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Nine species of Lecythidaceae subfamily Lecythidoideae in four genera whose chromosome numbers were previously unknown, have 17 as their basic chromosome number:Eschweilera pittieri, three other unidentified species ofEschweilera, Grias cauliflora, Gustavia dubia, G. superba, Lecythis minor, andL. tuyrana. All are diploid exceptGustavia superba, which is tetraploid.Couroupita guianensis, which was previously—and probably incorrectly—reported to have a gametic chromosome number of 18, also hasn = 17. The known chromosome numbers support recognizing at least three of Niedenzu’s subfamilies: Planchonioideae withx = 13, Napoleonaeoideae withx = 16, and Lecythidoideae withx = 17. His fourth subfamily, Foetidioideae, with one genus of five species, has not been counted. Cytological data have been and probably will be useful in indicating to what subfamily problematic genera belong and in showing interesting phytogeographic patterns within the family. On the other hand, cytological data provide no recognizable clues relating the Lecythidaceae to other families.  相似文献   

New or confirmatory chromosome counts for 16 taxa ofHypericum in Britain, one of northwest Africa, and 24 of North and Central America are reported. First records for any member of the genusVisma (n = 10) are also included. The counts are discussed with respect to those previously reported forHypericum and related genera. Some of this chromosomal information is incorporated in a diagram showing suggested evolutionary trends withinHypericum. There appears to be a descending series of basic numbers (x = 12, 10, 9, 8, 7), of which all but the last have been recorded in polyploid, as well as diploid, form. Observations of chromosome morphology suggest thatHypericum is cytologically relatively unspecialized. Studies of chromosome morphology, therefore, are not likely to yield much information about the evolutionary history of the genus. It is suggested that the basic number forAllanblackia andPentadesma is 7 or 14, whereas inCalophyllum andMesua it is probably 8 or 16. Known gametic chromosome numbers inMammea (n = 16, 18) andGarcinia (n = 24, ca. 27, ca. 29, ca. 38, ca. 40, and 48) do not indicate an obvious basic number for these genera, although x = 8, 9, and 16 might be involved. Ring-formation of theOenothera-type, possibly indicative of structural hybridity, is reported for the first time inHypericum mitchellianum Rydb., a close relative ofHypericum punctatum Lam., which was previously shown to possess this anomalous chromo some condition.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers in the Annonaceae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The chromosome numbers of the five European seagrasses have been determined in material from several sites along the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Mediterranean:Zostera marina L., 2n = 12;Z. noltii Hornem., 2n = 12;Posidonia oceanica (L.)Delile, 2n = 20;Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria)Aschers., 2n = 14, 2n = 28;Halophila stipulacea (Forsk.)Aschers., 2n = 18. The difference in chromosome morphology betweenZ. marina andZ. noltii supports the division of the genus into two subgenera.  相似文献   

 Somatic chromosome numbers of 2n = 24 are reported for all three species of Australian Zostera: Z. capricorni Aschers., Z. muelleri Irmisch ex Aschers. and Z. mucronata den Hartog and 2n = 36 for Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog. All Australian zosteroidean species apparently have similar chromosome morphology: dot-like or rod shaped. It is suggested that the chromosome number and its morphology can be used to distinguish genera and subgenera in the Zosteraceae but not for species identification, and that speciation is not accompanied by changes of chromosome numbers. Received December 1, 1999 Accepted September 6, 2000  相似文献   

The somatic chromosome numbers of the eleven Australian seagrass species belonging to five genera in the Family Cymodoceaceae were determined. The chromosome numbers in Amphibolis and Thalassodendron are reported for the first time. Cymodocea and Halodule species have the following chromosome numbers: Cymodocea angustata Ostenf., 2n = 14, 28; C. rotundata Ehrenb. & Hempr. ex Asch., 2n = 14; C. serrulata (R. Br.) Asch. & Magnus, 2n = 14, 28; Halodule pinifolia (Miki) den Hartog, 2n = 32; H. uninervis (Forsk.) Asch., 2n = 32; H. tridentata (Steinh.) Endl. ex Unger, 2n = 14. Halodule has the highest chromosome numbers among the seagrasses and they are the largest in sizes with a distinct bimodal type in the family. Syringodium isoetifolium (Asch.) Dandy has 2n = 20. Both endemic Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sonder ex Asch. and A. griffithii (J. Black) den Hartog have 2n = ca. 36 and have the smallest chromosomes in the family appearing as small dots. Thalassodendron pachyrhizum den Hartog has 2n = 28. Chromosome numbers appear to be identical or closely related among different species in the same genus but they vary in the five genera in the Cymodoceaceae suggesting that these five genera may have evolved independently in the past.  相似文献   

A chromosome number ofn=12 is reported for the three monotypic genera of subtribe Castillejinae:Clevelandia beldingii, Gentrya racemosa, andOpicopephalus angustifolius. Chromosome numbers ofOrthocarpus correspond mostly with current infrageneric classification. SubgenusTriphysaria hasn=11.Orthocarpus sectionsCastillejoides andCordylanthoides, which are closely related toCastilleja (x=12) and the three monotypic genera above, haven=12 with aneuploid reductions ton=10 inO. linearilobus andn=11 inO. lacerus (a species also withn=12). Tetraploids are found in two species.O. brevistylus (n=24) andO. hispidus (n=12, 24). The polyploid.O. laciniatus (n=36, 48) of Peru is postulated to be of hybrid origin between a species ofCastilleja andOrthocarpus attenuatus. SubgenusOrthocarpus sectionOrthocarpus, which hasn=14 in all species except.O. bracteosus (n=15), stands apart both morphologically and in chromosome number from the remainder of the genus.  相似文献   

FEINBRUN N 《Genetica》1958,29(3-4):172-192

Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of species of Orobanche, Cistanche, and Diphelypaea (Orobanchaceae) were investigated, and 108 chromosome counts of 53 taxa, 19 counted for the first time, are presented with a thorough compilation of previously published data. Additionally, karyotypes of representatives of these genera, including Orobanche sects. Orobanche and Trionychon, are reported. Cistanche (x = 20) has large meta- to submetacentric chromosomes, while those of Diphelypaea (x = 19) are medium-sized submeta- to acrocentrics. Within three analyzed sections of Orobanche, sects. Myzorrhiza (x = 24) and Trionychon (x = 12) possess medium-sized submeta- to acrocentrics, while sect. Orobanche (x = 19) has small, mostly meta- to submetacentric, chromosomes. Polyploidy is unevenly distributed in Orobanche and restricted to a few lineages, e.g., O. sect. Myzorrhiza or Orobanche gracilis and its relatives (sect. Orobanche). The distribution of basic chromosome numbers supports the groups found by molecular phylogenetic analyses: Cistanche has x = 20, the Orobanche-group (Orobanche sect. Orobanche, Diphelypaea) has x = 19, and the Phelipanche-group (Orobanche sects. Gymnocaulis, Myzorrhiza, Trionychon) has x = 12, 24. A model of chromosome number evolution in Orobanche and related genera is presented: from two ancestral base numbers, x(h) = 5 and x(h) = 6, independent polyploidizations led to x = 20 (Cistanche) and (after dysploidization) x = 19 (Orobanche-group) and to x = 12 and x = 24 (Phelipanche-group), respectively.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers for 14 taxa of indigenous Thai Rubiaceae are presented. They include first counts for 3 genera: Aphaenandra (A. uniflora), Prismatomeris (P. tetrandra subsp. malayana) and Tarennoidea (T. wallichii) ; all show diploidy on x=11. The remaining counts are first counts for species: Argostemma diversifolium, A. neurocalyx and A. pictum, Coptosapelta flavenscens, Gardenia saxtilis, Ixora sp., Morinda sp., Mussaenda sanderiana, Oxyceros horridus, Rothmannia wittii (first count for an Asiatic species of the genus) (all diploid on x=11), and Canthium sp. (tetraploid on x=11). The poor state of karyological knowledge of indigenous Thai Rubiaceae is discussed, and a table including all relevant known chromosome counts is presented. Chromosome data are only known for 38 genera (ca. 41% of all Rubiaceae genera occurring in Thailand); chromosome numbers are often only available for one or few taxa of each genus [in sum, for only about 50 (or for roughly 10% of all) taxa]. Of only 14 genera (ca. 15%), chromosomes were counted from Thai material (for the others, counts originate from elsewhere, i.e. refer to more widely distributed taxa also extending into Thailand).  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 34 species of Dominican Compositae in 26 genera and nine tribes are reported. First counts are given forCoreopsis buchii (2n = 64),Lagascea mollis (2n = 34),Spilanthes urens (n = 16),Liabum subacaule (n = 18),Eupatorium sciatraphes (2n = 40),Hieracium gronovii (2n = 18),Vernonia buxifolia (2n = 34),V. sprengeliana (2n = 34),V. racemosa (2n = 28), andChaptalia leiocarpa (2n = 48,ca. 58). Our report forNarvalina domingensis (2n = 120) is the first for any species of this genus.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts for 783 collection ofCalamagrostis in Japan are reported. These include the first record forC. tashiroi and the reports of new cytotypes inC. stricta, C. hakonensis andC. longiseta. The geographical distribution of different cytotypes ofC. langsdorffii andC. hakonensis is outlined. Counts are also reported for a number of “intermediates” which are supposed to be interspecific hybrids or hybrid derivatives. A summary of chromosome counts for JapaneseCalamagrostis so far recorded is tabulated. No diploid plants with 2n=14 chromosomes are found. The tetraploid taxa, which are plentiful and seem to have adaptively radiated in Japan, jack any sign suggestive of their recent origin from the diploids. It is suggested that plant with 2n=28 (4X in the traditional sense) may be regarded as semidiploid and having that behavior, and that speciation ofCalamagrostis in Japan has occurred principally at this chromosome level. Speciation by means of amphiploidy may have been scarce. It is also suggested that hybridization and polyploidy have greatly contributed to the formation of complicated internal structure of various species.  相似文献   

The authors have for the time observed that somatic cell of Cathaya argyrophylla contains 24 chromosomes (2n=24) (plate I, 3). One pair of them are subtelocentric chromosomes and the rest are metacentric or submetacentric (Fig. 1). This shows that Cathaya is similar to most of genera in Pinaceae in chromosome numbers, but different from Pseutotsuga (2n-26). It seems that Cathaya is not closely related to Pseudot-suga, although its wood anatomy is very similar to that of Pseudotsuga.  相似文献   

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