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Wolbachia pipientis is a commonly occurring endosymbiont with well-characterised effects on host reproductive biology associated with its infection of the gonads. Wolbachia infections are also widespread in somatic tissues and consequently they have the potential to play a much broader role in host biology. Recently, Wolbachia was shown to alter the locomotion of Drosophila melanogaster in response to food cues in the laboratory. To determine whether this laboratory-based phenotype might translate to real differences for insects in the field, we performed a simple mark-release-recapture experiment with Wolbachia-infected D. melanogaster in a forested habitat. We demonstrate that infected flies are recaptured at twice the rate of uninfected flies, although infection does not affect the distance traveled by those flies recaptured. The differences in recapture could be explained by infection-induced changes in physiology or behavior. If generalizable, such changes may affect the interpretation of behavioral studies for Wolbachia-infected insects and have potential implications for the dynamics of Wolbachia infections in natural populations, including situations where Wolbachia-infected insects are being released for biological control.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic α-proteobacteria Wolbachia is widely spread among arthropods and Filariidae nematodes. This bacterium is transmitted vertically via a transovarian route. Wolbachia is a cause of several reproductive abnormalities in the host species. We analyzed the isofemale lines created using flies collected from Drosophila melanogaster natural populations for infection with the endosymbiont Wolbachia. Wolbachia were genotyped according to five variable markers: the presence of insertion sequence IS5 in two loci, the copy number of two minisatellite repeats, and an inversion. Overall, 665 isofemale lines isolated from the populations of D. melanogaster from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Caucasus, Central Asia, Ural, Udmurtia, Altai, West and East Siberia, and Far East in 1974 through 2005 were used in the work. The samples from Ukrainian, Altaian, and Middle Asian populations were largest. The infection rate of D. melanogaster populations from Middle Asia, Altaian, and Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Moldavia, and Belarus) with Wolbachia amounted to 64, 56, and 39%, respectively. The D. melanogaster population from the Caucasus displayed heterogeneity in the genotypes of this cytoplasmic infection. The Wolbachia genotype wMel, detected in all the populations studied, was the most abundant. The genotype wMelCS2 was always present in the populations from Middle Asia and Altai and was among the rare variants in the D. melanogaster populations from the Eastern Europe. Single instances of the Wolbachia genotype wMelCS occurred in a few flies from the Central Asian and Altai populations, but was not found this genotype in the other regions.  相似文献   


Wolbachia are bacterial endosymbionts of many arthropod species in which they manipulate reproductive functions. The distribution of these bacteria in the Drosophila ovarian cells at different stages of oogenesis has been amply described. The pathways along which Wolbachia influences Drosophila oogenesis have been, so far, little studied. It is known that Wolbachia are abundant in the somatic stem cell niche of the Drosophila germarium. A checkpoint, where programmed cell death, or apoptosis, can occur, is located in region 2a/2b of the germarium, which comprises niche cells. Here we address the question whether or not the presence of Wolbachia in germarium cells can affect the frequency of cyst apoptosis in the checkpoint.


Our current fluorescent microscopic observations showed that the wMel and wMelPop strains had different effects on female germline cells of D. melanogaster. The Wolbachia strain wMel did not affect the frequency of apoptosis in cells of the germarium. The presence of the Wolbachia strain wMelPop in the D. melanogasterw1118 ovaries increased the number of germaria where cells underwent apoptosis in the checkpoint. Based on the appearance in the electron microscope, there was no difference in morphological features of apoptotic cystocytes between Wolbachia-infected and uninfected flies. Bacteria with normal ultrastructure and large numbers of degenerating bacteria were found in the dying cyst cells.


Our current study demonstrated that the Wolbachia strain wMelPop affects the egg chamber formation in the D. melanogaster ovaries. This led to an increase in the number of germaria containing apoptotic cells. It is suggested that Wolbachia can adversely interfere either with the cystocyte differentiation into the oocyte or with the division of somatic stem cells giving rise to follicle cells and, as a consequence, to improper ratio of germline cells to follicle cells and, ultimately, to apoptosis of cysts. There was no similar adverse effect in D. melanogaster Canton S infected with the Wolbachia strain wMel. This was taken to mean that the observed increase in frequency of apoptosis was not the general effect of Wolbachia on germline cells of D. melanogaster, it was rather induced by the virulent Wolbachia strain wMelPop.


To understand specific symbiotic relationships ensuring stable existing of the bacterium Wolbachia in laboratory strains of Drosophila melanogaster, the imago lifespan and senescence rate, as well as competitiveness, have been evaluated as components of fitness in females from the following laboratory strains: (1) inbred strain 95 infected with Wolbachia; (2) two uninfected strains obtained by tetracycline treatment that were genetically similar to strain 95; and (3) two control, uninfected, wild-type laboratory strains that were used to assess the possible effects of the antibiotic on the studied characters in the absence of Wolbachia. The results have shown that infected females have longer lifespan and competitiveness than females with the same genotype uninfected with Wolbachia. The increase in the senescence and mortality rates with age was also slower in infected females. It is noteworthy that tetracycline does not affect the lifespan of females from the two control, uninfected, wild-type strains. Therefore, the antibiotic is not the cause of the positive changes in fitness that were observed in infected females. The obtained results are the first direct evidence that the relationships in the Wolbachia-D. melanogaster symbiotic system are mutualistic rather than parasitic, at least in micropopulations adapted to laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

To determine biologically important effects of the cytoplasmic endosymbiont Wolbachia, two substrains of the same Drosophila melanogaster strain have been studied, one of them infected with Wolbachia and the other treated with tetracycline to eliminate the bacterium. Females of D. melanogaster infected with Wolbachia are more resistant to the fungus Blauveria bassiana (an insect pathogen) than uninfected females; infected females also exhibited changes in oviposition substrate preference. Males infected with the bacterium are more competitive than uninfected males. The possible role of Wolbachia in the formation of alternative ecological strategies of D. melanogaster is discussed.  相似文献   

Transposable elements are being developed as tools for genomics and for the manipulation of insect genotypes for the purposes of biological control. An understanding of their transposition behavior will facilitate the use of these elements. The behavior of an autonomous Hermes transposable element from Musca domestica in the soma and germ-line of Drosophila melanogaster was investigated using the method of transposon display. In the germ-line, Hermes transposed at a rate of approximately 0.03 jumps per element per generation. Within the soma Hermes exhibited markedly non-random patterns of integration. Certain regions of the genome were distinctly preferred over others as integration targets, while other regions were underrepresented among the integration sites used. One particular site accounted for 4.4% of the transpositions recovered in this experiment, all of which were located within a 2.5-kb region of the actin5C promoter. This region was also present within the Hermes element itself, suggesting that this clustering is an example of transposable element "homing". Clusters of integration sites were also observed near the original donor sites; these represent examples of local hopping. The information content (sequence specificity) of the 8-bp target site was low, and the consensus target site resembles that determined from plasmid-based integration assays.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are maternally inherited symbiotic bacteria capable of inducing an extensive range of reproductive abnormalities in their hosts, including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Its density (concentration) is likely to influence the penetrance of CI in incompatible crosses. The variations of Wolbachia density could also be linked with phage WO density. We determined the relative density (relative concentration) of prophage WO orf7 and Wolbachia (phage-to-bacteria ratio) during early developmental and adult stages of singly infected Aedes albopictus mosquito (Wolbachia A-infected) by using real-time quantitative PCR. Phage WO and Wolbachia did not develop at the same rate. Relative Wolbachia density (bacteria-to-host ratio) was high later in development (adult stages) whilst relative prophage WO density (phage-to-bacteria ratio) was low in the adult stages. Furthermore, 12-d-old adults of singly infected female mosquito had the highest Wolbachia density. In contrast, the larval stage 4 (L4) contained the highest prophage WO-B orf7 density. The association of hosts-Wolbachia-phage among diverse species is different. Thus, if phage and Wolbachia are involved in CI mechanism, the information of this association should be acquired for each specific type of organism for future use of population replacement or gene drive system.  相似文献   

Complexes of Piwi family proteins with short piRNAs (Piwi-interacting RNAs) are responsible for silencing transposable elements in animal reproductive organs. In Drosophila melanogaster, three proteins (Piwi, Aub, and Ago3) are members of the Piwi family. Piwi is the nuclear protein of somatic and germinal ovarian cells, whereas Aub and Ago3 are cytoplasmic proteins involved in piRNA amplification in perinuclear granules that constitute special organelles of germinal cells called nuage. Mutations in genes of the piRNA system are known to cause derepression of several transposable elements. In this study, we compared quantitatively changes in expression of a larger number of elements in the case of mutations in the piwi gene, genes aub, mael, and spn-E, which encode proteins of nuage granules, and armi gene coding an RNA helicase, the lack of which does not interfere with cytoplasmic piRNA amplification but disturbs nuclear localization of Piwi protein. We found that the genes piwi, armi, aub, spn-E, and mael interact to induce silencing of some retrotransposons (HMS-Beagle, Gate and HeT-A); the same genes, except piwi, are involved in repression of I and G elements. We propose that Armi is involved in control of not only nuclear Piwi localization. Our data suggest the relation of nuage proteins Aub, Spn-E, and Mael to Piwi-mediated silencing of retrotransposons Gate and HMS-Beagle in the nucleus. In general, our results corroborate the idea of genome stabilization by means of various silencing strategies specific to different transposable elements. At the same time, our data suggest the existence of yet unknown mechanisms of interplay between nuclear and cytoplasmic components of the piRNA machinery in germinal cells.  相似文献   

The rapid cold-hardening (RCH) response increases the cold tolerance of insects by protecting against non-freezing, cold-shock injury. Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, plays important roles in development and the elimination of sub-lethally damaged cells. Our objectives were to determine whether apoptosis plays a role in cold-shock injury and, if so, whether the RCH response protects against cold-induced apoptosis in Drosophila melanogaster. The present study confirmed that RCH increased the cold tolerance of the adults at the organismal level. No flies in the cold-shocked group survived direct exposure to ‒7°C for 2 h, whereas significantly more flies in the RCH group survived exposure to ‒7°C for 2 h after a 2-h exposure to 5°C. We used a TUNEL assay to detect and quantify apoptotic cell death in five groups of flies including control, cold-shocked, RCH, heat-shocked (37.5°C, 30 min), and frozen (‒20°C, 24 h) and found that apoptosis was induced by cold shock, heat shock, and freezing. The RCH treatment significantly improved cell viability by 38% compared to the cold-shocked group. Cold shock-induced DNA fragmentation shown by electrophoresis provided further evidence for apoptosis. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed an RCH-specific protein band with molecular mass of ∼150 kDa. Western-blotting revealed three proteins that play key roles in the apoptotic pathway: caspase-9-like (apoptotic initiator), caspase-3-like (apoptotic executioner) and Bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic protein). Consequently, the results of this study support the hypothesis that the RCH response protects against cold-shock-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Extensive research has been carried out to understand how circadian clocks regulate various physiological processes in organisms. The discovery of clock genes and the molecular clockwork has helped researchers to understand the possible role of these genes in regulating various metabolic processes. In Drosophila melanogaster, many studies have shown that the basic architecture of circadian clocks is multi-oscillatory. In nature, different neuronal subgroups in the brain of D. melanogaster have been demonstrated to control different circadian behavioural rhythms or different aspects of the same circadian rhythm. Among the circadian phenomena that have been studied so far in Drosophila, the egg-laying rhythm is unique, and relatively less explored. Unlike most other circadian rhythms, the egg-laying rhythm is rhythmic under constant light conditions, and the endogenous or free-running period of the rhythm is greater than those of most other rhythms. Although the clock genes and neurons required for the persistence of adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms have been studied extensively, those underlying the circadian egg-laying rhythm still remain largely unknown. In this review, we discuss our current understanding of the circadian egg-laying rhythm in D. melanogaster, and the possible molecular and physiological mechanisms that control the rhythmic output of the egg-laying process.  相似文献   

The effect of strong hypomorphic mutation of the insulin-like protein gene (dilp6) on metabolism of octopamine (one of the main biogenic amines in insects) was studied in Drosophila melanogaster males and females. The activity of tyrosine decarboxylase (the key enzyme of octopamine synthesis) and the activity of octopamine-dependent N-acetyltransferase (the enzyme of its degradation) were measured. It was demonstrated that the activity of both studied enzymes is decreased under normal conditions in the dilp641 mutants (as we previously demonstrated, this is correlated with an increased level of octopamine). It was also found that hypomorphic mutation of the dilp6 gene decreases the intensity of tyrosine decarboxylase response to heat stress. Thus, it was demonstrated for the first time that insulin-like DILP6 protein in drosophila influences the level of octopamine (regulating the activity of the enzyme degrading octopamine).  相似文献   

The effect of strong hypomorphic mutation of the insulin-like protein DILP6 (dilp6), synthesized in the fat body, on the expression intensity of insulin-like protein DILP3 synthesized in median neurosecretory cells (MNCs) of D. melanogaster brain was examined. The intensity of DILP3 expression in the MNCs of the larvae was evaluated immunohistochemically using antibodies against DILP3 and confocal microscopy. For the first time, it was demonstrated that, in dilp6 41 mutants, there was a sharp increase in DILP3 expression level. The data obtained indicate the existence of negative feedback coordinating the expression of insulin-like proteins synthesized in MNCs and peripheral tissues of Drosophila.  相似文献   



Hormones frequently guide animal development via the induction of cascades of gene activities, whose products further amplify an initial hormonal stimulus. In Drosophila the transformation of the larva into the pupa and the subsequent metamorphosis to the adult stage is triggered by changes in the titer of the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone. singed wings (swi) is the only gene known in Drosophila melanogaster for which mutations specifically interrupt the transmission of the regulatory signal from early to late ecdysone inducible genes.  相似文献   

The protein Merlin is involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation in the eyes and wings of Drosophila and is a homolog of the human protein encoded by the Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) gene whose mutations cause auricular nerve tumors. Recent studies show that Merlin and Expanded cooperatively regulate the recycling of membrane receptors, such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). By performing a search for potential genetic interactions between Merlin (Mer) and the genes important for vesicular trafficking, we found that ectopic expression in the wing pouch of the clathrin adapter protein Lap involved in clathrin-mediated receptor endocytosis resulted in the formation of extra vein materials. On the one hand, coexpression of wild-type Merlin and lap in the wing pouch restored normal venation, while overexpression of a dominant-negative mutant Mer DBB together with lap enhanced ectopic vein formation. Using various constructs with Merlin truncated copies, we showed the C-terminal portion of the Merlin protein to be responsible for the Merlin-lap genetic interaction. Furthermore, we showed that the Merlin and Lap proteins colocalized at the cortex of the wing imaginal disc cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Insect symbionts employ multiple strategies to enhance their spread through populations, and some play a dual role as both a mutualist and a reproductive manipulator. It has recently been found that this is the case for some strains of Wolbachia, which both cause cytoplasmic incompatibility and protect their hosts against viruses. Here, we carry out the first test as to whether a male-killing strain of Wolbachia also provides a direct benefit to its host by providing antiviral protection to its host Drosophila bifasciata. We infected flies with two positive sense RNA viruses known to replicate in a range of Drosophila species (Drosophila C virus and Flock House virus) and measure the rate of death in Wolbachia positive and negative host lines with the same genetic background. RESULTS: Both viruses caused considerable mortality to D. bifasciata flies, with Drosophila C virus killing 43% more flies than the uninfected controls and Flock House virus killing 78% more flies than the uninfected controls. However, viral induced mortality was unaffected by the presence of Wolbachia. CONCLUSION: In the first male-killing Wolbachia strain tested for antiviral effects, we found no evidence that it conferred protection against two RNA viruses. We show that although antiviral resistance is widespread across the Wolbachia phylogeny, the trait seems to have been lost or gained along some lineages. We discuss the potential mechanisms of this, and can seemingly discount protection against these viruses as a reason why this symbiont has spread through Drosophila populations.  相似文献   

The regulation of the Drosophila melanogaster yolk protein genes 1 and 2 have been well characterised. Cis-acting DNA elements and trans-acting factors regulating ovarian fat body and sex-specific expression have been identified. In this paper we have analysed the regulation of yolk protein 3, which is separated from the other two genes on the X-chromosome. We have separated sex-specific control from fat body control in some constructs in transgenic flies. We propose that the organisation of the regulatory elements in yp3 differs from yp1 and yp2 for control of fat body expression and that it closely resembles the regulation of a reporter gene using Musca and Calliphora yp promoter enhancer sequences in transgenic Drosophila.  相似文献   

We report the first systematic survey for the presence of Wolbachia endosymbionts in aphids and whiteflies, particularly different populations and biotypes of Bemisia tabaci. Additional agriculturally important species included were predator species, leafhoppers, and lepidopterans. We used a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection assay with ribosomal 16S rDNA and Wolbachia cell surface protein (wsp) gene primers. Wolbachia were detected in a number of whitefly populations and species, whitefly predators, and one leafhopper species; however, none of the aphid species tested were found infected. Single, double, and triple infections were detected in some of the B. tabaci populations. PCR and phylogenetic analysis of wsp gene sequences indicated that all Wolbachia strains found belong to group B. Topologies of the optimal tree derived by maximum likelihood (ML) and a ML tree in which Wolbachia sequences from B. tabaci are constrained to be monophyletic are significantly different. Our results indicate that there have been at least four independent Wolbachia infection events in B. tabaci. The importance of the presence of Wolbachia infections in B. tabaci is discussed. RID= ID= <E5>Correspondence to: </E5>K. Bourtzis; <E5>email:</E5> kbourtz&commat;cc.uoi.gr Received: 9 September 2002 / Accepted: 25 September 2002  相似文献   

The bithorax (BX) complex of Drosophila is a complex polygenic region with a multifactorial system of regulation. One of the levels of the regulatory system of the BX complex is its association with the nuclear skeleton structures through a specific interaction of the M/SAR DNA with the nuclear matrix proteins. In the present work, M/SAR elements were mapped on the molecular-genetic map of the region. All of the elements examined were found to colocalize with regulatory elements and form clusters that restrict/bracket the genetically active domains. All M/SAR DNA revealed was shown to bins specifically to the purified Drosophila melanogaster lamin.  相似文献   

Non-mammalian infection models have been developed over the last two decades, which is a historic milestone to understand the molecular basis of bacterial pathogenesis. They also provide small-scale research platforms for identification of virulence factors, screening for antibacterial hits, and evaluation of antibacterial efficacy. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster is one of the model hosts for a variety of bacterial pathogens, in that the innate immunity pathways and tissue physiology are highly similar to those in mammals. We here present a relatively simple protocol to assess the key aspects of the polymicrobial interaction in vivo between the human opportunistic pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, which is based on the systemic infection by needle pricking at the dorsal thorax of the flies. After infection, fly survival and bacteremia over time for both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus within the infected flies can be monitored as a measure of polymicrobial virulence potential. The infection takes ~24 h including bacterial cultivation. Fly survival and bacteremia are assessed using the infected flies that are monitored up to ~60 h post-infection. These methods can be used to identify presumable as well as unexpected phenotypes during polymicrobial interaction between P. aeruginosa and S. aureus mutants, regarding bacterial pathogenesis and host immunity.  相似文献   

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