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Oysters were collected from coastal locations in China from 1999-2006 for parasite analyses by molecular, culture, and histological techniques. Polymerase chain reaction-based assays targeting the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal RNA gene complex were performed to detect the presence of Perkinsus species. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of amplified Perkinsus sp. DNAs indicated that a novel Perkinsus sp. infects Crassostrea hongkongensis, Crassostrea ariakensis, and other bivalve hosts from Fujian to Guangxi provinces in southern China. Prevalence of this Perkinsus sp. reaches as high as 60% in affected oyster populations. Analyses of nucleotide sequences of the rRNA ITS region and of large subunit rRNA and actin genes, consistently confirmed the genus affiliation of this Perkinsus sp., but distinguished it from currently accepted Perkinsus species. Parasite cell types, such as signet ring trophozoites of 2-8 microm diameter, were observed by histology, and application of both genus Perkinsus and Perkinsus species-specific in situ hybridization probes consistently labelled the same Perkinsus sp. cells in histological sections from infected oyster tissues. Combined phylogenetic and histological results support the identity of a new parasite species, Perkinsus beihaiensis n. sp.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. During a 15-year survey (1956–1970) involving more than 12,000 lizards, the incidence and annual fluctuations of both Plasmodium floridense and Schellackia occidentalis are reported. The occurrence of P. floridense in Anolis carolinensis from the Mainland (Fargo, Georgia area) varied from 52% (1958) to 10% (1964) with an average of 35%, while in Sceloporus undulatus from the same area during the same period it varied from 10% (1969) to 2% (1964) with an average of about 5%. The occurrence of Schellackia and Plasmodium in both Anolis and Sceloporus from Cumberland Island, and Schellackia from Anolis from 2 other Coastal Islands (Sapelo, 2% and Seahorse, 30%) are reported for the first time. On Cumberland, the only Georgia island thus far studied, where both Anolis and Sceloporus are found together, 16% of Anolis and 13% of Sceloporus had sporozoites of Schellackia sp. in the blood, while 11% of Sceloporus and 21% of Anolis harbored P. floridense.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS A new species of the family Colpodidae, genus Colpoda O. F. Müller, Colpoda spiralis sp. n. is described. This organism has been found only in treehole fluid. Its species status is based on the possession of a unique and prominent preoral protuberance, multimicronuclearity, and the preference for a treehole habitat. Its range is known to include the tri-state area of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, and the mixed-deciduous forests of Maryland. This species prefers treehole fluids with a pH > 7 and is naturally limited to tree species which possess these alkaline treeholes. It encysts as a treehole dries and excysts when the treehole is again filled by fluids from the tree, or rainwater.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Parauronema virginianum n. g., n. sp., a marine hymenostome ciliate is described from the Virginia coast. Structural studies were made on specimens treated with the Chatton-Lwoff silver impregnation technic and on animals observed with the phase microscope. Particular attention was given to the buccal ciliature and its importance to generic assignment in the order Hymenostomatida.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Platyamoeba stenopodia n. g., n. sp., isolated from a lake in Alabama, is an amoeba with flattened form, usually more than 2.5 × as long as broad, the anterior half hyaline and the posterior half granular, with a single vesiculate nucleus at the posterior edge of the hyaline region. It forms a transitory floating stage with slender, hyaline pseudopods. Its cyst is spherical, uninucleate, with a smooth inner wall and a thinner, closely applied outer wall, which is often slightly wrinkled. Length of locomotive amoeba 15–36 μ diameter of cyst 7–11.5 μ Reproduction by binary fission with mesomitotic nuclear division, the nuclear membrane disappearing in prophase. The genus Platyamoeba is erected for amoebae including this organism; the type species is P. placida.  相似文献   

The free-living nematodes Eumonhystera borealis n. sp., Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp., and S. gracilis de Man 1876 from Bothnian Bay in the northern Baltic Sea are described and illustrated. Eumonhystera borealis n. sp. differs from other species by its small body size (314-393 μm), narrow body (a = 37-49), and large anterior amphids. In Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp. the amphids are posterior to the buccal cavity, and it differs from other similar species by having two sclerotized rings in the posterior part of the buccal cavity. An intersex is reported for S. gracilis. Sphaerolaimus gracilis is cannibalistic or a predator of other species, with a preference for E. borealis n. sp. Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp. coexists with S. gracilis at depths of 80 m but not at 12 m.  相似文献   

On the basis of a review of the approximately 4300 species of apicomplexan protozoa, the following new species, new names, new combinations, and emendations are given: NEW GENUS, Erhardovina; NEW SPECIES, Ascogregarina polynesiensis, Eimeria golemanskii, Isospora tamariscini; NEW NAME, Gregarina kazumii; NEW COMBINATIONS, Ascogregarina brachyceri (Purrini, 1980), Erhardovina euzeti (Lipa, 1981), E. scutovertexi (Erhardová, 1955), Haemorhormidium batrachi (Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983); EMENDATIONS, Selenidium francianum (Arvy, 1952) Tuzet & Ormières, 1965, Pyxinioides bolitoides D. P. Henry, 1938, P. japonicus H. Hoshide, 1951, P. kamenote H. Hoshide, 1951, P. kurofuji H. Hoshide, 1951, P. oshoroensis H. Hoshide, 1951, P. pugetensis D. P. Henry, 1938, Gregarina levinei Haldar & Sarkar, 1980, Retractocephalus halticae Haldar, Chakraborty & Kundu, 1982, Cnemidospora schizophylli Tuzet & Guerin, 1947, Grebneckiella indica (Merton, 1911) Watson, 1916, Quadruspinospora atractomorphae Haldar & Chakraborty, 1978, Haemogregarina acipenseri Nawrotzky, 1914, H. lobianci Yakimov & Kohl-Yakimov, 1912, H. yakimovikohlae Wladimiroff, 1910, Hepatozoon luehi (Sambon, 1909) Pessoa, Cavalheiro & de Souza, 1970, Eimeria beyerae Ovezmukhammedov, 1977, E. (?) gigantea (Labbé, 1896) Reichenow, 1921, E. (?) labbei Hardcastle, 1943, E. rufi Prasad, 1960, E. (?) scylii (Drago, 1902) Levine & Becker, 1933, Isospora corvi Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952, I. melopsittaci Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora & Agrawal, 1973, I. seicerci Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952, I. stomatici Chakravarty & Kar, 1944, I. triffitae Nukerbaeva & Svanbaev, 1973, Wenyonella mackinnonae Misra, 1947, Octosporella sanguinolentae Ovezmukhammedov, 1975, Lankesterella millani Alvarez Calvo, 1975, Sarcocystis woodhousei Dogel', 1916, Haemoproteus lari Yakunin, 1972, Babesia ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimoff & Shokhor, 1916), Theileria ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimov, 1916) Krylov, 1974, Haemohormidium batrachi (Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983).  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of coccidium is described: Eimeria urosauris n. sp., in the gall bladder of the lizard Urosaurus graciosus Hollowell, from the Mojave Desert in California. The oocyst of E. urosauris is smooth, bilaminar, nearly cylindrical, with long borders only slightly convex, ends rounded and very nearly hemispherical. It is usually 32 × 20 μ, and its length/width ratio is 1.6. It contains 4 ellipsoid sporocysts, each 10.5 × 9 μ, for which 1/w is 1.17. Each sporocyst contains 2 tapered bent sporozoites with rounded ends, 11 μ long, 4 μ in diameter at the larger end, and 1.5 μ in diameter at the smaller end. Each sporocyst also contains a central granular sporocyst residuum 3.5 μ in diameter. The oocyst lacks a micropyle and oocyst residuum, and there is no Stieda body on the sporocyst. Sporulation time is 6–10 hr. Endogenous development, with reinfection by liberated sporozoites, occurs in the epithelial lining of the gall bladder. E. urosauris is compared to other morphologically similar lacertilian eimerias with which it might be confused.  相似文献   

On the basis of a review of the approximately 4300 species of apicomplexan protozoa, the following new species, new names, new combinations, and emendations are given: NEW GENUS,Erhardovina; NEW SPECIES,Ascogregarina polynesiensis, Eimeria golemanskii, Isospora tamariscini; NEW NAME,Gregarina kazumii; NEW COMBINATIONS,Ascogregarina brachyceri (Purrini, 1980),Erhardovina euzeti (Lipa, 1981),E. scutovertexi (Erhardová, 1955),Haemorhormidium batrachi (Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983); EMENDATIONS,Selenidium francianum(Arvy, 1952) Tuzet & Ormières, 1965,Pyxinioides bolitoides D. P. Henry, 1938,P. japonicus H. Hoshide, 1951,P. kamenote H. Hoshide, 1951,P. kurofuji H. Hoshide, 1951,P. oshoroensis H. Hoshide, 1951,P. pugetensis D. P. Henry, 1938, Gregarina levinei Haldar & Sarkar, 1980,Retractocephalus halticae Haldar, Chakraborty & Kundu, 1982,Cnemidospora schizophylli Tuzet & Guerin, 1947,Grebneckiella indica (Merton, 1911) Watson, 1916,Quadruspinospora atractomorphae Haldar & Chakraborty, 1978,Haemogregarina acipenseri Nawrotzky, 1914,H. lobianci Yakimov & Kohl-Yakimov, 1912,H. yakimovikohlae Wladimiroff, 1910,Hepatozoon luehi (Sambon, 1909) Pessoa, Cavalheiro & de Souza, 1970,Eimeria beyerae Ovezmukhammedov, 1977, E. (?) gigantea (Labbé, 1896) Reichenow, 1921, E. (?) labbei Hardcastle, 1943, E. rufi Prasad, 1960, E. (?) scylii (Drago, 1902) Levine & Becker, 1933, Isospora corvi Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952,I. melopsittaci Bhatia, Chauhan, Arora & Agrawal, 1973, I. seicerci Ray, Shivnani, Oommen & Bhaskaran, 1952,I. stomatici Chakravarty & Kar, 1944,I. triffitae Nukerbaeva & Svanbaev, 1973,Wenyonella mackinnonae Misra, 1947,Octosporetla sanguinolentae Ovezmukhammedov, 1975,Lankesterella millani Alvarez Calvo, 1975,Sarcocystis woodhousei Dogel', 1916,Haemoproteus lari Yakunin, 1972, Babesia ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimoff & Shokhor, 1916),Theileria ninakohlyakimovae (Yakimov, 1916) Krylov, 1974,Haemohormidium batrachi(Chaudhuri & Choudhury, 1983).  相似文献   

Trypanosoma gerrhonoti n. sp. is described from southern alligator lizards Gerrhonotus multicarinatus of central California. It is the 2nd trypanosome species described from western North America. Extrinsic development of T. gerrhonoti and T. scelopori of western fence lizards was observed in phlebotomine sandflies Lutzomyia vexatrix occidentis, the probable natural vector. Both trypanosomes establish dense anterior midgut infections composed of long, thin epimastigotes.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Isospora peromysci n. sp., I. californica n. sp., and I. hastingsi n. sp. are described from 4 Peromyscus species in Monterey County, Central California. I. peromysci n. sp. was found in 35 of 1,346 Peromyscus , including P. californicus, P. truei , and P. maniculatus; I. californica n. sp. was found in 15 Peromyscus , including P. californicus, P. boylii, P. truei , and P. maniculatus ; and I. hastingsi n. sp. was found in one P. truei. Endogenous forms of I. peromysci n. sp. are described from P. maniculatus , and host distribution and incidence of all species are given.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The family Actiniscaceae Kützing, 1845, (generally placed in the dinoflagellates) includes species derived from Actiniscus pentasterias Schütt, some of which became lacustrine relicts. A. pentasterias v. arcticus. living in Arctic and Altantic waters, differs from the Mediterranean species in having a greater number of siliceous skeletons (pentasters). Advanced atrophy of pentasters in lacustrine A. canadensis , and absence of such structures in Pseudoactiniscus apentasterias , probably results from decreased salinity and an undetermined ecologic factor. Morphogenesis and physiologic transformation of past euryhaline Actiniscaceae into contemporary limnobionts began, presumably, during the prelimnic phase of Great Bear Lake and Keyhole Lake. Arctic Actiniscus which exist under subzero temperatures and endure 10-month-long winters, appear to satisfy their energy requirements by heterotrophy and frequent phagocytosis. Survival of lacustrine Actiniscus species in both Arctic lakes seems possible because of lack of competition from co-existing phytoplankton organisms which can endure extreme dystrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Proleptonchoides southindiae n. gen., n. sp. (Dorylaimida: Leptonchidae), is described from soil around false tobacco (Lobelia excelsa) and cardamom (Elettaria cardamomurn) in South India. P. southindiae is prodelphic, has a short constricted esophageal bulb and flanged odontophore, and is phylogenetically close to Proleptonchus.  相似文献   

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