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Lichenysins are surface-active lipopeptides with antibiotic properties produced nonribosomally by several strains of Bacillus licheniformis. Here, we report the cloning and sequencing of an entire 26.6-kb lichenysin biosynthesis operon from B. licheniformis ATCC 10716. Three large open reading frames coding for peptide synthetases, designated licA, licB (three modules each), and licC (one module), could be detected, followed by a gene, licTE, coding for a thioesterase-like protein. The domain structure of the seven identified modules, which resembles that of the surfactin synthetases SrfA-A to -C, showed two epimerization domains attached to the third and sixth modules. The substrate specificity of the first, fifth, and seventh recombinant adenylation domains of LicA to -C (cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli) was determined to be Gln, Asp, and Ile (with minor Val and Leu substitutions), respectively. Therefore, we suppose that the identified biosynthesis operon is responsible for the production of a lichenysin variant with the primary amino acid sequence l-Gln–l-Leu–d-Leu–l-Val–l-Asp–d-Leu–l-Ile, with minor Leu and Val substitutions at the seventh position.Many strains of Bacillus are known to produce lipopeptides with remarkable surface-active properties (11). The most prominent of these powerful lipopeptides is surfactin from Bacillus subtilis (1). Surfactin is an acylated cyclic heptapeptide that reduces the surface tension of water from 72 to 27 mN m−1 even in a concentration below 0.05% and shows some antibacterial and antifungal activities (1). Some B. subtilis strains are also known to produce other, structurally related lipoheptapeptides (Table (Table1),1), like iturin (32, 34) and bacillomycin (3, 27, 30), or the lipodecapeptides fengycin (50) and plipastatin (29).


Lipoheptapeptide antibiotics of Bacillus spp.
Lichenysin AB. licheniformisFAa-L-Glu-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Val-L-Asn-D-Leu-L-Ile51, 52
Lichenysin BFAa-L-Glu-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Val-L-Asp-D-Leu-L-Leu23, 26
Lichenysin CFAa-L-Glu-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Val-L-Asp-D-Leu-L-Ile17
Lichenysin DFAa-L-Gln-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Val-L-Asp-D-Leu-L-IleThis work
Surfactant 86B. licheniformisFAa-L-Glxd-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Val-L-Asxd-D-Leu-L-Ilee14, 15
SurfactinB. subtilisFAa-L-Glu-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Val-L-Asp-D-Leu-L-Leu1, 7, 49
EsperinB. subtilisFAb-L-Glu-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Val-L-Asp-D-Leu-L-Leue45
Iturin AB. subtilisFAc-L-Asn-D-Tyr-D-Asn-L-Gln-L-Pro-D-Asn-L-Ser32
Iturin CFAc-L-Asn-D-Tyr-D-Asn-L-Gln-L-Pro-D-Asne-L-Asne34
Bacillomycin LB. subtilisFAc-L-Asp-D-Tyr-D-Asn-L-Ser-L-Gln-D-Proe-L-Thr3
Bacillomycin DFAc-L-Asp-D-Tyr-D-Asn-L-Pro-L-Glu-D-Ser-L-Thr30, 31
Bacillomycin FFAc-L-Asn-D-Tyr-D-Asn-L-Gln-L-Pro-D-Asn-L-Thr27
Open in a separate windowaFA, β-hydroxy fatty acid. The β-hydroxy group forms an ester bond with the carboxy group of the C-terminal amino acid. bFA, β-hydroxy fatty acid. The β-hydroxy group forms an ester bond with the carboxy group of Asp5. cFA, β-amino fatty acid. The β-amino group forms a peptide bond with the carboxy group of the C-terminal amino acid. dOnly the following combinations of amino acid 1 and 5 are allowed: Gln-Asp or Glu-Asn. eWhere an alternative amino acid may be present in a structure, the alternative is also presented. In addition to B. subtilis, several strains of Bacillus licheniformis have been described as producing the lipopeptide lichenysin (14, 17, 23, 26, 51). Lichenysins can be grouped under the general sequence l-Glx–l-Leu–d-Leu–l-Val–l-Asx–d-Leu–l-Ile/Leu/Val (Table (Table1).1). The first amino acid is connected to a β-hydroxyl fatty acid, and the carboxy-terminal amino acid forms a lactone ring to the β-OH group of the lipophilic part of the molecule. In contrast to the lipopeptide surfactin, lichenysins seem to be synthesized during growth under aerobic and anaerobic conditions (16, 51). The isolation of lichenysins from cells growing on liquid mineral salt medium on glucose or sucrose basic has been studied intensively. Antimicrobial properties and the ability to reduce the surface tension of water have also been described (14, 17, 26, 51). The structural elucidation of the compounds revealed slight differences, depending on the producer strain. Various distributions of branched and linear fatty acid moieties of diverse lengths and amino acid variations in three defined positions have been identified (Table (Table11).In contrast to the well-defined methods for isolation and structural characterization of lichenysins, little is known about the biosynthetic mechanisms of lichenysin production. The structural similarity of lichenysins and surfactin suggests that the peptide moiety is produced nonribosomally by multifunctional peptide synthetases (7, 13, 25, 49, 53). Peptide synthetases from bacterial and fungal sources describe an alternative route in peptide bond formation in addition to the ubiquitous ribosomal pathway. Here, large multienzyme complexes affect the ordered recognition, activation, and linking of amino acids by utilizing the thiotemplate mechanism (19, 24, 25). According to this model, peptide synthetases activate their substrate amino acids as aminoacyl adenylates by ATP hydrolysis. These unstable intermediates are subsequently transferred to a covalently enzyme-bound 4′-phosphopantetheinyl cofactor as thioesters. The thioesterified amino acids are then integrated into the peptide product through a stepwise elongation by a series of transpeptidations directed from the amino terminals to the carboxy terminals. Peptide synthetases have not only awakened interest because of their mechanistic features; many of the nonribosomally processed peptide products also possess important biological and medical properties.In this report we describe the identification and characterization of a putative lichenysin biosynthesis operon from B. licheniformis ATCC 10716. Cloning and sequencing of the entire lic operon (26.6 kb) revealed three genes, licA, licB, and licC, with structural patterns common to peptide synthetases and a gene designated licTE, which codes for a putative thioesterase. The modular organization of the sequenced genes resembles the requirements for the biosynthesis of the heptapeptide lichenysin. Based on the arrangement of the seven identified modules and the tested substrate specificities, we propose that the identified genes are involved in the nonribosomal synthesis of the portion of the lichenysin peptide with the primary sequence l-Gln–l-Leu–d-Leu–l-Val–l-Asp–d-Leu–l-Ile (with minor Val and Leu substitutions).  相似文献   

Twenty-two selected quality protein maize (QPM) lines, including 13 lines developed in India (DMRQPM series) and nine lines released by CIMMYT, Mexico (CML series), were evaluated for their endosperm protein content and quality, besides kernel modification in terms of vitreousness. Endosperm protein contents in 13QPMlines were on par or better than that of the normal maize ‘checks’ (Trishulata and Parkash). The QPM endosperm proteins showed significantly higher % tryptophan as well as EF-1α (a multifunctional protein with a positive and highly significant correlation with lysine content in the endosperm) contents, in comparison with the normal maize genotypes. Evaluation of kernel modification revealed considerable scope for accumulation of endosperm modifiers in some of the QPM lines. Positive and highly significant correlation was revealed between tryptophan and EF-1α contents in the endosperm proteins, whereas the correlations between the quality parameters with kernel modification in the QPM genotypes were found to be non-significant. The study led to the identification of some promising QPM lines, such as DMRQPM-37, DMRQPM-44, CML176, CML142 and CML149, which could be effectively deployed in the QPM breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The enzyme ACC deaminase encoded by acdS gene is known to play a significant role in sustaining plant growth and development under stress conditions by reducing stress induced ethylene production inside the plant. In the present investigation, Mesorhizobium ciceri isolates from chickpea plants growing under drought conditions were screened for the presence of acdS gene. Full length acdS gene from one of the isolates was successfully amplified. This is the first report showing presence of acdS gene in Mesorhizobium ciceri. Gene sequence analysis revealed that there were deletions at two positions in this gene as compared to M. loti acdS gene.  相似文献   

The basidiomycete Marasmius quercophilus is commonly found during autumn on the decaying litter of the evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.), a plant characteristic of Mediterranean forest. This white-rot fungus colonizes the leaf surface with rhizomorphs, causing a total bleaching of the leaf. In synthetic liquid media, this white-rot fungus has strong laccase activity. From a three-step chromatographic procedure, we purified a major isoform to homogeneity. The gene encodes a monomeric glycoprotein of approximately 63 kDa, with a 3.6 isoelectric point, that contains 12% carbohydrate. Spectroscopic analysis of the purified enzyme (UV/visible and electron paramagnetic resonance, atomic absorption) confirmed that it belongs to the “blue copper oxidase” family. With syringaldazine as the substrate, the enzyme's pH optimum was 4.5, the optimal temperature was 75°C, and the Km was 7.1 μM. The structural gene, lac1, was cloned and sequenced. This gene encodes a 517-amino-acid protein 99% identical to a laccase produced by PM1, an unidentified basidiomycete previously isolated from wastewater from a paper factory in Spain. This similarity may be explained by the ecological distribution of the evergreen oak in Mediterranean forest.  相似文献   

Molecular Characterization of a Maize B Chromosome Centric Sequence   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
Supernumerary chromosomes are widespread in the plant kingdom but little is known of their molecular nature or mechanism of origin. We report here the initial cloning of sequences from the maize B chromosome. Our analysis suggests that many sequences are highly repetitive and shared with the normal A chromosomes. However, all clones selected for B-specificity contain at least one copy of a particular repeat. Cytological mapping using B chromosome derivatives and in situ hybridization show that the B specific repeats are derived from the centric region of the chromosome. Sequence analysis of this repeat shows homology to motifs mapped to various plant and animal centromeres and to the maize neocentromere. A precise localization of these sequences among breakpoints within the B centromere and an homology to a facultative centromere, suggest a role for this sequence in centromere function.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of a novel cDNA encoding a polypeptide that interacts in a yeast two-hybrid system as well as in mammalian cells with the retinoblastoma (RB) protein. This new protein, which we call Rim, consists of 897 amino acids, has two leucine zipper motifs, and has a LECEE sequence previously identified as an RB-binding domain. Rim also has an E1A/CtBP-binding motif and four putative nuclear localization signals.RimmRNA is expressed ubiquitously at low levels in all human adult tissues tested and at much higher levels in several tumor cell lines. TheRimgene (HGMW-approved symbol RBBP8) is localized on human chromosome 18q11.2.  相似文献   

Two xylanase-encoding genes, named xyn11A and xyn10B, were isolated from a genomic library of Cellulomonas pachnodae by expression in Escherichia coli. The deduced polypeptide, Xyn11A, consists of 335 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 34,383 Da. Different domains could be identified in the Xyn11A protein on the basis of homology searches. Xyn11A contains a catalytic domain belonging to family 11 glycosyl hydrolases and a C-terminal xylan binding domain, which are separated from the catalytic domain by a typical linker sequence. Binding studies with native Xyn11A and a truncated derivative of Xyn11A, lacking the putative binding domain, confirmed the function of the two domains. The second xylanase, designated Xyn10B, consists of 1,183 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 124,136 Da. Xyn10B also appears to be a modular protein, but typical linker sequences that separate the different domains were not identified. It comprises a N-terminal signal peptide followed by a stretch of amino acids that shows homology to thermostabilizing domains. Downstream of the latter domain, a catalytic domain specific for family 10 glycosyl hydrolases was identified. A truncated derivative of Xyn10B bound tightly to Avicel, which was in accordance with the identified cellulose binding domain at the C terminus of Xyn10B on the basis of homology. C. pachnodae, a (hemi)cellulolytic bacterium that was isolated from the hindgut of herbivorous Pachnoda marginata larvae, secretes at least two xylanases in the culture fluid. Although both Xyn11A and Xyn10B had the highest homology to xylanases from Cellulomonas fimi, distinct differences in the molecular organizations of the xylanases from the two Cellulomonas species were identified.  相似文献   

Eighty-one tetracycline-resistant Aeromonas sp. strains were isolated from farm-raised catfish. Morphological and biochemical characteristics indicated that 23 of the 81 aeromonads were Aeromonas hydrophila, 7 isolates were Aeromonas trota, 6 isolates were Aeromonas caviae, 42 isolates were Aeromonas veronii, and 3 isolates were Aeromonas jandaei. However, the AluI and MboI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of the PCR-amplified 1.4-kb 16S rRNA gene from all 81 tetracycline-resistant aeromonads from catfish were identical to the RFLP banding patterns of A. veronii ATCC 35626, indicating that all 81 isolates were strains of A. veronii. A multiplex PCR assay successfully amplified the 5 tetracycline-resistant genes (tetA to E) from the genomic DNA of all 81 isolates. The assay determined that tetE was the dominant gene occurring in 73/81 (90.0%) of the aeromonads. Plasmids (2.0 to 20 kb) were isolated from 33 of the 81 isolates. Dendrogram analysis of the SpeI pulsed-field gel electrophoresis identified 15 distinct macrorestriction patterns among the isolates. Our results indicate the need for use of 16S rRNA in the identification of Aeromonas spp. and the prevalence of catfish as a reservoir of tet genes.  相似文献   

Maize is the third most important cereal after wheat and barley in Syria. Maize plants are attacked by several Fusarium species causing mainly stalk and ear rot of maize which poses a major impact worldwide. Identification of Fusarium species is important for disease control and for assessment of exposure risk to mycotoxines. To identify Fusarium species attacking maize in Syria, a total of 32 Fusarium isolates were recovered from maize ears collected from four different geographical regions, mainly from Ghouta surrounding Damascus. Fusarium isolates were identified based on morphology and on partial DNA sequencing of the TEF1‐α and rDNA/ITS genes. The majority (26 of 32) of these isolates was identified as F. verticillioides (subdivided into four groups), whereas three isolates turned out to be Fthapsinum, Fequiseti and Fandiyazi. The remaining three isolates were close to Fandiyazi, although further investigation is needed to confirm whether they represent a yet undescribed species. Furthermore, our results showed that sequencing the TEF1‐α gene is much more informative than sequencing of the rDNA/ITS region for Fusarium identification at the species level. PCR analysis showed that only Fverticillioides isolates were potentially fumonisin producers and that only the Fequiseti isolate was potentially trichotecene producer. This is the first report on Fusarium thapsinum, Fequiseti and Fandiyazi attacking maize in Syria.  相似文献   

A novel point mutation (I137T) was identified in the hypoxanthine‐guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) encoding gene, in a patient with partial deficiency of the enzyme. The mutation, ATT to ACT (substitution of isoleucine to threonine), occurred at codon 137, which is within the region encoding the binding site for 5‐phosphoribosyl‐1‐pyrophosphate (PRPP). The mutation caused decreased affinity for PRPP, manifested clinically as a Lesch–Nyhan variant (excessive purine production and delayed acquisition of language skills). The partial HPRT deficiency could be detected only by measuring HPRT activity in intact fibroblasts (uptake of hypoxanthine into nucleotides).  相似文献   

Full length cDNA clones of flavonoid 3',5'-hydroxylase, dihydroflavonol4-reductase and flavonoid 3-glucosyltransferase were clonedfrom petals of Gentiana triflora. Their sequences were homologousto counterparts from other plants. Flavonoid 3',5'-hydroxylaseand flavonoid 3-glucosyltransferase were enzymatically characterizedby expressing cDNAs in heterologous expression systems. (Received May 21, 1996; Accepted June 4, 1996)  相似文献   

Like many other soluble chloroplastic enzymes, thioredoxin f is nuclear-encoded and expressed as a precursor protein. After synthesis in the cytosol, it is imported into the chloroplast with subsequent cleavage of the transit sequence in the stroma. We report the expression and the partial purification of the recombinant precursor thioredoxin f protein. The prethioredoxin f was found to be located essentially in the insoluble Echerichia coli fraction, but could be renatured after urea treatment followed by dialysis. The renatured protein was active in the dithiothreitol- and thioredoxin-dependent activation of NADP malate dehydrogenase and also of fructose bisphosphatase and in the ferredoxin-thioredoxin-dependent fructose bisphosphatase activation. These data are discussed in relation with the known properties of mature thioredoxin f.  相似文献   

Wheat is unique in the sense that large numbers of end-use products such as chapati, bread, biscuits, noodles and pasta products are made from it. This is possible because of visco-elastic property imparted to the dough by its gluten proteins. Grain texture, gluten constituents and starch composition in the endosperm are major determinants of end-product quality. Each end-use product has its own specific requirements. Therefore, to expedite the breeding programme for the development of product-specific varieties, understanding the grain components at biochemical/molecular level and their relationship with quality, is needed. Impressive advances have been made in understanding the subunit composition of glutenins, gliadins and starch at biochemical and molecular levels. Molecular markers for these components have been identified, and are being used in breeding for the improvement of wheat quality. Wheat is also deficient of certain micronutrients such as Fe and Zn and lysine content. There is increasing concern globally for the improvement of the nutritional quality of wheat for micronutrient content, and protein and starch quality. Transgenic approach will be helpful in manipulating metabolic pathways for enhancing micronutrient bioavailability and increased lysine content. In this review, information on recent developments that have taken place in understanding the biochemical basis and molecular genetics of processing and nutritional quality of wheat grain and its future implications, has been provided.  相似文献   

A glutamate-binding protein from rat brain synaptic plasma membranes has been purified to apparent homogeneity. This protein has a Mr of 14,300 based on amino acid and carbohydrate analyses. The protein is enriched with tryptophan residues, which contribute substantially to its hydrophobic nature. It also has a relatively high content of acidic amino acids, which determine is low isoelectric point (4.82). The protein exhibits either a single, high-affinity class of sites for L-[3H]glutamate binding (KD = 0.13 microM) when binding is measured at low protein concentrations, or two classes of sites with high (KD = 0.17 microM) and low affinities (KD = 0.8 microM) when binding is measured at high protein concentrations. These observations suggest preferential binding of L-glutamate to a self-associating form of the protein. The displacement of protein-bound L-[3H]glutamic acid by other neuroactive amino acids has characteristics similar to those observed for displacement of L-glutamate from membrane binding sites. Chemical modification of the cysteine and arginine residues results in an inhibition of glutamate binding activity. The possible function of this protein in the physiologic glutamate receptor complex of neuronal membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

<正>近日,来自罗格斯大学卫克曼微生物研究所主任约基姆·梅辛领导的研究团队报告了使优质蛋白玉米(quality protein maize,QPM)玉米粒更加坚硬的遗传学秘密。这一研究结果发表在2010年7月6日的《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上。  相似文献   

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