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C Schmelzer  R J Schweyen 《Cell》1986,46(4):557-565
Group II intron bl1 from yeast mitochondria can undergo self-splicing in vitro. Exons become correctly ligated, and the excised intron has a lariat structure similar to that of introns from nuclear mRNA. The branch point of the bl1 lariat is located eight or nine nucleotides upstream of the 3' end of the intron and is part of a hairpin structure that is well conserved among group II introns. Several mutations next to the branch point and in other parts of the core structure of group II introns are shown to affect lariat formation. One of them, carried by strain M4873, abolishes splicing in vivo and in vitro, apparently by changing the architecture of the hairpin structure containing the branch point. Similarities between group II introns and nuclear pre-mRNA introns are discussed in terms of evolutionary relatedness.  相似文献   

We investigated the self-splicing properties of two introns from the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. One intron (B.a.I1) splices poorly in vitro despite having typical structural motifs, while the second (B.a.I2) splices well while having apparently degenerated features. The spliced exons of B.a.I2 were sequenced, and splicing was found to occur at a 3' site shifted one nucleotide from the expected position, thus restoring missing gamma-gamma' and IBS3-EBS3 pairings, but leaving the two conserved exonic ORFs out of frame. Because of the unexpected splice site, the principles for 3' intron definition were examined, which showed that the 3' splice site is flexible but contingent on gamma-gamma' and IBS3-EBS3 pairings, and can be as far away as four nucleotides from the wild-type site. Surprisingly, alternative splicing occurs at position +4 for wild-type B.a.I2 intron, both in vitro and in vivo, and the alternative event fuses the two conserved exon ORFs, presumably leading to translation of the downstream ORF. The finding suggests that the structural irregularities of B.a.I2 may be an adaptation to facilitate gene expression in vivo.  相似文献   

Self-splicing group II and nuclear pre-mRNA introns: how similar are they?   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The splicing pathway of pre-mRNA introns bears similarities to that of the group II introns, some members of which undergo self-splicing. The snRNAs may provide the pre-mRNA introns with RNA structures in trans comparable to those available in cis in group II introns. This article examines the available evidence for the hypothesis that the catalysis of these two splicing pathways is fundamentally equivalent.  相似文献   

Splice site selection and role of the lariat in a group II intron.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The structural elements involved in 5' and 3' splice site (SS) selection in a group II intron were analyzed. While 5' SS selection appears to be defined by only one element, the EBS1-IBS1 pairing, four distinct structural components contribute to 3' SS selection, one of which being analogous to the "internal guide sequence" described for group I introns. Moreover, some of the mutants analyzed during this study induce efficient 5' SS hydrolysis and suggest how 5' SS transesterification is selected against hydrolysis. Finally, the lariat structure was found to accelerate both steps of splicing, suggesting that it "locks" the ribozyme in an active configuration.  相似文献   

trans-Splicing is essential for mRNA maturation in trypanosomatids. A conserved AG dinucleotide serves as the 3' splice acceptor site, and analysis of native processing sites suggests that selection of this site is determined according to a 5'-3' scanning model. A series of stable gene replacement lines were generated that carried point mutations at or near the 3' splice site within the intergenic region separating CUB2.65, the calmodulin-ubiquitin associated gene, and FUS1, the ubiquitin fusion gene of Trypanosoma cruzi. In one stable line, the elimination of the native 3' splice acceptor site led to the accumulation of Y-branched splicing intermediates, which served as templates for mapping the first trans-splicing branch points in T. cruzi. In other lines, point mutations shifted the position of the first consensus AG dinucleotide either upstream or downstream of the wild-type 3' splice acceptor site in this intergenic region. Consistent with the scanning model, the first AG dinucleotide downstream of the branch points was used as the predominant 3' splice acceptor site. In all of the stable lines, the point mutations affected splicing efficiency in this region.  相似文献   

PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are 23-30 nucleotides small RNAs that act with PIWI proteins to silence transposon activity in animal gonads. In contrast to microRNAs and small interfering RNAs, the biogenesis of piRNAs, including how 3' ends are formed, remains largely unknown. Here, by using lysate from BmN4, a silkworm ovary-derived cell line, we have developed a cell-free system that recapitulates key steps of piRNA biogenesis: loading of long single-stranded precursor RNAs into PIWI proteins with 5'-nucleotide bias, followed by Mg(2+)-dependent 3' to 5' exonucleolytic trimming and 2'-O-methylation at 3' ends. Importantly, 3' end methylation is tightly coupled with trimming and yet is not a prerequisite for determining the mature piRNA length. Our system provides a biochemical framework for dissecting piRNA biogenesis.  相似文献   

The fifth intron in the gene for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I in yeast mitochondrial DNA is of the group II type and is capable of self-splicing in vitro. The reaction results in lariat formation, concomitant with exon-exon ligation and does not require a guanosine nucleotide for its initiation. It is generally assumed, but not formally proven, that the first step in splicing is a nucleophilic attack of the 2'-hydroxyl of the branchpoint nucleotide (A) on the 5'-exon-intron junction. To investigate the role of intron sequences in recognition of the 5'-splice junction and the ensuing event of cleavage and lariat formation, mutations have been introduced at and around the branchsite. Results obtained show that although branchpoint attack and subsequent lariat formation are strongly preferred events under conditions normally used for self-splicing, addition of a single T residue at intron position 856, a mutation which brings the branchpoint adenosine into a basepair, leads to a conditionally active intron, which at high ionic strength catalyses exon-exon ligation in the absence of lariat formation. Comparable behaviour is also observed with the branchpoint A deletion mutant. The implications of these findings for the mechanism of self-splicing of group II introns are discussed.  相似文献   

J Ct  B Chabot 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》1997,3(11):1248-1261
In the murine gene encoding the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), the integrity of the 5' splice site of exon 18 (E18) is essential for regulation of alternative splicing. To further study the contribution of 5' splice site sequences, we used a simple NCAM pre-mRNA containing a portion of E18 fused to E19 and separated by a shortened intron. This RNA is spliced in vitro to produce five sets of lariat intermediates and products, the most abundant set displaying aberrant migration in acrylamide/urea gels. Base pairing interactions between positions +5 and +8 of the intron and positions -3 and -6 from the branch point were responsible for the faster migration of this set of lariat molecules. To test whether the duplex structure forms earlier and contributes to 5' splice site selection, we used NCAM substrates carrying the 5' splice sites of E17 and E18 in competition for the 3' splice site of E19. Mutations upstream of the major branch site improve E18/E19 splicing in NIH3T3 extracts, whereas compensatory mutations at positions +7 and +8 neutralize the effect of branch site mutations and curtail E18/E19 splicing. Our data suggest that duplex formation occurs early and interferes with the assembly of complexes initiated on the 5' splice site of NCAM E18. This novel type of intron interaction may exist in the introns of other mammalian pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   

In mammalian intron splicing, the mechanism by which the 3' splice site AG is accurately and efficiently identified has remained unresolved. We have previously proposed that the 3' splice site in mammalian introns is located by a scanning mechanism for the first AG downstream of the branch point-polypyrimidine tract. We now present experiments that lend further support to this model while identifying conditions under which competition can occur between adjacent AGs. The data show that the 3' splice site is identified as the first AG downstream from the branch point by a mechanism that has all the characteristics expected of a 5'-to-3' scanning process that starts from the branch point rather than the pyrimidine tract. Failure to recognize the proximal AG may arise, however, from extreme proximity to the branch point or sequestration within a hairpin. Once an AG has been encountered, the spliceosome can still see a limited stretch of downstream RNA within which an AG more competitive than the proximal one may be selected. Proximity to the branch point is a major determinant of competition, although steric effects render an AG less competitive in close proximity (approximately 12 nucleotides). In addition, the nucleotide preceding the AG has a striking influence upon competition between closely spaced AGs. The order of competitiveness, CAG congruent to UAG > AAG > GAG, is similar to the nucleotide preference at this position in wild-type 3' splice sites. Thus, 3' splice site selection displays properties of both a scanning process and competition between AGs based on immediate sequence context. This refined scanning model, incorporating elements of competition, is the simplest interpretation that is consistent with all of the available data.  相似文献   

We have devised an in vitro splicing assay in which the mutually exclusive exons 2 and 3 of alpha-tropomyosin act as competing 3' splice sites for joining to exon 1. Splicing in normal HeLa cell nuclear extracts results in almost exclusive joining of exons 1 and 3. Splicing in decreased nuclear extract concentrations and decreased ionic strength results in increased 1-2 splicing. We have used this assay to determine the role of three constitutive pre-mRNA splicing factors on alternative 3' splice site selection. Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) was found to inhibit the splicing of introns containing a strong binding site for this factor. However, the inhibitory effect of PTB could be partially reversed if pre-mRNAs were preincubated with U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF) prior to splicing in PTB-supplemented extracts. For alpha-tropomyosin, regulation of splicing by PTB and U2AF primarily affected the joining of exons 1-3 with no dramatic increases in 1-2 splicing being detected. Preincubation of pre-mRNAs with SR proteins led to small increases in 1-2 splicing. However, if pre-mRNAs were preincubated with SR proteins followed by splicing in PTB-supplemented extracts, there was a nearly complete reversal of the normal 1-2 to 1-3 splicing ratios. Thus, multiple pairwise, and sometimes antagonizing, interactions between constitutive pre-mRNA splicing factors and the pre-mRNA can regulate 3' splice site selection.  相似文献   

A yeast ACT1 intron in which both the first and last intron nucleotides are mutated, the /a-c/ intron, splices 10% as well as wild type. We selected for additional cis-acting mutations that improve the splicing of /a-c/ introns and recovered small deletions upstream of the 3' splice site. For example, deletion of nucleotides -9 and -10 upstream of the 3' splice site increased the splicing activity of the /a-c/ intron to 30% that of the wild-type ACT1 intron. To determine if the increased /a-c/ splicing was due to changes in intron spacing or sequence, we made mutations that mimicked the local sequence of the delta-9, -10 deletion without deleting any nucleotides. These mutants also increased /a-c/ splicing, indicating that the increased splicing activity was due to changes in intron sequence. The delta-9, -10 deletion was not allele specific to the /a-c/ intron, and improved the splicing efficiency of many mutant introns with step II splicing defects. To further define the sequences required for improved splicing of mutant introns, we randomized the region upstream of the ACT1 3' splice site. We found that almost all sequence alterations improved the splicing of the /a-c/ intron. We postulate that this sequence near the 3' end of the intron represses the splicing of mutant introns, perhaps by serving as the binding site for a negative splicing factor.  相似文献   

Domain 5 (D5) and domain 6 (D6) are adjacent folded hairpin substructures of self-splicing group II introns that appear to interact within the active ribozyme. Here we describe the effects of changing the length of the 3-nucleotide segment joining D5 to D6 [called J(56)3] on the splicing reactions of intron 5 gamma of the COXI gene of yeast mitochondrial DNA. Shortened variants J(56)0 and J(56)1 were defective in vitro for branching, and the second splicing step was performed inefficiently and inaccurately. The lengthened variant J(56)5 had a milder defect-splicing occurred at a reduced rate but with correct branching and a mostly accurate 3' splice junction choice. Yeast mitochondria were transformed with the J(56)5 allele, and the resulting yeast strain was respiration deficient because of ineffective aI5 gamma splicing. Respiration-competent revertants were recovered, and in one type a single joiner nucleotide was deleted while in the other type a nucleotide of D6 was deleted. Although these revertants still showed partial splicing blocks in vivo and in vitro, including a substantial defect in the second step of splicing, both spliced accurately in vivo. These results establish that a 3-nucleotide J(56) is optimal for this intron, especially for the accuracy of 3' splice junction selection, and indicate that D5 and D6 are probably not coaxially stacked.  相似文献   

Recognition of 5' splice points by group I and group II self-splicing introns involves the interaction of exon sequences--directly preceding the 5' splice site--with intronic sequence elements. We show here that the exon binding sequences (EBS) of group II intron aI5c can accept various substitutes of the authentic intron binding sites (IBS) provided in cis or in trans. The efficiency of cleavages at these cryptic 5' splice sites was enhanced by deletion of the authentic IBS2 element. All cryptic 5' cleavage sites studied here were preceded by an IBS1 like sequence; indicating that the IBS1/EBS1 pairing alone is sufficient for proper 5' splice site selection by the intronic EBS element. The results are discussed in terms of minimal requirements for 5' cleavages and position effects of IBS sites relative to the intron.  相似文献   

A new family of protein domains consisting of 50-80 amino acid residues is described. It is composed of nearly 40 members, including domains encoded by plastid and phage group I introns; mitochondrial, plastid, and bacterial group II introns; eubacterial genomes and plasmids; and phages. The name "EX1HH-HX3H" was coined for both domain and family. It is based on 2 most prominent amino acid sequence motifs, each encompassing a pair of highly conserved histidine residues in a specific arrangement: EX1HH and HX3H. The "His" motifs often alternate with amino- and carboxy-terminal motifs of a new type of Zn-finger-like structure CX2,4CX29-54[CH]X2,3[CH]. The EX1HH-HX3H domain in eubacterial E2-type bacteriocins and in phage RB3 (wild variant of phage T4) product of the nrdB group I intron was reported to be essential for DNA endonuclease activity of these proteins. In other proteins, the EX1HH-HX3H domain is hypothesized to possess DNase activity as well. Presumably, this activity promotes movement (rearrangement) of group I and group II introns encoding the EX1HH-HX3H domain and other gene targets. In the case of Escherichia coli restrictase McrA and possibly several related proteins, it appears to mediate the restriction of alien DNA molecules.  相似文献   

By combining comparative sequence analyses and nucleotide replacements, we show that formation of the active center of group II introns rests in part on two novel long-range base-pairing interactions. (1) The last nucleotide of group II introns forms a solitary Watson-Crick base-pair with one of the nucleotides in the short sequence stretch connecting domains II and III. Formation of this base-pair is rate-limiting for the 3' cleavage and ligation step. (2) Nucleotides 3 and 4 form base-pairs with two consecutive nucleotides in a well-conserved internal loop of domain I. This interaction is involved in both the 5' and 3' cleavage steps. Possible relationships between group II and nuclear pre-mRNA introns are reassessed by taking into account these new pieces of information.  相似文献   

Base substitutions in U2/U6 helix I, a conserved base-pairing interaction between the U6 and U2 snRNAs, have previously been found to specifically block the second catalytic step of nuclear pre-mRNA splicing. To further assess the role of U2/U6 helix I in the second catalytic step, we have screened mutations in U2/U6 helix I to identify those that influence 3' splice site selection using a derivative of the yeast actin pre-mRNA. In these derivatives, the spacing between the branch site adenosine and 3' splice site has been reduced from 43 to 12 nt and this results in enhanced splicing of mutants in the conserved 3' terminal intron residue. In this context, mutation of the conserved 3' intron terminal G to a C also results in the partial activation of a nearby cryptic 3' splice site with U as the 3' terminal intron nucleotide. Using this highly sensitive mutant substrate, we have identified a mutation in the U6 snRNA (U57A) that significantly increases the selection of the cryptic 3' splice site over the normal 3' splice site and augments its utilization relative to that observed with the wild-type U2 or U6 snRNAs. In a previous study, we found that the same U6 mutation suppressed the effects of an A-to-G branch site mutation in an allele-specific fashion. The ability of U6-U57 mutants to influence the fidelity of both branch site and 3' splice site recognition suggests that this nucleotide may participate in the formation of the active site(s) of the spliceosome.  相似文献   

Interactions at the 3' end of the intron initiate spliceosome assembly and splice site selection in vertebrate pre-mRNAs. Multiple factors, including U1 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), are involved in initial recognition at the 3' end of the intron. Experiments were designed to test the possibility that U1 snRNP interaction at the 3' end of the intron during early assembly functions to recognize and define the downstream exon and its resident 5' splice site. Splicing precursor RNAs constructed to have elongated second exons lacking 5' splice sites were deficient in spliceosome assembly and splicing activity in vitro. Similar substrates including a 5' splice site at the end of exon 2 assembled and spliced normally as long as the second exon was less than 300 nucleotides long. U2 snRNPs were required for protection of the 5' splice site terminating exon 2, suggesting direct communication during early assembly between factors binding the 3' and 5' splice sites bordering an exon. We suggest that exons are recognized and defined as units during early assembly by binding of factors to the 3' end of the intron, followed by a search for a downstream 5' splice site. In this view, only the presence of both a 3' and a 5' splice site in the correct orientation and within 300 nucleotides of one another will stable exon complexes be formed. Concerted recognition of exons may help explain the 300-nucleotide-length maximum of vertebrate internal exons, the mechanism whereby the splicing machinery ignores cryptic sites within introns, the mechanism whereby exon skipping is normally avoided, and the phenotypes of 5' splice site mutations that inhibit splicing of neighboring introns.  相似文献   

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