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The seasonal occurrence of black marlin, Istiompax indica, around Yonaguni Island, southwestern Japan, was analyzed. Black marlin was abundant from April to July, and the majority of landed fish were female (97%). None of these females was reproductively mature. The condition factor of females increased from April to July. Of 56 black marlin examined, 21 individuals contained 12 prey species; the most important prey species was skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, and one neonatal silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis, was also found. These results indicate that the occurrence of black marlin off Yonaguni Island was associated with feeding and not with spawning.  相似文献   

We investigated whether commercially landed black marlin Istiompax indica were being misidentified by fisheries observers operating throughout the Pacific Ocean. Of 83 samples reported by observers as I. indica, 77% were genetically identified to be blue marlin Makaira nigricans and 2% to be striped marlin Kajikia audax. The high rate of misidentification by observers places considerable uncertainty over historic catch ratios of Indo‐Pacific marlin and stock assessments relying on the validity of these data.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine how size, age, somatic and reproductive condition, abundance and egg production of southern calamary spawning aggregations changed during the spawning season in each of 2 years. During the spawning period in at least one of the years there was a decline as much as 20% in average size, 50% in somatic condition, 28–34% in size-at-age, 26–29% in reproductive status, as well as abundance and reproductive output of the stock declining during the spawning season. However, this change was not a function of the population becoming reproductively exhausted, as the aggregation was composed of different individuals with different biological characteristics. In each month the average age of individuals was ca. 6 mo, indicating that squid that had hatched at different times had entered the spawning aggregations, suggesting that the aggregation was made-up of a succession of microcohorts. Currently, management of many squid populations assumes that there is a single cohort in the aggregation. Therefore, estimating stock biomass at the start of the spawning season cannot be used as the population is constantly changing as micro-cohorts move into the aggregation. An instantaneous estimate of the spawning biomass, independent of fishing activity may be obtained by quantifying the density of deposited eggs. The strategy of individuals with a diversity of life history characteristics coming together in a single spawning aggregation may ensure the phenotypic and genetic diversity required to guarantee successful recruitment of this short-lived species. Therefore, temporally structured protection from harvest throughout the spawning season will ensure maintenance of this population diversity.  相似文献   

This study presents the first histology‐based assessment of the reproductive dynamics of south‐west Pacific striped marlin Kajikia audax. Maturity and reproductive status were assessed from histological sections of ovaries (n = 234) and testes (n = 243) of fish caught in commercial longline and recreational fisheries between 2006 and 2009. Spawning peaked in the Coral Sea during November and December at sea surface temperatures between 24·8 and 28·3° C. Lower jaw fork length (LLJF) at 50% maturity (LLJF50), a key variable for stock assessment, was estimated to be 2100 ± 102 mm (mean + s.e .) for females and 1668 ± 18 mm for males. Unlike large pelagic tunas Thunnus spp., the proportion of females increased with length and spawning fish formed multiple large‐scale aggregations within a broad latitudinal band. This study provides a starting point for biological parameters needed for stock assessment and conservation of K. audax and introduces the multiple aggregation spawning concept as a reproductive mechanism to explain genetic heterogeneity observed in some highly migratory species.  相似文献   

Sexual differences in the distribution pattern, sex ratio and the gonad condition of four istiophorid billfishes were investigated in three different tropical areas of the eastern North Pacific Ocean from September to November 2004. Sex ratios of striped marlin Kajikia audax were equal (female : male = 11 : 11) in the open‐ocean area (16–18°N, 118–134°W), biased to males (32 : 62) in the near‐continental area (13–16°N, 103–107°W), and biased to females (19 : 6) in the near‐equatorial area (5°N, 104–120°W). Sex ratios of sailfish Istiophorus platypterus in the near‐continental area and shortbill spearfish Tetrapturus angustirostris in the open‐ocean area were not biased from 1 : 1 (43 : 36, 11 : 13), and that of blue marlin Makaira nigricans in the near‐equatorial area was biased to females (14 : 1). Reproductively active females were found for striped marlin, sailfish and shortbill spearfish. Striped marlin showed a specific spawning area (the near‐continental area), and sexual dimorphism in its temporal distribution pattern, which was presumably related to reproduction. On the other hand, the limited distribution with evidence from spawning of sailfish and shortbill spearfish imply that these species complete their life history within limited areas.  相似文献   

Synopsis According to sex allocation theory, the decision by a female in protogynous fish species to change sex or not should be influenced by, among other things, the mating sex ratio during spawning periods and/or by factors that vary directly with the spawning sex ratio, such as relative rates of behavioral interaction with males and females outside of spawning periods. In groupers that only spawn during a few weeks of the year in large aggregations, individuals must assess the relative value of changing sex or not entirely within the aggregation unless the social system during the remainder of the year provides a behavioral equivalent of the mating sex ratio. Fifty-five individuals of the red hind,Epinephelus guttatus, were tagged and repeatedly located during a 152-day period within a 100 × 100 m grid on a shallow forereef off southwestern Puerto Rico. The home ranges of 22 tagged individuals sighted 10 or more times were 112–5636 m2 in area. Individual home ranges overlapped with the home ranges of 1–18 other individuals. Home ranges of small fish were not clustered within the borders of the home range of larger fish, i.e. fish did not form spatially defined social units. At the end of the study, 31 tagged individuals remained on the grid together with five newly sighted fish. All 36 individuals proved on histological examination to be females similar in size to females in the spawning aggregation of the following year. The sex ratio of this all-female inshore stock differed significantly from the sex ratio of that spawning aggregation. Hence, information predicting the reproductive value of a sex change is not available to females in the inshore stock during nonspawning months.  相似文献   

Here we describe massive spawning aggregations and seasonal changes in the large-scale distribution of the Patagonian grouper Acanthistius patachonicus in the Southwest Atlantic based on three sources of information: (a) data from bottom trawl research surveys covering the distributional range of the species within the Argentine continental shelf; (b) folk ecological knowledge gathered from experienced captains of the Argentine industrial trawl fisheries; and (c) sampling of an artisanal trap fishery targeting the Patagonian grouper in a specific location off the coast of Buenos Aires Province. The trawl surveys showed a general pattern of aggregation of Patagonian grouper towards the coast during the reproductive period (September–December). Captains described massive aggregations of the species at specific near-shore locations, where trawl catches of up to 15 t in a single haul were registered during the reproductive season. At a local scale, the artisanal trap fishery described operates exclusively during the reproductive period, targeting near-shore aggregations with a high proportion of individuals releasing gametes onboard. These three sources of information provide evidence of the existence of massive transient spawning aggregations of Patagonian grouper in the Argentine shelf. This is the first report of a reef fish spawning aggregation in the southern region of the Southwest Atlantic. Anecdotal information gathered in this study points to the depletion of many of the aggregations targeted during the 1980s and 1990s by the industrial fleet. At the same time, the spawning aggregation site off Buenos Aires Province has been productive for the last 34 years, being exploited exclusively by traps. The Patagonian grouper is classified as Data Deficient by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which highlights the need for further research to determine its stock status. Mapping its current spawning aggregations should be a priority to inform the design of a targeted monitoring program and management plan for this species.  相似文献   

The brown-marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, is a long-lived, late-maturing protogynous species listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN. In Pohnpei, Micronesia, reproductively active brown-marbled grouper were tagged with acoustic and spaghetti-type tags at a multi-species fish spawning aggregation (FSA) site to establish patterns of movement, residency and seasonality. Telemetry confirmed the use of common reproductive migratory corridors and significant sex-specific variations in residency at the FSA. Combined underwater visual census and telemetry data verified a 3-month peak aggregation period, with aggregations forming and persisting over ca. 12 days prior to full moon between January and May. FSA formation coincided with seasonally low and relatively stable seawater temperatures. Some males frequented the FSA site during each aggregation month over two consecutive years. Conversely, most females were present at the FSA during only a single aggregation period, with the month of visitation consistent among years. Nearly two-thirds of tagged fish were relocated or recaptured within 11 km of the aggregation site, with a maximum detected distance of 26 km and a minimum estimated catchment area of 100–175 km2. Findings highlight the need for a combined approach to management that prohibits the capture and sale of reproductive adults and protects both spawning sites and common reproductive migratory corridors during aggregation periods.  相似文献   

Reproductive cycles were investigated in orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus , smooth oreo, Pseudocyttus maculatus , and black oreo dory, Allocyttus sp., from mid-slope waters (600–1300 m) around New Zealand from 1982 to 1985. Orange roughly displayed a mid-winter spawning period in July and August, whereas both dory species spawned in November and December. In all three species, the timing of spawning was consistent from year to year. Ovarian development in orange roughy and black oreo dory was found to be synchronous, with a single clutch of oocytes being matured for each spawning season. In males, testes of a given macroscopic stage were dominated by a single gamete stage, supporting the existence of a brief rather than prolonged spawning period. The possible relationship of spawning period to seasonal changes in the productivity of the surface water is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a unique view of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the North Sea based on a new time series of larvae caught by the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey from 1948-2005, covering the period both before and after the collapse of the North Sea stock. Hydrographic backtrack modelling suggested that the effect of advection is very limited between spawning and larvae capture in the CPR survey. Using a statistical technique not previously applied to CPR data, we then generated a larval index that accounts for both catchability as well as spatial and temporal autocorrelation. The resulting time series documents the significant decrease of spawning from before 1970 to recent depleted levels. Spatial distributions of the larvae, and thus the spawning area, showed a shift from early to recent decades, suggesting that the central North Sea is no longer as important as the areas further west and south. These results provide a consistent and unique perspective on the dynamics of mackerel in this region and can potentially resolve many of the unresolved questions about this stock.  相似文献   

Many tropical reef fishes spawn in large aggregations, which are readily targeted by fishers. By the 1980s, at least two grouper spawning aggregations were eliminated by intensive fishing off the island of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and another aggregating species, red hind, was intensively targeted. By 1988, the average length of red hind had greatly decreased to 295 mm, and the sex ratio was extremely skewed to 15 females per male, suggesting a heavily fished stock. Since this species is a protogynous hermaphrodite, the loss of large individuals (primarily males) could potentially result in sperm limitation in spawning aggregations. In 1990, a spawning aggregation closure was implemented. By 1997, average size of red hind had increased to 395 mm and sex ratio had shifted to 4 females per male. Fish were observed aggregating only in structurally complex habitat along the insular shelf edge. This habitat type is apparently not common along most of the shelf edge off St. Thomas and may provide shelter while reducing risk of predation during aggregation periods. These data suggest that protection of spawning aggregations is a sound management strategy with considerable potential for aiding the sustainable use of reef fish resources.  相似文献   

Climate warming and harvesting affect the dynamics of species across the globe through a multitude of mechanisms, including distribution changes. In fish, migrations to and distribution on spawning grounds are likely influenced by both climate warming and harvesting. The Northeast Arctic (NEA) cod (Gadus morhua) performs seasonal migrations from its feeding grounds in the Barents Sea to spawning grounds along the Norwegian coast. The distribution of cod between the spawning grounds has historically changed at decadal scales, mainly due to variable use of the northern and southern margins of the spawning area. Based on historical landing records, two major hypotheses have been put forward to explain these changes: climate and harvesting. Climate could affect the distribution through, for example, spatial habitat shifts. Harvesting could affect the distribution through impacting the demographic structure. If demographic structure is important, theory predicts increasing spawner size with migration distance. Here, we evaluate these hypotheses with modern data from a period (2000–2016) of increasing temperature and recovering stock structure. We first analyze economic data from the Norwegian fisheries to investigate geographical differences in size of spawning fish among spawning grounds, as well as interannual differences in mean latitude of spawning in relation to changes in temperature and demographic parameters. Second, we analyze genetically determined fish sampled at the spawning grounds to unambiguously separate between migratory NEA cod and potentially smaller sized coastal cod of local origin. Our results indicate smaller spawners farther away from the feeding grounds, hence not supporting the hypothesis that harvesting is a main driver for the contemporary spawning ground distribution. We find a positive correlation between annual mean spawning latitude and temperature. In conclusion, based on contemporary data, there is more support for climate compared to harvesting in shaping spawning ground distribution in this major fish stock in the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal maturity development of cod in four areas of the Baltic Sea. Two different spawning peaks were identified and found to be consistent over the period 1992–2005. In the Kiel Bight and Mecklenburg Bight (ICES SD 22) a spawning peak was observed from March to April (spring spawning). In the areas of the Arkona Sea (ICES SD 24) and Bornholm Sea (ICES SD 25) the spawning peak occurred during summer. In the Bornholm Sea, the main spawning activities began in June and ended in September, with a spawning peak in June–August (summer spawning). In the Arkona Sea, which is a transition area between the Mecklenburg Bight and the central Baltic Sea, spawning began in March and lasted until July, with a spawning peak in June–July (summer spawning). Seasonal maturity development and proportions of spawning cod in June in the Arkona Sea were similar to that of the Bornholm Sea. In addition, the proportion of spawning cod in the Arkona Sea was positively correlated with the size of the spawning stock in the Bornholm Sea. Our results provide evidence of a spatial expansion of spawning activities of the summer spawning stock from the eastern Baltic Sea into the Arkona Sea. Therefore, the Arkona Sea should be considered as one of the spawning habitats of the summer spawning stock of Baltic cod.  相似文献   

Using geometric morphometrics, the skull and otolith of tiger catfish Pseudoplatystoma metaense were analysed to identify population structure in tributaries of the Apure River (i.e. the Sarare, Caparo, Guanare, Portuguesa and San Carlos Rivers) in the Orinoco basin, Venezuela. The analyses show uniformity in skull and otolith shapes of P. metaense within and among four tributaries, with only the Caparo River showing significant differences. Within the Apure basin, the stock of P. metaense was differentiated through spawning, refuge and nursery areas. This study concludes that populations of P. metaense from each major tributary in the Orinoco basin should be considered as part of a metapopulation system for management purposes. Human disturbances in the catchment have directly reduced the spawning areas available to this species, decreased the total biomass and changed the spatial distribution of spawning areas.  相似文献   

A bedform morphology hypothesis for spawning areas of Chinese sturgeon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results from previous research suggested that geomorphic characteristics may be important controlling factors among other microhabitat variables for spawning fish. We investigated the bedform morphology of seven spawning areas (five historic and two present spawning areas) of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) by analysis of relief maps of the riverbed and by field surveys. We conclude that the topographic characteristics of the spawning areas include rocky or gravelly substrate river bend, large variations in water depth and river width and a slope with moderate length and slope. The turning structure and the adverse slope may be the most important topographic characteristics for the spawning areas. Combined with the reproductive occurrence of the fish in these spawning areas, we tentatively propose a bedform morphology hypothesis for the spawning areas. We consider that a spawning area of A. sinensis should consist of three functional areas: Mating area (M), Dispersal area (D) and Incubation area (I). M, D and I are distributed along the water current and their bedform characteristics are clearly different. M is the place for mature fish to mate and spawn. It is usually below a riffle with rolling terrain. D is the place for fertilizing and dispersing fertilized eggs. It is usually in a river bend with sharp variations in terrain, such as deep pools or steep slopes. I is the place for dispersal of fertilized eggs. It is usually in long point bars or broad shallow areas with rocky substrate. This hypothesis could serve as a guideline for improving the present spawning areas or constructing new spawning areas, so as to rehabilitate the wild stock of the sturgeon.  相似文献   

The question whether temperate marine fishes typically consist of self-sustaining populations or “open” populations still remains unresolved. At the heart of this population connectivity problem lays the nature of the stock separation mechanisms. Fish populations could be segregated either by environmental forcing, accompanied with opportunistic recruitment of juveniles to spawning areas, or by philopatric behaviours (i.e., inclination of an individual to return to or remain in its natal area). Here we report three, partly independent, studies on Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) stock separation in the Kattegat and Öresund (eastern North Sea): characterisation of spawning aggregations with genetic markers, tagging experiments, and analysis of chemical constituents in otolith cores of recaptured fish that could be linked to a specific spawning site. While the genetic investigation showed no population segregation, the observed migratory patterns indicated three separate spawning sites at close distances. The natal dependence on the choice of spawning site was tested by measuring the contents of various trace elements in the otolith core of recaptured tagged fish. Quantification of the trace elements: Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sr, Ti, and Zn expressed as ratios to Ca were obtained using scanning micro PIXE. These results indicated that natal origin could be differentiated between spawning sites, supporting the hypothesis that natal homing is an important stock separating mechanism even over short distances (<100 km).  相似文献   

Billfish rostra potentially have several functions; however, their role in feeding is unequivocal in some species. Recent work linked morphological variation in rostral micro-teeth to differences in feeding behavior in two billfish species, the striped marlin (Kajikia audax) and the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus). Here, we present the rostral micro-tooth morphology for a third billfish species, the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), for which the use of the rostrum in feeding behavior is still undocumented from systematic observations in the wild. We measured the micro-teeth on rostrum tips of blue marlin, striped marlin, and sailfish using a micro–computed tomography approach and compared the tooth morphology among the three species. This was done after an analysis of video-recorded hunting behavior of striped marlin and sailfish revealed that both species strike prey predominantly with the first third of the rostrum, which provided the justification to focus our analysis on the rostrum tips. In blue marlin, intact micro-teeth were longer compared to striped marlin but not to sailfish. Blue marlin had a higher fraction of broken teeth than both striped marlin and sailfish, and broken teeth were distributed more evenly on the rostrum. Micro-tooth regrowth was equally low in both marlin species but higher in sailfish. Based on the differences and similarities in the micro-tooth morphology between the billfish species, we discuss potential feeding-related rostrum use in blue marlin. We put forward the hypothesis that blue marlin might use their rostra in high-speed dashes as observed in striped marlin, rather than in the high-precision rostral strikes described for sailfish, possibly focusing on larger prey organisms.  相似文献   

The temporal heterogeneity of chum salmon stock of the Anadyr Bay region was investigated on the basis of a set of discrete external morphological features and fluctuating asymmetry level of some meristic structures. Differentiation of Anadyr Bay chum salmon during the spawning run was found to be associated with the abundance level of spawning stock in a particular year. Sharply pronounced temporal heterogeneity, based on the investigated characteristics, in the area near the river mouth can be considered as an indicator of the subsequent deficiency of spawners on the spawning grounds of rivers in the Anadyr Bay region.  相似文献   

Time-series data collected over a four-year period were used to characterize patterns of abundance for pelagic fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) before (2007–2009) and after (2010) the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Four numerically dominant pelagic species (blackfin tuna, blue marlin, dolphinfish, and sailfish) were included in our assessment, and larval density of each species was lower in 2010 than any of the three years prior to the oil spill, although larval abundance in 2010 was often statistically similar to other years surveyed. To assess potential overlap between suitable habitat of pelagic fish larvae and surface oil, generalized additive models (GAMs) were developed to evaluate the influence of ocean conditions on the abundance of larvae from 2007–2009. Explanatory variables from GAMs were then linked to environmental data from 2010 to predict the probability of occurrence for each species. The spatial extent of surface oil overlapped with early life habitat of each species, possibly indicating that the availability of high quality habitat was affected by the DH oil spill. Shifts in the distribution of spawning adults is another factor known to influence the abundance of larvae, and the spatial occurrence of a model pelagic predator (blue marlin) was characterized over the same four-year period using electronic tags. The spatial extent of oil coincided with areas used by adult blue marlin from 2007–2009, and the occurrence of blue marlin in areas impacted by the DH oil spill was lower in 2010 relative to pre-spill years.  相似文献   

The scale of population structuring in cod Gadus morhua from the west of Scotland (ICES stock area VIa) and northern North Sea was investigated using a combination of non-genetic methods. Site fidelity of spawning aggregations was examined using historic tag-recapture experiments and individual geolocation estimates from data storage tagged fish. The extent of movements from spawning areas indicated by these two tagging approaches was broadly similar. Between 67 and 97% of adult cod remained within 100 km of spawning areas throughout the year, suggesting resident spawning groups. A small proportion of cod, however, did appear to stray between spawning areas. A comparison of the elemental signature of the otoliths of 0 year-group and the 0 year-group component from the same year-class at age 2 years indicated that most adults originate from local nursery areas. Moreover, there did not appear to be detectable exchange between spawning areas >200 km apart, such as the Clyde and Minch or Shetland and the Inner Hebrides. As such, population processes may operate at a smaller spatial scale than the stock level, with spawning aggregations functioning as local populations within a metapopulation. The relevance of this scale of dynamics is discussed in relation to recently imposed closed areas in the region.  相似文献   

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