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Electrical activity of the frontal cortex, dorsal hippocampus, basolateral amygdala and lateral hypothalamus was recorded in eight dogs with chronically implanted electrodes. Mean values of the maxima of crosscorrelation function (MCCF) between electrical potentials in the theta, alpha and beta-2 ranges were used as a basis for assessment of conditions for interaction between these structures. Typological features of the higher nervous activity were assessed by the animal performance under conditions of free choice of the reinforcement mode of a conditioned stimulus: either high probable but of low alimentary quality or with low probability but more valuable. The mean MCCF values in the theta range were higher than in the other ranges. The brain structure which had the high MCCF in the theta-range, at least, with two of the structures under study was considered as "dominant". It was shown that hippocampus was the dominant structure for melancholic dogs, the frontal cortex was in phlegmatics. The hypothalamus was shown to be the "dominant structure" in both sanguine and choleric animals, but, for the most part, its activity was correlated with different structures. Thus, conditions for interaction between the frontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and hypothalamus seem to be an important factor, which determines typological features of the higher nervous activity of dogs.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of the left and right sensorimotor cortex and left and right dorsal hippocampus (CA3 fields) was recorded during "animal hypnosis" in rabbits. The "animal hypnosis" produced asymmetry in the spectral power of the hippocampal electrical activity due to an increase in the power of delta 1, delta 2, and theta 1 components in the left-hippocampus and decrease in the spectral power in the same ranges in the right-hippocampus. Hemispheric asymmetry in the electrical activity during the "animal hypnosis" was also expressed in the indices of coherence between the sensorimotor cortex and hippocampus. EEG coherence between the left sensorimotor cortex and left hippocampus in the delta 1, theta 1, and theta 2 ranges was higher than that between the right-side structures.  相似文献   

Four dogs were trained to perform a conditioned alimentary response to a sound stimulus. The EEG was recorded from six pairs of chronically implanted neocortical electrodes. The EEG spectra and coherence functions between the neighboring derivations of each of the hemispheres were analyzed in the theta, alpha, beta 1 and beta 2 frequency ranges. At the first stages of conditioning, the percent of cases increased when the highest mean values of EEG frequency were localized in the left hemisphere. Later on the percent of cases, when the mean coherence values in the left hemisphere were higher than in the right hemisphere, also increased. At the stage of conditioned response stabilization, this asymmetry either disappeared or the right hemisphere became more active than the left one. The spatial localization of the maximal values of the EEG frequency was different for different frequency ranges. The highest values in the beta 1 range were more frequently registered in the posterior cortical regions and in the beta 2 range they were revealed, predominantly, in the anterior areas. The maximal values of coherence dominated in the anterior regions and their spatial distribution was similar for different frequencies. Thus, the initial stages of conditioning are accompanied by activation of the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

Individual features of the regional interhemispheric relations in the brain were studied in dogs during alimentary conditioning. The electrical activity was recorded from symmetrical anterior (frontal and motor cortices) and posterior (visual and auditory cortices) areas of the neocortex. Comparison between the averaged left and right intrahemispheric EEG coherences revealed a dynamic character of interhemispheric relations dependent on the stage of conditioning. Individual features were shown. In a dog with strong type of the nervous system, in the anterior brain regions, the EEG coherence was higher in the left hemisphere than in the right one, whereas, on the contrary, in the posterior regions, the values were higher in the right than in the left hemisphere. In dogs with weak type of the nervous system, there was an inverse relationship. Thus, the spatial organization of the cortical electrical activity in the associative and projection brain areas was different.  相似文献   

Temporal resolving ability is considered of spectral-correlative methods of analysis of summate electrical brain activity. It is shown that despite their inertia, incompatible in some cases with the brain "functional lability", the use of these methods is perspective for studying the typological properties of the higher nervous activity and the dynamics of functional states characterized by the time of about 100 s and more. The fact of stability of spectral characteristics of the summate electrical brain activity at prolonged realizations was found experimentally. Connection was studied between the level of the dog alimentary motivation and rhythmic activity in the amygdala.  相似文献   

In experiments on dogs with equiprobable right and left reinforcements in the choice of feeder in conditions of free behaviour, direct correlation was found between the strength of the nervous system and the strategy of dogs behaviour. The dogs of strong type, despite the difference in equilibration and lability, manifested one, similar strategy of behaviour with dominating preferences, definite and goal-directed actions; the dogs of the weak type displayed another strategy, characterized by uncertainty, permanent hesitations in choice reaction. In situation of competition of probability and value of reinforcement, some different aspects of animals typology appeared, presumably connected with individual characteristics of functioning of four brain structures as a basis of types of higher nervous activity (frontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus). Behaviour of choleric and flegmatic was oriented to a high probability of events and that of sanguinic and melancholic--to a low one. Thus, "informational" and "motivational" factors of behaviour organization are connected with interaction of specialized brain macrostructures, and properties of this interaction become apparent in animals typology.  相似文献   

In studying of dogs behaviour in coordinates system "Requirements and probability of their satisfaction" it has been established that selection of behaviour strategy is closely connected with individual typological properties of animals. In experiments with equally-probable alimentary reinforcement a direct correlation was found between the strength parameter of the nervous system and the strategy of dogs behaviour. Animals of strong types manifested the character of reaction which consisted in determination and goal-directedness, while the animals of the weak type manifested other character, having features of uncertainty, indefinition, hesitations. In conditions of conflict between probability and value of reinforcement the dogs manifested two opposite strategies of behaviour: orientation to highly probable events (choleric and phlegmatic) and to low-probable events (sanguinic and melancholic) what is connected with individual properties of functioning and the character of interaction of four brain structures (frontal cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala).  相似文献   

Depressive state was produced in Wistar rats by repeated intraperitoneal administration of proneurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) inducing death of brain dopaminergic neurons. Weight loss and increase in REM-sleep rate during diurnal sleep were considered to be signs of the development of an experimental depressive state. During the development of the depressive state of rats, the MPTP-induced reorganization of the spectral power of electrical activity was observed in the terminal fields of the nigrostriatal, mesocortical, and mesolimbic dopaminergic systems, amygdala, and hippocampus. The most pronounced changes were revealed in the terminal field of the nigrostriatal system and hippocampus. The reorganization of the spectral power in the thetal and theta2 bands in the hippocampus and dopaminergic structures suggests the involvement of the hippocampus in producing changes in the emotional state during development of the MPTP-induced depressive syndrome.  相似文献   

The EEG was recorded in four dogs from symmetrical cortical areas of the left and right brain hemispheres. Activation foci were determined by the maximal values of the mean frequency of EEG oscillations and coherence function. In the background experiments, the hemispheric activation asymmetry was observed in all dogs. The individual differences were in the frequency ranges, which were asymmetrically localized. In three dogs the coherence level was significantly more frequently higher in the right hemisphere than in the left one, in one dog the opposite relations were observed. These differences in activation foci localization were correlated with different tactics of choice between two feeders under conditions of free behavior. Under the action of external stimuli, changes in hemispheric activation were observed, predominantly, in the corresponding projection areas, and at the shifts of food excitability they were localized in symmetrical frontal areas. The results suggest that the left hemisphere becomes more activated during the first presentations of indifferent stimuli, i.e., during the development of the reaction to novelty, and under conditions of food deprivation, which rises the level of brain activation.  相似文献   

Effects of psycho-emotional stress on contents of steroid hormones in the blood were studied in dogs with different typological properties of the higher nervous activity. Under stress condition, a significant correlation between the cortisol and testosterone levels and the dogs' typological characteristics was found. The more obvious fluctuations in the hormones level occurred in animals with strong and excitable type of the nervous system as compared with dogs belonging to weak and inert type.  相似文献   

The influence of scopolamine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) on the spatial organization of the neocortical electrical activity was studied in rats. A decrease in the spectral power and coherence of brain potentials in the range of the dominant theta-rhythm peak (6.00-7.25 Hz) and their increase in the adjacent low-frequency band were observed. Both indices were decreased in the wide beta band (19.00-30.00 Hz). The described changes took place over the whole areas of the right hemisphere and parieto-temporal region of the left hemisphere. The obtained results are discussed with respect to the role of the cholinergic brain system in the higher nervous activity.  相似文献   

The activity of the neurones of the medial septal region (MS) and the hippocampal EEG in control and during the appearance of seizure discharges provoked by electrical stimulation of the perforant path were investigated in the awake rabbit. During afterdischarge generation in the hippocampus the dense neuronal bursts separated by periods of inhibition were recorded in the MS. In one group of neurons the bursts of spikes coincided with the discharges in the hippocampus, in other group-occured during inhibitory periods. When the afterdischarge stopped, in the septal neurons with theta activity the disruption of theta pattern was recorded, which have been correlated with the occurrence of low amplitude high frequency (20-25 Hz) waves in the hippocampal EEG. As a rule, the neuronal activivity of the MS recovered much quickly than EEG of the hippocampus; in some cases the increasing of the theta regularity was observed. The definite accordance of the electrical activity of the hippocampus and MS during seizure discharges suggests that the septohippocampal system operate as integral nervous circuit in these conditions. Diverse in the temporal interrelations between the discharges of MS neurones and ictal discharges in the hippocampus in the different cells possible indicate that various groups of the septal nervous elements have different participation in the seizure development. Appearance of the high frequency bursts in the MS is a possible "precursor" of the seizure onsets.  相似文献   

The role of structures of the left and right cerebral hemispheres in formation of speech function and memory was studied on the basis of complex examination of children with developmental speech disorders. On the basis of EEG estimation of the functional state of the brain, children were classified in two groups depending on the side of localization of changes in electrical activity: those with local changes in electrical activity in the left hemisphere (group I) and those with changes in the right hemisphere (group II). The medical history suggested that the observed features of topography of local changes in electrical activity were linked with the character of prenatal and labor complications and their consequences leading to embryo- and ontogenetic disorders in development of different brain regions. Comparison of the results of neuropsychological examination of the two groups showed that different regions of the brain cortex of both the left and right hemispheres are involved in speech formation. However, a specific role of the right hemisphere in formation and actualization of automatic speech series was revealed. It was suggested that the integrity of gnostic functions of the right hemisphere and, primarily, the spatial organization of perception and movements is a necessary factor of development of auditory–speech and nominative memory.  相似文献   

Interaction of basal and central nuclear neurons of amygdala was studied by plotting histograms of crosscorrelation in passive and active rabbits exposed to emotionally significant stimuli. The behavior of animals was studied in the open field, light-dark test and during presentation of emotionally significant stimuli. Rabbits of different typological groups applied a certain behavioral strategy in a variety of behavioral tests. Intergroup differences were revealed in the interaction of neighboring cells of amygdala. Passive rabbits (as comparied to active rabbits) demonstrated more excitatory connections and less inhibitory connections with the latency from 50 to 150 ms. Interactions with the delta1-range and theta2-range frequencies in passive animals were more rarely observed. The asymmetry of the interhemispheric neuronal interaction in amygdala with the right dominance was revealed in passive but not active animals. The results testify that amygdala is involved in the choice of behavioral strategy, and the level of its activation is higher in passive animals.  相似文献   

In healthy subjects (11 right-handed men) reorganization was studied of intra- and interhemispheric correlation of the electrical brain activity at transition from the state of alertness to drowsiness. At the lowering of alertness level, the coherence of hemispheres symmetrical points changed not abruptly, with a tendency towards an increase at differently directed character of changes of combinations of separate physiological rhythms ranges. Comparison of the EEG coherence changes within the right and left hemispheres revealed a greater reactivity of the left (dominant) hemisphere. The reduction of the predominance (observed in the dominant hemisphere in alertness) of the degree of EEG conjunction, at transition to drowsiness, leads to smoothing of interhemispheric asymmetry in the organization of electrical brain processes.  相似文献   

Gender differences in changes of coherence values in the theta and alpha frequency bands during encoding of dichotically and monaurally presented verbal information were studied. Right-handed students (14 male and 14 female subjects) participated in experiments. The EEG was recorded from 16 electrodes placed at homologous sites of the left and the right hemispheres. In male subjects, numerous differences in coherence values between conditions of dichotical and monaural word presentation were found in the theta2- and alpha1-bands, in females, the differences were most pronounced in the theta1- and theta2-frequency bands. Numerous differences in coherence values differentiated between dichotic and left-sided monaural presentations in males and between dichotic and right-sided monaural presentations in females. As compared to dichotic presentation, in condition of the monaural presentation, higher coherence values were observed in men and lower in women. The features of gender differences in frequency-spatial patterns of changes in EEG coherence values under conditions of bilaterally and unilaterally directed attention in male and female groups may testify that female subjects predominantly use right-hemispheric processing strategy, whereas male subjects use, mainly, left-hemispheric strategy for selection and memorization of concrete nouns.  相似文献   

Typological behavioral features of Wistar rats were tested in the open field and in Porsolt test. Rats were assigned to groups with high (HAct), medium (MAct), and low (LAct) behavioral activities. The same rats were assigned to high (HDep), medium (MDep) and low depressive (LDep) groups. The release of norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and their metabolites in homogenates obtained from the hypothalamus, hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdala was assessed by microdialysis and HPLC. In these groups, the monoamine concentrations were different: the level of serotonin was higher in the hypothalamus and norepinephrine and 5-HIAA levels were lower in the hippocampus of MAct - MDep rats as compared to LAct - HDep. Chronic neurotization caused changes in monoamine concentrations in the hypothalamus and amygdala in rats of all groups, whereas in the hippocampus and frontal cortex monoamine changes were observed in HAct - LDep and LAct -HDep rats. The most prominent changes in monoamines levels in neurotized rats with different types of behavior were found in the frontal cortex, amygdala and hippocampus. The results show a correlation between the typological of behavioral characteristics and the reaction to stress of monoaminergic systems of the hypothalamus, hippocampus, frontal cortex and amygdala.  相似文献   

Palienko  I. A. 《Neurophysiology》2001,33(3):169-174
In 80 healthy humans, we studied changes in the frequency spectrum and values of the relative spectral coefficients for subsequent 1-Hz-wide frequency bands under conditions of simultaneous lateralized stimulation of the retinal zones, which form receptive fields for the right- and for the left-brain hemispheres; light of different colors was used for stimulation. We found that reactions of the right and left hemispheres to such stimulations demonstrated obvious specificity; spatial characteristics of these reactions were obtained. Changes in the values of most corresponding spectral coefficients in the hemispheres usually had similar directions and demonstrated similarity in their intensities, which is indicative of a complementary pattern of the interhemispheric interaction. Reciprocal changes in the corresponding spectral coefficients in the hemispheres were observed more rarely. Modifications of EEG upon red-green stimulations of different polarity were found to be similar, which can be a manifestation of the moderating influence of the right hemisphere on the left one.  相似文献   

Comprehensive neuropsychological and electroencephalographic examination of children with dysgraphia and dyslexia demonstrated local EEG anomalies in various zones of the cortex in both hemispheres, mainly in the posterotemporal and/or anterior regions of the left and the posterotemporal regions of the right hemisphere. The character of speech disturbances depended considerably on the localization of the baseline EEG anomalies: disturbances of motor components of writing prevailed when these anomalies were localized in the anterior parts of the left hemisphere, while phonological and morphological speech disturbances were noted in children with local anomalies in the temporal regions of both hemispheres and in posterior association regions, mainly in the right hemisphere. Spectral and correlation analyses of the EEG demonstrated the features of the cerebral organization of verbal activity in children with dysgraphia and dyslexia, namely, weakened intra- and interhemispheric integration of electrical activity of different regions of the brain cortex, particularly temporal and posterior association regions, and predominance of integration based on low-frequency EEG components ( and 1), unlike children without learning disabilities, in whom functional integration of cortical zones involved high-frequency rhythms (2 and ). On the whole, the results of the study testify to an important role of systemic interactions between the regions of the cortex of both hemispheres in the formation of verbal activity.Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 5–12.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dmitrova, Dubrovinskaya, Lukashevich, Machinskaya, Shklovskii.  相似文献   

Activities of individual hippocampal (CA1 area) and neocortical parietal-temporal neurons were compared in active and passive rabbits in negative emotional situations during emotionally significant stimuli by plotting histograms of autocorrelations. As compared to passive animals, in active rabbits, the mean firing rate of hippocampal neurons was higher, bursting and periodic oscillations of discharges occurred more frequently. Oscillation periods in the theta 1 band (6.0-9.0 Hz) appeared more frequently (in the baseline state and active exploratory or defensive reactions), whereas those in the theta 2 band (4.0-5.9 Nz), on the contrary, were infrequently observed (during freezing). The greatest changes in activity ofhippocampal neurons were observed during active locomotor responses of active rabbits. Intergroup differences in neocortical neuronal activities were less pronounced than in hippocampus. The results indicate that individual typological features in behaviour of animals appear in negative emotional situations and are reflected in activity of activity ofhippocampal (area CA1) and to lesser extent parietal-temporal neocortical neurons. The results suggest different activation levels of the septohippocampal system of active and passive rabbits and possible differences in the afferent input to the CA1 field.  相似文献   

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