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Kotov  Alexey A. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,428(1):115-128
The morphology of Ilyocryptus tuberculatus Brehm, 1913 is redescribed, based on material from the Niger basin, Africa. The species name was given by Brehm erroneously, because under an optical microscope he mistook internal structures (the columns between the outer and inner walls of the valves) for the tubercules on the valve surface. But this species is undoubtedly valid, and `incorrect' species names must be conserved. Differences between I. tuberculatus and the most similar I. agilis (probably absent from the majority of African waters), I. spinifer (common in Africa), and some other species are discussed. Currently, I. tuberculatus is known for the Central African Republic, Mali and Niger.  相似文献   

The subtropical grapsid crab Percnon gibbesi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) is one of the most recent alien decapods found in the Mediterranean, where it was discovered at Linosa (Pelagie Islands, Sicily Strait) in summer 1999. At present, the invasion of this species has been recorded in several other insular localities. We studied the feeding habits of the crab in an attempt to understand its success in the Mediterranean. The morphological characteristics of the chela, the feeding adaptations of the gastric mill and the analysis of stomach contents indicate that P. gibbesi is a strictly herbivorous species, a characteristic not shared with any other large-sized infralittoral Mediterranean crab.  相似文献   

Eledone cirrhosa has been found to make a borehole in the carapace of a high proportion of its crustacean prey. This is the first account of drilling in crustaceans by octopus. The frequency of incidence of the boring behaviour varied between prey species from 17 to 93% of those killed. The incidence of boreholes was higher in crabs killed by small octopuses. Using crabs mainly of the genera Cancer, Carcinus, Corystes and Macropipus , the distribution and orientation of the boreholes was recorded. The boreholes occurred in any part of the carapace but the great majority were found close to the mid-line and in the posterior half. The long axis of the oval penetration was usually aligned with the anteroposterior axis of the crab. The Mediterranean species Eledone moschata was also found to bore crabs, and newly hatched juveniles of this species are capable of boring as early as their second killing of a live crab. No evidence was found that Octopus vulgaris normally bores the carapace of crabs.  相似文献   

In Japan, two species of the genus Reclinervellus were found to attack a single host spider, Cyclosa octotuberculata (Araneae). One of these, Reclinervellus tuberculatus comb. nov., winters as a tender larva and has at least two generations a year. This species laid its egg on the anterior face of the host's abdomen. Prior to laying an egg the female repeatedly rubbed her ovipositor over the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the host's abdomen near the base for more than 25 min. The hatched larva fixed itself at the position where the egg was laid, and developed by consuming the host's body fluids. The other species, R. masumotoi sp. nov., is closely related to R. tuberculatus but is easily distinguished from it by having a very weakly reclivous Cu vein in the hindwing, a less developed carina of the propodeum, a shorter ovipositor and more blackish coloration of the mesoscutum. Although this species is sympatric with R. tuberculatus and attacks the same host, the position of the egg and larva on the host's body is quite different from that of R. tuberculatus. The egg of this species was laid on the posterior surface of the host's abdomen and the larva matured 10–20 days earlier than those of R. tuberculatus. Via these modes of parasitism R. masumotoi seemed to escape from competition with R. tuberculatus at the stage of oviposition and out‐competed it when a single host individual bore larvae of both species. Previous records of parasitoids reared from C. octotuberculata were reviewed and found to include records of both species.  相似文献   


The Canterbury knobbled weevil, Hadramphus tuberculatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytini), was once widespread in the Canterbury plains, foothills and fringing ranges, ranging from Oxford in the north to Waimate in the south. Habitat degradation, reduction in host plant numbers through grazing and predation by rodents are thought to be responsible for the decline in its numbers and distribution. In December 2004, more than 80 years since the last sighting of H. tuberculatus in 1922, a single individual was found at Burkes Pass Scenic Reserve. This paper records the rediscovery of H. tuberculatus, reviews the historical distribution records for H. tuberculatus, discusses them with respect to changes in host plant habitat in the eastern South Island, and suggests conservation strategies to protect this and other relictual populations that might be found in future.  相似文献   


The present study investigates the diet composition and the feeding strategy of Kalyptodoras bahiensis by verifying variations during the hydrological cycle and between males and females. Samples were collected during the periods of rain and drought using various fishing gears adapted to each microhabitat. In laboratory, the fishes were weighed and measured. An abdominal incision was made to observe the gonads for sex determination and the stomach was removed for identification and quantification of food items. The importance of each item in the diet was calculated using the Feeding Index. Amundsen graphic analysis was used to define the feeding strategy. Kalyptodoras bahiensis was classified as an omnivorous species with an invertivorous tendency. The species presented a generalist feeding strategy and many individuals fed on Melanoides tuberculatus, an exotic mollusk that has spread to Brazilian rivers, causing damages to the native community. The high amount and frequency of M. tuberculatus in the diet of K. bahiensis suggest that the species may have a predatory impact on the local population of this mollusk. However, further studies are needed to better understand the interaction between K. bahiensis and M. tuberculatus.  相似文献   

In order to acquire information on the factors influencing the distribution of the Mediterranean endemic species Portumnus lysianassa (Herbst, 1796), which lives in the soft substratum midlittoral zone, 83 stations were selected along almost the entire Greek coast. In each sampling station, dredging was carried out, just above the rise of the surf zone, and sediment samples were taken with a core sampler. Two faunal samples were also taken by means of a quadrat from the lower midlittoral zone. The preliminary results of this study show that: P. lysianassa prefers to burrow in the rise of the surf zone; wherever the sediment becomes very coarse or very fine the crab populations decline; there is a correlation between the population abundance of the midlittoral bivalve Donacilla cornea (Poli, 1795) and P. lysianassa, and, moreover, this crab species is related to the composition of the midlittoral assemblage; also, P. lysianassa abundance is negatively correlated with the organic matter content of the sediment; in very exposed areas, D. cornea can be replaced or co-exist with the infralittoral species Donax trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758), and, in these cases, P. lysianassa can be replaced by the closely related infralittoral species Portumnus latipes (Pennant, 1777); when low temperatures or intensive wave action, as well as disturbance caused by swimmers in summer prevail, the population of this crab descends in the upper infralittoral zone.  相似文献   

Carcinus aestuarii Nardo, 1847 is a widespread coastal crab species throughout the Mediterranean Sea with a pelagic larval phase. This species tolerates a wide range of environmental conditions and typically inhabits fragmented habitats, such as embayments, lagoons and estuaries. It is therefore a good candidate species for studying and testing different phylogeographical hypotheses in the Mediterranean Sea. By contrast to its Atlantic sister species, Carcinus maenas, studies on the population genetic structure of C. aestuarii in its native range are still scarce. In the present study, specimens from along the European Mediterranean Sea were collected and DNA‐sequenced and analyses were applied to discriminate between present day and historical factors influencing the population genetic structure of this species. The results obtained demonstrate the existence of two genetically distinct geographical groups, corresponding to the eastern and western Mediterranean, with further subdivision within the East Mediterranean Basin. A strong asymmetric gene flow was recorded toward the Eastern Basin, which may play a crucial role in shaping the present day biogeographical patterns of this species and potentially other sympatric ones with pelagic larvae. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 771–790.  相似文献   

A new species of Euphorbiaceae, Trigonostemon tuberculatus, from Yuanjiang Xian, Yunnan Province, China is described and illustrated. The morphological differences between T. tuberculatus and other species of Trigonostemon are the axillary cymes, three fused stamens, ovary and fruit covered with dense warts and seeds with a green aril containing chloroplasts. The green coloration of the aril is unusual. T. tuberculatus grows between 350 and 460 m altitude, with hot, dry conditions prevailing between November and April.  相似文献   

The swimming crab Charybdis longicollis, native to the western Indian Ocean, was first recorded in the Mediterranean in 1954. It is now established from Egypt to Greece, and dominates the sandy-mud bottoms at 25–80?m in the southeastern Mediterranean. The success of C. longicollis is attributed to its high fecundity, agonistic behaviour and omnivorous diet, as well as the rise in seawater temperature. Since the early 1990s its populations in Israel and Turkey have been heavily parasitized by the alien rhizocephalan Heterosaccus dollfusi, which impacts its host’s behaviour, growth and fecundity, and causes mortality. Yet, 60 years after its first record in the Mediterranean, the population of C. longicollis seems durable, and has recently spread to the lower shelf and upper slope off Israel, where it is common at 80?m and is found down to 250?m, greatly increasing its spatial spread. The maximal percentage of parasitization was 87.2%, 88.8%, 75.5% and 81.8% at depths of 40, 60, 80, 100?m, respectively, and 50% at 120 and 250?m. Here, we hypothesize on the possible contribution of the depletion of its putative fish predators, mainly rays, to the prevalence of C. longicollis on the lower shelf.  相似文献   

The spring-fed Comal River in Texas, USA, has been impounded and channelized resulting mainly in a lentic environment with four headwater spring runs. We sampled two spring runs (lotic sites) and two lentic sites seasonally from April 2001 through April 2002 to assess (1) co-occurrence of native and exotic snail species (as determined by interspecific association), (2) the importance of habitat conditions in structuring relationships among these species, and (3) the distribution of snails infected with exotic trematode parasites. Three exotic and four endemic species of aquatic snails were collected, but only Elimia comalensis (Prosobranchia: Pleuroceridae, native), Melanoides tuberculatus, and Tarebia granifera (Prosobranchia: Thiaridae, exotic) were in sufficient densities for further analyses. Tarebia granifera was positively associated with both M. tuberculatus2 = 18.5, P < 0.001) and E. comalensis2 = 7.3, P < 0.01), although the co-occurrence between the two exotics was much stronger. Melanoides tuberculatus and E. comalensis exhibited a strong, negative association (χ2 = 10.9, P < 0.001). The weaker co-occurrence between E. comalensis with the thiarids appeared to be driven by differences in habitat use by the thiarids and native E. comalensis. In lentic habitats, densities of M. tuberculatus and T. granifera were similar but differed significantly from E. comalensis whose densities were 200 times less than the exotic snails. In lotic spring runs, densities of T. granifera and E. comalensis were similar, but differed significantly from M. tuberculatus whose densities were 10 times fewer. Lower densities of M. tuberculatus and T. granifera in habitat conditions common to the spring runs may explain why exotic snail interactions were less with the native E. comalensis than with each other. The native snail, E. comalensis, was not infected with any trematodes, while 6.1% of M. tuberculatus and 4.8% of T. granifera were infected with exotic trematodes. Distributions of infected snails were aggregated; such that most infected snails were found in lentic habitats with silt substrates and moderate to high levels of detritus. Continued declines in spring-flows due to aquifer withdrawals and droughts will increase lentic habitats that may lead to increased densities of T. granifera and M. tuberculatus and their concomitant parasites. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Sixty species of freshwater Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) are recorded from Lake Tonle Sap and its adjacent waters, Cambodia. Four species, Ceriodaphnia laticaudata, Bunops cf. tuberculatus, Leydigia australis, and Chydorus cf. dentifer are newly recorded from Southeast Asia, and occurrence of Macrothrix pholpunthini is secondary confirmed in the world. The present cladoceran fauna is characterized by having rich epiphytic and benthic forms. It can be associated with the shallow and vegetation-rich habitats of the study sites.  相似文献   

Protozoan and hydrozoan epibionts on the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus and its shell, collected near Cumbrae Island (Scotland) were studied. The epibionts found were the following: (1) protozoans: the suctorian ciliates Ephelota plana, Acineta compressa, Conchacineta constricta, Corynophrya anisostyla; the peritrich ciliates Cothurnia mobiusi and Zoothamnium plumula; the chonotrich ciliate Chilodochona quennerstedti; and (2) hydrozoans: the species Leuckartiara sp. and Clytia sp. The morphological characteristics of the epibionts were analysed, as well as their taxonomic position. The distribution of epibionts on the crab surface and its shell was studied, and the density and biomass of epibionts were calculated on each anatomic unit. There was a differential distribution according to the type of epibiont: hydrozoans dominated in biovolume and were present mainly on the shell, meanwhile protozoans represented the highest fraction of density and they were found exclusively on the crab (principally on eyes, antennulae, antennae, maxillipeds, pereopods and uropods). The anterior area of the cephalothorax was the most colonized. On this area, the maxillipeds and second pereopods showed the highest densities. The location of each epibiont species was described. There was a correlation between the length of the crab and the total number of hydrozoans. There was a significant correlation between the right and the left units of the crab, taking into consideration the mean densities of epibionts on each anatomical unit. The shell was colonized by the same species of hydrozoa that appeared on the crab, although in a much higher density (mean 3024.38 per shell; 6.9 per crab). There was a significant difference between both species of hydrozoan epibionts with respect to the mean densities on the different areas of the shell. The zone of the shell more occupied by Clytia sp. was the apical zone of the shell, while the highest densities of Leuckartiara sp. were registered near the aperture of the shell. The hydrozoan and protozoan epibiont species found on P. bernhardus in this study represent the first mention of their presence on this hermit crab.  相似文献   

Summary Oxygen consumption rates of the lizardsPtyodactylus hasselquistii (adult and subadults) andBunopus tuberculatus (adult) were determined in relation to ambient temperatures ranging from 10 to 35°C using a double-chamber, volumetric closed system. The metabolic rate-temperature curves for both species were triphasic and similar in shape, but O2 consumption differed between species.The low thermal dependence at temperatures between 15 and 25°C, common to both species, was correlated with the lizards' dual mode of thermoregulatory activity and ecology.  相似文献   

Discoveries of the rare sweetwater‐crab Platychirograpsus typicus are hitherto known from Tabasco and Veracruz (Mexico). A new male specimen was found at the Rio de Alatorre. The crab lived under a stone in a quiet area of the river. The cave where the crab dwelled was closed and defended by its mighty pair of scissors. Footprints prove that Platychirograpsus typicus does not move far away from its living place.  相似文献   

Historical anecdotes and preliminary monitoring since 1990 indicate that New Zealand Long‐tailed Bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus, Vespertilionidae) are now rare or absent at many sites where formerly they were common. Chalinolobus tuberculatus appeared to be common throughout New Zealand in the 1800s but by 1900–30 it was becoming scarce in many districts. Formal surveys in the South Island since 1990 either failed to find C. tuberculatus, or recorded bats in low numbers. Of eight sites where transect counts were undertaken, bats were recorded frequently at two sites (45–66% of counts; Eglinton and Dart Valleys), rarely at four sites (2.4–10.7% of counts), and were not recorded at the remaining two sites despite considerable survey effort. Of 10 sites where stationary counts using automatic detector units were used, no C. tuberculatus were recorded in three areas (153 nights combined), they were found rarely at six sites (2.1–21.0% of nights; 461 nights combined) and were recorded commonly only in the Eglinton Valley (85% of 120 nights). Assertions that C. tuberculatus are ‘common’ and that the conservation status is ‘secure’ are questionable and this review supports suggestions that the species should be classed as ‘Vulnerable’. Possible causes of decline have been suggested including clearance and logging of lowland forests, predation by introduced mammals and owls, competition for roost sites by introduced mammals, birds and wasps, and human interference and disturbance at roosting sites. However, authors’ claims have all been speculative and unsubstantiated. There has been no research undertaken to quantify these claims, and this is required urgently. The results of these preliminary surveys provide a new baseline against which future population trends might be compared. Increased effort using standardized monitoring techniques, applied at a national level, is required to confirm the possible trends and to help identify the best sites where conservation managers may attempt to restore the population level.  相似文献   

Botelho  Andrea Z.  Costa  Ana C. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):111-117
The intertidal hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus was collected at three sites on São Miguel (Azores) during low spring tides. Shells occupied were identified and measured. Crab sizes ranged from 1.78 to 13.67 mm (cephalothoracic shield length), with an average size of 4.40 ± 1.44 mm. Of the 19 different shells utilised, the most frequent were Littorina striata (23.8%), Nassarius incrassatus (22.5%) and Mitra sp. (22.0%). At Fenais da Luz, L. striata was most frequently occupied, while at Água de Alto it was N. incrassatus and, at Caloura, Mitra sp. shells were most frequently used. Shell selection appears to be determined by respective sizes of hermit crab and shell species. Small size-class crabs occupy more shell species than larger crabs. The smallest crab was found at Fenais da Luz occupying a small Bittium sp., whereas the largest crab was found at Caloura inhabiting Stramonita haemastoma.  相似文献   

Free vesicle-like bodies (VLBs) present in the ecdysial space of cuticle regions undergoing degradation during preecdysis of the Atlantic shore crabCarcinus maenashave been interpreted either as infectious organisms or as secretion structures associated with degradation of the old cuticle. Ultrastructural, cytochemical, and immunocytological investigations were performed to test these hypotheses and to see whether VLBs are peculiar to this crab species. Similar VLBs were systematically found in two other preecdysial crabs,Cancer pagurusandMacropipus puber.InCar. maenas,they originate during early premolt inside Golgi buddings and are often gathered into large vacuoles in epidermal cells. The histochemical azo-dye technique and a cerium-based cytochemical method revealed acid phosphatase activity in both the ecdysial space and the VLBs, while Feulgen's method and immunocytological labeling always failed to reveal any DNA or RNA in either the ecdysial space or the VLBs. We conclude that VLBs are not infectious organisms but “extracellular” cuticle-degrading organelles of lysosomal origin and propose to coin them “exolysosomes.”  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for three trinucleotide and three tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were developed for red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus) to aid in studies of genetic population structure in Alaskan waters. Number of alleles ranged from six to 18 alleles (N = 562), and locus heterozygosities ranged from 0.505 to 0.839. Six primers were cross amplified with golden king crab (Lithodes aequispinus); five primers with blue king crab (P. platypus); and one primer with the splendid hermit crab (Labidochirus splendescens), the ‘missing link’ between pagurid and lithodid crabs. No cross amplification occurred with Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) or Aleutian hermit crab (Pagurus aleuticus).  相似文献   


Metamorphosis season of megalopae to the first crab stage in snow crab Chionoecetes opilio and red snow crab C. japonicus was inferred by culturing wild-born megalopae collected from the Sea of Japan. Metamorphosis occurred from late June to late July (mainly in July) in snow crab, and from early July to early October (mainly from August to September) in red snow crab. The number of days required from the time of collection to metamorphosis was less than the intermoult period previously reported for snow crab megalopae. However, the developmental period of the megalopae was estimated as substantially longer in red snow crab than in snow crab. Previous studies have shown that the hatching season and the period of the zoeal stage in both two species are similar. These results suggest that a different metamorphosis season between the two species would be due to a difference in their megalopal intermoult period.  相似文献   

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