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Sepkoski JJ 《Paleobiology》1988,14(3):221-234
Global taxonomic richness is affected by variation in three components: within-community, or alpha, diversity, between-community, or beta, diversity; and between-region, or gamma, diversity. A data set consisting of 505 faunal lists distributed among 40 stratigraphic intervals and six environmental zones was used to investigate how variation of alpha and beta diversity influenced global diversity through the Paleozoic, and especially during the Ordovician radiations. As first shown by Bambach (1977), alpha diversity increased by 50 to 70 percent in offshore marine environments during the Ordovician and then remained essentially constant of the remainder of the Paleozoic. The increase is insufficient, however, to account for the 300 percent rise observed in global generic diversity. It is shown that beta diversity among level, soft-bottom communities also increased significantly during the early Paleozoic. This change is related to enhanced habitat selection, and presumably increased overall specialization, among diversifying taxa during the Ordovician radiations. Combined with alpha diversity, the measured change in beta diversity still accounts for only about half of the increase in global diversity. Other sources of increase are probably not related to variation in gamma diversity but rather to appearance and/or expansion of organic reefs, hardground communities, bryozoan thickets, and crinoid gardens during the Ordovician.  相似文献   

HIF-1alpha and p53: the ODD couple?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tumor hypoxia activates hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and induces the accumulation of the tumor suppressor p53. HIF-1 signaling stimulates angiogenesis and mediates cellular adaptation to hypoxia, whereas p53 promotes hypoxia-induced apoptosis. A recent article provides in vitro biophysical evidence supporting a direct interaction between p53 and the oxygen-dependent degradation domain of the HIF-1alpha subunit. The article identifies potential structural parameters required for this interaction and suggests an alternative mechanism by which p53 might impact tumor response to therapy.  相似文献   

The question of parallel (alpha/beta)8-barrel fold evolution remains unclear, owing mainly to the lack of sequence homology throughout the amino acid sequences of (alpha/beta)8-barrel enzymes. The "classical" approaches used in the search for homologies among (alpha/beta)8-barrels (e.g., production of structurally based alignments) have yielded alignments perfect from the structural point of view, but the approaches have been unable to reveal the homologies. These are proposed to be "hidden" in (alpha/beta)8-barrel enzymes. The term "hidden homology" means that the alignment of sequence stretches proposed to be homologous need not be structurally fully satisfactory. This is due to the very long evolutionary history of all (alpha/beta)8-barrels. This work identifies so-called hidden homology around the strand beta 2 that is flanked by loops containing invariant glycines and prolines in 17 different (alpha/beta)8-barrel enzymes, i.e., roughly in half of all currently known (alpha/beta)8-barrel proteins. The search was based on the idea that a conserved sequence region of an (alpha/beta)8-barrel enzyme should be more or less conserved also in the equivalent part of the structure of the other enzymes with this folding motif, given their mutual evolutionary relatedness. For this purpose, the sequence region around the well-conserved second beta-strand of alpha-amylase flanked by the invariant glycine and proline (56_GFTAIWITP, Aspergillus oryzae alpha-amylase numbering), was used as the sequence-structural template. The proposal that the second beta-strand of (alpha/beta)8-barrel fold is important from the evolutionary point of view is strongly supported by the increasing trend of the observed beta 2-strand structural similarity for the pairs of (alpha/beta)8-barrel enzymes: alpha-amylase and the alpha-subunit of tryptophan synthase, alpha-amylase and mandelate racemase, and alpha-amylase and cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase. This trend is also in agreement with the existing evolutionary division of the entire family of (alpha/beta)8-barrel proteins.  相似文献   

Rise of non-classical science during XX century had certain influence upon development of biological taxonomy. Scientific pluralism (especially normative naturalism of Laudan), contrary to positivist and early post-positivist treatments, made taxonomy acknowledged scientific discipline of its own right. The present state of some schools of taxonomy makes it possible to consider them as a part of non-classical science and constituting the non-classical taxonomy. The latter is characterized by the following most important features. Ontological substantiation of both classificatory approaches and particular classifications is requested which invalidates such formal approaches as nominalistic and phenetic (numerical) schools. This substantiation takes a form of content-wise background preferably causal models which include certain axioms and presumptions about taxonomic diversity being studied, together with its causes, and thus define initial conditions of classificatory procedures. From this viewoint, phylogenetic classificatory approach is the most developed part of non-classical taxonomy. The entire taxonomic diversity is structured into several aspects of different levels of generality, each being outlined by a particular consideration aspect. The latter makes personal knowledge constituting an irremovable part of any scientific statement about taxonomic diversity, thus opposition of "objectively" and "subjectively" elaborated classifications becomes vague. Interrelation of various species concepts corresponding to its different consideration aspects is described by uncertainty relation principle. Classificatory algorithms are to be compatible with the conditions of a background model to ensure particular classifications obtained by their means are interpretable within the same model: this is provided by the correspondence principle. Classification is considered as a taxonomic hypothesis, i.e. a conjectural judgement about structure of particular fragment of taxonomic diversity considered within given consideration aspect; wich is to be forwarded and tested according to certain rules. Recognition of different aspects of taxonomic diversity makes it "legal" to elaborate several classifications of equal status, each reflecting a particular aspect of a fixed fragment of that diversity. This viewpoint makes classical ideas of the "ultimate" Natural (whatever might be its definition) or the best reference systems futile. In general, any pretension of an approach to be "the best" in reflecting taxonomic divesrity is contr-productive. Instead, elaboration of particular spectra of complementary classifications becomes the main task of non-classical taxonomy which describes in sum the entire taxonomic diversity. So, not opposition but correct mutual interpretation of such classifications and uniting them into the comprehensive picture of taxonomic diversity become focal points of non-classical taxonomy.  相似文献   

Animal studies have shown that sensory deprivation in one modality can have striking effects on the development of the remaining modalities. Although recent studies of deaf and blind humans have also provided convincing behavioural, electrophysiological and neuroimaging evidence of increased capabilities and altered organization of spared modalities, there is still much debate about the identity of the brain systems that are changed and the mechanisms that mediate these changes. Plastic changes across brain systems and related behaviours vary as a function of the timing and the nature of changes in experience. This specificity must be understood in the context of differences in the maturation rates and timing of the associated critical periods, differences in patterns of transiently existing connections, and differences in molecular factors across brain systems.  相似文献   

The association between ethanol consumption and heart abnormalities, such as chamber dilation, myocyte damage, ventricular hypertrophy, and hypertension is well known. However, underlying molecular mediators involved in ethanol-induced heart abnormalities remain elusive. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic ethanol exposure on alpha and beta – myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms gene expression transition and oxidative stress in rats’ heart. It was also planned to find out whether ginger extract mitigated the abnormalities induced by ethanol in rats’ heart. Male wistar rats were divided into three groups of eight animals as follows: Control, ethanol, and ginger extract treated ethanolic (GETE) groups. After six weeks of treatment, the results revealed a significant increase in the β-MHC gene expression, 8- OHdG amount, and NADPH oxidase level. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the ratio of α-MHC/β-MHC gene expression to the amount of paraoxonase enzyme in the ethanol group compared to the control group was found. The consumption of Ginger extract along with ethanol ameliorated the changes in MHC isoforms gene expression and reduced the elevated amount of 8-OHdG and NADPH oxidase. Moreover, compared to the consumption of ethanol alone, it increased the paraoxonase level significantly.These findings indicate that ethanol-induced heart abnormalities may in part be associated with MHC isoforms changes mediated by oxidative stress, and that these effects can be alleviated by using ginger extract as an antioxidant molecule.  相似文献   

The abnormal human hemoglobin Malm? (beta97FG4 His leads to Gln) has been studied and its properties are compared with those of normal adult hemoglobin A. The data presented here show that the ring-current shifted proton resonances of both HbCO and HbO2 Malm? are very different from the corresponding forms of Hb A. The hyperfine shifted proton resonances of deoxy-Hb Malm? do not differ drastically from those of deoxy-Hb A. This result, together with the finding that the exchangeable proton resonances of the deoxy form of the two hemoglobins are similar, suggests that unliganded Hb Malm? can assume a deoxy-like quaternary structure both in the absence and presence of organic phosphates We have also compared the properties of Hb Malm? with those of Hb Chesapeake (alpha92FG4 Arg leads to Leu). This allows us to study the properties of two abnormal human hemoglobins with mutations at homologous positions of the alpha and beta chains in the three-dimenstional structure of the hemoglobin molecule. Our present results suggest that the mutaion at betaFG4 has its greatest effect on the teritiary structure of the heme pocket of the liganded forms of the hemoglobin while the mutation at alphaFG4 alters the deoxy structure of the hemoglogin molecule but does not alter the teriary structure of the heme pockets of the liganded form of the hemoglobin molecule. Both hemoglobins undergo a transition from the deoxy (T) to the oxy (R) quaternary structure upon ligation. The abnormally high oxygen affinities and low cooperativities of these two hemoglobins must therefore be due to either the structural differences which we have observed and/or to an altered transition between the T and R structures.  相似文献   

In this contribution we shall try to argue that no folding scenario - be it hierachical, nonhierarchical, nucleation, etc. - needs to be invoked to solve Levinthal's paradox: It fails on its own grounds.  相似文献   

At a recent Keystone Symposium on 'Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering', new findings in areas ranging from stem cell differentiation, embryonic pattern formation and organ regeneration to engineered cell microenvironments, synthetic biomaterials and artificial tissue fabrication were described. Although these new advances were exciting, this symposium clarified that biologists and engineers often view the challenge of tissue formation from different, and sometimes conflicting, perspectives. These dichotomies raise questions regarding the definition of regenerative medicine, but offer the promise of exciting new interdisciplinary approaches to tissue and organ regeneration, if effective alliances can be established.  相似文献   

Although GABA(A) receptors are widely distributed at inhibitory synapses on dendrites and cell bodies of neurons, they also occur in other places, in particular at synapses made on axons and in extrasynaptic membranes. This review summarises some of the evidence that presynaptic receptors modulate transmission not only at primary afferents in the spinal cord, but also at a variety of sites in the brain, including hippocampal mossy fibres. These receptors modulate transmitter release via several different mechanisms. Another form of unconventional GABA(A) receptor-mediated signalling is the mediation of a tonic conductance, seen in granule cells of the cerebellum and dentate gyrus and also in hippocampal interneurons. Tonic signalling appears to be mediated by extrasynaptic receptors. The adaptive significance of this form of signalling remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

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