen kinases: Arg in CK, Ile in GK, Lys in LK and Tyr in AK. This residue is not directly associated with substrate binding in CK and AK crystal structures, but it is located close to the binding site of the guanidine substrate. We replaced amino acid 95 Lys in LK isolated from earthworm Eisenia foetida with two amino acids, Arg or Tyr, expressed the modified enzymes in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with maltose-binding protein, and determined the kinetic parameters. The K95R mutant enzyme showed a stronger affinity for both lombricine (Km=0.74 mM and kcat/Km=19.34 s(-1) mM(-1)) and taurocyamine (Km=2.67 and kcat/Km=2.81), compared with those of the wild-type enzyme (Km=5.33 and kcat/Km=3.37 for lombricine, and Km=15.31 and kcat/ Km=0.48for taurocyamine). Enzyme activity of the other mutant, K95Y, was dramatically altered. The affinity for taurocyamine (Km=1.93 and kcat/Km=6.41) was enhanced remarkably and that for lombricine (Km=14.2 and kcat/Km=0.72) was largely decreased, indicating that this mutant functions as a taurocyamine kinase. This mutant also had a lower but significant enzyme activity for the substrate arginine (Km=33.28 and kcat/Km=0.01). These results suggest that Eisenia LK is an inherently flexible enzyme and that substrate specificity is strongly controlled by the amino-acid residue at position 95.  相似文献   

Transport of precursor proteins across chloroplast membranes involves the GTPases Toc33/34 and Toc159 at the outer chloroplast envelope. The small GTPase Toc33/34 can homodimerize, but the regulation of this interaction has remained elusive. We show that dimerization is independent of nucleotide loading state, based on crystal structures of dimeric Pisum sativum Toc34 and monomeric Arabidopsis thaliana Toc33. An arginine residue is--in the dimer--positioned to resemble a GAP arginine finger. However, GTPase activation by dimerization is sparse and active site features do not explain catalysis, suggesting that the homodimer requires an additional factor as coGAP. Access to the catalytic center and an unusual switch I movement in the dimeric structure support this finding. Potential binding sites for interactions within the Toc translocon or with precursor proteins can be derived from the structures.  相似文献   

Kinesin molecules are motor proteins capable of moving along microtubule by hydrolyzing ATP. They generally have several forms of construct. This review focuses on two of the most studied forms: monomers such as KIF1A (kinesin-3 family) and dimers such as conventional kinesin (kinesin-1 family), both of which can move processively towards the microtubule plus end. There now exist numerous models that try to explain how the kinesin molecules convert the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis into the mechanical energy to "power" their processive movement along microtubule. Here, we attempt to present a comprehensive review of these models. We further propose a new hybrid model for the dimeric kinesin by combining the existing models and provide a framework for future studies in this subject.  相似文献   

Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies have several advantages over small molecule drugs and small proteins and peptides, including a long serum half-life. The long serum half-life of IgG is due, in part, to its molecular weight (150kDa) and its ability to bind FcRn. Both the CH2 and CH3 domains of Fc are involved in FcRn binding. Antibody fragments and antibody-like scaffolds have improved penetration into tissues due to their small size, yet suffer from a short serum half-life of less than one hour. The human CH2 domain (CH2D) of IgG1 retains a portion of the FcRn binding site, is amenable to modification for target binding, and may represent the smallest antibody-like scaffold retaining a relatively long serum half-life. Here we describe the generation of a dimeric CH2D (dCH2D) and determination of its pharmacokinetics (PK), as well as the PK of wild-type monomeric CH2D (mCH2D) and a short stabilized CH2D variant (ssCH2D) in normal B6 mice, human FcRn transgenic mice and cynomolgus macaques. The elimination half-life of dCH2D was 9.9, 10.4 and 11.2 hours, and that of ssCH2D was 13.1, 9.9 and 11.4 hours, in B6 mice, hFcRn mice and cynomolgus macaques, respectively. These half-lives were slightly longer than that of mCH2D (6.9 and 8.8 hours) in B6 and hFcRn mice, respectively. These data demonstrate that engineered CH2D-based variants have relatively long serum half-lives, making them a unique scaffold suitable for development of targeted therapeutics.  相似文献   

We disassembled monomeric and dimeric yeast ATP synthase under mild conditions to identify labile proteins and transiently stable subcomplexes that had not been observed before. Specific removal of subunits alpha, beta, oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (OSCP), and h disrupted the ATP synthase at the gamma-alpha(3)beta(3) rotor-stator interface. Loss of two F(1)-parts from dimeric ATP synthase led to the isolation of a dimeric subcomplex containing membrane and peripheral stalk proteins thus identifying the membrane/peripheral stalk sectors immediately as the dimerizing parts of ATP synthase. Almost all subunit a was found associated with a ring of 10 c-subunits in two-dimensional blue native/SDS gels. We therefore postulate that c10a1-complex is a stable structure in resting ATP synthase until the entry of protons induces a breaking of interactions and stepwise rotation of the c-ring relative to the a-subunit in the catalytic mechanism. Dimeric subunit a was identified in SDS gels in association with two c10-rings suggesting that a c10a2c10-complex may constitute an important part of the monomer-monomer interface in dimeric ATP synthase that seems to be further tightened by subunits b, i, e, g, and h. In contrast to the monomer-monomer interface, the interface between dimers in higher oligomeric structures remains largely unknown. However, we could show that the natural inhibitor protein Inh1 is not required for oligomerization.  相似文献   

Lipoamide dehydrogenase from pig heart exists in monomer-dimer equilibrium. The effect of the state of subunit aggregation on the multifunctionality of lipoamide dehydrogenase was investigated by the use of chemically trapped monomeric and dimeric enzymes. Reductive carboxymethylation with 2-mercaptoethanol-iodoacetate yields the stable monomeric enzyme which has been isolated for structural and kinetic studies. The chemically induced monomerization is accompanied by conformational changes resulting in an increased mobility of flavin-adenine dinucleotide. The chemically trapped monomer shows an enhanced diaphorase activity, a reduced electron transferase activity, and a complete loss in dehydrogenase as well as transhydrogenase activities. The enhanced diaphorase activity is associated with increased catalytic efficiencies and the reversal of an inhibitory NADH effect at high concentrations. Treatment of lipoamide dehydrogenase with dimethyl suberimidate gives amidinated samples containing crosslinked dimer. The crosslinked enzyme exhibits a higher dehydrogenase catalytic efficiency than the noncrosslinked enzyme with different kinetic mechanisms without significantly affecting the kinetic parameters of diaphorase reaction. Although the dimeric structure is intimately associated with the dehydrogenase activity, it does not preclude the diaphorase activity. An altered flavin-adenine dinucleotide environment accompanying monomerization is likely responsible for the enhanced diaphorase activity.  相似文献   

Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies have several advantages over small molecule drugs and small proteins and peptides, including a long serum half-life. The long serum half-life of IgG is due, in part, to its molecular weight (150kDa) and its ability to bind FcRn. Both the CH2 and CH3 domains of Fc are involved in FcRn binding. Antibody fragments and antibody-like scaffolds have improved penetration into tissues due to their small size, yet suffer from a short serum half-life of less than one hour. The human CH2 domain (CH2D) of IgG1 retains a portion of the FcRn binding site, is amenable to modification for target binding, and may represent the smallest antibody-like scaffold retaining a relatively long serum half-life. Here we describe the generation of a dimeric CH2D (dCH2D) and determination of its pharmacokinetics (PK), as well as the PK of wild-type monomeric CH2D (mCH2D) and a short stabilized CH2D variant (ssCH2D) in normal B6 mice, human FcRn transgenic mice and cynomolgus macaques. The elimination half-life of dCH2D was 9.9, 10.4 and 11.2 hours, and that of ssCH2D was 13.1, 9.9 and 11.4 hours, in B6 mice, hFcRn mice and cynomolgus macaques, respectively. These half-lives were slightly longer than that of mCH2D (6.9 and 8.8 hours) in B6 and hFcRn mice, respectively. These data demonstrate that engineered CH2D-based variants have relatively long serum half-lives, making them a unique scaffold suitable for development of targeted therapeutics.  相似文献   

J N Myers  D Holowka  B Baird 《Biochemistry》1992,31(2):567-575
Erythrosin 5'-thiosemicarbazide labeled immunoglobulin E (IgE) was used to monitor the rotational dynamics of monomeric and dimeric Fc epsilon RI receptors for IgE on rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells using time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy. Receptors were studied both on living RBL cells and on membrane vesicles derived from RBL cell plasma membrane. The un-cross-linked IgE-receptor complexes on cells and vesicles exhibit rotational correlation times that are consistent with those expected for freely rotating monomers, but a small fraction of these complexes on cells may be rotationally immobile. A comparison of the initial phosphorescence anisotropy values for erythrosin-labeled IgE-receptor complexes on cells and vesicles reveals a fast component of rotational motion that is greater on the vesicles and may be due to a site of segmental flexibility in the receptor itself. Dimers of IgE-receptor complexes formed with anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies appear to be largely immobile on cells, but they are mobile on vesicles with a 2-fold larger rotational correlation time than the monomeric complexes. The results suggest that dimeric IgE-receptor complexes undergo interactions with other membrane components on intact cells that do not occur on the membrane vesicles. The possible significance of these interactions to receptor function is discussed.  相似文献   

A series of molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate the nature of monomeric and dimeric insulin in aqueous solution. It is shown that in the absence of crystal contacts both monomeric and dimeric insulin have a high degree of intrinsic flexibility. Neither of the two monomer conformations of 2Zn crystalline insulin appears to be favored in solution nor is the asymmetry of the crystal dimer reduced in the absence of crystal contacts. A shift is observed in the relative positions of molecules 1 and 2 in the dimer compared with that found in the crystal, which may have consequences for the prediction of the effects of mutants in the monomer-monomer interface designed to alter the self-association properties of insulin.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations (5-10ns in length) and normal mode analyses were performed for the monomer and dimer of native porcine insulin in aqueous solution; both starting structures were obtained from an insulin hexamer. Several simulations were done to confirm that the results obtained are meaningful. The insulin dimer is very stable during the simulation and remains very close to the starting X-ray structure; the RMS fluctuations calculated from the MD simulation agree with the experimental B-factors. Correlated motions were found within each of the two monomers; they can be explained by persistent non-bonded interactions and disulfide bridges. The correlated motions between residues B24 and B26 of the two monomers are due to non-bonded interactions between the side-chains and backbone atoms. For the isolated monomer in solution, the A chain and the helix of the B chain are found to be stable during 5ns and 10ns MD simulations. However, the N-terminal and the C-terminal parts of the B chain are very flexible. The C-terminal part of the B chain moves away from the X-ray conformation after 0.5-2.5ns and exposes the N-terminal residues of the A chain that are thought to be important for the binding of insulin to its receptor. Our results thus support the hypothesis that, when monomeric insulin is released from the hexamer (or the dimer in our study), the C-terminal end of the monomer (residues B25-B30) is rearranged to allow binding to the insulin receptor. The greater flexibility of the C-terminal part of the beta chain in the B24 (Phe-->Gly) mutant is in accord with the NMR results. The details of the backbone and side-chain motions are presented. The transition between the starting conformation and the more dynamic structure of the monomers is characterized by displacements of the backbone of Phe B25 and Tyr B26; of these, Phe B25 has been implicated in insulin activation.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay for hog kidney renin-binding protein (RnBP) was developed. Using this assay method, we investigated the properties of hog kidney RnBP. The lower limit of detection was 24 fmol RnBP. The molecular weight of RnBP in hog kidney extract, as well as the purified RnBP, was estimated to be 65,000 by gel filtration on Ultrogel AcA 44. When the purified RnBP was treated with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) or 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), the molecular weight was reduced to 38,000. DTNB-treated RnBP was reconverted to the 65,000-dalton species with dithiothreitol. Cross-linked high molecular weight species of RnBP were produced by the reaction of native RnBP with dimethyl suberimidate, but formation of such species was much less with NEM-treated RnBP. These results suggest that the native RnBP exists as a dimeric form and dissociates to a monomeric form by sulfhydryl-alkylating or -oxidizing reagent. It was shown from analysis of amino acid composition of S-carboxymethylated RnBP and titration of sulfhydryl groups of native and NEM-treated RnBP with DTNB that native RnBP contained twelve cysteine residues and that three cysteine residues were alkylated by NEM under the conditions employed.  相似文献   

CD83 is a dimer: Comparative analysis of monomeric and dimeric isoforms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recently, we reported that soluble CD83 has a strong immunosuppressive activity in vitro as well as in vivo. Sequence alignment of CD83 between different species revealed the presence of five cysteines in the extracellular Ig-domain of the protein. This opens up the possibility that four cysteines are involved in the formation of two intramolecular disulfide bonds and a possible involvement of the remaining fifth cysteine in the formation of an intermolecular covalent disulfide bond, leading to the dimerization of the extracellular protein domains. Using recombinant mutational analyses, where the fifth cytosine at amino acid position 129 was mutated to a serine, we could prove that the fifth cysteine residue was indeed necessary for the dimerization. Functional analyses revealed that the mutant protein inhibited almost completely the upregulation of CD83-expression during DC maturation. Furthermore, the functional activity of the mutant protein was investigated using MLR assays and we could show that the mutant soluble CD83 protein inhibited DC-mediated allogeneic T-cell stimulation in vitro.  相似文献   

Lombricine kinase is a member of the phosphagen kinase family and a homolog of creatine and arginine kinases, enzymes responsible for buffering cellular ATP levels. Structures of lombricine kinase from the marine worm Urechis caupo were determined by x-ray crystallography. One form was crystallized as a nucleotide complex, and the other was substrate-free. The two structures are similar to each other and more similar to the substrate-free forms of homologs than to the substrate-bound forms of the other phosphagen kinases. Active site specificity loop 309-317, which is disordered in substrate-free structures of homologs and is known from the NMR of arginine kinase to be inherently dynamic, is resolved in both lombricine kinase structures, providing an improved basis for understanding the loop dynamics. Phosphagen kinases undergo a segmented closing on substrate binding, but the lombricine kinase ADP complex is in the open form more typical of substrate-free homologs. Through a comparison with prior complexes of intermediate structure, a correlation was revealed between the overall enzyme conformation and the substrate interactions of His(178). Comparative modeling provides a rationale for the more relaxed specificity of these kinases, of which the natural substrates are among the largest of the phosphagen substrates.  相似文献   

Camelid single domain antibodies (sdAb) are known for their thermal stability and reversible refolding. We have characterized an unusually stable sdAb recognizing Staphylococcal enterotoxin B with one of the highest reported melting temperatures (Tm = 85°C). Unexpectedly, ~10?20% of the protein formed a dimer in solution. Three other cases where <20% of the sdAb dimerized have been reported; however, this is the first report of both the monomeric and dimeric X‐ray crystal structures. Concentration of the monomer did not lead to the formation of new dimer suggesting a stable conformationally distinct species in a fraction of the cytoplasmically expressed protein. Comparison of periplasmic and cytoplasmic expression showed that the dimer was associated with cytoplasmic expression. The disulfide bond was partially reduced in the WT protein purified from the cytoplasm and the protein irreversibly unfolded. Periplasmic expression produced monomeric protein with a fully formed disulfide bond and mostly reversible refolding. Crystallization of a disulfide‐bond free variant, C22A/C99V, purified from the periplasm yielded a structure of a monomeric form, while crystallization of C22A/C99V from the cytoplasm produced an asymmetric dimer. In the dimer, a significant conformational asymmetry was found in the loop residues of the edge β‐strands (S50‐Y60) containing the highly variable complementarity determining region, CDR2. Two dimeric assemblies were predicted from the crystal packing. Mutation of a residue at one of the interfaces, Y98A, disrupted the dimer in solution. The pleomorphic homodimer may yield insight into the stability of misfolded states and the importance of the conserved disulfide bond in preventing their formation. Proteins 2014; 82:3101–3116. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Structural modification of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) based on photochemical transformation yielded dimeric ecdysteroid 7alphaH,7'alphaH-bis-[(20R,22R)-2beta,3beta,20,22,25-pentahydroxy-5beta-cholest-8(14)-en-6-one-7-yl] as a main product. Its structure was determined by detailed NMR analysis. Furthermore, two new monomeric analogues: 14-epi-20-hydroxyecdysone and 14-deoxy-14,18-cyclo-20-hydroxyecdysone were identified in addition to the earlier described 14-deoxy and 14-hydroperoxy derivatives of 20E. Formation of the specific and so far unique ecdysteroid dimer has not been observed in earlier photo-transformation studies. The transformed dimeric analogue of 20-hydroxyecdysone retained the high agonistic activity on the ecdysone receptor in the B(II)-bioassay compared with the original 20E.  相似文献   

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