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广东潮州凤凰山的蕨类植物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经实地调查和标本研究,广东潮州凤凰山蕨类植物共有96种,隶属于31科58属。区系分析表明:该地蕨类植物具有较强的热带性质,科、属、种的分布区类型均以热带、亚热带分布型为主。热带、亚热带分布的科有13科,占41.94%,属有36属,占62.08%,其中泛热带分布属(22属,占37.93%)是最重要的分布类型;世界分布属占24.14%,温带分布属不明显,占13.79%,显示出该区蕨类植物区系从热带向亚热带的渗透和过渡性质;热带、亚热带分布的种所占比例最大(52种,占54.17%),其中以热带亚洲性质的占优势(38种,占39.58%);温带成分次之(36种,占37.5%),其中中国-日本分布性质的占优势(30种,占31.25%)。按生长基质的不同,将凤凰山蕨类植物划分为土生、石生、附生三种生态类型,其中以土生为主。按蕨类植物多样性的应用性,又可分为药用、观赏和食用蕨类植物等。  相似文献   

During 2018-2019, a severe human adenovirus (HAdV) infection outbreak occurred in southern China. Here, we screened 18 respiratory pathogens in 1704 children (≤ 14 years old) hospitalized with acute respiratory illness in Guangzhou, China, in 2019. In total, 151 patients had positive HAdV test results; 34.4% (52/151) of them exhibited severe illness. HAdV infection occurred throughout the year, with a peak in summer. The median patient age was 3.0 (interquartile range:1.1-5.0) years. Patients with severe HAdV infection exhibited increases in 12 clinical indexes (P ≤ 0.019) and decreases in four indexes (P ≤ 0.007), compared with patients exhibiting nonsevere infection. No significant differences were found in age or sex distribution according to HAdV infection severity (P > 0.05); however, the distributions of comorbid disease and HAdV co-infection differed according to HAdV infection severity (P < 0.05). The main epidemic types were HAdV-3 (47.0%, 71/151) and HAdV-7 (46.4%, 70/151). However, the severe illness rate was significantly higher in patients with HAdV-7 (51.4%) than in patients with HAdV-3 (19.7%) and other types of HAdV (20%) (P < 0.001). Sequencing analysis of genomes/capsid genes of 13 HAdV-7 isolates revealed high similarity to previous Chinese isolates. A representative HAdV-7 isolate exhibited a similar proliferation curve to the curve described for the epidemic HAdV-3 strain Guangzhou01 (accession no. DQ099432) (P > 0.05); the HAdV-7 isolate exhibited stronger virulence and infectivity, compared with HAdV-3 (P < 0.001). Overall, comorbid disease, HAdV co-infection, and high virulence and infectivity of HAdV-7 were critical risk factors for severe HAdV infection; these data can facilitate treatment, control, and prevention of HAdV infection.  相似文献   

There is a lack of epidemiological data on Toxoplasma gondii infection in dogs from eastern China. In the present study, serum samples from 288 dogs were collected from Xuzhou, Huaiyin, and Yianchen in Jiangsu Province, eastern China, in August 2010; T. gondii antibodies were assayed by a modified agglutination test (MAT). Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 62 of 288 (21.5%) with MAT titers of 1∶25 in 21 dogs, 1∶50 in 15, 1∶100 in 11, 1∶200 in 6, and 1∶400 and above in 3 dogs. The seroprevalence in ≥3-yr-old dogs was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that in dogs less than 3-yr-old. The results of the present study indicated that infection with T. gondii in household dogs in Jiangsu Province is a public health concern.  相似文献   

为了解韩江潮州江段鱼类生物多样性及季节变化, 2012年5月至2013年4月, 采用定置刺网和地笼网对韩江潮州江段5个样点开展了渔获物调查。共采集鱼类53种, 隶属8目19科48属, 以鲤形目和鲈形目为主, 分别为27种和11种, 占总种数的50.9%和20.8%; 其中13种为该水域新记录种; 广东鲂(Megalobrama terminalis)、福建小鳔鮈(Microphysogobio fukiensis)、赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)和鲮(Cirrhinus molitorella)为全年优势种。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、Pielou均匀度指数(E)和Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)均表现出夏季最高, 其后依次是秋季、冬季、春季; Simpson指数(D')秋季最高, 其后是夏季、冬季、春季; Bray-Curtis尾数/种类相似性系数聚类分析和非度量多维标度分析在38.23%的水平上将12个月分为2个群聚: I包括夏、秋季节6个月, II包括春、冬季节6个月, 这与多样性指数H'E、DD'的变化趋势一致, 表明韩江潮州江段鱼类资源的季节变化显著, 水温和流量是影响该江段鱼类资源的主要环境因子。10个主要物种被聚合为两大类群, 分别为季节性出现的小型鱼类和常见种。我们认为保护栖息环境、建立适宜的禁渔制度是保护该江段鱼类资源的关键措施。  相似文献   

广东省发现刘氏链蛇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年7月22日,在广东省车八岭国家级自然保护区采集到蛇类标本1号。基于形态和分子数据(Cyt b),鉴定该蛇为刘氏链蛇(Lycodon liuchengchaoi),为此物种在广东省分布的确切记录。标本(馆藏号HUM20180001)保存在黄山学院标本馆。  相似文献   

2010年3-10月,对广东潮州凤凰山茶园的蜘蛛进行采样调查。经鉴定统计,凤凰山茶园蜘蛛共计23科,67属,79种,另待定种27种。在前人调查研究广东茶区蜘蛛的基础上新增了61种,均为广东省茶区蜘蛛的新纪录。  相似文献   

Yang Y  Li X  Zhang Z  Qian HZ  Ruan Y  Zhou F  Gao C  Li M  Jin Q  Gao L 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35983


In the recent years, dramatic increases in HIV transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM) have been observed in China. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection related anal cancer is more common among HIV-infected MSM as compared to the general population. However, HPV infection and anal cytology has been rarely studied in HIV-infected MSM in China.


HIV-infected MSM in Beijing, China were invited to participate in this study between January and April 2011. Anal swabs were collected for examining cytology and HPV genotypes.


Ninety-five eligible participants with complete questionnaire and laboratory data were included in the analyses. Thirty six of them (37.9%) showed abnormal anal cytology as follows: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) in 19 (20.0%), atypical squamous cells but cannot exclude HSIL (ASC-H) in 1 (1.1%), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) in 15 (15.8%), and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) in 1 (1.1%). HPV6 (20.0%), HPV16 (10.9%), HPV56 (10.9%), HPV52 (9.1%) and HPV39 (9.1%) were observed most frequently among those with normal anal cytology, while different distribution was found in the ones with abnormal anal cytology as HPV6 (19.4%), HPV16 (19.4%), HPV45 (16.7%), HPV52 (16.7%) and HPV18 (11.1%). In addition, HPV16, HPV45, HPV52 and HPV18 were the most frequent high-risk types in patients with abnormal anal cytology. HPV multiplicity was found to be significantly related to the prevalence of abnormal anal cytology (p for trend = 0.04).


High prevalence of HPV infection and abnormal anal cytology was observed among HIV-infected MSM in China. Infection of multiple HPV types or high-risk types was found to be associated with an increased risk of abnormal anal cytology.  相似文献   

广东蕨类植物新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了2个新异名,1个新等级和35种蕨类植物在广东的分布新记录。正安肋毛蕨(Ctenitis changanensis Ching)和信宜铁角蕨(Asplenium xinyiense Ching et S.H.Wu)分别作直鳞肋毛蕨(Ctenitis eatoni (Bak.) Ching)和厚叶铁角蕨(Asplenium griffithianum Hook)的异名处理;齿翅井栏凤尾蕨(Pteris serralata(Miau)Y. H. Yan)被提升到种的等级;假芒萁属(Sticherus Presl)、柄盖蕨属(Peranema D. Don)、蛾眉蕨属(Lunathyrium Koidz.)和革舌蕨属(Scleroglossum Alderw)等4个属为广东分布新记录,小笠原卷柏(Selaginella boninensis Baker)为中国大陆分布新记录。广东现有蕨类已达到56科144属502种。  相似文献   

广东省蚂蚁种类与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记录了广东省蚂蚁的种类和分布,共计8亚科,55属,160种,其中10个广东省新纪录属,59个广东省新纪录种;标本主要保存于广东省昆虫研究所蚂蚁利用与蚁害监控团队以及中山大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

广东省水库轮虫分布特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
林秋奇  赵帅营  韩博平 《生态学报》2005,25(5):1123-1131
在2000年调查了广东省18座水库的轮虫种类分布特征。在此基础上,于2001~2003年研究了滞留时间对飞来峡水库、流溪河水库和新丰江水库三座典型水库(平均滞留时间分别为14d、172d和644d)轮虫分布的影响。共检到轮虫101种,其中大多数种类来自臂尾轮科(Brachionidae)、腔轮科(Lecanidae)、异尾轮科(Trichcercidae)和疣毛轮科(Synchaetidae)。常见属为龟甲轮属(Keratella)、臂尾轮属(Brachionus)、腔轮属(Lecane)、多肢轮属(Polyarthra)、异尾轮属(Trichocerca)、晶囊轮属(Asplanchna)、聚花轮属(Conochilus)和无柄轮属(Ascomorpha)。从不同生活习性种类组成看.每次采样均以浮游种类为主。在直流型的飞来峡水库中,底栖和着生种类占种类数的41%;而在长滞留时间的新丰江水库中只占18%;中等滞留时间的流溪河水库则介于它们之间。从不同食性种类的丰度看,在新丰江水库和流溪河水库中,轮虫以滤食细小悬浮颗粒物的种类(螺形龟轮虫、独角聚花轮虫和广生多肢轮虫)为优势种;而在直流型的飞来峡水库中,以劫掠粒径较大食物的种类(疣毛轮虫等)为优势种。聚类分析表明,不同营养水平水库轮虫的组成并不是绝然不同的,而是随着营养水平的上升逐渐发生变化的。在营养水平较低水库中以广栖性的螺形龟甲轮虫为优势种,随着营养水平的上升,螺形龟甲轮虫优势度逐渐降低,而异尾轮虫或臂尾轮虫优势度逐渐上升,并在中富营养和富营养水库中成为优势种。  相似文献   

Control of interferon signaling in human papillomavirus infection   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) infect mucosal and cutaneous epithelium resulting in several types of pathologies, most notably, cervical cancer. Persistent infection with sexually transmitted oncogenic HPV types represents the major risk factor for the development of cervical cancer. The development of HPV-associated cervical cancer has been closely linked to the expression of the viral oncogenes E6 and E7 in the tumor cells. The major viral oncoproteins, E6 and E7, target the cellular tumor suppressor gene products p53 and Rb, respectively. As detailed within, these interactions result in the stimulation of proliferation and the inhibition of apoptosis, thus representing major oncogenic insults to the infected cell. In addition to mediating transformation, the E6 and E7 genes also play significant roles in altering the immune response against infected cells by suppressing interferon (IFN) expression and signaling. At the clinical level, IFNs have been used in the treatment of HPV-associated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) or cervical cancers with mixed results. The success of the treatment is largely dependent on the subtype of HPV and the immune response of the patients. Despite this inefficiency, the increasing knowledge about the regulation of IFN signaling pathways at molecular level may hold a promise for the use of new therapeutic strategies against HPV infection. Studies on the regulation of the function of IFN-inducible gene products by the E6 and E7 may lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches based on strategies that modify the function of the HPV oncoproteins and restore IFN-signaling pathways through endogenous control mechanisms.  相似文献   

对车八岭国家级自然保护区苔藓植物进行全面的标本采集并鉴定,发现6个广东新记录物种,分别为拟网藓[Syrrhopodon parasiticus (Sw. ex Brid.) Besch.]、拟透明凤尾藓(Fissidens bogoriensis M. Fleisch.)、微形凤尾藓东亚亚种[Fissidens closteri subsp. kiusiuensis (Sakurai) Z. Iwats.]、无边匐灯藓[Plagiomnium elimbatum (M. Fleisch.) T. Kop.]、异叶小羽藓[Haplocladium larminatii (Broth. et Par.) Broth.]和东亚小羽藓[Haplocladium strictulum (Card.) Reim.]。  相似文献   

广东省翁源青云山药用植物资源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据实地调查,广东省青云山自然保护区内共记录到野生植物168科605属1266种(含种下分类单位),其中药用植物140科385属586种;所含种类15种及以上的科包括菊科、茜草科、禾本科、唇形科、兰科、蝶形花科等8科。按功效分,活血散瘀类107种、清热解毒类90种、治咳嗽清肺类60种、治疗肠炎类58种、治外伤出血类56种、治毒蛇咬伤类56种、消肿止痛类30种;按药用部位分,全株类304种、根与根茎类185种、叶类131种、茎木类49种、皮类47种、果类42种、花类14种和其他类20种。生活型、生境与海拔相关性分析表明,不同生活型和不同生境与其分布的海拔均差异显著。  相似文献   

报道了广东7个新记录种,即绣球藤、尾囊草、栀子皮、白花过路黄、曲轴黑三棱、线叶玉凤花、丝瓣玉凤花。其中黑三棱科为广东新记录科;尾囊草属、栀子皮属及黑三棱属为广东新记录属。  相似文献   

In China, bovines are believed to be the most common animal source of human schistosomiasis infections, though little is known about what factors promote bovine infections. The current body of literature features inconsistent, and sometimes contradictory results, and to date, few studies have looked beyond physical characteristics to identify the broader environmental conditions that predict bovine schistosomiasis. Because schistosomiasis is a sanitation-related, water-borne disease transmitted by many animals, we hypothesised that several environmental factors – such as the lack of improved sanitation systems, or participation in agricultural production that is water-intensive – could promote schistosomiasis infection in bovines. Using data collected as part of a repeat cross-sectional study conducted in rural villages in Sichuan, China from 2007 to 2016, we used a Random Forests, machine learning approach to identify the best physical and environmental predictors of bovine Schistosoma japonicum infection. Candidate predictors included: (i) physical/biological characteristics of bovines, (ii) human sources of environmental schistosomes, (iii) socio-economic indicators, (iv) animal reservoirs, and (v) agricultural practices. The density of bovines in a village and agricultural practices such as the area of rice and dry summer crops planted, and the use of night soil as an agricultural fertilizer, were among the top predictors of bovine S. japonicum infection in all collection years. Additionally, human infection prevalence, pig ownership and bovine age were found to be strong predictors of bovine infection in at least 1 year. Our findings highlight that presumptively treating bovines in villages with high bovine density or human infection prevalence may help to interrupt transmission. Furthermore, village-level predictors were stronger predictors of bovine infection than household-level predictors, suggesting future investigations may need to apply a broad ecological lens to identify potential underlying sources of persistent transmission.  相似文献   

2016年9月2日,在广东省云浮市新兴县采集到蛇类标本3号(2♂,1♀),经鉴定为尖喙蛇(Rhynchophis boulengeri),为广东省爬行动物新纪录。标本保存在广东省生物资源应用研究所。  相似文献   

目的 探究阴道微生态与高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HR HPV)感染以及宫颈病变之间的相关性,为后续研究提供参考。 方法 选择2018年1月至2019年6月就诊于石河子大学医学院第一附属医院妇科门诊,同时行爱必维(细菌性阴道病五项联合测定试剂盒)检测、HR HPV检测及宫颈组织病理检查的343名妇女作为研究对象,分析相关检测数据并探究阴道微生态与HR HPV感染以及宫颈病变的相关性。 结果 过氧化氢阳性、唾液酸苷酶阳性、白细胞酯酶阳性、乳杆菌数量减少及阴道清洁度3~4度的妇女感染HR HPV及发生宫颈病变的可能性显著大于过氧化氢阴性、唾液酸苷酶阴性、白细胞酯酶阴性、乳杆菌数量较多及阴道清洁度1~2度的妇女,差异均有统计学意义(均P结论 阴道微生态失衡与HR HPV感染以及宫颈病变有一定关联,纠正阴道微生态失衡可一定程度上预防HR HPV感染及宫颈病变。  相似文献   

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