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Organisms that reproduce by sperm-dependent parthenogenesis are asexual clones that require sperm of a sexual host to initiate egg production, without the genome of the sperm contributing genetic information to the zygote. Although sperm-dependent parthenogenesis has some of the disadvantages of sex (requiring a mate) without the counterbalancing advantages (mixing of parental genotypes), it appears amongst a wide variety of species. We develop initial models for the density-dependent dynamics of animal populations with sperm-dependent parthenogenesis (pseudogamy or gynogenesis), based on the known biology of the common Enchytraeid worm Lumbricillus lineatus. Its sperm-dependent parthenogenetic populations are reproductive parasites of the hermaphrodite sexual form. Our logistic models reveal two alternative requirements for coexistence at density-dependent equilibria: (i) If the two forms differ in competitive ability, the form with the lower intrinsic birth rate must be compensated by a more than proportionately lower competitive impact from the other, relative to intraspecific competition, (ii) If the two forms differ in their intrinsic capacity to exploit resources, the sperm-dependent parthenogen must be superior in this respect and must have a lower intrinsic birth rate. In general for crowded environments we expect a sperm-dependent parthenogen to compete strongly for limiting resources with the sexual sibling species. Its competitive impact is likely to be weakened by its genetic uniformity, however, and this may suffice to cancel any advantage of higher intrinsic growth rate obtained from reproductive investment only in egg production. We discuss likely thresholds of coexistence for other sperm-dependent parthenogens. The fish Poeciliopsis monacha-lucida likewise obtains an intrinsic growth advantage from reduced investment in male gametes, and so its persistence is likely to depend on it being a poor competitor. The planarian Schmidtea polychroa obtains no such intrinsic benefit because it produces fertile sperm, and its persistence may depend on superior resource exploitation.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the evolution of certain types of density-dependent dispersal strategy in the context of two competing species with identical population dynamics and same random dispersal rates. Such density-dependent movement, often referred to as cross-diffusion and self-diffusion, assumes that the movement rate of each species depends on the density of both species and that the transition probability from one place to its neighbourhood depends solely on the arrival spot (independent of the departure spot). Our results suggest that for a one-dimensional homogeneous habitat, if the gradients of two cross- and self-diffusion coefficients have the same direction, the species with the smaller gradient will win, i.e. the dispersal strategy with the smaller gradient of cross- and self-diffusion coefficient will evolve. In particular, it suggests that the species with constant cross- and self-diffusion coefficients may have competitive advantage over species with non-constant cross- and self-diffusion coefficients. However, if the two gradients have opposite directions, neither of the two dispersal strategies wins as these two species can coexist.  相似文献   

Larvae of two midge species, Chironomus pulcher and Chironomus imicola normally occur in different puddles of rain-water; C. pulcher in shaded and C. imicola in sunny ones. When the sun/shade signal is unclear, both species can coexist for most of each rainy season. Yet, in the laboratory, C. pulcher shows total competitive exclusion of C. imicola. The puzzle is resolved by experiments and observations which suggest that some naturally occurring puddles possess characteristics not present in laboratory pools. These include a spatial refuge (deep water) and separate shaded and sunny parts. Both variables are normally found only in larger puddles, so coexistence is a function of patch size. On its own, each variable is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for coexistence.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers for Ficus montana and Ficus septica were developed using genomic libraries enriched for di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats. The subsets of five and three best scorable primer pairs were characterized on 24 F. montana and 36 F. septica individuals, respectively. For F. montana, loci showed five to 14 alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities ranged between 0.23 and 0.87. For F. septica, loci showed three to five alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities ranged between 0.36 and 0.49. Four primer pairs (two from each subset) cross‐amplified in the other species, indicating transportability of the markers within the genus Ficus.  相似文献   

1. Two species of freshwater invertebrate predator, Notonecta maculata and N. obliqua , showed a negative association in a series of small, man-made ponds in the Peak National Park, Derbyshire, U.K. The present study examines the potential role of interspecific interactions among nymphs on this regional distribution pattern.
2. The survival, development and feeding efficiency of nymphs were examined in laboratory and field mesocosm experiments with intra- and interspecific competition and contrasting environmental complexity.
3. Survival to adulthood and mean lifespan varied significantly in interspecific competition treatments in both laboratory and field experiments, with N . maculata showing higher survival in the simple environment and N. obliqua higher survival in the complex environment.
4. Variations in feeding efficiency were consistent with the survival trends: N. maculata had a higher efficiency in the simple environment, whereas N. obliqua had greater efficiency in the complex environment. There was evidence of a developmental response in feeding efficiency, with differences between species increasing with age.
5. These results suggest that the relative competitive abilities of the two species are affected by habitat complexity, and that competition between species may modify the species distribution where they co-occur.  相似文献   

Pollen flow, seed dispersal and individual reproductive success can be simultaneously estimated from the genotypes of adults and offspring using stochastic models. Using four polymorphic microsatellite loci, gene flow of the wind-pollinated and wind-seed-dispersed dioecious tree species, Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica, was quantified in a riparian forest, in northern Japan. In a 10.5-ha plot, 74 female adults, 76 male adults and 292 current-year seedlings were mapped and genotyped, together with 200 seeds. To estimate dispersal kernels of pollen and seeds, we applied normal, exponential power, Weibull, bivariate t-distribution kernels, and two-component models consisting of two normal distribution functions, one with a small and one with a large variance. A two-component pollen flow model with a small contribution (26.1%) from short-distance dispersal (sigma = 7.2 m), and the rest from long-distance flow (sigma = 209.9 m), was chosen for the best-fitting model. The average distance that integrated pollen flows inside and outside the study plot was estimated to be 196.8 m. Tree size and flowering intensity affected reproduction, and there appeared to be critical values that distinguished reproductively successful and unsuccessful adults. In contrast, the gene flow model that estimated both pollen and seed dispersal from established seedlings resulted in extensive seed dispersal, and the expected spatial genetic structures did not satisfactorily fit with the observations, even for the selected model. Our results advanced small-scale individual-based parentage analysis for quantifying fat-tailed gene flow in wind-mediated species, but also clarified its limitations and suggested future possibilities for gene flow studies.  相似文献   

Understanding the driving forces and molecular processes underlying dioecy and sex chromosome evolution, leading from hermaphroditism to the occurrence of male and female individuals, is of considerable interest in fundamental and applied research. The genus Phoenix, belonging to the Arecaceae family, consists uniquely of dioecious species. Phylogenetic data suggest that the genus Phoenix has diverged from a hermaphroditic ancestor which is also shared with its closest relatives. We have investigated the cessation of recombination in the sex‐determination region within the genus Phoenix as a whole by extending the analysis of Pdactylifera SSR sex‐related loci to eight other species within the genus. Phylogenetic analysis of a date palm sex‐linked PdMYB1 gene in these species has revealed that sex‐linked alleles have not clustered in a species‐dependent way but rather in X and Y‐allele clusters. Our data show that sex chromosomes evolved from a common autosomal origin before the diversification of the extant dioecious species.  相似文献   

Two species of freshwater cyclopoid copepods, Cyclops scutifer Sars and Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus), with different ecological requirements, coexist in three humic ponds near the timberline in boreal forests in south-central Norway. The life cycle in both species is basically regulated by complete depletion of oxygen during the long winter. There is a short period of reproduction in spring followed by a rapid development during summer and autumn to advanced instars, capable of diapause when oxygen depletion starts in early winter. Both species have an exclusive 1-yr cycle.The long winter under anoxic conditions is passed in diapause as large copepodids (late developmental instars) with usually no individuals left in the plankton.Even if co-occurring in the same habitats with similar life cycles, there is a temporal and spatial segregation.  相似文献   

Drosophila recens is parasitized in the wild by two nematodes, Howardula aoronymphium , a host generalist, and Parasitylenchus nearcticus , a host specialist known only from D .  recens . In order to understand how these two parasite species coexist, we compared their ability to infect and grow in D .  recens , their effects on host fecundity and survival, and whether one parasite species was competitively superior in double infections. The specialist nematode P. nearcticus had greater rates of infection and reproduction than the generalist H. aoronymphium , and completely sterilized females in single and mixed infections. The specialist was competitively superior in mixed infections, as generalist motherworms were significantly smaller than in single infections. These results suggest that P. nearcticus might competitively exclude H. aoronymphium if D. recens were the only host available. It is likely that H. aoronymphium persists in D. recens by transmission from other, more suitable host species.  相似文献   

Sex ratio and gender stability in the dioecious plants of Israel   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The hypothesis that in dioecious plants genders are usually stable and that the sex ratio is 1:l was tested in the dioecious species of Israel. The flora of Israel comprises some 2500 wild species, among which 43 are dioecious, one gynodioecious and one androdioecious. Forty-one out of these 45 species were examined during 1995-97. These species were examined in 120 populations comprising 7019 individuals, at 81 different localities. The majority of the species (33/41) manifested the expected 1:1 sex ratio. Of the eight species deviating from this ratio, a significant bias was repeatedly scored in five of them. Three other species of the willow family manifested sometimes strongly biased sex ratios or even monomorphic (unisexual) stands, apparently as a result of extensive vegetative cloning. The stability of the male and female morphs was also examined in the 41 species. Only eight individuals (from seven species) out of the 7019 individuals surveyed (0.1%) were found to be bisexual. In addition, in 27 populations belonging to 17 species, 909 males were tagged and revisited in fruiting time, and only three of them (0.3%) were found to set fruits. In addition not a single case of gender reversal between seasons was found. The field survey suggests that in dioecious plants sex determination and expression are usually effectively maintained. The very slight deviations from the 1:1 sex ratio and from the distinct male and female morphs suggest that sexual dimorphism in dioecious plants is usually stabile.  相似文献   

We address the question of the long term coexistence of three interacting species whose dynamics are governed by the ordinary differential equations x i = X i f i (i = 1, 2, 3). In order for any theory in this area to be useful in practice, it must utilize as little information as possible concerning the forms of the f i , in view of the great difficulty of determining these experimentally. Here we obtain, under rather general conditions on the equations, a criterion for judging whether the species will coexist in a biologically realistic manner. This criterion depends only on the behaviour near the one or two species equilibria of the two dimensional subsystems, the behaviour there being relatively easy to examine experimentally. We show that with the exception of one class of cases, which is a generalization of a classical example of May and Leonard [21], invasibility at each such equilibrium suitably interpreted is both necessary and sufficient for a strong form of coexistence to hold. In the exceptional case, a single additional condition at the equilibria is enough to ensure coexistence.  相似文献   

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