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Selected groups of isolated 14C-labelled proteins from E. coli 30S ribosomal subunits were reconstituted with 32P-labelled 16S RNA, and the reconstituted complexes were partially digested with ribonuclease A. RNA fragments protected by the proteins were separated by gel electrophoresis and subjected to sequence analysis. Complexes containing proteins S7 and S19 protected an RNA region comprising helices 29 to 32, part of helix 41, and helices 42 and 43 of the 16S RNA secondary structure. Addition of protein S9 had no effect. When compared with previous data for proteins S7, S9, S14 and S19, these results suggest that S14 interacts with helix 33, and that S9 and S14 together interact with the loop-end of helix 41. Complexes containing proteins S8, S15 and S17 protected helices 7 to 10 as well as the "S8-S15 binding site" (helices 20, 22 and parts of helices 21 and 23). When protein S15 was omitted, S8 and S18 showed protection of part of helix 44 in addition to the latter regions. The results are discussed in terms of our model for the detailed arrangement of proteins and RNA in the 30S subunit.  相似文献   

Interaction of proteins S16, S17 and S20 with 16 S ribosomal RNA   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We have used rapid chemical probing methods to examine the effect of assembly of ribosomal proteins S16, S17 and S20 on the reactivity of individual residues of 16 S rRNA. Protein S17 strongly protects a compact region of the RNA between positions 245 and 281, a site previously assigned to binding of S20. Protein S20 also protects many of these same positions, albeit more weakly than S17. Strong S20-dependent protections are seen elsewhere in the 5' domain, most notably at positions 108, and in the 160-200 and 330 loop regions. Enenpectedly, S20 also causes protection of several bases in the 1430-1450 region, in the 3' minor domain. In the presence of the primary binding proteins S4, S8 and S20, we observe a variety of effects that result from assembly of the secondary binding protein S16. Most strongly protected are nucleotides around positions 50, 120, 300 to 330 and 360 in the 5' domain, and positions 606 to 630 in the central domain. In addition, numerous nucleotides in the 5' and central domains exhibit enhanced reactivity in response to S16. Interestingly, the strength of the S20-dependent effects in the 1430-1450 region is attenuated in the presence of S4 + S8 + S20, and restored in the presence of S4 + S8 + S20 + S16. Finally, the previously observed rearrangement of the 300 region stem-loop that occurs during assembly is shown to be an S16-dependent event. We discuss these findings with respect to assignment of RNA binding sites for these proteins, and in regard to the co-operativity of ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

A fragment of the 16 S ribosomal RNA of Escherichia coli that contains the binding sites for proteins S8 and S15 of the 30 S ribosomal subunit has been isolated and characterized. The RNA fragment, which sediments as 5 S, was partially protected from pancreatic RNAase digestion when S15 alone, or S8 and S15 together, were bound to the 16 S RNA. Purified 5 S RNA was shown to reassociate specifically with protein S15 by analysis of binding stoichiometry. Although interaction between the fragment and protein S8 alone could not be detected, the 5 S RNA selectively bound both S8 and S15 when incubated with an unfractionated mixture of 30-S subunit proteins. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated that the 5 S RNA arises from the middle of the 16 S RNA molecule and encompasses approximately 150 residues from Sections C, C'1 and C'2. Section C consists of a long hairpin loop with an extensively hydrogen-bonded stem and is contiguous with Section C'1. Sections C'1 and C'2, although not contiguous, are highly complementary and it is likely that together they comprise the base-paired stem of an adjacent loop.  相似文献   

The co-operative interaction of 30 S ribosomal subunit proteins S6, S8, S15 and S18 with 16 S ribosomal RNA from Escherichia coli was studied by (1) determining how the binding of each protein is influenced by the others and (2) characterizing a series of protein-rRNA fragment complexes. Whereas S8 and S15 are known to associate independently with the 16 S rRNA, binding of S18 depended upon S8 and S15, and binding of S6 was found to require S8, S15 and S18. Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) fragments were derived from the S8-, S8/S15- and S6/S8/S15/S18-16 S rRNA complexes by partial RNase hydrolysis and isolated by electrophoresis through Mg2+-containing polyacrylamide gels or by centrifugation through sucrose gradients. Identification of the proteins associated with each RNP by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate demonstrated the presence of S8, S8 + S15 and S6 + S8 + S15 + S18 in the corresponding fragment complexes. Analysis of the rRNA components of the RNP particles confirmed that S8 was bound to nucleotides 583 to 605 and 624 to 653, and that S8 and S15 were associated with nucleotides 583 to 605, 624 to 672 and 733 to 757. Proteins S6, S8, S15 and S18 were shown to protect nucleotides 563 to 605, 624 to 680, 702 to 770, 818 to 839 and 844 to 891, which span the entire central domain of the 16 S rRNA molecule (nucleotides 560 to 890). The binding site for each protein contains helical elements as well as single-stranded internal loops ranging in size from a single bulged nucleotide to 20 bases. Three terminal loops and one stem-loop structure within the central domain of the 16 S rRNA were not protected in the four-protein complex. Interestingly, bases within or very close to these unprotected regions have been shown to be accessible to chemical and enzymatic probes in 30 S subunits but not in 70 S ribosomes. Furthermore, nucleotides adjacent to one of the unprotected loops have been cross-linked to a region near the 3' end of 16 S rRNA. Our observations and those of others suggest that the bases in this domain that are not sequestered by interactions with S6, S8, S15 or S18 play a role involved in subunit association or in tertiary interactions between portions of the rRNA chain that are distant from one-another in the primary structure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The structure of the RNA binding site of ribosomal proteins S8 and S15.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Proteins S8 and S15 from the 30 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli were bound to 16 S RNA and digested with ribonuclease A. A ribonucleoprotein complex was isolated which contained the two proteins and three noncontiguous RNA subfragments totaling 93 nucleotides, that could be unambiguously located in the 16 S RNA sequence. We present a secondary structural model for the RNA moiety of the binding site complex, in which the two smaller fragments are extensively base-paired, respectively, to the two halves of the large fragment, to form two disconnected duplexes. Each of the two duplexes is interrupted by a small internal loop. This model is supported by (i) minimum energy considerations, (ii) sites of cleavage by ribonuclease A, and (iii) modification by the single strand-specific reagent kethoxal. The effect of protein binding on the topography of the complex is reflected in the kethoxal reactivity of the RNA moiety. In the absence of the proteins, 5 guanines are modified; 4 of these, at positions 663, 732, 733, and 741, are strongly protected from kethoxal when protein S15 is bound.  相似文献   

Twelve specific alterations have been introduced into the binding site for ribosomal protein S8 in Escherichia coli 16S rRNA. Appropriate rDNA segments were first cloned into bacteriophage M13 vectors and subjected to bisulfite and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis in vitro. Subsequently, the mutagenized sequences were placed within the rrnB operon of plasmid pNO1301 and the mutant plasmids were used to transform E. coli recipients. The growth rates of cells containing the mutant plasmids were determined and compared with that of cells containing the wild-type plasmid. Only those mutations which occurred at highly conserved positions, or were expected to disrupt the secondary structure of the binding site, increased the doubling time appreciably. The most striking changes in growth rate resulted from mutations that altered a small internal loop within the S8 binding site. This structure is phylogenetically conserved in prokaryotic 16S rRNAs and may play a direct role in S8-16S rRNA recognition and interaction.  相似文献   

We have constructed complexes of ribosomal proteins S8, S15, S8 + S15 and S8 + S15 + S6 + S18 with 16 S ribosomal RNA, and probed the RNA moiety with a set of structure-specific chemical and enzymatic probes. Our results show the following effects of assembly of proteins on the reactivity of specific nucleotides in 16 S rRNA. (1) In agreement with earlier work, S8 protects nucleotides in and around the 588-606/632-651 stem from attack by chemical probes; this is supported by protection in and around these same regions from nucleases. In addition, we observe protection of positions 573-575, 583, 812, 858-861 and 865. Several S8-dependent enhancements of reactivity are found, indicating that assembly of this protein is accompanied by conformational changes in 16 S rRNA. These results imply that protein S8 influences a much larger region of the central domain than was previously suspected. (2) Protein S15 protects nucleotides in the 655-672/734-751 stem, in agreement with previous findings. We also find S15-dependent protection of nucleotides in the 724-730 region. Assembly of S15 causes several enhancements of reactivity, the most striking of which are found at G664, A665, G674, and A718. (3) The effects of proteins S6 and S18 are dependent on the simultaneous presence of both proteins, and on the presence of protein S15. S6 + S18-dependent protections are located in the 673-730 and 777-803 regions. We observed some variability in our results with these proteins, depending on the ratio of protein to RNA used, and in different trials using enzymatic probes, possibly due to the limited solubility of protein S18. Consistently reproducible was protection of nucleotides in the 664-676 and 715-729 regions. Among the latter are three of the nucleotides (G664, G674 and A718) that are strongly enhanced by assembly of protein S15. This result suggests that an S15-induced conformational change involving these nucleotides may play a role in the co-operative assembly of proteins S6 and S18.  相似文献   

Association constants for tRNA binding to poly(U) programmed ribosomes were assessed under standardized conditions with a single preparation of ribosomes, tRNAs, and elongation factors, respectively, at 15 and 10 mM Mg2+. Association constants were determined by Scatchard plot analysis (the constants are given in units of [10(7)/M] measured at 15 mM Mg2+): the ternary complex Phe-tRNA.elongation factor EF-Tu.GTP (12 +/- 3), Phe-tRNA (1 +/- 0.4), AcPhe-tRNA (0.7 +/- 0.3), and deacylated tRNA(Phe) (0.4 +/- 0.15) bind with decreasing affinity to the A site of poly(U)-programmed ribosomes. tRNA(Phe) (7.2 +/- 0.8) binds to the P site with higher affinity than AcPhe-tRNA (3.7 +/- 1.3). The affinity of the E site for deacylated tRNA(Phe) (1 +/- 0.2) is about the same as that of the A site for AcPhe-tRNA (0.7 +/- 0.3). At lower Mg2+ concentrations the affinity of the E site ligand becomes stronger relative to the affinities of the A site ligands. Phe-tRNA and ternary complexes can occupy the A site at 0 degrees C in the presence of poly(U) even if the P site is free, whereas, as already known, deacylated tRNA or AcPhe-tRNA bind first to the P site of programmed ribosomes. Hill plot analyses of the binding data confirm an allosteric linkage between A and E sites in the sense of a negative cooperativity.  相似文献   

Proteins S4, S16/S17 and S20 of the 30 S ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli+ associate with specific binding sites in the 16 S ribosomal RNA. A systematic investigation of the co-operative interactions that occur when two or more of these proteins simultaneously attach to the 16 S RNA indicate that their binding sites lie near to one another. The binding site for S4 has previously been located within a 550-nucleotide RNA fragment of approximately 9 S that arises from the 5′-terminal portion of the 16 S RNA upon limited hydrolysis with pancreatic ribonuclease. The 9 S RNA was unable to associate with S20 and S16/S17, however, either alone or in combination. A fragment of similar size and nucleotide sequence, termed the 9 S1 RNA, has been isolated following ribonuclease digestion of the complex of 16 S RNA with S20 and S16/S17. The 9 S1 RNA bound not only S4, but S20 and S16/S17 as well, although the fragment complex was stable only when both of the latter protein fractions were present together. Nonetheless, measurements of binding stoichiometry demonstrated the interactions to be specific under these conditions. A comparison of the 9 S and 9 S1 RNAs by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing urea revealed that the two fragments differ substantially in the number and distribution of hidden breaks. Contrary to expectation, the RNA in the ribonucleoprotein complex appeared to be more accessible to ribonuclease than the free 16 S RNA as judged by the smaller average length of the sub-fragments recovered from the 9 S1 RNA. These results suggest that the binding of S4, S16/S17 and S20 brings about a conformational alteration within the 5′ third of the 16 S RNA.To delineate further the portions of the RNA chain that interact with S4, S16/S17 and S20, specific fragments encompassing subsequences from the 5′ third of the 16 S RNA were sought. Two such fragments, designated 12 S-I and 12 S-II, were purified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from partial T1 ribonuclease digests of the 16 S RNA. The two RNAs, which contain 290 and 210 nucleotides, respectively, are contiguous and together span the entire 5′-terminal 500 residues of the 16 S RNA molecule. When tested individually, neither 12 S-I nor 12 S-II bound S4, S16/S17 or S20. If heated together at 40 °C in the presence of Mg2+ ions, however, the two fragments together formed an 8 S complex which associated with S4 alone, with S16/S17 + S20 in combination, and with S4 + S16/S17 + S20 when incubated with an un fractionated mixture of 30 S subunit proteins. These results imply that each fragment contains part of the corresponding binding sites.  相似文献   

J M Kean  D E Draper 《Biochemistry》1985,24(19):5052-5061
A technique for isolating defined fragments of a large RNA has been developed and applied to a ribosomal RNA. A section of the Escherichia coli rrnB cistron corresponding to the S8/S15 protein binding domain of 16S ribosomal RNA was cloned into a single-stranded DNA phage; after hybridization of the phage DNA with 16S RNA and digestion with T1 ribonuclease, the protected RNA was separated from the DNA under denaturing conditions to yield a 345-base RNA fragment with unique ends (bases 525-869 in the 16S sequence). The secondary structure of this fragment was determined by mapping the cleavage sites of enzymes specific for single-stranded or double-helical RNA. The fragment structure is almost identical with that proposed for the corresponding region of intact 16S RNA on the basis of phylogenetic comparisons [Woese, C. R., Gutell, R., Gupta, R., & Noller, H. (1983) Microbiol. Rev. 47, 621-669]. We conclude that this section of RNA constitutes an independently folding domain that may be studied in isolation from the rest of the 16S RNA. The structure mapping experiments have indicated several interesting features in the RNA structure. (i) The largest bulge loop in the molecule (20 bases) contains specific tertiary structure. (ii) A region of long-range secondary structure, pairing bases about 200 residues apart in the sequence, can hydrogen bond in two different mutually exclusive schemes. Both appear to exist simultaneously in the RNA fragment under our conditions. (iii) The long-range secondary structure and one adjacent helix melt between 37 and 60 degrees C in the absence of Mg2+, while the rest of the structure is quite stable.  相似文献   

Partial nucleotide sequence of 16S ribosomal RNA from E. coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

RNA-protein cross-links were introduced into Escherichia coli 30S subunits by treatment with 1-ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide. 16S rRNA, cross-linked to 30S ribosomal proteins, was isolated and hybridized with seven single-stranded bacteriophage M13-DNA probes. These probes, each carrying an inserted rDNA fragment, were used to select contiguous RNA sections covering domains 3 and 4 (starting at nucleotide 868 and ending at the 3'OH terminus) of the 16S rRNA. The proteins covalently linked to each selected RNA section were identified by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proteins S7 and S9 were shown to be efficiently cross-linked to multiple sites belonging to both domains.  相似文献   

D Barritault  D H Hayes 《Biochimie》1977,59(5-6):463-472
Analyses of the T1 ribonuclease-alkaline phosphatase fingerprint of a continuous fragment of the 16S rRNA, 170-230 nucleotides long, isolated from the products of autodigestion of 30S ribosome subunits show that it contains a sequence near the 5'-phosphate terminus of intact 16S rRNA and corresponds to segment H'-M of this molecule as defined by Ehresmann et al [29]. Incubation of this fragment with total 30S ribosomal proteins under reconstitution conditions leads to the formation of a complex containing proteins S4, S20, and one or both of proteins S16 and S17. The stoichiometry of these proteins in the complex is discussed.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S8 specifically recognizes a helical and irregular region of 16S rRNA that is highly evolutionary constrained. Despite its restricted size, the precise conformation of this region remains a question of debate. Here, we used chemical probing to analyze the structural consequences of mutations in this RNA region. These data, combined with computer modelling and previously published data on protein binding were used to investigate the conformation of the RNA binding site. The experimental data confirm the model in which adenines A595, A640 and A642 bulge out in the deep groove. In addition to the already proposed non canonical U598-U641 interaction, the structure is stabilized by stacking interactions (between A595 and A640) and an array of hydrogen bonds involving bases and the sugar phosphate backbone. Mutations that alter the ability to form these interdependent interactions result in a local destabilization or reorganization. The specificity of recognition by protein S8 is provided by the irregular and distorted backbone and the two bulged adenines 640 and 642 in the deep groove. The third adenine (A595) is not a direct recognition site but must adopt a bulged position. The U598-U641 pair should not be directly in contact with the protein.  相似文献   

Ribosomal proteins S3, S4, S7, S20 from Escherichia coli have been studied by small-angle X-ray scattering techniques. The molecular weights found by X-ray scattering agree with other determinations. The large values of the radii of gyration indicate anisometric particles. A more detailed morphological analysis is hindered by low solubility. An interpretation of the experimental results is given in terms of compact objects of simple shape. Yet the possibility is envisaged that these proteins may be less rigid and compact than other proteins.  相似文献   

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