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The relative suitability of four host plants was determined both for unparasitized Pieris brassicae L. caterpillars and for Cotesia glomerata (L.) developing in P. brassicae. For unparasitized P. brassicae, growth rate and pupal weight were highest on Brussels sprouts and Swedish turnip, intermediate on rape, and lowest on nasturtium. In contrast, C. glomerata larval developmental rate and adult longevity were greatest for wasps from P. brassicae reared on nasturtium.On all four plants, the host-parasitoid complex attained a lower final weight than unparasitized P. brassicae, and it is argued that this difference is due primarily to reduced consumption by parasitized P. brassicae. Among parasitized caterpillars, however, complex weight was positively correlated with clutch size, suggesting that C. glomerata larvae are able to partially counteract the effect of parasitization per se on host consumption.The host plants of P. brassicae appear to face an evolutionary dilemma: in order to increase the total mass of parasitoids produced, they must suffer greater loss of foliage. This trade-off, if common in nature, may represent a formidable constraint on coevolution between host plants and parasitoids.  相似文献   

The large white butterfly (Pieris brassicae L) first invaded northernmost Japan from Siberia around 1994, and after a few years, began to expand its range. The wasp, Cotesia glomerata (L) parasitizes larvae of the small white butterfly (Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval), a usual host in the same geographic area. Some Pieris brassicae larvae in Hokkaido have been parasitized by Cotesia glomerata, but the parasitism rate of Pieris brassicae larvae tends to be lower than that of Pieris rapae. To examine the process of parasitizing Pieris brassicae larvae, we observed how the parasitoid wasp responded to the host larvae on damaged leaves. Cotesia glomerata females tended to avoid Pieris brassicae larvae, and even when female wasps inserted their ovipositors into Pieris brassicae larvae, none laid eggs. The parasitoids obtained from Pieris rapae larvae failed to parasitize Pieris brassicae during the host-acceptance step.  相似文献   

K. M. Kester  P. Barbosa 《Oecologia》1994,99(1-2):151-157
To test the hypothesis that natural enemy populations differ in their behavioral responses to plants or to plant allelochemicals, we compared two populations of the gregarious larval endoparasitoid, Cotesia congregata (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) that differed in their historical and present exposure to tobacco. The major hosts for both populations were Manduca sexta L. and M. quinquemaculata (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), but these hosts were typically encountered on tobacco by parasitoids in one population (Upper Marlboro) and on tomato by parasitoids in another population (Wye). Early in the season, Wye parasitoids preferred to oviposit in M. sexta on tomato rather than on tobacco and Upper Marlboro parasitoids showed no preference; neither population showed any preference later in the season. Neither of the strains originating from the two populations showed a landing preference for tobacco or tomato in flight chamber trials, but Upper Marlboro parasitoids searched longer on tobacco than on tomato, and Wye parasitoids searched longer on tomato. When nicotine solutions were applied to tobacco leaf, searching responses of Upper Marlboro parasitoids were enhanced by 0.001–1.0% nicotine, and searching responses of Wye parasitoids were decreased by 0.01–1.0% nicotine. We speculate that population differences in searching responses to tobacco and nicotine may explain the differential parasitism responses found early in the season.  相似文献   

Superparasitism occurs in Cotesia glomerata L. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a gregarious endoparasitoid of Pieris spp. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). The responses of Pieris brassicae L. larvae to superparasitism were examined in order to elucidate the ecological significance of this behaviour. Models of tritrophic interactions often imply that attraction of herbivore natural enemies by the plant constitutes a defence. Parasitoid attack on herbivores is assumed to result in a reduction in herbivory and or an increase in plant fitness. Coupled with the active involvement of the plant in producing signals, this can be seen as an indirect mediation of wound induced defence. The results show that superparasitism of P. brassicae by the parasitoid C. glomerata reduced survivorship but increased food consumption and weight growth in P. brassicae larvae. The duration of host larval development was found prolonged as the number of oviposition increased and superparasitized larvae (three to five time parasitized) grew slower than unparasitized larvae or larvae parasitized one or two times.  相似文献   

Female Cotesia glomerata (L.) relies on stimuli from herbivore-infested plants to select suitable hosts, but behavioral response to such stimuli is highly variable among individuals. This study investigates a genetic component of phenotypic variability in both short-range host-search and long-range host-location behaviors in the tritrophic system consisting of cabbage plants (Brassica oleracea L.), cabbage butterfly (Pieris brassicae L.) and the parasitoid, by comparing full-sib families established from a laboratory population and isofemale strains from a field population. Short-range host-search behaviors were examined within a Petri-dish test arena, and long-range host-location behaviors assessed in a wind tunnel. Significant differences among full-sib families were shown in the duration of walking on a plant-herbivore complex (i.e., a leaf section with two host caterpillars, their silk and feces) and searching off the complex, and the total time elapsed for wasps to locate a host larva after release into the test arena. Flight responses to and landing choices between the intact and the herbivore-infested plants were also significantly different among these families. Effects of families on both short-range host-search and long-range host-location behaviors were consistent, without significant influences of host larvae from which wasps emerged. The analysis of isofemale strains reveals that strains account for significant variation in the oriented flight response to herbivore-infested plants, and the isofemale heritability for this behavioral character is estimated as 0.447. The results suggest that genetic variation exists at different behavioral levels of the host-selection process in this parasitoid.  相似文献   

Pieris rapae larvae secrete small oil droplets from their dorsal setae, which adhere to objects that touch them. The function of the droplets was studied in terms of both generalist and specialist predators. We tested the function of the droplets against ants under laboratory and field conditions. In the laboratory observation, Formica japonica ants that touched the larvae with their antennae initiated antennal cleaning and did not prey on the larvae. In the field, predation pressure by ants on larvae with oil droplets was significantly lower than on larvae from which oil droplets were removed. Thus, we concluded that the droplets had a defensive function. By contrast, oviposition by Cotesia glomerata, the specialist parasitic wasp of P. rapae larvae, was not affected by the presence of oil droplets. Furthermore, the wasps exhibited searching behavior and oviposition behavior towards filter paper which had been impregnated with the droplets substance, suggesting that the oil functions as a host-searching cue and an oviposition stimulant for C. glomerata. According to these results, the functions of the droplets are discussed with regard to the prey–predator interaction.  相似文献   

During oviposition, the parasitoid wasp Cotesia congregata injects polydnavirus, venom, and parasitoid eggs into larvae of its lepidopteran host, the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Polydnaviruses (PDVs) suppress the immune system of the host and allow the juvenile parasitoids to develop without being encapsulated by host hemocytes mobilized by the immune system. Previous work identified a gene in the Cotesia rubecula PDV (CrV1) that is responsible for depolymerization of actin in hemocytes of the host Pieris rapae during a narrow temporal window from 4 to 8h post-parasitization. Its expression appears temporally correlated with hemocyte dysfunction. After this time, the hemocytes recover, and encapsulation is then inhibited by other mechanism(s). In contrast, in parasitized tobacco hornworm larvae this type of inactivation in hemocytes of parasitized M. sexta larvae leads to irreversible cellular disruption. We have characterized the temporal pattern of expression of the CrV1-homolog from the C. congregata PDV in host fat body and hemocytes using Northern blots, and localized the protein in host hemocytes with polyclonal antibodies to CrV1 protein produced in P. rapae in response to expression of the CrV1 protein. Host hemocytes stained with FITC-labeled phalloidin, which binds to filamentous actin, were used to observe hemocyte disruption in parasitized and virus-injected hosts and a comparison was made to hemocytes of nonparasitized control larvae. At 24h post-parasitization host hemocytes were significantly altered compared to those of nonparasitized larvae. Hemocytes from newly parasitized hosts displayed blebbing, inhibition of spreading and adhesion, and overall cell disruption. A CrV1-homolog gene product was localized in host hemocytes using polyclonal CrV1 antibodies, suggesting that CrV1-like gene products of C. congregata's bracovirus are responsible for the impaired immune response of the host.  相似文献   

Egglaying responses of Pieris rapae L. butterflies to the oviposition deterring pheromone (ODP) of Pieris brassicae L. were studied in the laboratory. Choice experiments with ODP treated leaves and control leaves revealed that females perform a strong preference to lay their eggs on the control leaves. This preference is maintained even when during the experiment the control leaf becomes covered with a large number of conspecific eggs. Choice experiments with cabbage leaves with and without P. rapae eggs seem to indicate the absence of intraspecific egg load assessment of host plants in P. rapae. The deterrent effect of the ODP of P. brassicae to P. rapae females persists for at least 8 days. Behavioural observations suggest olfactory hairs as well as gustatory hairs to be involved in the perception of the ODP but electrophysiological recordings of the various chemoreceptors are necessary to confirm this. Finally the prospects of application of this pheromone/kairomone in cabbage pest control are discussed.
Appréciation de la charge interspécifique en oeufs sur la plante hôte par Pieris rapae
Résumé La réponse au laboratoire de P. rapae à la phéromone dissuadant la ponte (ODP) de P. brassicae a été étudiée par l'oviposition. Des expériences de choix entre des feuilles traitées à l'ODP et des témoins ont montré que les femelles préfèrent nettement les feuilles témoins. Cette préférence s'est maintenue même quand les feuilles témoins ont été recouvertes d'un grand nombre d'oeufs de P. rapae. Ceci peut indiquer l'absence chez P. rapae d'une évaluation de la charge de ses propres oeufs. L'effet dissuadant du ODP de P. brassicae sur les femelles de P. rapae persiste au moins 8 jours. Les observations comportementales suggèrent que des poils olfactifs aussi bien que des poils gustatifs sont impliqués dans la perception d'ODP mais une confirmation de cette hypothèse par enregistrements électrophysiologiques est nécessaire. Les perspectives d'utilisation de cette phéromone/kairomone dans la lutte contre les insectes du chou sont examinées.

Optimal strategies for utilizing a resource require the ability to assess the quantity available. To allocate its progeny appropriately, the parasitic wasp Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Trichogrammatidae) must respond not only to the size but also to the number of its insect egg hosts which are locally available.By allowing the wasps to oviposit into different clustered arrangements of hosts, it is shown that progeny allocation per host depends on the host number and position of contacting neighbours. In particular, hosts with more neighbours, and thus reduced exposed surface area, are allocated fewer progeny. It is argued that exposed surface area may be the cue used by the wasp to adjust its progeny allocation to the number of local hosts. This discrimination occurs in the absence of superparasitism. A simple model is described which accounts for previously reported counting responses.Observation of examination paths on glass bead models arranged in clusters showed that the frequency and number of edge turns change significantly with the number of neighbours. Changes in these parameters could be used to mediate the wasp's response to the number of local neighbours.The significance of host clustering effects in the use and rearing of Trichogramma for biological control is discussed briefly.
Der mechanismus, mit dem Trichogramma minutum auf gruppen des wirtes reagiert
Zusammenfassung Optimale Strategien zur Nützung einer Reserve erfordern die Fähigkeit, die verfügbare Menge zu messen. Um die Nachkommen angemessen zu verteilen, muss die parasitische Wespe Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Trichogrammatidae) sowohl zur Größe, als auch zur Anzahl von Insekten Wirtseiern reagieren können.Die Wespen legten ihre Eier in verschiedene Gruppierungen von Wirtseiern. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Anzahl der zugewiesenen Nachkommen von der Menge angrenzender Nachbarn und deren räumlicher Verteilung abhängt. Insbesondere werden Wirten mit mehreren Nachbarn, und demzufolge kleinerer freier Oberfläche, weniger Nachkommen zugewiesen. Auf Grund dieser Beobachtung wird die freie Oberfläche als Schlüssel für die Bestimmung der Menge von vorhandenen Wirten vorgeschlagen. Ein einfaches Modell zur Erklärung des vorher beschriebenen Zählverhaltens wird beschrieben. Es wurden Experimente mit Glaskugeln gemacht, die in unterschiedlichen Gruppen angeordnet waren. Es wurde gezeigt, dass einige Parameter des Weges bei der Wirtsuntersuchung (u.a. Häufigkeit und Anzahl der Richtungsänderungen) direkt von der Anzahl der Nachbarn abhängen. Änderungen in diesen Parametern könnten der Reaktion auf die Anzahl angrenzenden Nachbarn zugrunde liegen.Die Bedeutung des Einflusses von Wirtsgruppierung auf die Zucht und die Anwendung der Trichogramma bei der Schädlingsbekämpfung wird kurz diskutiert.

The solitary larval ectoparasitoid, Syngaster lepidus Brullé, parasitizes the cryptic larvae of two wood-boring beetles, Phoracantha recurva Newman and Phoracantha semipunctata F. The objective of this study was to determine how the female parasitoids allocated the sex of progeny when presented with larval hosts of uniform size classes. Host size was directly correlated with age of the Phoracantha larval hosts. Groups of Phoracantha larvae of a single age class (2-, 3-, 4-, or 5-week-old) were exposed to parasitoids, and sex ratios of the resulting parasitoid progeny from each host age class were determined. A significant relationship was observed among the sizes of P. recurva and P. semipunctata hosts and the sex ratio of emerging parasitoids. Parasitized 2-week-old beetle larvae of both Phoracantha spp. produced only male S. lepidus progeny, whereas older larval hosts produced increasing proportions of female parasitoids (up to 80% females from 5-week-old hosts). Two-week-old Phoracantha larvae of both species produced fewer parasitoids than host larvae 3–5-week-old. The size of parasitoid progeny consistently increased with host larval age (size), and female parasitoids were larger than males across all host size classes. Male S. lepidus developed in approximately 25 days from 2-week-old hosts, and 19–21 days in 3–5-week-old hosts. Female S. lepidus developed in 22–25 days, with developmental time increasing with host size.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to determine the extent to which host acceptance behaviour as related to host species, age, and defensive behaviour might explain the differences in host use that exist between two congeneric and sympatric species of parasitic wasps. Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is gregarious and generalist on several species of Pieridae, whereas C. rubecula (Marshall) is solitary and specific to Pieris rapae (L.). Cotesia species differed in their responses to host species (P. brassicae (L.), P. napi (L.) and P. rapae) and developmental stage (early and late 1st, 2nd and 3rd instars). In no-choice tests, host acceptance by C. rubecula was higher for p. rapae and females did not distinguish among the 6 host ages. In contrast, when foraging for P. brassicae and P. napi, C. rubecula females more readily attacked early first instar. Cotesia glomerata showed a higher degree of behavioural plasticity towards acceptance of Pieris host species and host age than did C. rubecula. Cotesia glomerata females parasitized the three Pieris species and showed higher acceptance of first and second instars over third instar. Oviposition success was also influenced by host defensive behaviour. The frequency and the effectiveness of defensive behaviour rose with increasing age of the host, P. brassicae being the most aggressive Pieris species. Furthermore, the mean duration of C. glomerata oviposition was significantly reduced by the defensive reactions of P. brassicae, which would likely affect parasitoid fitness as oviposition time is positively correlated to clutch size in C. glomerata. Acceptance frequencies corresponded well to field reports of Pieris-Cotesia associations and to patterns of parasitoid larval performance, suggesting that the acceptance phase might be used as a reliable indicator of Cotesia host-specificity.  相似文献   

In Pieris brassicae, parasitism by Cotesia glomerata and bacterial infection are differentiated with respect to haemolymph protein arrays, and production or suppression of antibacterial agents. Bacteriolytic activity in haemolymph from parasitized larvae was slightly, but significantly, higher 24h post-treatment than that of untreated and wounded controls. Micrococcus lysodeikticus- or lipopolysaccharide-(LPS) injected insects exhibited an 11-fold greater response than those parasitized. At 24h post-treatment, antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli was observed in haemolymph from all but untreated larvae. Injection of Grace's medium, M. lysodeikticus or LPS, caused a greater than threefold response than parasitization or wounding. The protein banding patterns of parasitized hosts did not correspond to those of the other treatments. Two parasitoid-induced proteins (38 and 128 kDa) were examined. Both were found in parasitized insects, not in those wounded, injected with Grace's medium, M. lysodeikticus or LPS. Neither protein was bacteriolytic or bacteriostatic in inhibition zone assays.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that control of an herbivorous pest would be improved by providing floral resources for adult natural enemies. The herbivore was euonymus scale, Unaspis euonymi (Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), a serious pest of woody ornamental plants. The experimental landscape consisted of 3 × 3 m plots, each containing a central bed of Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) that was infested with the scale. Floral resource plants were cultivars of four species that overlapped in bloom periods to provide a continuous supply of floral resources during summer: Trifolium repens L., Euphorbia epithymoides L., Coreopsis verticillata L. var. ‘Moonbeam,’ and Solidago canadensis L. var. ‘Golden Baby.’ Plots contained either low or high densities of all four species, or no resource plants. Densities of euonymus scale were typically lower in plots containing resource plants than in plots without them. Parasitism by Encarsia citrina (Craw.) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was rarely influenced by the experimental treatments, flower biomass, whole-plant biomass, or scale density, but in some cases was inversely correlated with density of scales within a generation and in the subsequent generation. Parasitism occasionally reduced densities of scales in plots containing resource plants, but this effect apparently was related to vegetative, not floral qualities of plants. A steady increase in parasitism rate over the three-year course of the experiment across the entire landscape was associated with decreasing density of scales, suggesting a numerical response by the parasitoid population. These findings suggest that the parasitoid is capable of effectively controlling euonymus scale in ornamental landscapes where environmental conditions are favorable.  相似文献   

Bernhard Stadler 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):273-280
Summary Exploiters of short-lived plants have evolved strategies in response to physiological changes that occur during the development of their hosts. The ability to adapt to host quality changes is necessary particularly if the mobility of an animal is poor or risk-constrained. In the plant-aphid system Centaurea jaceae-Uroleucon jaceae, the responses of the aphid to the seasonal changes in its host plant grown in poor and good quality soil were investigated. Coarse- and fine-tuned physiological reactions were observed in discrete aphid generations which were reared on plants grown either in a growth chamber or in a greenhouse. The number of ovarioles and developmental time depended on extrinsic factors (length of photoperiod) not directly related to plant quality. The reproductive investment of the aphids was also independent of their total dry weight. However, within the gonadal system high correlations were found at the embryonic level (e.g. the number of sclerotized embryos or the length of the oldest embryos per ovariole were highly correlated with gonadal dry weight). Aphids which were living on the 4-leaf stage of high-quality host plants showed a significantly higher investment in their gonads than aphids feeding on senescenting hosts. Factor analysis corroborated that aphids reared on poor-quality hosts revealed no grouping of variables measured, whereas those which were reared on high-quality plants showed clustering in respect of somatic (tibia length, dry weight of soma) and gonadal (number of sclerotized and unsclerotized embryos, length of the oldest embryos, ovariole number, gonad dry weight) factors. Three different levels of adaptive response to plant quality are distinguished: individual response to host quality, maternal influences on offspring and response to changes not specific to habitat (photoperiod). These different levels of regulation are thought to enable the aphids to adapt to a host of a given nutritional quality and anticipate deteriorating habitat quality simultaneously. It is concluded that physiological constraints in aphids are only revealed when aphids are exposed to severe nutritional stress for several generations.  相似文献   

Walter K. Dodds 《Oecologia》1991,85(4):572-580
Summary Interactions between epiphytes, epiphyte grazers and the filamentous green alga Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kuetzing were explored with smaples from rivers in Montana. Extracts of C. glomerata lowered photosynthetic rates of Nitzschia fonticola Grunow (an epiphytic diatom). Nutrient enrichment showed that C. glomerata from the Madison River was N deficient and its epiphytes were P deficient on 2 dates and N deficient on one date, while no nutrient deficiencies were detected in samples from 3 other rivers; this implies there was little nutrient competition between the epiphytes and C. glomerata. Epiphytes lowered drag on C. glomerata tufts and current velocity inside the tufts, apparently by decreasing the effective surface area. Lower drag may decrease detachment, but lowering current velocity from 8 to 0 cm s-1 resulted in a 100 % decrease in photosynthesis. Light absorption by epiphyte pigments may lower photosynthetic rate of C. glomerata when irradiance is below 200–500 E m-2 s-1, and protect against photoinhibition above this irradiance range. Invertebrate grazers (predominantly Baetis tricaudatus Dodds, Trycorythodes minutus Traver and Brachycentrus occidentalis Banks) at high densities removed 75% of epiphytes and B. occidentalis grazed on C. glomerata. Invertebrates regenerated a mean of 0.16 mol NH inf4 sup+ individual-1 d-1 which could have enhanced growth of downstream C. glomerata. Competition and grazing were not the only interactions in the C. glomerata community, positive (mutualistic) interactions were also important.  相似文献   

Females of the larval parasitoidCotesia glomerata (L.) use plant-associated cues to locate their lepidopteran host,Pieris rapae L. In this study we investigated the influence of four host plant species,Brassica oleracea var.acephala (‘Vates’ kale),Tropaeolum majus (nasturtium),Lunaria annua (honesty), andCleome spinosa (spider flower), on two components of the host selection process inC. glomerata, namely, attraction and host acceptance. Choice tests in a flight tunnel showed that parasitoids were attracted to some host plant species more than to others in the absence of host larvae.B. oleracea was the most attractive plant species, followed byL. annua, T. majus, andC. spinosa. In previous studies it was shown thatB. oleracea carries highly suitable hosts forC. glomerata and that, in the field, parasitization rates on this plant were the highest. When host larvae were reared on the four host plant species and then transferred to a common substrate (B. oleracea var.capitata, cabbage), plant species that had served as diet for the hosts did not have a significant effect on acceptance for parasitization. Thus, parasitoids were attracted to host plant species differentially, but they did not discriminate among host larvae based on the dietary history of their hosts. ForC. glomerata, it appears that phytochemistry mediates host selection more by influencing parasitoid attraction than it does by affecting host acceptance.  相似文献   

The relative suitability of four plants was studied for larvae of Pieris rapae L. and its parasitoid Cotesia rubecula (Marshall). For unparasitized P. rapae, pupal dry weight and egg-pupa growth rate were higher on cabbage, radish and nasturtium than on Indian hedge mustard. Larval developmental rate and size were greatest for C. rubecula when its host was feeding on nasturtium. Wasp survival was not affected by the host insect/plant combination in which the parasitoid developed. These results indicate that the plant on which host larvae feed is an important factor in development of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

Biological control of invasive saltcedars (Tamarix spp.) in the western U.S. by exotic tamarisk leaf beetles, Diorhabda spp., first released in 2001 after 15 years of development, has been successful. In Texas, beetles from Crete, Greece were first released in 2004 and are providing control. However, adults alight, feed and oviposit on athel (Tamarix aphylla), an evergreen tree used for shade and as a windbreak in the southwestern U.S. and México, and occasionally feed on native Frankenia spp. plants. The ability of tamarisk beetles to establish on these potential field hosts was investigated in the field. In no-choice tests in bagged branches, beetle species from Crete and Sfax, Tunisia produced 30–45% as many egg masses and 40–60% as many larvae on athel as on saltcedar. In uncaged choice tests in south Texas, adult, egg mass and larval densities were 10-fold higher on saltcedar than on adjacent athel trees after 2 weeks, and damage by the beetles was 2- to 10-fold greater on saltcedar. At a site near Big Spring, in west-central Texas, adults, egg masses and 1st and 2nd instar larvae were 2- to 8-fold more abundant on saltcedar than on athel planted within a mature saltcedar stand being defoliated by Crete beetles, and beetles were 200-fold or less abundant or not found at all on Frankenia. At a site near Lovelock, Nevada, damage by beetles of a species collected from Fukang, China was 12–78% higher on saltcedar than on athel planted among mature saltcedar trees undergoing defoliation. The results demonstrate that 50–90% reduced oviposition on athel and beetle dispersal patterns within resident saltcedar limit the ability of Diorhabda spp. to establish populations and have impact on athel in the field.  相似文献   

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