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Simultaneously produced superoxide/nitric oxide radicals (O2*-/NO*) could form peroxynitrite (OONO-) which has been found to cause atherogenic, i.e. oxidative modification of LDL. Aromatic hydroxylation and nitration of the aspirin metabolite salicylate by OONO- has been reported. Therefore we tested if salicylate may be able to protect LDL from oxidation by O2*-/NO* by scavenging the OONO reactive decomposition products. When LDL was exposed to simultaneously produced O2*-/NO* using the sydnonimine SIN-1, salicylate exerted an inhibitory effect on LDL oxidation as measured by TBARS and lipid hydroperoxide formation and alteration in electrophoretic mobility of LDL. The cytotoxic effect of SIN-1 pre-oxidised LDL to endothelial cells was also diminished when salicylate was present during SIN-1 treatment of LDL. Spectrophotometric analysis revealed that salicylate was converted to dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHBA) derivatives in the presence of SIN-1. 2,3- and 2,5-DHBA were even more effective to protect LDL from oxidation by O2*-/NO*. Because O2*-/NO* can occur in vivo, the results may indicate that salicylate could act as an efficacious inhibitor of O2*-/NO* initiated atherogenic LDL modification, thus further supporting the rationale of aspirin medication regarding cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

It has been speculated that NG-hydroxy- -arginine (OH- -Arg), which is an intermediate in NO production from -arginine, may be converted to NO by superoxide ion. However, there is still no direct evidence for this conversion. In the present study this was investigated using superoxide ion generated either in acellular or cellular systems. It was found that OH- -Arg and hydroxylamine were converted to nitrite and nitrate apparently via NO by superoxide ion in aqueous solution. Arginine remained unaffected. These changes were observed during reaction of chemical substances as well as in a biological system (zymosan-activated macrophages in culture). Superoxide dismutase prevented this transformation. OH- -Arg was also spontaneously hydrolysed to hydroxylamine and -citrulline, however this occurred at pH> 9 only. Activated microsomes (containing different isoforms of cytochrome P450) were unable to replace NO-synthase in its ability to produce OH- -Arg from -arginine. These data support the hypothesis that a pathway alternative to the well-known synthesis of NO by NO-synthase via OH- -Arg exists. This pathway may involve the production of OH- -Arg by NO-synthase and decomposition of OH- -Arg to NO by the action of superoxide ion. Alternatively, hydrolysis of OH- -Arg to hydroxylamine may occur followed by its oxidation to NO, again by superoxide ion.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction is associated with increase in oxidative stress and low NO bioavailability. The endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) uncoupling is considered an important factor in endothelial cell oxidative stress. Under increased oxidative stress, the eNOS cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is oxidized to dihydrobiopterin, which competes with BH4 for binding to eNOS, resulting in eNOS uncoupling and reduction in NO production. The importance of the ratio of BH4 to oxidized biopterins versus absolute levels of total biopterin in determining the extent of eNOS uncoupling remains to be determined. We have developed a computational model to simulate the kinetics of the biochemical pathways of eNOS for both NO and O2•− production to understand the roles of BH4 availability and total biopterin (TBP) concentration in eNOS uncoupling. The downstream reactions of NO, O2•−, ONOO, O2, CO2, and BH4 were also modeled. The model predicted that a lower [BH4]/[TBP] ratio decreased NO production but increased O2•− production from eNOS. The NO and O2•− production rates were independent above 1.5 μM [TBP]. The results indicate that eNOS uncoupling is a result of a decrease in [BH4]/[TBP] ratio, and a supplementation of BH4 might be effective only when the [BH4]/[TBP] ratio increases. The results from this study will help us understand the mechanism of endothelial dysfunction.  相似文献   

It has been speculated that NG-hydroxy-l-arginine (OH-l-Arg), which is an intermediate in NO production from l-arginine, may be converted to NO by superoxide ion. However, there is still no direct evidence for this conversion. In the present study this was investigated using superoxide ion generated either in acellular or cellular systems. It was found that OH-l-Arg and hydroxylamine were converted to nitrite and nitrate apparently via NO by superoxide ion in aqueous solution. Arginine remained unaffected. These changes were observed during reaction of chemical substances as well as in a biological system (zymosan-activated macrophages in culture). Superoxide dismutase prevented this transformation. OH-l-Arg was also spontaneously hydrolysed to hydroxylamine and l-citrulline, however this occurred at pH > 9 only. Activated microsomes (containing different isoforms of cytochrome P450) were unable to replace NO-synthase in its ability to produce OH-l-Arg from l-arginine. These data support the hypothesis that a pathway alternative to the well-known synthesis of NO by NO-synthase via OH-l-Arg exists. This pathway may involve the production of OH-l-Arg by NO-synthase and decomposition of OH-l-Arg to NO by the action of superoxide ion. Alternatively, hydrolysis of OH-l-Arg to hydroxylamine may occur followed by its oxidation to NO, again by superoxide ion.  相似文献   

Tyrosine nitration is a posttranslational modification observed in many pathologic states that can be associated with peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) formation. However, in vitro, peroxynitrite-dependent tyrosine nitration is inhibited when its precursors, superoxide (O(2)*(-)) and nitric oxide ((*)NO), are formed at ratios (O(2)*(-)/(*)NO) different from one, severely questioning the use of 3-nitrotyrosine as a biomarker of peroxynitrite-mediated oxidations. We herein hypothesize that in biological systems the presence of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the facile transmembrane diffusion of (*)NO preclude accumulation of O(2)*(-) and (*)NO radicals under flux ratios different from one, preventing the secondary reactions that result in the inhibition of 3-nitrotyrosine formation. Using an array of reactions and kinetic constants, computer-assisted simulations were performed in order to assess the flux of 3-nitrotyrosine formation (J(NO(2(-))Y)) during exposure to simultaneous fluxes of superoxide (J(O(2)*(-))) and nitric oxide (J((*)NO)), varying the radical flux ratios (J(O(2)*(-))/ J((*)NO)), in the presence of carbon dioxide. With a basic set of reactions, J(NO(2(-))Y) as a function of radical flux ratios rendered a bell-shape profile, in complete agreement with previous reports. However, when superoxide dismutation by SOD and (*)NO decay due to diffusion out of the compartment were incorporated in the model, a quite different profile of J(NO(2(-))Y) as a function of the radical flux ratio was obtained: despite the fact that nitration yields were much lower, the bell-shape profile was lost and the extent of tyrosine nitration was responsive to increases in either O(2)*(-) or (*)NO, in agreement with in vivo observations. Thus, the model presented herein serves to reconcile the in vitro and in vivo evidence on the role of peroxynitrite in promoting tyrosine nitration.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize the redox interaction between 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and nitric oxide (.NO), and to assess the reductive and oxidative decay pathways of the DOPAC semiquinone originating from this interaction. The reaction between DOPAC and.NO led to the formation of the DOPAC semiquinone radical, detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and stabilized by Mg(2+), and the nitrosyl anion detected as nitrosylmyoglobin. The EPR signal corresponding to the DOPAC semiquinone was modulated as follows: (i) it was suppressed by glutathione and ascorbic acid with the formation of new EPR spectra corresponding to the glutathionyl and ascorbyl radical, respectively; (ii) it was enhanced by Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase; the enzyme also accelerated the decay of the semiquinone species to DOPAC quinone. These results are interpreted as a one-electron oxidation of DOPAC by.NO; the reductive decay of the semiquinone back to DOPAC was facilitated by reducing agents, such as glutathione and ascorbate, whereas the oxidative decay to DOPAC quinone was facilitated by superoxide dismutase. The latter effect is understood in terms of a reversible conversion of nitrosyl anion to.NO by the enzyme. The biological relevance of these reactions is also discussed in terms of the reactivity of peroxynitrite towards DOPAC as a model with implications for aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

The amino acid arginine is the sole precursor for nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. We recently demonstrated that an acute reduction of circulating arginine does not compromise basal or LPS-inducible NO production in mice. In the present study, we investigated the importance of citrulline availability in ornithine transcarbamoylase-deficient spf(ash) (OTCD) mice on NO production, using stable isotope techniques and C57BL6/J (wild-type) mice controls. Plasma amino acids and tracer-to-tracee ratios were measured by LC-MS. NO production was measured as the in vivo conversion of l-[guanidino-(15)N(2)]arginine to l-[guanidine-(15)N]citrulline; de novo arginine production was measured as conversion of l-[ureido-(13)C-5,5-(2)H(2)]citrulline to l-[guanidino-(13)C-5,5-(2)H(2)]arginine. Protein metabolism was measured using l-[ring-(2)H(5)]phenylalanine and l-[ring-(2)H(2)]tyrosine. OTC deficiency caused a reduction of systemic citrulline concentration and production to 30-50% (P < 0.001), reduced de novo arginine production (P < 0.05), reduced whole-body NO production to 50% (P < 0.005), and increased net protein breakdown by a factor of 2-4 (P < 0.001). NO production was twofold higher in female than in male OTCD mice in agreement with the X-linked location of the OTC gene. In response to LPS treatment (10 mg/kg ip), circulating arginine increased in all groups (P < 0.001), and NO production was no longer affected by the OTC deficiency due to increased net protein breakdown as a source for arginine. Our study shows that reduced citrulline availability is related to reduced basal NO production via reduced de novo arginine production. Under basal conditions this is probably cNOS-mediated NO production. When sufficient arginine is available after LPS stimulated net protein breakdown, NO production is unaffected by OTC deficiency.  相似文献   

Protozoa of the genus Leishmania infect reticuloendothelial cells of several mammalian species, including dogs, in which they often give rise to a chronic, not self-healing visceral disease. The parasitocidal mechanism of peripheral blood monocytes towards Leishmania in the dog has not been investigated in detail. Consequently, Leishmania infantum-infected monocyte cultures of healthy dogs were evaluated using the following parameters: (1) phagocytosis and killing capacities; (2) oxidative burst, in terms of superoxide anion (O2-) release, and (3) nitric oxide (NO) activity, in terms of nitrite (NO2-) production in the presence or absence of the NO synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (NGMMLA). Parallel experiments were performed on monocytes stimulated with supernatants of concanavalin A-activated PBMC and on unstimulated monocytes. The amount of IFN-gamma in PBMC supernatants used for monocyte activation was determined by a biological assay on a canine Madin Darby cell line. Results demonstrated that phagocytosis, killing capacity and O2- production significantly increased in monocytes stimulated with supernatants, in comparison with unstimulated cells. A positive correlation was observed between the killing capacity, the O2- production and the amount of IFN-gamma in PBMC supernatants employed for monocyte activation. No significant differences were observed in NO production between unstimulated and stimulated cultures, or between the same cultures with and without NGMMLA. Finally, the killing percentage was similar in the presence or absence of NGMMLA, suggesting that in this experimental model peripheral blood dog monocytes lack NO-mediated killing.  相似文献   

Microglial activation and inflammatory processes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of neurodegenerative disorders. Recently, peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), the reaction product of superoxide (O(2)(-)) and nitric oxide (NO) both of which can be generated by activated microglia, has been demonstrated to act as a major mediator in the neurotoxicity induced by activated microglia. On the other hand, phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) have been reported to modulate the immune function of phagocytes. We therefore evaluated the effects of liposomes which comprise both PS and PC (PS/PC liposomes) or PC only (PC liposomes) regarding the production of both O(2)(-) and NO by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)/phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA)-activated microglia using electron spin resonance (ESR) spin trap technique with a DEPMPO and Griess reaction, respectively. Pretreatment with PS/PC liposomes or PC liposomes considerably inhibited the signal intensity of O(2)(-) adduct associated with LPS/PMA-activated microglia in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, pretreatment with PS/PC liposomes also significantly reduced LPS/PMA-induced microglial NO production. In contrast, pretreatment with PC liposomes had no effect on the NO production. These results indicate that PS/PC liposomes can inhibit the microglial production of both NO and O(2)(-), and thus presumably prevent a subsequent formation of ONOO(-). Therefore, PS/PC liposomes appear to have both neuroprotective and anti-oxidative properties through the inhibition of microglial activation.  相似文献   

Superoxide production from antimycin-inhibited complex III in isolated mitochondria first increased to a maximum then decreased as substrate supply was modulated in three different ways. In each case, superoxide production had a similar bell-shaped relationship to the reduction state of cytochrome b(566), suggesting that superoxide production peaks at intermediate Q-reduction state because it comes from a semiquinone in the outer quinone-binding site in complex III (Q(o)). Imposition of a membrane potential changed the relationships between superoxide production and b(566) reduction and between b(562) and b(566) redox states, suggesting that b(562) reduction also affects semiquinone concentration and superoxide production. To assess whether this behavior was consistent with the Q-cycle mechanism of complex III, we generated a kinetic model of the antimycin-inhibited Q(o) site. Using published rate constants (determined without antimycin), with unknown rate constants allowed to vary, the model failed to fit the data. However, when we allowed the rate constant for quinol oxidation to decrease 1000-fold and the rate constant for semiquinone oxidation by b(566) to depend on the b(562) redox state, the model fit the energized and de-energized data well. In such fits, quinol oxidation was much slower than literature values and slowed further when b(566) was reduced, and reduction of b(562) stabilized the semiquinone when b(566) was oxidized. Thus, superoxide production at Q(o) depends on the reduction states of b(566) and b(562) and fits the Q-cycle only if particular rate constants are altered when b oxidation is prevented by antimycin. These mechanisms limit superoxide production and short circuiting of the Q-cycle when electron transfer slows.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are thought to play a role in reperfusion injury and ischemia. These effects are partly mediated by toxic oxygen species (superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical) acting at the level of the endothelium. It was demonstrated recently that the superoxide anion reacts with nitric oxide (NO) and that interaction leads to the generation of highly toxic peroxynitrite. Several drugs were tested so far in order to affect PMN function. It was demonstrated that dipyridamole (2,6-bis-diethanolamino-4,8-dipiperidinopyrimido-(5,4-d)-pyrimidine) can influence neutrophil function by inhibiting adenosine uptake. However, this action can not fully explain all of the observed effects of dipyridamole action on PMN metabolism. The aim of our study was to evaluate the influence of dipyridamole on nitric oxide production by activated polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Incubation of PMNs with hydroxylamine (HA) and phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) generated nitrite (36.4+/-4.2 nmol/h 2x10(6) PMN), dipyridamole at 100 micromol/l, 50 micromol/l and 10 micromol/l caused a considerable drop in nitrite production (11.8+/-1.8, 19.7+/-2.7 and 27.4+/-3.2 nmol/h, respectively). Neither adenosine nor the adenosine analogue could mimic the dipyridamole effect. Moreover theophylline, an adenosine inhibitor could not reverse the dipirydamole action on PMN metabolism. We also found that dipyridamole inhibited hydrogen peroxide release from neutrophils. Catalase that scavenges hydrogen peroxide also largely abolished nitric oxide release from PMN. It is evident that dipyridamole inhibits hydroxylamine-augmented nitric oxide production by activated polymorphonuclear neutrophils through an adenosine-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of NO and O-2 on enzymatic components of cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway in peritoneal macrophages. Activation of murine peritoneal macrophages by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) resulted in time-dependent production of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). This stimulation was also accompanied by the production of other reactive oxygen species such as superoxide (O-2), and by increased expression of COX-2. Our results provide evidence that O-2 may be involved in the pathways that result in arachidonate release and PGE2 formation by COX-2 in murine peritoneal macrophages stimulated by LPS. However, we were not able to demonstrate that NO participates in the regulation of PG production under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of NO and O-2 on enzymatic components of cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway in peritoneal macrophages. Activation of murine peritoneal macrophages by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) resulted in time-dependent production of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). This stimulation was also accompanied by the production of other reactive oxygen species such as superoxide (O-2), and by increased expression of COX-2. Our results provide evidence that O-2 may be involved in the pathways that result in arachidonate release and PGE2 formation by COX-2 in murine peritoneal macrophages stimulated by LPS. However, we were not able to demonstrate that NO participates in the regulation of PG production under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Human endogenous retrovirus W env(HERV-W env) plays a critical role in many neuropsychological diseases such as schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis(MS). These diseases are accompanied by immunological reactions in the central nervous system(CNS). Microglia are important immunocytes in brain inflammation that can produce a gasotransmitter – nitric oxide(NO). NO not only plays a role in the function of neuronal cells but also participates in the pathogenesis of various neuropsychological diseases. In this study, we reported increased NO production in CHME-5 microglia cells after they were transfected with HERV-W env. Moreover, HERV-W env increased the expression and function of human inducible nitric oxide synthase(hi NOS) and enhanced the promoter activity of hi NOS. Microglial migration was also enhanced. These data revealed that HERV-W env might contribute to increase NO production and microglial migration ability in neuropsychological disorders by regulating the expression of inducible NOS. Results from this study might lead to the identification of novel targets for the treatment of neuropsychological diseases, including neuroinflammatory diseases, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The effects of a moderate electrical stimulation on superoxide and nitric oxide production by primary cultured skeletal muscle cells were evaluated. The involvement of the main sites of these reactive species production and the relationship between superoxide and nitric oxide production were also examined. Production of superoxide was evaluated by cytochrome c reduction and dihydroethidium oxidation assays. Electrical stimulation increased superoxide production after 1 h incubation. A xanthine oxidase inhibitor caused a partial decrease of superoxide generation and a significant amount of mitochondria‐derived superoxide was also observed. Nitric oxide production was assessed by nitrite measurement and by using 4,5‐diaminofluorescein diacetate (DAF‐2‐DA) assay. Using both methods an increased production of nitric oxide was obtained after electrical stimulation, which was also able to induce an increase of iNOS content and NF‐κB activation. The participation of superoxide in nitric oxide production was investigated by incubating cells with DAF‐2‐DA in the presence or absence of electrical stimulation, a superoxide generator system (xanthine–xanthine oxidase), a mixture of NOS inhibitors and SOD‐PEG. Our data show that the induction of muscle contraction by a moderate electrical stimulation protocol led to an increased nitric oxide production that can be controlled by superoxide generation. The cross talk between these reactive species likely plays a role in exercise‐induced maintenance and adaptation by regulating muscular glucose metabolism, force of contraction, fatigue, and antioxidant systems activities. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 2511–2518, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The modulation of oxygen radical production by nitric oxide in mitochondria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Biological systems that produce or are exposed to nitric oxide (NO radical) exhibit changes in the rate of oxygen free radical production. Considering that mitochondria are the main intracellular source of oxygen radicals, and based on the recently documented production of NO(radical) by intact mitochondria, we investigated whether NO(radical), produced by the mitochondrial nitric-oxide synthase, could affect the generation of oxygen radicals. Toward this end, changes in H(2)O(2) production by rat liver mitochondria were monitored at different rates of endogenous NO(radical) production. The observed changes in H(2)O(2) production indicated that NO(radical) affected the rate of oxygen radical production by modulating the rate of O(2) consumption at the cytochrome oxidase level. This mechanism was supported by these three experimental proofs: 1) the reciprocal correlation between H(2)O(2) production and respiratory rates under different conditions of NO(radical) production; 2) the pattern of oxidized/reduced carriers in the presence of NO(radical), which pointed to cytochrome oxidase as the crossover point; and 3) the reversibility of these effects, evidenced in the presence of oxymyoglobin, which excluded a significant role for other NO(radical)-derived species such as peroxynitrite. Other sources of H(2)O(2) investigated, such as the aerobic formation of nitrosoglutathione and the GSH-mediated decay of nitrosoglutathione, were found quantitatively negligible compared with the total rate of H(2)O(2) production.  相似文献   

To clarify the structure-activity relationships of flavonoids for nitric oxide (NO) production inhibitory activity, we examined the inhibitory effects of 73 flavonoids on NO production in lipopolysaccharide-activated mouse peritoneal macrophages. Among those flavonoids, apigenin (IC(50)=7.7 microM), diosmetin (8.9 microM), and tetra-O-methylluteolin (2.4 microM), and hexa-O-methylmyricetin (7.4 microM) were found to show potent inhibitory activity, and the results suggested the following structural requirements of flavonoids: (1) the activities of flavones were stronger than those of corresponding flavonols; (2) the glycoside moiety reduced the activity; (3) the activities of flavones were stronger than those of corresponding flavanones; (4) the flavones and flavonols having the 4'-hydroxyl group showed stronger activities than those lacking the hydroxyl group at the B ring and having the 3',4'-dihydroxyl group; (5) the flavonols having the 3',4'-dihydroxyl group (catechol type) showed stronger activities than those having the 3',4',5'-trihydroxyl group (pyrogallol type); (6) the 5-hydroxyl group tended to enhance the activity; (7) methylation of the 3-, 5-, or 4'-hydroxyl group enhanced the activity; (8) the activities of isoflavones were weaker than those of corresponding flavones; (9) methylation of the 3-hydroxyl group reduced the cytotoxicity. In addition, potent NO production inhibitors were found to inhibit induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) without iNOS enzymatic inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Kyoi T  Noda K  Oka M  Ukai Y 《Life sciences》2004,76(1):71-83
Neutrophil superoxide production is implicated in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal damage induced by various ulcerative agents and Helicobacter pylori infection. We investigated here the effects of an anti-ulcer drug irsogladine [2, 4-diamino-6-(2, 5-dichlorophenyl)-s-triazine maleate] on cAMP formation in isolated human neutrophils. The cAMP level in human neutrophils was elevated by a phosphodiesterase (PDE) type 4 selective inhibitor rolipram, but not by any inhibitors of PDE1, PDE2 and PDE3. Irsogladine also increased cAMP formation in a concentration-dependent manner in neutrophils. A non-selective PDE inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) alone significantly increased cAMP level, whereas irsogladine was unable to further increase cAMP level in the presence of IBMX. Irsogladine inhibited concentration-dependently the superoxide (O(2)(-)) production induced by various stimuli including formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, opsonized zymosan, guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio] triphosphate, A23187 and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. These effects of irsogladine were mimicked by rolipram, IBMX and dibutyryl cAMP. The inhibitory effects of irsogladine and rolipram on the O(2)(-) production were reversed by a protein kinase A inhibitor H-89. These results indicate that irsogladine inhibits the superoxide production in human neutrophils by the increase of cAMP content by PDE 4 inhibition, which in turn contributing to the anti-ulcer effects of irsogladine on gastric mucosal lesions associated with oxidative stress.  相似文献   

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