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A novel inhibitor of apoptosis protein family member termed SIX was identified in Xenopus containing a single baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domain and no COOH-terminal RING finger domain. It exhibited striking amino acid sequence similarity with human survivin, mouse TIAP, and recently found Xenopus survivin, especially a part of BIR domain was highly conserved. Interestingly, SIX interacted with RXRalpha through the AF2 domain in the absence of ligand, which was weakened when the ligand was present. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that SIX mRNA was not detectable in adult with exception of the ovary and testis, and whole-mount in situ hybridization and Northern blot analyses revealed strong and homogeneous expression of SIX in the developing oocytes. In the embryos, the expression of SIX was observed in the animal hemisphere from one-cell to yolk plug stages and high level of expression was detected in the future brain and dorsal region of the neural tube at the neurula stage and early tail-bud stage. These results strongly support the fact that survivin is evolutionarily conserved in structure and SIX is likely to be the Xenopus counterpart of human and mouse survivin.  相似文献   

In order to gain further insight into IGF-1 receptor signaling in Xenopus laevis oocytes and embryos, we have undertaken the characterization of the adapter protein Shc and studied its implication in oocyte maturation induced after IGF-1 receptor activation, especially since expression of this molecule has been indirectly evidenced in Xenopus oocytes, eggs and embryos. We report herein the cloning from Xenopus postvitellogenic oocytes of a complementary DNA encoding a protein of 470 amino acids which shows the higher identity with the mammalian adaptor protein p52(ShcA). Western blot analysis using homologous antibodies evidenced a 60-kDa protein, p60(Xl)(Shc), that is predominantly expressed in oocytes and in early embryos. We also demonstrate that, like p60(Xl)(Shc), Grb2 and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos are expressed in oocytes throughout vitellogenesis and in early embryos and that overexpression of a dominant-negative form of Grb2 specifically inhibits insulin-induced resumption of meiosis. We finally show that Grb2 binds to p60(Shc) in oocytes specifically upon insulin treatment. Altogether, these results suggest that Shc and Grb2-Sos are implicated in ras-dependent Xenopus oocyte maturation induced by insulin/IGF-1; they also indicate that inability of insulin/IGF-1 to activate the Ras-MAPK cascade in vitellogenic oocytes does not result from an insufficient expression level of Shc, Grb2 and Sos.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of the cDNA coding for Xenopus laevis prion protein.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Isolation and characterization of the cDNA coding for the 216-residue Xenopus laevis prion protein is reported. Existence of this protein in amphibians was suggested by an EST fragment (accession number BG813008), while a conclusive demonstration is presented here. This protein exhibits a higher identity level to avian and turtle prion (more than 44%) than to mammalian prion (about 28%). Although most of the structural motifs common to known prion proteins are conserved in X. laevis, the lack of repeats represents a substantial difference. Other features worth noting are the presence of not perfectly conserved hydrophobic stretch, which is considered the prion signature, as well as the complete absence of histidine residues.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences for identified prolactin (PRL)-releasing peptides (PrRPs) were conserved in mammals (>90%) or teleost fishes (100%), but there were considerable differences between these classes in the sequence (<65%) as well as in the role of PrRP. In species other than fishes and mammals, we have identified frog PrRP. The cDNA encoding Xenopus laevis prepro-PrRP, which can generate putative PrRPs, was cloned and sequenced. Sequences for the coding region showed higher identity with teleost PrRPs than mammalian homologues, but suggested the occurrence of putative PrRPs of 20 and 31 residues as in mammals. The amino acid sequence of PrRP20 was only one residue different from teleost PrRP20, but shared 70% identity with mammalian PrRP20s. In primary cultures of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) pituitary cells, Xenopus PrRPs increased prolactin concentrations in culture medium to 130–160% of the control, but PrRPs was much less potent than thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) causing a three- to four-fold increase in prolactin concentrations. PrRP mRNA levels in the developing Xenopus brain peak in early prometamorphosis, different from prolactin levels. PrRP may not be a major prolactin-releasing factor (PRF), at least in adult frogs, as in mammals.  相似文献   

A heat-stable microtubule-associated protein (MAP) with apparent molecular weight of 190,000 is a major non-neural MAP which distributes ubiquitously among bovine tissues (termed here MAP-U). Previously we reported that microtubule-binding chymotryptic fragments of MAP-U and tau contain a common assembly-promoting (AP) sequence of 22 amino acid residues (Aizawa, H., Kawasaki, H., Murofushi, H., Kotani, S., Suzuki, K., and Sakai, H. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 5885-5890). We isolated cDNA clones for MAP-U containing the whole coding sequence. Northern blot analysis revealed that a major species of MAP-U mRNA is 5 kilobases in length and is expressed ubiquitously among bovine tissues. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed the complete amino acid sequence of MAP-U which consists of 1,072 amino acid residues. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of MAP-U indicated that this molecule is clearly divided into two domains in terms of electrostatic charge distribution: an amino-terminal acidic domain (residues 1-640) and a carboxyl-terminal basic domain (residues 641-1072). The amino-terminal domain of MAP-U shows no significant sequence homology with other known protein sequences including neural MAPs, tau, and MAP-2. The amino-terminal domain of MAP-U contains unique 18 1/2 repeats of 14-amino acid motif which have not been observed in other MAPs. The carboxyl-terminal domain of MAP-U is further divided into three regions: a Pro-rich region (residues 641-880), an AP sequence region (residues 881-1003), and a short hydrophobic tail (residues 1004-1072). The Pro-rich region is mainly composed of five species of amino acid residues, Pro, Ala, Lys, Ser, and Thr. The AP sequence region contains four tandem repeats of AP sequences, and thus, this region is considered to play a leading role in the interaction of MAP-U with microtubules.  相似文献   

Summary The adenohypophysial primordium of Xenopus laevis tadpoles at stages 33/34 to 46 (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1956) were examined immuno-histologically for -MSH, -MSH and ACTH. -MSH was demonstrated from stage 37/38 onwards, and -MSH from stage 39. No signs of ACTH production were detected. -MSH and -MSH occurred in the same cells. No differences were found in the intensity of immunofluorescence between tadpoles which were kept on a black and a white background. The present study lends no support to the hypothesis concerning the derivation of -MSH from ACTH. The observations made suggest that the morphological formation of the pars intermedia is accomplished during stages 37/38 to 39. Acknowledgement. The authors express warm thanks to Dr. M.P. Dubois (Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Reproduction, INRA, Nouzilly, France), who prepared and verified the antibodies. Grants from Swedish Natural Science Research Council and Landshovding Per Westlings minnesfond, Lund, Sweden are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

We cloned homologs of the human Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group A complementing (XPAC) gene from chicken, Xenopus laevis and Drosophila melanogaster. A comparison of the amino acid sequences of these homologs with that of the human XPAC protein revealed that in the NH2-terminal domain there are only two conserved regions, one of which is presumed to function as the nuclear localization signal, whereas the COOH-terminal domain is highly conserved, the frequency of identical amino acids in all four XPAC proteins being 50%, and the four cysteine residues predicted to form a zinc-finger motif, and three other cysteine residues are all conserved. These results strongly suggest that the COOH-terminal domain containing a zinc-finger motif plays an important role in the function of these proteins.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a slice culture of amphibian brain tissue. In particular, we cultured slices from Xenopus laevis tadpoles that contain the olfactory mucosae, the olfactory nerves, the olfactory bulb and the telencephalon. During 6 days in roller tubes the slices flattened, starting from 250 microm and decreasing to approximately 40 microm, corresponding to about three cell layers. Dendritic processes could be followed over distances as long as 200 microm. Neurons in the cultured slice could be recorded using the patch clamp technique and simultaneously imaged using an inverted laser scanning microscope. We characterized the main neuron types of the olfactory bulb, i.e. mitral cells and granule cells, by correlating their typical morphological features in the acute slice with the electrophysiological properties in both the acute slice and slice culture. This correlation allowed unambiguous identification of mitral cells and granule cells in the slice culture.  相似文献   

W Honer  H Komnick 《Tissue & cell》1990,22(2):149-155
The cell junctions of the notochord of Xenopus laevis tadpoles were examined with the electron microscope using thin sections, lanthanum tracer experiments, and freeze-fracture replicas. Both the peripheral and vacuolated cells of the notochord are connected by numerous spot desmosomes characterized by an intercellular desmogloea and intermediate filaments on the cytoplasmic sides. The peripheral cells also display numerous hemidesmosomes facing the underlying basal lamina. Staining with rhodamine-phalloidin for F-actin yielded negative results and suggested that adhaerens-type junctions are absent. Tracer experiments with lanthanum and freeze-fracture replicas clearly revealed the presence of gap junctions between both cell types but no indications of tight junctions were found and no intercellular barrier existed for tracer infiltration of the notochord.  相似文献   

The structure of the olfactory bulb in tadpoles of Xenopus laevis (stages 54-56) was studied using axon tracing (with biocytin or low-weight dextran) and immunocytochemical techniques. Filling the olfactory nerve with biocytin made the nerve layer and the glomeruli visible. Dye injections into the glomerular layer labeled the lateral olfactory tract. Vice versa, dye injections into the lateral olfactory tract made mitral cells and their glomerular branching patterns visible. Anti-GABA antiserum stained periglomerular and granule cells, while the olfactory nerve and mitral cells were labeled by antiglutamate antiserum. We describe the layering, the numbers of cells and glomeruli, and their localization in both the main and the accessory olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Summary In Xenopus laevis tadpoles the relation between a paired nucleus of bio-amine producing neurons in the caudal hypothalamus and the pars intermedia of the hypophysis was studied.Treatment of the animals (stage 49 to 50 of Nieuwkoop and Faber's normal table) with reserpine caused aggregation of the skin melanophores within one hour, followed by redispersion five to six hours after the beginning of the experiment. This was at exactly the same time as the bio-amines in the caudal hypothalamus disappeared. However, the drug was ineffective if the nuclei had been removed. This indicates that reserpine acts via these nuclei and does not influence the skin melanophores directly.It was concluded that the initial aggregation of the melanophores may be the result of a reduced extrusion of MSH from the pars intermedia, caused by an increased output of a MIF by the bio-amine producing nuclei. The redispersion was explained by assuming that the bio-amines were depleted and the nuclei stopped with the extrusion of the MIF. This does not mean that the production of a MIF is the only function of the paired bio-amine producing nucleus in the caudal hypothalamus.The author thanks Prof. Dr. P. G. W. J. van Oordt for his helpful comments and criticism. Mr. J. H. I. J. M. ten Berge and Mr. E. W. A. Kamperdijk provided great assistance during the course of the experiments. Mr. H. van Kooten made the diagram and the photograph.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the Paraventricular organ in the hypothalamus of Xenopus laevis tadpoles is described. It appeares that the Paraventricular organ of this anuran species is homologous with the Organon vasculosum hypothalami or the Paraventricular organ of other vertebrates.The Paraventricular organ of Xenopus laevis is characterized by an ependymal lining with only few cilia and by two types of nerve cells. Both types of nerve cells have ventricular processes, protruding into the lumen of the third ventricle and forming a network. The protrusions bear cilia of the 8+1 pattern. It has been possible to distinguish both types of nerve cells on account of their dense-core vesicles. A secretory function of both cell types is suggested.In a region close to the Paraventricular organ, another granulated type of nerve cell has been observed. A relationship between these cells and the preoptic nucleus is discussed.The author thanks Prof. Dr. P. G. W. J. van Oordt for his helpful comments and criticism, Mr. H. van Kooten for photographic assistance and Mr. F. Dijk for technical assistance.  相似文献   

When the trochlear nerve (NIV), which innervates the superior oblique muscle (SOM), is crushed or cut at stages 48-49 in Xenopus tadpoles, fibers from the oculomotor nerve (NIII) sprout and invade the SOM. The maximal percentage of specimens having at least one oculomotor nerve fiber on the SOM on a given day increased from 9.1% following a single crushing of NIV to 84.2% following three successive severings of NIV and the average number of silver-impregnated NIII fibers per specimen increased from 0.23 +/- 0.16 (mean +/- S.E.M.) in the single-crush experiment to 7.35 +/- 1.33 in the triple-cut experiment. This increase directly reflects the delay in the return of NIV. As NIV returns to the SOM, a portion of the inappropriate innervation is lost; while another portion appears to be stable and is in evidence 90 days after a single sectioning of NIV. The more rapidly NIV returns to the SOM, the more complete is the displacement of the NIII fibers. This suggests that the association between NIII and the SOM changes with time so that easy displacement of the inappropriate innervation is likely only when the reinnervation by the appropriate nerve fibers is rapid.  相似文献   

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