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An efficient and reproducible Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of Withania coagulans was achieved using leaf explants of in vitro multiple shoot culture. The Agrobacterium strain LBA4404 harboring the binary vector pIG121Hm containing β-glucuronidase gene (gusA) under the control of CaMV35S promoter was used in the development of transformation protocol. The optimal conditions for the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of W. coagulans were found to be the co-cultivation of leaf explants for 20 min to agrobacterial inoculum (O.D. 0.4) followed by 3 days of co-cultivation on medium supplemented with 100 μM acetosyringone. Shoot bud induction as well as differentiation occurred on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 10.0 μM 6-benzylaminopurine, 8.0 μM indole 3-acetic acid, and 50.0 mgl?1 kanamycin after three consecutive cycles of selection. Elongated shoots were rooted using a two-step procedure involving root induction in a medium containing 2.5 μM indole 3-butyric acid for 1 week and then transferred to hormone free one-half MS basal for 2 weeks. We were successful in achieving 100 % frequency of transient GUS expression with 5 % stable transformation efficiency using optimized conditions. PCR analysis of T0 transgenic plants showed the presence of gusA and nptII genes confirming the transgenic event. Histochemical GUS expression was observed in the putative transgenic W. coagulans plants. Thin layer chromatography showed the presence of similar type of withanolides in the transgenic and non-transgenic regenerated plants. A. tumefaciens mediated transformation system via leaf explants developed in this study will be useful for pathway manipulation using metabolic engineering for bioactive withanolides in W. coagulans, an important medicinal plant.  相似文献   

Present study was carried out to understand the possible mechanism of neuroprotective action of the root extract of Withania somnifera Dunal (WS). The study is focused on WS mediated inhibition of nitric oxide production, which is known to mediate neurodegeneration during stress. Adult mice (28 ± 5 g) were exposed to restraint stress for 30 days. Activity of NADPH diaphorase (NADPH-d) and factors (Acetylcholine, serotonin and corticosterone), which regulates NADPH-d activity were studied. Treatment with WS extract for 30 days during stress, significantly reversed the stress induced NADPH-d activation. Observations suggest that inhibition of NADPH-d by WS is not a direct effect of extract on NADPH-d, instead it inhibits via suppressing corticosterone release and activating cholineacetyltransferase, which in turn increase serotonin level in hippocampus to inhibit NADPH-d. Together, the main mechanism underlying the neuroprotective effects of WS can be attributed to its role in the down regulation of nNOS and neurochemical alterations of specific neurotransmitter systems. These observations thus suggest that WS root extract could be developed as a potential preventive or therapeutic drug for stress induced neurological disorders.  相似文献   

The biotransformation potential of cell suspension cultures generated from Withania somnifera leaf was investigated, using withanolides, i.e. withanolide A, withaferin A, and withanone as precursor substrates. Interestingly, the cell suspension cultures showed inter-conversion of withanolides, as well converted to some unknown compounds, released to the culture media. The bio-catalyzed withanolide was detected and quantified by TLC and HPLC, respectively. There is noticeable conversion of withanolide A to withanone, and vice versa though at a lower level. The type of reaction of this biotransformation appears to be substitution of 20-OH group to 17-OH in withanolide A. In this paper, we present for the first time the possibility of biotransformation by inter-conversion of withanolides of pharmacological importance through cell suspension culture of W. somnifera. The possible role of putative cytochrome P450 hydroxylases is implicated in the conversion.  相似文献   

Withania somnifera (L) Dunal, commonly known as ashwagandha or Indian ginseng, is the source of large number of pharmacologically active withanolides. Withaferin-A (WS-3), a major withanolide of W. somnifera, has been proven to be an effective anti-cancer molecule. In this study, a liquid culture system for shoot proliferation, biomass accumulation and withaferin-A production of an elite accession (AGB002) of W. somnifera was investigated. The nodal explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) semi-solid medium supplemented with various concentrations of 6-benzyl adenine (BA) and Kinetin (Kn) elicited varied responses. The highest number of regenerated shoots per ex-plant (35?±?3.25) and the maximum average shoot length (5.0?±?0.25 cm) were recorded on MS medium supplemented with BA (5.0 μM). The shoots were further proliferated in half and full strength MS liquid medium supplemented with the same concentration BA. It was interesting to note that shoots cultured on MS half strength liquid medium fortified with 4 gL-1 FW (fresh weight) shoot inoculum mass derived from 5 week old nodal explants of W. somnifera showed highest accumulation of biomass and withaferin A content in 5 weeks. Withaferin A was produced in relatively high amounts (1.30 % and 1.10 % DW) in shoots cultured in half and full strength MS liquid media respectively as compared to natural field grown plants (0.85 % DW). A considerable amount of the withaferin A was also excreted in the culture medium. Successful proliferation of shoots in liquid medium and the synthesis of withaferin A in vitro opens new avenues for bioreactor scale-up and the large-scale production of the compound.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the inoculation effects of Achromobacter xylosoxidans AUM54 and Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on the growth of the medicinal plant Naravelia zeylanica (L.) DC under micropropagation conditions. Results revealed that the micropropagated shoots treated with the combination of endophytic bacterium and IBA promoted shoot growth, root length, number of roots, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, antioxidant enzymes, and stress tolerance compared with the control plants. A significant increase in shoot fresh and dry weights (64.65 and 8.85 %), root fresh and dry weights (61.65 and 3.91 %), shoot length (30.17 %), root length (28.57 %) and number of roots (276.9 %) was observed in treated plants over controls. Total chlorophyll and nitrogen content of bacterized plants also treated with IBA showed a 48.39 and 116.66 % increase, respectively, compared with controls. A significant increase in peroxidase (22.52 %) and superoxide dismutase levels (48.38 %) and fewer changes in the polyphenol oxidase level were observed in plants treated with A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA. Moreover, stress ethylene levels were reduced by 21.4 and 14.5 % due to bacterization with A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA treatment during postacclimatization and acclimatization stages, respectively. The shoot primordial with application of A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA (1 mg l?1) had increased survivability of N. zeylanica plants by 30 % during the acclimatization stage under greenhouse conditions. From the present study it could be inferred that the association of endophytic bacterium A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA with in vitro shoots of N. zeylanica improved root initiation, promoted plant growth and development under micropropagation conditions, reduced stress ethylene levels, and increased survivability during the postacclimatization stage. Therefore, A. xylosoxidans AUM54 along with IBA treatment can be used as a valuable tool for micropropagation of N. zeylanica and other endangered plants.  相似文献   

Hypoglycemic, diuretic and hypocholesterolemic effects of roots of W. somnifera (ashvagandha) were assessed on human subjects. Six mild NIDDM subjects and six mild hypercholesterolemic subjects were treated with the powder of roots of W. somnifera for 30 days. Suitable parameters were studied in the blood and urine samples of the subjects along with dietary pattern before and at the end of treatment period. Decrease in blood glucose was comparable to that of an oral hypoglycemic drug. Significant increase in urine sodium, urine volume, significant decrease in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (low density lipoproteins) and VLDL (very low density lipoproteins) cholesterol were observed indicating that root of W. somnifera is a potential source of hypoglycemic, diuretic and hypocholesterolemic agents. Clinical observations revealed no adverse effects.  相似文献   

A micropropagation system through leaf explant culture has been developed for Withania coagulans. Shoot bud proliferation occurred through both adventitious and de novo routes depending on the hormonal regime of the culture medium. Green compact nodular organogenic callus developed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2.3 μM kinetin (Kn) and lower levels of 6–benzyladenine (BA) (13.3 μM) while multiple adventitious shoot bud differentiation occurred on medium fortified with 2.3 μM kinetin (Kn) and higher levels of BA (22.2 μM). Shoot buds were transferred to proliferation medium containing 2.2 μM BA, 2.3 μM Kn, and 3.9 μM phloroglucinol (PG) for further growth and development of shoot system. Elongated shoots were rooted using a two-step procedure involving pulse treatment of 7 days in a medium containing 71.6 μM choline chloride (CC) and 3.9 μM PG and then transferred to rooting medium containing ½ MS, 1.2 μM IBA, 3.6 μM PAA, and 14.3 μM CC for 3 weeks. Well-rooted plants were transferred to a greenhouse for hardening and further growth. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) showed monomorphic bands in all the plants thereby confirming clonality of the regenerants. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) showed the presence of withanolides in the regenerated plants. Quantification through reverse-phase HPLC revealed increased concentration of withanolides in the regenerated plants compared to the field-grown mother plant. Accumulation of withaferin A and withanolide A increased up to twofold and that of withanone up to tenfold. Direct regeneration via leaf explants will be useful for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation, and will facilitate pathway manipulation using metabolic engineering for bioactive withanolides.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hanabusaya asiatica (Nakai) Nakai (Campanulaceae), a bee- pollinated, perennial herb, is restricted to the mountainous regions of the eastern-central Korean peninsula. Allozyme analyses for 348 individuals assessed the levels of genetic diversity for five populations. Spatial autocorrelation statistics were also used to examine the spatial distribution of allozyme polymorphisms. The species maintains high levels of allozyme diversity ( H eS = 0.217) and it exhibits low allozyme differentiation among populations ( G ST = 0.132) compared with other endemics (mean H e = 0.096, G ST = 0.248). There is an apparent pattern of isolation by distance among populations. These results suggest that H. asiatica is at a genetic equilibrium. A considerable deficit in numbers of heterozygotes suggests mating among relatives in populations. At least three populations of H. asiatica should be sampled or conserved to capture or maintain > 99 % of the genetic diversity in the species as a whole. Within local populations, individuals are distributed in a structured, isolation by distance, manner. Approximate genetic patch width in the populations of H. asiatica examined is 5 - 8 m. For conservation purposes, it is suggested that, in general, the sampling of H. asiatica should be conducted at intervals in order to efficiently sample the genetic diversity across an entire population.  相似文献   

珍稀名贵中药-金钗石斛   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
金钗石斛是我国珍稀濒危的中药种类之一。本文就其生物学特性,药用价值及栽培技术要点等进行了简要论述,为金钗石斛的资源保护和开发利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

In order to evolve a quick method for smooth and optimum germination for Withania somnifera- a medicinally efficacious multipurpose plant, present investigation was carried to study the effect of physico-chemical treatments, storage, temperature, photoperiod and growth regulators (GA3, IAA, IBA, 2–4 D and BA) on germinability. The most effective treatment is GA3 at 150 μg/ml concentration at 25 °C. The optimal temperature for germination is 25 °C and continuous light favored germination showing that photoperiod has a significant role. The seedlings derived from seeds performed well when grown in a glasshouse. The data have implications for conservation and cultivation of the species studied.  相似文献   

Sawfishes are among the most endangered of all elasmobranch species, a factor fostering considerable worldwide interest in the conservation of these animals. However, conservation efforts have been hampered by the confusing taxonomy of the group and the poor state of knowledge about the family's geographical population structure. Based on historical taxonomy, external morphology, and mitochondrial DNA sequences (NADH‐2), we show here that, globally, the sawfish comprise five species in two genera: Pristis pristis (circumtropical), Pristis clavata (east Indo‐West Pacific), Pristis pectinata (Atlantic), Pristis zijsron (Indo‐West Pacific), and Anoxypristis cuspidata (Indo‐West Pacific, except for East Africa and the Red Sea). This improved understanding will have implications for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List assessments, and endangered species laws and regulations in several countries. Furthermore, based on both or either of NADH‐2 and the number of rostral teeth per side, we show that populations of P. pristis, P. pectinata, P. zijsron, and A. cuspidata exhibit significant geographic structuring across their respective ranges, meaning that regional‐level conservation will be required. Finally, the NADH‐2 gene may serve as a marker for the identification of rostra and fins involved in illegal trade. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Withanolides are pharmaceutically important C(28)-phytochemicals produced in most prodigal amounts and diversified forms by Withania somnifera. Metabolic origin of withanolides from triterpenoid pathway intermediates implies that isoprenogenesis could significantly govern withanolide production. In plants, isoprenogenesis occurs via two routes: mevalonate (MVA) pathway in cytosol and non-mevalonate or DOXP/MEP pathway in plastids. We have investigated relative carbon contribution of MVA and DOXP pathways to withanolide biosynthesis in W. somnifera. The quantitative NMR-based biosynthetic study involved tracing of (13)C label from (13)C(1)-D-glucose to withaferin A in withanolide producing in vitro microshoot cultures of the plant. Enrichment of (13)C abundance at each carbon of withaferin A from (13)C(1)-glucose-fed cultures was monitored by normalization and integration of NMR signal intensities. The pattern of carbon position-specific (13)C enrichment of withaferin A was analyzed by a retro-biosynthetic approach using a squalene-intermediated metabolic model of withanolide (withaferin A) biosynthesis. The pattern suggested that both DOXP and MVA pathways of isoprenogenesis were significantly involved in withanolide biosynthesis with their relative contribution on the ratio of 25:75, respectively. The results have been discussed in a new conceptual line of biosynthetic load-driven model of relative recruitment of DOXP and MVA pathways for biosynthesis of isoprenoids. Key message The study elucidates significant contribution of DOXP pathway to withanolide biosynthesis. A new connotation of biosynthetic load-based role of DOXP/MVA recruitment in isoprenoid biosynthesis has been proposed.  相似文献   

Oral administration of root extracts of a medicinal plant, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) to last instar larvae of a polyphagous pest, Spodoptera litura resulted into abnormal morphogenesis and the effects comprised mortality, delay in larval-pupal and pupal-adult ecdysis, ecdysial stasis, formation of larval-pupal and pupal-adult intermediates, reduced pupation and formation of abnormal pupae, complete suppression of normal adult emergence and formation of adultoids. These effects are similar to those produced by the administration of JHAs and may be due to interference with the normal hormonal mechanism of moulting and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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