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Anthropogenic elevation of atmospheric CO2 is driving global-scale ocean acidification, which consequently influences calcification rates of many marine invertebrates and potentially alters their susceptibility to predation. Ocean acidification may also impair an organism''s ability to process environmental and biological cues. These counteracting impacts make it challenging to predict how acidification will alter species interactions and community structure. To examine effects of acidification on consumptive and behavioural interactions between mud crabs (Panopeus herbstii) and oysters (Crassostrea virginica), oysters were reared with and without caged crabs for 71 days at three pCO2 levels. During subsequent predation trials, acidification reduced prey consumption, handling time and duration of unsuccessful predation attempt. These negative effects of ocean acidification on crab foraging behaviour more than offset any benefit to crabs resulting from a reduction in the net rate of oyster calcification. These findings reveal that efforts to evaluate how acidification will alter marine food webs should include quantifying impacts on both calcification rates and animal behaviour.  相似文献   

Gastropod shells are vital for the majority of hermit crab species, being essential for their survival, growth, protection, and reproduction. Given their importance, shells are acquired and transferred between crabs through several modalities. We conducted observations and experiments at the Asinara Island (Sardinia, Italy) to investigate the efficacy of the different behavioral tactics adopted by the hermit crab Clibanarius erythropus to acquire shells, such as: (1) locomotion and activity at different tidal phases; (2) attendance at shell-supplying sites (simulated predation sites with five different odors: live and dead gastropods, live and dead crabs, predator); and (3) interactions with conspecifics in aggregations on simulated gastropod predation sites. In each tidal phase, locomotion was slow (0.7 cm min− 1) and, as a consequence, the probability of encountering empty shells and conspecifics was low. Simulated gastropod predation sites quickly attracted a larger number of hermit crabs than the other sites tested. Aggregations seemed to function as shell exchange markets, as previously suggested for other species: the first attendant took the experimental shell and a chain of shell exchanges among conspecifics followed. Our results show that, in C. erythropus, aggregation is the most efficient tactic for the acquisition of new shells, whereas in other species, such as Pagurus longicarpus, it is associated with exploitation ability due to the intense locomotion. The interspecific plasticity in hermit crabs' behavior is confirmed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine whether locally abundant crab species prefer co-occurring littleneck clams, Protothaca staminea (Conrad, 1837) and Tapes philippinarum (A. Adams and Reeve, 1850), relative to a recently introduced species, the varnish clam, Nuttallia obscurata, (Reeve, 1857). Prey preference, handling time, pick-up success, profitability and consumption rates were investigated for two crab species, Dungeness crab, Cancer magister (Dana, 1852) and red rock crab, Cancer productus (Randall, 1839) crabs. Both crab species preferred varnish clams over the native species. This may be attributable to the lower handling time, higher pick-up success and increased profitability of consuming varnish clams. Handling time appeared to be a factor not only in species preference, but also in the degree of preference, with shorter handling times corresponding to stronger preference values. Both native and introduced bivalves burrow into the substratum, with the varnish clam burrowing deepest. When feeding on clams in limited substratum both crab species preferred the varnish clam. In the unlimited substratum trials Dungeness crabs preferred varnish clams (although to a lesser degree) while red rock crabs preferred littleneck clams. This was likely due to the significantly deeper burial of the varnish clam, making it less accessible. Although the morphology (i.e. thin shell, compressed shape) of the invader increases its vulnerability to predation, burial depth provides a predation refuge. These results demonstrate how interactions between native predators and the physical characteristics and behaviour of the invader can be instrumental in influencing the success of an invasive species.  相似文献   

The mangrove crab Ucides cordatus showed a significant reduction in its output of isosmotic urine (to 60% of submerged rates) in humid, emersed conditions when in apparent water balance. A similar, but lesser, reduction was observed in the intertidal temperature species Carcinus maenas. Some of the decrease is effected by increased water withdrawal of an isosmotic fluid in the antennal gland (inulin urine to haemolymph concentration ratio=1.27) in Ucides but most is due to the reduced filtration rate which decreases from 3.41 to 2.19 ml·100 g-1·day-1 (in Carcinus from 7.37 to 5.88). In Carcinus, inulin urine to haemolymph concentration ratios are within the range 1.34–1.41 and show significant change on emersion. Comparisons of ion and inulin clearance ratios revealed interspecific differences in renal handling of Na+ and Cl-. During emersion total Na+ efflux is markedly reduced in both species. Urinary Na+ losses are responsible for most of the efflux in Carcinus but represent only 50% of the total in Ucides. Significant Na+ uptake from interstitial water occurs in Ucides. REductions in ion and water loss appear to be mainly dependent on decreases in urine output (clearance rate). However, some released urine was found to accumulate in the branchial chambers in both species. Whether or not extrarenal reabsorption of ions from released urine occurs in the gill chambers in either crab species remains to be proved.Abbreviations CPM counts per minute - ECF extracellular fluid - k rate constant for inulin clearance - k Na rate constant for sodium efflux - J out Na sodium efflux rate - Q tot total radioactivity injected - SEM standard error of mean - SW sea water - 9-SW sea water, salinity 9 mg·ml-1 (ppt) - 26-SW sea water, salinity 26 mg·ml-1 (ppt) - U/B ratio of urine (U) to haemolymph (B) concentrations - V c1 clearance rate - V u urine output - V a inulin space  相似文献   

Species that change colour present an ideal opportunity to study the control and tuning of camouflage with regards to the background. However, most research on colour‐pattern change and camouflage has been undertaken with species that rapidly alter appearance (in seconds), despite the fact that most species change appearance over longer time periods (e.g. minutes, hours, or days). We investigated whether individuals of the horned ghost crab (Ocypode ceratophthalmus) from Singapore can change colour, when this occurs, and how it influences camouflage. Individuals showed a clear daily rhythm of colour change, becoming lighter during the day and darker at night, and this significantly improved their camouflage to the sand substrate upon which they live. Individuals did not change colour when put into dark conditions, but they did become brighter when placed on a white versus a black substrate. Our findings show that ghost crabs have a circadian rhythm of colour change mediating camouflage, which is fine‐tuned by adaptation to the background brightness. These types of colour change can enable individuals to achieve effective camouflage under a range of environmental conditions, substrates, and time periods, and may be widespread in other species. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 257–270.  相似文献   

Cougars (Puma concolor) are one of only two large cats in North America to have survived the Late Pleistocene extinction (LPE), yet the specific key(s) to their relative success remains unknown. Here, we compare the dental microwear textures of Pleistocene cougars with sympatric felids from the La Brea Tar Pits in southern California that went extinct at the LPE (Panthera atrox and Smilodon fatalis), to clarify potential dietary factors that led to the cougar''s persistence through the LPE. We further assess whether the physical properties of food consumed have changed over time when compared with modern cougars in southern California. Using dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA), which quantifies surface features in three dimensions, we find that modern and Pleistocene cougars are not significantly different from modern African lions in any DMTA attributes, suggesting moderate durophagy (i.e. bone processing). Pleistocene cougars from La Brea have significantly greater complexity and textural fill volume than Panthera atrox (inferred to have primarily consumed flesh from fresh kills) and significantly greater variance in complexity values than S. fatalis. Ultimately, these results suggest that cougars already used or adopted a more generalized dietary strategy during the Pleistocene that may have been key to their subsequent success.  相似文献   

An Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian) hermit crab perfectly preserved within an ammonite is described. Palaeontologists have focused too much on the wrong class of molluscs in their attempt to analyse the evolution of the pagurids. The shift of mollusc habitation during the Cretaceous, from ammonites to gastropods, affected the morphology of the aperture–blocking hermit–crab claws.  相似文献   

The class I myosin genes are conserved in diverse organisms, and their gene products are involved in actin dynamics, endocytosis, and signal transduction. Drosophila melanogaster has three class I myosin genes, Myosin 31DF (Myo31DF), Myosin 61F (Myo61F), and Myosin 95E (Myo95E). Myo31DF, Myo61F, and Myo95E belong to the Myosin ID, Myosin IC, and Myosin IB families, respectively. Previous loss-of-function analyses of Myo31DF and Myo61F revealed important roles in left–right (LR) asymmetric development and enterocyte maintenance, respectively. However, it was difficult to elucidate their roles in vivo, because of potential redundant activities. Here we generated class I myosin double and triple mutants to address this issue. We found that the triple mutant was viable and fertile, indicating that all three class I myosins were dispensable for survival. A loss-of-function analysis revealed further that Myo31DF and Myo61F, but not Myo95E, had redundant functions in promoting the dextral LR asymmetric development of the male genitalia. Myo61F overexpression is known to antagonize the dextral activity of Myo31DF in various Drosophila organs. Thus, the LR-reversing activity of overexpressed Myo61F may not reflect its physiological function. The endogenous activity of Myo61F in promoting dextral LR asymmetric development was observed in the male genitalia, but not the embryonic gut, another LR asymmetric organ. Thus, Myo61F and Myo31DF, but not Myo95E, play tissue-specific, redundant roles in LR asymmetric development. Our studies also revealed differential colocalization of the class I myosins with filamentous (F)-actin in the brush border of intestinal enterocytes.  相似文献   

Studies on the interaction between the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus and its symbiotic hydroid Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus have focused on positive effects of hydroids on their host hermit crabs (e.g., protection from predators). Yet, these benefits may be balanced with reproductive costs, which are rarely studied. Results from field observations, laboratory trials, and a mesocosm experiment indicate that female hermit crabs in hydroid-colonized shells exhibit depressed ovigery, smaller clutch sizes, and increased clutch failure relative to females in bare shells. Frequent switching between bare and hydroid-colonized shells may alleviate negative effects when the density of hydroids in the environment is low, but at high densities Hydractinia may significantly impact hermit crab reproduction.  相似文献   

Ovigerous hermit crabs, Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc), were examined in the laboratory to (1) determine if the time of larval release is a synchronous event, (2) determine the influence of a damaged gastropod shell during the egg hatching process, and (3) describe larval release behaviors. Ovigerous hermit crabs from natural light:dark (LD) and tidal cycles were moved to constant conditions 2-3 days prior to the predicted time of larval release. Larval release was synchronous, occurring near the time of expected sunset. Females with early-stage embryos placed under constant conditions displayed a free-running circadian rhythm, suggesting that the rhythm is under endogenous control. Hermit crabs with early-stage embryos that were placed under a shifted LD cycle (advanced 12 h relative to the ambient photoperiod) before being placed under constant conditions advanced their larval release rhythm by 12 h, indicating the rhythm can be entrained by the LD cycle. Hermit crabs with an intact shell released larvae in bursts at sunset over several consecutive nights (period = 24.2 h). In contrast, hermit crabs with damaged shells released larvae at different times over the course of a single day. Ovigerous females with intact shells exhibit several stereotypical hatching behaviors. The female stands on her walking legs and thrusts her abdomen, moving the shell in an oscillating motion. This movement may assist in breaking the outer membrane of the egg case. The female generates a water current inside the shell with her scaphognathite and mouthparts, which transports the newly hatched larvae out of the shell. Females in damaged shells did not display these behaviors; instead, larval release was a prolonged event with little movement of the female, and often the newly hatched larvae were not viable. These results indicate that an intact shell plays an important role in the hatching process for this hermit crab.  相似文献   

Microphallus species occur primarily as intestinal parasites of birds and mammals, and metacercariae of a new species belonging to this genus have been discovered from the crab, Macrophthalmus dilatatus, in the Republic of Korea. The metacercaria of this fluke was round with 2 thick walls, and the excysted one had mature genital organs. The adult flukes recovered from experimentally infected chicks had numerous intrauterine eggs, well-developed pars prostatica, widely bifurcating ceca, and prominent uterine bulge. After observing internal structures, it was concluded that this species is different from any other known Microphallus spp. Based on the morphology of metacercariae and adult flukes, we describe this specimen as a new species, Microphallus koreana n. sp.  相似文献   

Although conspicuous courtship displays are an effective way of attracting the attention of receptive females, they could provide valuable information to rival males on the location of these females. In fiddler crabs, males that see a receptive female wave their single, greatly enlarged claw in a highly conspicuous courtship display. We test whether other males use this courtship display to alert them to the presence of receptive females that they cannot directly see. We show that male fiddler crabs (Uca mjoebergi) eavesdrop on the courtship displays of nearby males to detect mate-searching females. This allows males to begin waving before a female becomes visible. Furthermore, males appear to adjust their waving according to the information available: eavesdropping males wave 12 times faster than non-courting males but only 1.7 times slower than males in full visual contact with the female.  相似文献   

The fossil record of tyrannosauroid theropods is marked by a substantial temporal and morphological gap between small-bodied, Barremian taxa, and extremely large-bodied taxa from the latest Cretaceous. Here we describe a new tyrannosauroid, Xiongguanlong baimoensis n. gen. et sp., from the Aptian–Albian Xinminpu Group of western China that represents a phylogenetic, morphological, and temporal link between these disjunct portions of tyrannosauroid evolutionary history. Xiongguanlong is recovered in our phylogenetic analysis as the sister taxon to Tyrannosauridae plus Appalachiosaurus, and marks the appearance of several tyrannosaurid hallmark features, including a sharp parietal sagittal crest, a boxy basicranium, a quadratojugal with a flaring dorsal process and a flexed caudal edge, premaxillary teeth bearing a median lingual ridge, and an expanded axial neural spine surmounted by distinct processes at its corners. Xiongguanlong is characterized by a narrow and elongate muzzle resembling that of Alioramus. The slender, unornamented nasals of Xiongguanlong are inconsistent with recent hypotheses of correlated progression in tyrannosauroid feeding mechanics, and suggest more complex patterns of character evolution in the integration of feeding adaptations in tyrannosaurids. Body mass estimates for the full-grown holotype specimen of Xiongguanlong fall between those of Late Cretaceous tyrannosaurids and Barremian tyrannosauroids, suggesting that the trend of increasing body size observed in North American Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauridae may extend through the Cretaceous history of Tyrannosauroidea though further phylogenetic work is required to corroborate this.  相似文献   

Horseshoe crabs (order Xiphosura) are often referred to as an ancient order of marine chelicerates and have been considered as keystone taxa for the understanding of chelicerate evolution. However, the mitochondrial genome of this order is only available from a single species, Limulus polyphemus. In the present study, we analyzed the complete mitochondrial genomes from two Asian horseshoe crabs, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus tridentatus to offer novel data for the evolutionary relationship within Xiphosura and their position in the chelicerate phylogeny. The mitochondrial genomes of C. rotundicauda (15,033 bp) and T. tridentatus (15,006 bp) encode 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. Overall sequences and genome structure of two Asian species were highly similar to that of Limulus polyphemus, though clear differences among three were found in the stem-loop structure of the putative control region. In the phylogenetic analysis with complete mitochondrial genomes of 43 chelicerate species, C. rotundicauda and T. tridentatus were recovered as a monophyly, while L. polyphemus solely formed an independent clade. Xiphosuran species were placed at the basal root of the tree, and major other chelicerate taxa were clustered in a single monophyly, clearly confirming that horseshoe crabs composed an ancestral taxon among chelicerates. By contrast, the phylogenetic tree without the information of Asian horseshoe crabs did not support monophyletic clustering of other chelicerates. In conclusion, our analyses may provide more robust and reliable perspective on the study of evolutionary history for chelicerates than earlier analyses with a single Atlantic species.  相似文献   

Alleged primitive feathers or protofeathers in the theropod dinosaur Sinosauropteryx have potentially profound implications concerning feather morphogenesis, evolution offlight, dinosaur physiology and perhaps even the origin of birds, yet their existence has never been adequately documented. We report on a new specimen of Sinosauropteryx which shows that the integumental structures proposed as protofeathers are the remains of structural fibres that provide toughness. The preservation in the proximal tail area reveals an architecture of closely associated bands offibres parallel to the tail's long axis, which originate from the skin. In adjacent more exposed areas, the fibres are short, fragmented and disorganized. Fibres preserved dorsal to the neck and back and in the distal part of the tail are the remains of a stiffening system of a frill, peripheral to the body and extending from the head to the tip of the tail. These findings are confirmed in the holotype Sinosauropteryx and NIGP 127587. The fibres show a striking similarity to the structure and levels of organization of dermal collagen. The proposal that these fibres are protofeathers is dismissed.  相似文献   

Cretaceous ichthyosaurs have typically been considered a small, homogeneous assemblage sharing a common Late Jurassic ancestor. Their low diversity and disparity have been interpreted as indicative of a decline leading to their Cenomanian extinction. We describe the first post-Triassic ichthyosaur from the Middle East, Malawania anachronus gen. et sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous of Iraq, and re-evaluate the evolutionary history of parvipelvian ichthyosaurs via phylogenetic and cladogenesis rate analyses. Malawania represents a basal grade in thunnosaurian evolution that arose during a major Late Triassic radiation event and was previously thought to have gone extinct during the Early Jurassic. Its pectoral morphology appears surprisingly archaic, retaining a forefin architecture similar to that of its Early Jurassic relatives. After the initial latest Triassic radiation of early thunnosaurians, two subsequent large radiations produced lineages with Cretaceous representatives, but the radiation events themselves are pre-Cretaceous. Cretaceous ichthyosaurs therefore include distantly related lineages, with contrasting evolutionary histories, and appear more diverse and disparate than previously supposed.  相似文献   

Cryptic coloration is assumed to be beneficial to predators because of an increased encounter rate with unwary prey. This hypothesis is, however, very rarely, if ever, studied in the field. The aim of this study was to quantify the encounter rate and capture success of an ambush predator, in the field, as a function of its level of colour-matching with the background. We used the crab spider Misumena vatia, which varies its body colour and can thereby match the colour of the flower it hunts upon. We carried out a manipulative field experiment using a complete factorial design resulting in six different colour combinations of crab spiders and flowers differing in their degree of colour-matching. A rich and diverse set of naturally occurring insects visited the flowers while we continuously video-recorded the spider''s foraging activity. This enabled us to test the crypsis, the spider avoidance and the flower visitor attraction hypotheses, all three supported by previous studies. Flower visitors of different groups either avoided crab spiders independent of colour-matching, such as solitary bees and syrphid flies, or ignored them, such as bumble-bees and honeybees. Moreover, colour-matched spiders did not have a higher encounter rate and capture success compared to the visually apparent ones. Thus, our results support the spider avoidance hypothesis, reject the two other hypotheses and uncovered a fourth behaviour: indifference to predators. Because flower visitors reacted differently, a community approach is mandatory in order to understand the function of background colour-matching in generalist predators. We discuss our results in relation to the size and sociality of the prey and in relation to the functional significance of colour change in this predator.  相似文献   

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