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The reproductive patterns of Helicolenus dactylopterus are presented; the species is zygoparous. The first photographic record of three embryonic stages in the intraovarian gelatinous matrix is also presented.  相似文献   

Scorpaeniformes are an important component of commercial and recreational fisheries world-wide. The Neosebastes species, found in the western Pacific and south-east Indian Ocean, have received little attention from a research perspective. Samples of the bighead gurnard perch, Neosebastes pandus, collected from the lower west and south coasts of Western Australia, were used to undertake the first comprehensive investigation of the biological characteristics of a Neosebastes species. Opaque zones in sectioned sagittal otoliths were validated as forming annually. Female N. pandus grow to a significantly larger size, on average, than males and dominate the largest size classes, while males, growing to a smaller size, accumulate in the intermediate size classes. Although males were far less numerous than females in those age classes in which both sexes were found, males and females attain similar maximum ages >25 years. Neosebastes pandus spawns over a brief period between May (austral late autumn) and July (austral mid-autumn) when water temperature and day length are declining. The mean monthly gonadosomatic indices (GSI, IGS) values of females during the spawning period are 37–50 times higher than those of males, which mature at an earlier age and smaller length compared to females. Histological examination of the ovaries of females indicate that their structure is consistent with “general” teleost ovarian anatomy and thus differs from Scorpaena, Helicolenus and Sebastes species whose ovaries are adapted for specialized reproductive modes. The reproductive strategy of N. pandus of maximizing the reproductive output of females, by this sex attaining a larger size than males and pair spawning (i.e., large disparity in IGS values) demonstrates the close lineage between the Neosebastes and other Scorpaeniformes, such as the Scorpaena, Helicolenus and Sebastes.  相似文献   

Spotted sand bass (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus) is one of the most common inshore reef fishes in the northern Gulf of California (GOC), Mexico, but has rarely been studied. Objectives of this study were to estimate age and growth parameters of this species from two areas in the northern GOC and use an age-structured model to assess fishery yield and Spawning Potential Ratio (SPR) over a wide range of exploitations. Samples yielded fish up to age 8, although most were between age 2 and 5. Growth was extremely rapid, with most of the growth in length achieved in the first year, followed by much slower growth. Conditional rates of natural mortality averaged 0.37. Yield models predicted that spotted sand bass in the GOC were less vulnerable to fishing than those in the Pacific Ocean, likely due to faster growth and higher natural mortality. Growth overfishing and SPR values below 0.20 were only predicted at the lowest natural mortality and high (>0.50) exploitation rates. Results suggested that the species could support a commercial fishery in the GOC that might alleviate some of the conservation issues currently facing biologists in this unique marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Growth, reproduction and life‐history parameters were measured for three cladoceran species from a small south‐eastern wetland, U.S.A. Simocephalus serrulatus, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Scapholeberis mucronata juveniles were reared at temperatures between 10 and 25 °C on natural food resources. 2. Growth rate increased with temperature and decreased with individual size for all three species. Maximum somatic growth rate was higher for Simocephalus (49–72% day?1) and Diaphanosoma (21–91% day?1) than for Scapholeberis (11–45% day?1). Multiple regression equations were developed which predict temperature‐ and mass‐specific growth rates for each species. 3. Scapholeberis egg production was positively related to temperature; however, maximum egg production occurred at intermediate temperatures for Simocephalus and Diaphanosoma. Mean cumulative egg production was higher for Scapholeberis (28–92 eggs per female) than for Simocephalus (18–25 eggs per female) and Diaphanosoma (1–41 eggs per female), and was related to differences in reproductive strategy and survival. 4. Survival was inversely related to temperature in most cases. For all three cladocerans, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) and net reproductive rate (R0) increased with temperature, whereas generation time (G) decreased. Greater egg production by Scapholeberis compared with the other two cladocerans was consistent with higher R0 values for Scapholeberis at any given temperature. Although r was very similar among species, G was typically longer for Scapholeberis than for Simocephalus and Diaphanosoma. 5. This analysis provides basic information about the population parameters of these coexisting wetland species, and the growth rate models can be applied to field data to determine production dynamics.  相似文献   

The yellowspotted rockcod, Epinephelus areolatus, is a small-sized grouper that is widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific, where it forms a valuable component of the harvest derived from multispecies fisheries along continental and insular shelves. Samples of E. areolatus were collected from 2012 to 2018 from commercial catches and research surveys in the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne regions of north-western Australia to improve the understanding of the life history, inherent vulnerability and stock status of this species. Histological analysis of gonads (n = 1889) determined that E. areolatus was a monandric protogynous hermaphrodite. Non-functional spermatogenic crypts were dispersed within the ovaries of 23% of mature functioning females; nonetheless, these crypts were not observed during the immature female phase. The length and age at which 50% of females matured were 266 mm total length (LT) and 2.7 years, respectively. The spawning period was protracted over 10–12 months of the year with biannual peaks at the start of spring and autumn (i.e., September and March) when the photoperiod was at its mid-range (i.e., 12.1 h). Estimates of the lengths and ages at which 50% of E. areolatus change sex from female to male were very similar (i.e., <5% difference) between the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, i.e., of 364 and 349 mm LT and of 7.9 and 7.3 years, respectively. A maximum age of 19 years was observed in all three regions, but there was significant regional variation in growth. These variations in growth were not correlated with latitude; instead a parabolic relationship was evident, where the smallest mean length-at-age and fastest growth rates (k) occurred in the mid-latitudes of the Pilbara region. In the Kimberley and Pilbara regions, individuals were not fully selected by commercial fish traps until 5–6 years of age, hence, several years after reaching maturity. These life-history characteristics infer a high population productivity, which underpins the sustainable harvest of this species, despite comprising the largest catches of all epinephelids in the multispecies tropical fisheries across north-western Australia.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts a trade-off between fitness benefits and costs of delaying age at first reproduction (AFR). In many human populations, maternal AFR has been increasingly delayed beyond sexual maturity over the past decades, raising a question of whether any fitness benefits accrued outweigh costs incurred. To investigate the cost–benefit trade-off concerning AFR in women, we construct a theoretical model and test its predictions using pedigree data from historical Finnish mothers. The model predicts that the probability of reproductive failure (no offspring produced reaching breeding) will increase with AFR if the benefit with delaying in terms of improvement to offspring quality (i.e., breeding probability) cannot offset the cost from decline in offspring quantity. The data show that offspring quantity declined significantly with delayed reproduction, while offspring quality remained initially constant before declining when AFR was delayed beyond 30. Consistent with the theoretical model's predictions, reproductive failure probability increased markedly with delaying AFR after 30, independently of maternal socioeconomic status. Our study is the first to investigate the associations between delay in AFR after sexual maturity and changes in not only offspring quantity but also offspring quality and suggest a significant evolutionary disadvantage of delayed AFR beyond 30 for lineage persistence in a predemographic transition society.  相似文献   

The bluemouth Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus is a zygoparous species that spawns multiple batches of embryos enclosed within a gelatinous matrix. Oocyte development is asynchronous, and the recruitment of secondary growth oocytes occurs continuously during the developing phase, but stops before the start of the first spawning (i.e. fecundity is determinate). The number of developing oocytes can be estimated as a function of the total length of the fish, its ovary mass and its gonado-somatic index. Only at the onset of spawning, when potential fecundity is determined, does condition also have a significant effect. The low levels of atresia detected during most of the spawning season show that this mechanism does not substantially affect the process. There is variability both in the spawning interval (with a mean of 2 days) and in the number of embryos comprising every single batch (up to 37,000). Expected effect of fisheries on the reproductive traits of this deep-sea species is also discussed.  相似文献   

  1. We compared the influence of biological traits (morphology, physiology, reproduction, and life history), ecological traits (geographic distribution, habitat associations, food habits), and introduction attributes (propagule pressure, human use of a species, residence time) on invasion success of native and introduced stream fishes during the colonisation and spread stages in an Appalachian (U.S.A.) river basin.
  2. Colonisation success was positively related to residence time, benthic feeding, an equilibrium life-history strategy, and nest spawning. Successful spread was associated with tolerance to increased temperature and an equilibrium life-history strategy. The spread of introduced fishes was negatively related to gamefish status. No effect of propagule pressure was detected.
  3. Traits linked to invasion success were consistent with the hypothesis that human land-use practices increase the invasibility of highland catchments by creating novel conditions better suited to lowland and equilibrium invaders.
  4. We found biological traits to be more useful than ecological traits in predicting invasion success and suggesting invasion mechanisms. Parental care and nest association can facilitate invasions over large spatial extents for both native and introduced fishes. Analyses of suites of traits can reveal mechanisms of invasions and tactics for controlling them; such mechanisms and tactics may be system-specific and scale-dependent.


The annual cycles of gametogenesis, spawning and fertilization biology were investigated in the South African polychaete Arenicola loveni loveni (Kinberg, 1866). Sexes are strictly separate (gonochoric) with a 1:1 ratio and gametogenesis takes place in the coelomic cavity. Reproduction is iteroparous and occurs during a synchronized annual epidemic spawning event during the summer months of February or March, which lasts no longer than 2 weeks at around the time of highest annual seawater temperatures. A slight inter-annual variation in spawning time was observed between 2003 and 2004. Annual fecundity was estimated as 311,200 (± 82,040 standard deviations) oocytes per female per year. Oocytes are arrested at prophase I of the first meiotic division and require a maturation step prior to spawning and subsequent fertilization. Mean spawned oocyte diameter was 141.16 μm ± 0.43 SE. Sperm develop as morulae in the coelomic cavity and also require a maturation step prior to spawning. Spawning can be achieved by injection of prostomial homogenate in both males and females and by injection with 8,11,14- e cosatrienoic acid for males and can be delayed by temperature manipulation. Oocyte maturation and sperm maturation can be induced in vitro by incubating in prostomial homogenate.  相似文献   

The eel goby Taenioides cirratus (Blyth, 1,860) is a small fish inhabits muddy bottoms of brackish-water in the Indo-West Pacific. It has invaded many inland freshwater lakes in China, such as the Chaohu Lake, Gaoyou Lake and Nansi Lake, and its population increased rapidly in these freshwater lakes in recent years. The age, growth and reproductive traits of T. cirratus invading the Chaohu Lake were studied. A total of 482 specimens (210 females, 204 males and 68 juveniles) with total length (TL) ranging from 9.4 to 20.6 cm were collected using the benthic fyke nets at monthly intervals from March 2018 to February 2019. The sagittal otolith was used for age determination. Monthly variation of marginal increment ratio indicated that the annual forming of opaque band on sagittal otolith was completed during March and April. For both sexes, only four (from 0+ to 3+ years) age groups were observed and 1+ and 2+ years age individuals dominated the population. Back calculated length at age showed males grew faster than females. Both sexes reached maturity at 1+ year age and the TL at first maturity (TL50) was 12.6 cm for females and 11.9 cm for males. Monthly variation of gonado-somatic index indicated that the spawning occurred from May to August. The fecundity ranged from 967 ova to 5,114 ova, with a mean of 3,205 ova. Our study provides a comprehensive data on the key life history traits of T. cirratus for the first time.  相似文献   

Details of the reproductive biology, size and age compositions and growth of the breaksea cod Epinephelides armatus , the sole representative of Epinephelides , were obtained by collecting monthly samples of a wide total length ( L T) range of individuals from coastal marine waters at 31–32° S on the lower west coast of Australia. Although the modal L T class of females (250–299 mm) was markedly less than that of males (400–449 mm), the modal ages of the two sexes were similar, i.e. 4 v. 5 years, respectively. The similarity in the age compositions and the histological demonstration that the gonads of all E. armatus consist solely of either ovarian or testicular tissues demonstrate that this species is gonochoristic, which is highly unusual for an anthiinine serranid. The absence of a central, membrane-lined 'ovarian' lumen in the testes of juveniles would account for adult testes containing neither this ovarian remnant nor the peripherally located sperm sinuses that are found in the mature testes of almost all other serranids. The results demonstrate that E. armatus exhibits a very unusual pattern of sexual development for a serranid. The spawning period of E. armatus lasts for c. 9 months, which is long for a species in temperate Western Australian waters, but comparable with that of many other relatively small serranids elsewhere. Females grow slower than males, attaining L T at 3, 5 and 10 years of c. 200, 285 and 420 mm, respectively, compared with c. 215, 315 and 450 mm, respectively. Females, however, attain maturity at a greater L T and older age than males.  相似文献   

This study provides growth rate, longevity and maturity estimates for the two important species of jack in Hawaiʻi: ulua aukea/giant trevally Caranx ignobilis and omilu/bluefin trevally Caranx melampygus. Maximum observed ages for C. ignobilis and C. melampygus were 31 years and 24 years, respectively. Combined sex von Bertalanffy growth parameter values for C. ignobilis and C. melampygus were as follows: L = 1064 mm and K = 0.18 year−1; and L = 718 mm and K = 0.20 year−1, respectively. Female size at maturity was significantly greater than males for both C. ignobilis and C. melampygus. Size and age at maturity for C. ignobilis was 594 mm and 4.4 years for females and 465 mm and 2.8 years for males. Size and age at maturity for C. melampygus was 372 mm and 4.1 years for females and 329 mm and 2.9 years for males. This study provides the first robust demographic data for both of these highly prized and ecologically important predatory species in Hawaiʻi, which can be used for future assessments or management.  相似文献   

Cichla temensis collected in Venezuela attained a mean standard length of 440 mm, and C. orinocensis and C. intermedia mean lengths of 309 and 321 mm, respectively. There was little evidence of size differences between sexes. Opaque zones on otoliths corresponded to the period of peak of reproductive activity and low fish body condition ( K ). When aggregated across sites, linear estimates for growth of fish >age I were 57·5, 27·6, and 19·6 mm year1 for C. temensis , C. orinocensis , and C. intermedia , respectively. Fish from the Cinaruco River appeared to spawn at age I, and prior to first maturation had grown 25, 21, and 23 mm month1, respectively, for C. temensis , C. orinocensis , and C. intermedia . There was little intersite variation in growth rates, and differences in sizes of conspecifics from different sizes were due to age differences. Cichla in captivity spawn several times per year. The present results indicate that the annual cycle or tropical wet/dry seasonality promotes reproductive seasonality in Cichla . The energetic cost of reproduction and brood defence probably constrains most individuals to one spawn per year. Conversely, populations living in relatively aseasonal reservoir environments may have several spawns per year, in which case growth zones on hard structures are difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus in the southern Arabian Gulf was determined from the examination of 781 individuals collected between September 2008 and August 2009. There was no histological evidence of adult sex change, and sex ratios did not differ significantly from unity across all size and age classes. Testes had an ovarian structure and a remnant lumen which was not used for sperm transport; furthermore, residual oocytes were observed in the testes of some immature, resting and developing males. A dramatic change in the sex ratio of the smallest and youngest size and age classes suggested that juvenile female to male sex change occurred between 21·0 cm fork length (L(F)) and 24·0 cm L(F) at 1 year of age. The combination of histological evidence with the sexual composition of the size and age structures suggests a non-functional protogynous hermaphroditic sexual pattern, which is analogous to functional gonochorism. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during March, April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after full moons, there was a cessation in spawning activity after new moons and spawning was completed within three lunar cycles. The distribution of males over the entire size and age ranges and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of L. nebulosus. The maximum recorded age (11 years), small mean size and young age at sexual maturation (L(m50) = 26·7 cm L(F), 2·1 years, for females and 19·4 cm L(F), 0·5 years, for males) may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the painted sweetlips Diagramma pictum was determined from 487 individuals collected between January and December 2010 in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was no evidence of sex change and the combination of histological results with the sex composition of the size and age structures indicated a gonochoristic sexual pattern. There were peaks in gonado-somatic indices for females in March and October with spawning occurring during two seasons (April to May and November). The mean size and age at sexual maturity (L(m50) and A(m50) ) were 35·7 cm fork length (L(F) ) and 2·9 years for females and 26·7 cm L(F) and 0·5 years for males. The maximum recorded age (11 years) and small mean size and young age at sexual maturity for males may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was an exponential increase in the cumulative reproductive potential with size and a linear increase with age for both sexes. The mean L(F) (L(c50) ) at which D. pictum became vulnerable to capture was 33·3 cm, which corresponded to only 3 and 7% of the cumulative reproductive potential of males and females, respectively. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of D. pictum.  相似文献   

Among 972 Scyliorhinus canicula , the overall sex ratio (males:females) was 1:1·23. Males matured between 490 and 540 mm L T with 50% maturity at 520 mm. Females matured between 520 and 640 mm L T with 50% maturity at 550 mm. Female gonadosomatic index peaked in May. Fecundity increased with fish length. The egg laying season lasted 10 months with a peak in June and July. The importance of erect, sessile invertebrates such as bryozoans, poriferans and hydroids as egg-case deposition sites has been established. Recently hatched fish were born in an equal sex ratio and at a mean length of 100·5 mm and mean weight of 3·07 g. One intersexual fish is described.  相似文献   

To clarify the dynamics and regulation of oogenesis in single- and multiple-spawning cyprinid fish with group-synchronous oocyte development, a multidisciplinary approach to their reproduction was undertaken using three species from the River Meuse (Belgium): the roach Rutilus rutilus as a single spawner, and the bleak Alburnus alburnus and the white bream Blicca bjoerkna as multiple spawners. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) and histomorphometric changes (distribution of oocyte size, relative proportion of the various oocyte stages) in the ovary are compared. Different patterns of GSI and oocyte growth were observed both between the single- and multiple-spawner fish and between the two multiple spawners. Maximum GSIs were higher in roach (21%) than in bleak and white bream (17.7 and 14.5%, respectively), and compared to the rapid decline of GSI in the roach population, the GSI of multiple spawners decreased progressively during the spawning season. In roach, a short gonadal quiescent period and an early onset of vitellogenesis was recorded from late summer onwards whereas, in bleak and white bream, exogenous vitellogenesis was not systematically observed before winter. A protracted spawning season and/or a low water temperature in autumn are hypothesized to explain this long period of gonadal quiescence. In bleak, during the spawning season, the oocytes recruited arose from the stock of endogenous vitellogenesis and attained the final maturation stage very rapidly. This recruitment occurred during the whole spawning season. In white bream, the differentiation of vitellogenic oocytes from smaller oocytes was completed before the onset of the spawning season. During the spawning period, the proportion of vitellogenic oocytes decreased progressively whereas the percentage of oocytes in the final maturation stage remained approximately constant.  相似文献   

Demography provides critical data to increase our understanding of the evolution, ecology, and conservation of primate populations. The chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, have been studied for more than 34 yr on the basis of individual identification and standardized attendance records. From this long-term study, we derived the following demographic data: The major cause of death was disease (48%), followed by senescence (24%) and within-species aggression (16%). Fifty percent of Mahale chimpanzees died before weaning. The median ages of female life history variables were: first maximal swelling, 10.0 yr (n = 5); emigration, 11.0 yr (n = 11); and first birth, 13.1 yr (n = 5). The median period of adolescent infertility was 2.8 yr (n = 4) when calculated from the age at immigration to that at first birth. Female fecundity was highest between 20 and 35 yr of age, with an annual birth rate of 0.2. Twenty-six females that were observed from a young age (10-13 yr) to death at various ages (15-40 yr) gave birth to an average of 3.9 and weaned an average of 1.4 offspring. Twenty-five females that were observed from middle age (18-33 yr) to death in older age (31-48) gave birth to an average of 2.7 and weaned an average of 2.0 offspring. The post-reproductive lifespan for female chimpanzees was defined as the number of years that passed from the year when the last offspring was born to the year when the female died, minus 5. Twenty-five percent of old females had a post-reproductive lifespan. The interbirth interval after the birth of a son (x = 72 mo) tended to be longer than that after the birth of a daughter (x = 66 mo). The extent of female transfer, which is a rule in chimpanzees, is influenced by the size and composition of the unit group and size of the overall local community.  相似文献   

Weithoff  Guntram  Walz  Norbert 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):381-386
The population dynamics of B. calyciflorus was investigated using a green alga, Monoraphidium minutum, and a blue-green alga Planktothrix agardhii as food sources, separately and as mixtures. Growth rate (r), egg ratio (ER), and juvenile development time (D j ) were measured in the laboratory and mortality rate and embryonic development time (D E ) were calculated. With M. minutum, Brachionus showed a typical growth curve (Monod-kinetics) dependent on food concentration. In contrast B. calyciflorus did not grow well on P. agardhii. With all food concentrations the measured growth rates were about r=0. At low food concentrations r was low with both food types, but the ER of B. calyciflorus was significantly higher with P. agardhii as food source. Furthermore the relative egg volume of females carrying one egg was higher with Planktothrix than with Monoraphidium. An addition of P. agardhii to M. minutum led to increasing growth rates. Highest growth rates were found with complementary food sources. High food concentrations of M. minutum shortened the juvenile development (D J ) time, but D j was uneffected by different P. agardhii food concentrations. A mixture of both algae did not shorten D j compared with M. minutum as single food. The calculated D E was not effected by different food qualities but the calculated mortality was nearly 3 times higher with P. agardhii as food.  相似文献   

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