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陈伟群 《菌物系统》1998,17(2):117-118
本文报道一种-槟榔小戴顿菌,该菌生物槟榔叶片正面,与该属其它种的区别特征是其倒梨形的分生孢子和分生孢子上的四个真隔膜以及粗糙的分生孢子表面,模式标本保藏于西北农业大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道云南热带地区尾孢菌属及其近似属真菌45种,其中有一个新种:番木瓜短胖孢(CercosporidiumpapayaeY.L.Guo,sp.nov.),寄生在番木瓜科(Caricaceae)番木瓜(CaricapapayaL.)叶上。短胖孢属真菌在番木瓜科植物上是首次报道。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、描述并附图。模式标本保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。寄生在番木瓜(CaricapapayaL.)上的CercosporamamaonisViegas&Chupp与本种近似,二者都具有子座,分生孢子梗紧密簇生,但前者分生孢子梗(5~25×2~3μm)和分生孢子(10~45×2~3μm)均短而窄。番木瓜尾孢(CercosporapapayaeHansf.)与本种的区别在于无子座,分生孢子梗色泽深(中度褐色),分生孢子梗长(50~200×3.5~6μm),分生孢子无色,针形,窄(20~75×3~5μm)。  相似文献   

报道了一指隔孢属(Dactylella)新种:粗壮指隔孢(DactylellacrassaZ.Q.Miao,L.P.Lei&X.Z.Liu)。该新种是在进行云南食线虫真菌调查时发现的,它能产生典型的大小两种分生孢子,将大小分生孢子分别挑单孢培养,仍能同时产生大小两种分生孢子;分生孢子梗粗壮,全壁芽殖式产孢和分枝;捕食器官为螺旋状菌丝分枝组成的三维网。研究标本保存于中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMAS)。  相似文献   

拟青霉属一新种及其杀蚜活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴美学 《菌物系统》1998,17(3):209-213
从病死棉蚜(AphisgossypiiGlover)分离到拟青霉属一新种-灰绿拟青霉(PaecilomycesgriseivirdisM.X.Dail)。在查氏琼脂和PDA上菌落呈灰绿色,瓶梗1.8~3.2×5.6~10.3μm基部椭圆形膨大或呈圆柱状,上部明显变细,分生孢子纺锤形,单胞,壁光滑,1.20~1.8×2.8~4.4μm分生孢子对蚜虫具有侵染力,该菌发酵液(离心后)亦具有一定的杀蚜活性  相似文献   

为获得冬虫夏草菌固体发酵产分生孢子的最优工艺,以野生分离的冬虫夏草菌为材料,对其固体发酵产分生孢子的培养基及培养条件进行了研究。试验结果表明:泥炭土为最佳基础培养基,该培养基中冬虫夏草菌气生菌丝生长一般,但产分生孢子最多,可达4.2×103个/g;泥炭土培养基中添加0.1‰ IAA(吲哚乙酸)、0.1‰ IBA(吲哚丁酸)和0.1‰ NAA(萘乙酸)能促进冬虫夏草菌气生菌丝的生长和分生孢子的产生,其分生孢子达8.1×103个/g;该基础培养基中,冬虫夏草菌于18℃培养30d后,在10℃、相对湿度45%、蓝光照射进行诱导,分生孢子可达1.0×104个/g。本研究建立了一种大量获取冬虫夏草菌分生孢子的方法,为冬虫夏草繁育奠定了基础。  相似文献   

对九州镰孢菌Fusarium kyushuense、厚垣镰孢菌F. chlamydosporum 和拟枝孢镰孢菌F. sporotrichioides在气生菌丝上产生的孢子进行了比较。九州镰孢菌在气生菌丝上产生多隔孢子(即中型分生孢子);厚垣镰孢菌在气生菌丝上产生的主要是0隔针叶状分生孢子;拟枝孢镰孢菌在气生菌丝上产生两种类型的分生孢子:芜菁形、单胞分生孢子以及椭圆形、0-1隔的分生孢子。多隔的气生孢子(中型分生孢子)在厚垣镰孢菌和拟枝孢镰孢菌这两个种中偶尔可以观察到,但是不应作为对这两个种进行鉴定的主要  相似文献   

本文报道寄生在构树[Broussonetiapapyrifera(L.)L'HeritexVent.](桑科)上的小树状霉属一新种:构树小树状霉(DendryphiellabroussonetiaeY.L.GuoetZ.Y.Zhangsp.nov.)小树状霉属DendryphiellaBubak&Ranojevic仅报道过2种,即淡褐小树状霉D.infuscans(Thuem)M.B.Ellis和葡酒色小树状霉D.vinoisa(Berk.&Curt.)Reisinger.前者与新种的区别在于分生孢子梗具有宽的结节(7~9μm),分生孢子平滑或具小疣,短而稍宽(9~16×4~7μm);后者与新种的区别在于分生孢子模具疣,结节宽(6~11μm),分生孢子3个隔膜,明显具疣,长而宽(16~39×4~8μm)。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介并附图。模式标本保藏于云南农业大学真菌标本室(MHYAU)。  相似文献   

本文报道寄生在鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)卵果蕨(DryopterispolypodoidesFee)上的尾孢菌属一新种-鳞毛蕨尾孢(CercosporadryopteridisY.L.Guo.sp.nov)尾隐菌属真菌在鳞毛蕨科是首次报道。鳞毛蕨尾孢叶斑角状至不规则形,灰白色至浅黄褐色,子实体主要生在叶背面,分生孢子梗单生或2~12根簇生,青黄褐色至中度褐色,顶部色泽较浅,宽度不规  相似文献   

中国锈革孔菌科新种及值得注意的种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了产于我国云南西双版纳热带雨林的多孔菌一新种,版纳嗜蓝孢层孔菌 Fomitiporia bannaensis Y.C. Dai,该菌具有平伏的子实体较小的担孢子及大量的子实层刚毛这些特征很容易使该新种区别于同属的其它种,对与其它近似种的不同也进行了讨论锈革孔菌科的另外两种悦目小集毛菌Coltriciella  ablectabilis(Lloyd) Kotl, Pouzar& Ryvarden和杜氏齿革菌 Hydnochaete duportii Pat.被报道为中国新记录种,并根据我国的材料对这两种进行了详细描述。三个种被重新进行了组合它们是 Fomitiporia sonora(Glib.)Y.C. Dai, Fomitiporia  sublaevigata(Cleland &  Rodway) Y.C. Dai和 Onnia flaovida(Berk.) Y.C. Dai.  相似文献   

指隔孢属新种——粗壮指隔孢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缪作清  雷丽萍 《菌物系统》1999,18(4):354-356
报道了一指隔孢属(Dactylella)新种:粗壮指隔孢(Dactylella crassa Z.Q.Miao,L.P.Lei&X.Z.Liu)。该种种是在进行云南食线虫真菌调查时发现的,它能产生黄型的大小两种分生孢子,将在发生孢子分别挑单孢培养,仍能同时产生大两种分生孢子,分包子梗粗装,全壁芽殖式产孢和分枝;捕食器官为状菌丝分枝组成的三维网。研究标本保存于中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室(HMA  相似文献   

以江西武夷山国家级自然保护区河岸带阔叶林群落为研究对象,对其物种组成进行调查,并采用物种丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数分析物种多样性。结果表明,保护区河岸带物种极丰富,三条水系10个样方中共调查到维管束植物93科174属304种,群落建群种和灌木层优势种均以常绿阔叶树种为主,物种组成具有典型的亚热带植被特色,以壳斗科、樟科、山茶科物种最多。保护区不同海拔河岸带物种丰富度指数、多样性指数的变化规律基本一致。  相似文献   

Co-occurrence of species of various geographical ranges is important to correct endemism evaluation. This co-occurrence is shown as non-hazardous. Influence of area size on species richness is assumed to be different with respect to endemic and non-endemic species. The territory of Israel and Sinai is subdivided into twenty biotic provinces. We segregated three hundred and twenty-five tenebrionid species inhabiting this territory into endemic, regional and ubiquitous species. Regression of the number of endemic species on the number of regional species is non-linear. Two distinct regression lines correspond to hot and cool areas. The number of ubiquitous species depends positively on numbers of both endemic and regional species, and negatively on their product. Ubiquitous species are predominantly synanthropic, and inability to tolerate competition with other tenebrionids is assumed as the basis of numerical relationships with other species. Correlation between numbers of endemic and non-endemic species of bird and mammal and size of area is analysed at the broad geographical scale. Relationships between area size evaluation and the numbers of endemic and non-endemic species are always different. The square root of the area km2 is always more important in species richness determination than area itself. This variable is a linear characteristic of the area and its significance is discussed. Possible ecological interactions between species of various geographical ranges are also considered. A new method of evaluation of the level of faunal endemism is proposed.  相似文献   

Community ecology involves studying the interdependence of species with each other and their environment to predict their geographical distribution and abundance. Modern species distribution analyses characterise species‐environment dependency well, but offer only crude approximations of species interdependency. Typically, the dependency between focal species and other species is characterised using other species’ point occurrences as spatial covariates to constrain the focal species’ predicted range. This implicitly assumes that the strength of interdependency is homogeneous across space, which is not generally supported by analyses of species interactions. This discrepancy has an important bearing on the accuracy of inferences about habitat suitability for species. We introduce a framework that integrates principles from consumer–resource analyses, resource selection theory and species distribution modelling to enhance quantitative prediction of species geographical distributions. We show how to apply the framework using a case study of lynx and snowshoe hare interactions with each other and their environment. The analysis shows how the framework offers a spatially refined understanding of species distribution that is sensitive to nuances in biophysical attributes of the environment that determine the location and strength of species interactions.  相似文献   

Developmental variation in some Achnatherum species was evaluated for two kinds of groups, (1) species pairs that do or do not hybridize and (2) rare and common species. Variation was assessed in two different ways, one that captures developmental events expressed in an individual and one reflecting developmental events that are part of the information systems of a species. The former captures the effect of the environment on development; the latter expresses developmental variation without the information controlling ontogenetic events being filtered through the environment. Development variation is lower for species pair that hybridizes when the effect of development in an individual is expressed. When that variation is of the species information system, the non-hybridizing species pair shows a lower level of developmental variation, likely the effect of greater similarity between those species. It is lower for rare species when variation in development is that of the information system of a species. The lower level of developmental variation seen in species pairs that hybridize likely reflects the necessity of compatible developmental programs in order for a hybrid to appear. Lower variation in development in rare species is expected. Here, though, the lower variation is a property of the species and not of the environment.  相似文献   

Several extrinsic factors (area, native species diversity, human population size and latitude) significantly influence the non-native species richness of plants, over several orders of magnitude. Using several data sets, I examine the role of these factors in non-native species richness of several animal groups: birds, mammals and herptiles (amphibians, reptiles). I also examine if non-native species richness is correlated among these groups. I find, in agreement with Sax [2001, Journal of Biogeography 28: 139–150], that latitude is inversely correlated with non-native species richness of many groups. Once latitude is accounted for, area, human population size and native plant species richness are shown to be important extrinsic factors influencing non-native animal species. Of these extrinsic factors, human population size and native plant species richness are the best predictors of non-native animal species richness. Area, human population size and native plant species richness are highly intercorrelated, along with non-native species richness of all taxa. Indeed a factor analysis shows that a single multivariate axis explains over half of the variation for all variables among the groups. One reason for this covariation is that humans tend to most densely occupy the most productive and diverse habitats where native plant species richness is very high. It is thus difficult to disentangle the effects of human population size and native species richness on non-native species richness. However, it seems likely that these two factors may combine to increase non-native species richness in a synergistic way: high native species richness reflects greater habitat variety available for non-native species, and dense human populations (that preferentially occupy areas rich in native species) increase non-native species importation and disturbance of local habitats.  相似文献   

Species: the concept, category and taxon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The term species by itself is vague because it refers to the species concept, the species category and the species taxon, all of which are distinct although related to one another. The species concept is not primarily a part of systematics, but has always been an integral part of basic biological theory, It is based on evolutionary theory and applies only to sexually reproducing organisms. The species concept and the phyletic lineage concept are quite distinct although they are related to one another. The important aspect of the species concept is lack of gene flow between different species, and hence the defining criterion of the species is genetic isolation. The species concept is often considered as non‐dimensional, both in time and space. Species possess three different major properties, namely genetic isolation, reproductive isolation and ecological isolation; these properties evolve at different times and under the effect of different causes during the speciation process. Speciation requires an external isolating barrier during the initial allopatric phase in which genetic isolation evolves and must reach 100% efficiency. The subsequent sympatric phase of speciation occurs after the disappearance of the external isolating barrier when members of the two newly evolved species can interact with one another and exert mutual selective demands on one another. Much of the reproductive and ecological isolation evolves during this secondary sympatric phase. The species category is a rank in the taxonomic hierarchy and serves as the basis on which the diversity of organisms is described; it is not the same as the species concept. The species category applied to all organisms, sexually and asexually reproducing. The species taxon is the practical application of the species category in systematics with the recognition of species taxa requiring many arbitrary decisions. No single set of rules exist by which the species category can be applied to all organisms. Recognition of species taxa in asexually reproducing organisms is based on amount of variation and gaps in the variation of phenotypic features associated with ecological attributes of these organisms as compared with similar attributes in sympatric species taxa of sexually reproducing organisms. Species taxa are multidimensional in that they exist over space–time and often have fuzzy borders. Because recognition of species taxa, including those in sexually reproducing organisms, depends on many arbitrary decisions especially when dealing with broad geographical and temporal ranges, species taxa cannot be used as the foundation for developing and testing theoretical concepts in evolutionary theory which can only be done with the non‐dimensional species concept.  相似文献   

物种丰富度格局的形成不仅依赖于群落的构建过程, 同样也依赖于群落中的物种组成(如稀有种和常见种)。本文以黄土高原子午岭林区的辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)林为研究对象, 根据频度大小对物种进行排序, 形成稀有-常见种和常见-稀有种两条物种序列, 通过逐一添加(去除)物种, 分析引起的总体物种丰富度及其成分(α多样性和β多样性)的变化, 确定稀有种和常见种对物种丰富度格局的相对贡献。结果表明: (1)常见-稀有种序列与群落总体物种丰富度的相关性呈先剧增后平稳的对数增长曲线, 而稀有-常见种序列与群落总体的相关性与前者刚好相反, 呈先平稳后剧增的指数增长曲线; (2) α多样性在常见-稀有种序列中呈明显的对数变化曲线, 而在稀有-常见种序列中呈指数增长曲线; (3)与α多样性变化相反, β多样性在常见-稀有种序列中随物种的进入先迅速降低后逐渐平稳, 而在稀有-常见种序列中先平稳后急剧降低。可以看出, 常见种不仅主导群落的总体物种丰富度格局, 同时也是α多样性和β多样性格局的重要贡献者。因此, 常见种是群落物种丰富度格局的指示者, 也应该是优先保护的物种。  相似文献   

Species are by definition different from each other. This fact favours ranking rather than additive indices. However, ecologists have measured species diversity in terms of species richness, or by combining species richness with the relative abundance of species within an area. Both methods raise problems: species richness treats all species equally, while relative abundance is not a fixed property of species but varies widely temporally and spatially, and requires a massive sampling effort. The functional aspect of species diversity measurement may be strengthened by incorporating differences between species such as body size as a component of diversity. An index of diversity derived from a measure of variation in body size among species is proposed for large grazing mammals. The proposed diversity index related positively to species abundance, indicating that the use of body size as a surrogate for diversity is adequate. Because the proposed index is based on presence or absence data, the expensive and time consuming counting of individuals per species in each sampling unit is not necessary.  相似文献   

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