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In G2 peas senescence only takes place in long days. In order to determine the role of cytokinins in this process the endogenous cytokinins from vegetative shoots of G2 peas were characterized using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy following purification by HPLC. Cytokinins were extracted and purified with and without the addition of 15N labelled internal standards of several cytokinins to estimate cytokin content by isotope dilution in the mass spectra. Samples without internal standards were bioassayed after HPLC. Bioassays showed the presence of zeatin, zeatin riboside and zeatin-0-glucoside. The presence of zeatin was confirmed by its mass spectrum of its permethylated derivative. Tentative identification of zeatin riboside, zeatin-0-glucoside, dihydrozeatin, and dihydrozeatin-0-glucoside was obtained by the coincidence of the major ion for the permethylated natural and 15N labelled internal standards on GC-MS, and the similar coincidence of ions for permethylated zeatin riboside-0-glucoside by direct probe MS. There was no indication of the presence of significant quantities of zeatin-7-glucoside or zeatin-9-glucoside. The amounts in the tissue ranged from 200–1000 ng/kg fresh weight for each cytokinin and about 2–4 g/kg fresh weight for total cytokinins. There was no apparent difference in the levels in mature but pre-senescent shoots grown in long days and short days indicating that apical senesecence in G2 peas does not appear to be induced by a decline in cytokinin level in the shoots.Cytokinin abbreviations CK Cytokinin - Z trans zeatin - [9R]Z t-zeatin riboside - [9R-5P] Z t-zeatin riboside-5-monophosphate - (OG)Z t-zeatin-0-glucoside - (OG)[9R]Z t-zeatin riboside-0-glucoside - [7Z]G t-zeatin-7-glucoside - [9G]Z t-zeatin-9-glucoside - (diH)Z dihydrozeatin - (diH)[9R]Z dihydrozeatin riboside - iP N6(2-isopentenyl) adenine - [9R]iP N6(2-isopentenyl) adenosine Work performed while PJD was on leave at the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth.  相似文献   

The content of naturally occurring free substances with cytokinin activity was investigated in growing apices of apple shoots during the vegetative period. In the end of May one substance with cytokinin activity was found. During the first period of growth activity we found three such substances with more hydrophobic behaviour and in the culmination of the second period of growth activity we found other three or four substances displaying on the chromatogram more hydrophylic behaviour.  相似文献   

《Nordic Journal of Botany》2007,25(3-4):199-205
Phyllotaxis in vegetative shoots and lamina rotation of Magnoliaceae are described. Most genera in Magnoliaceae investigated (except Parakmeria , Manglietiastrum and Pachylarnax ) show lamina rotation. Paraphoric, a new type of lamina rotation differing from four other types depicted by Charlton is clarified. Manglietia , Parakmeria , Manglietiastrum , Talauma , section Gwillimia and Rytidospermum in subgenus Magnolia , shoots of Woonyoungia , section Theorhodon and Liriodendron have spiral phyllotaxis, however Magnolia section Oyama and Maingol a, Alcimandra , Michelia , Paramichelia , Tsoogiodendron , buds of Woonyoungia , section Theorhodon and Liriodendron have distichous phyllotaxis. The systematic implication of vegetative shoot phyllotaxis and lamina rotation in Magnoliaceae is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal growth dynamics of the root and shoot systems of dominant shrubs of the Chilean matorral were studied. In some species root and shoot activity were synchronous, while in others production of fine roots was observed prior to bud burst and shoot elongation. Biomass production of new roots was significantly higher in spring than in autumn. Maximum biomass of dead roots was concomitant with the maximum amounts of litter under the canopy.  相似文献   

杨树新梢积累营养贮藏蛋白质的细胞学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用光学显微镜和电子显微镜技术,对杨树新梢中的营养贮藏蛋白质进行了细胞学鉴定。在用戊二醛固定的标本中,营养贮藏蛋白质呈颗粒状,积累在中央大液泡里。在新梢伸长生长时期,新梢茎的基部已积累了营养贮藏蛋白质,在伸长生长刚停止,中上部的叶片近成熟时,整个新梢的茎都有营养贮藏蛋白质的积累,其中,以新梢基部的茎最为丰富。营养贮藏蛋白质优先在次生韧皮部的韧皮薄壁细胞和韧皮射线薄壁细胞中积累,在新梢伸长生长停止后,新梢基部茎的木质部中也积累了相当数量的营养贮藏蛋白质,主要分布在初生木质部和内侧次生木质部的各种生活的薄壁细胞中。新梢较早地积累营养贮藏蛋白质是热带树木和温带树木的一个共同特点,对于树木的氮代谢和树木当年的生长发育可能具有重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

A transporter regulating silicon distribution in rice shoots   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Yamaji N  Mitatni N  Ma JF 《The Plant cell》2008,20(5):1381-1389
Rice (Oryza sativa) accumulates very high concentrations of silicon (Si) in the shoots, and the deposition of Si as amorphous silica helps plants to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses. Here, we describe a transporter, Lsi6, which is involved in the distribution of Si in the shoots. Lsi6 belongs to the nodulin-26 intrinsic protein III subgroup of aquaporins and is permeable to silicic acid. Lsi6 is expressed in the leaf sheath and leaf blades as well as in the root tips. Cellular localization studies revealed that Lsi6 is found in the xylem parenchyma cells of the leaf sheath and leaf blades. Moreover, Lsi6 showed polar localization at the side facing toward the vessel. Knockdown of Lsi6 did not affect the uptake of Si by the roots but resulted in disordered deposition of silica in the shoots and increased excretion of Si in the guttation fluid. These results indicate that Lsi6 is a transporter responsible for the transport of Si out of the xylem and subsequently affects the distribution of Si in the leaf.  相似文献   

About one-third of the world's rice area is in rain-fed lowlands and most are prone to water shortage. The identification of genes imparting tolerance to drought in the model cereal plant, rice, is an attractive strategy to engineer improved drought tolerance not only rice but other cereals as well. It is demonstrated that RNAi-mediated disruption of a rice farnesyltransferase/squalene synthase (SQS) by maize squalene synthase improves drought tolerance at both the vegetative and reproductive stages. Twenty-day-old seedlings of wild type (Nipponbare) and seven independent events of transgenic RNAi lines showed no difference in morphology. When subjected to water stress for a period of 32 d under growth chamber conditions, transgenic positives showed delayed wilting, conserved more soil water, and improved recovery. When five independent events along with wild-type plants were subjected to drought at the reproductive stage under greenhouse conditions, the transgenic plants lost water more slowly compared with the wild type, through reduced stomatal conductance and the retention of high leaf relative water content (RWC). After 28 d of slow progressive soil drying, transgenic plants recovered better and flowered earlier than wild-type plants. The yield of water-stressed transgenic positive plants ranged from 14-39% higher than wild-type plants. When grown in plates with Yoshida's nutrient solution with 1.2% agar, transgenic positives from three independent events showed increased root length and an enhanced number of lateral roots. The RNAi-mediated inactivation produced reduced stomatal conductance and subsequent drought tolerance.  相似文献   

The rice peter pan syndrome-1 (pps-1) mutant shows a prolonged juvenile phase and early flowering. Although the early vegetative phase and flowering time of pps-1 have been closely examined, the phenotypes in the late vegetative and reproductive phases are not yet well understood. In the ninth leaf blade of pps-1, the relative length of the midrib was comparable to the sixth leaf blade of wild-type. Moreover, pps-1 had a small inflorescence meristem and small panicles. These phenotypes indicate that in pps-1 the juvenile phase coexists with the late vegetative phase, resulting in small panicles. Gibberellin is known to promote the juvenile-adult phase transition. d18-k is dwarf and has a prolonged juvenile phase. Double mutant (d18-k pps-1) showed the same phenotype as the pps-1, indicating that PPS is upstream of GA biosynthetic genes.  相似文献   

Identification of ABA—responsive genes in rice shoots via cDNA macroarray   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lin F  Xu SL  Ni WM  Chu ZQ  Xu ZH  Xue HW 《Cell research》2003,13(1):59-68

Germinating pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds of two dwarf cultivars, “Progress No. 9” and “Green Arrow”, and two tall cultivars, “Alaska” and “Alderman”, were treated with low temperature (3–5°C) for 14 days and then transferred to normal growing conditions (19–21°C for 16 h/14.5–16.5°C for 8 h) for an additional 10 days. Biosynthesis of [14C]ent-kaurene from [14C]2-mevalonic acid (2-MVA) was assayed in cell-free enzyme extracts prepared from shoot tips 10 days after cold treatment and was compared with activity in enzyme extracts prepared from noncold-treated, 10-day-old control plants. Shoot lengths of cold-treated plants were measured throughout a 35-day period and compared with shoot lengths of plants grown without cold treatment for 25–35 days. Low temperature induced a five-to 10-fold enhancement ofent-kaurene, hence potentially gibberellin (GA), biosynthesis in seedlings of the two dwarf cultivars but not in the tall cultivars. However, the lack of an increase in growth rate in the cold-treated dwarfs indicated that endogenous GA biosynthesis remained blocked at some point beyondent-kaurene in the biosynthetic pathway. Since the late-flowering “Alderman” cultivar did not exhibit enhanced biosynthesis ofent-kaurene, it appears that if vernalization in late-flowering cultivars of peas is correlated with enhanced GA biosynthesis, it is not the early part of the biosynthetic pathway which is affected.  相似文献   

We tested the organogenetic capacity of floral buds of Mammillaria albicoma Böed. (Cactaceae). Buds were incubated on solid MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg l?1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 5.0 mg l?1 6-benzylaminopurine (BA). Callus growth was observed from the cut explant base and from within the perianth. These calli during subsequent subcultures to the same medium gave rise to adventitious shoots. Shoots formed also directly from the perianth, as confirmed by observations in the light microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). On transfer to a fresh medium, the shoots produced proliferating cultures. This is the first report of regeneration of cactus shoots from floral explants.  相似文献   

Five rice homeobox (OSH) genes were overexpressed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter or the rice actin gene promoter in transgenic rice plants. Almost all of the transgenic plants showed abnormal phenotypes, which could be classified into three types according to their severity. Plants with the most severe phenotype formed only green organs, with many shoot apices on their adaxial sides. Plants with an intermediate phenotype formed bladeless leaves with normally developed leaf sheaths. Plants with a mild phenotype formed normal leaf sheaths and blades, but lacked ligules and showed diffusion of the blade-sheath boundary. The leaf structure of this phenotype was similar to that of dominant maize mutants, such as Kn1, Rs1, Lg3, and Lg4. Based on these phenotypes, we suggest that ectopic expression of the rice OSH genes interferes with the development of leaf blades and maintains leaves in less differentiated states. These results are discussed in relation to the leaf maturation schedule hypothesis (M. Freeling et al., 1992, BioEssays 14, 227-236).  相似文献   

Ozone exposure during growth affects the feeding value of rice shoots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rising tropospheric ozone concentrations have been observed in many Asian countries in recent years. Ozone pollution reduces the yield of agricultural crops but may also affect crop quality. This study aimed at estimating the effect of ozone exposure on feeding quality of rice shoots for ruminant herbivores. Rice plants from two genotypes differing in ozone tolerance were exposed to ozone at a concentration of 120 nl/l for 18 days, and feeding value was determined by chemical analyses and in vitro incubation in rumen fluid. Rice biomass was reduced by an average of 24% in the ozone treatment as compared to the control. Moreover, ozone exposure affected various feed quality parameters. Crude protein content was lower in ozone treated plants (P<0.05). Potential gas production during the in vitro incubation for 96 h also dropped (P<0.01) due to ozone treatment, indicating reduced digestibility of the plant materials. This was explained with an increase in the antinutritive components lignin (P<0.05) and phenolics (P<0.001) due to ozone exposure. An ozone tolerant genotype exhibited a more pronounced increase in phenolics, suggesting that this may constitute a stress defense mechanism. Our results suggest that ozone may affect the feeding value of cereal straws and calls for further research in this direction.  相似文献   

One alkaline invertase and two acid invertase activities were detected in the shoots of etiolated rice ( Oryza sativa ) seedlings. The alkaline invertase (AIT) was purified to homogeneity through steps of ammonium sulphate fractionation, concanavalin A-Sepharose affinity chromatography (non-retained), DEAE-Sephacel chromatography and preparative electrophoresis. The pH optimum of AIT was 7.0 and the molecular mass, determined by gel filtration, was 240 kDa. It is apparently a homotetrameric enzyme (subunit molecular mass 60 kDa). The isoelectric point was 4.4 by isoelectric focusing. The best substrate of the enzyme was sucrose, with a K m of 2.53 mM. The enzyme also hydrolysed raffinose, but not maltose or lactose, so it is a β-D-fructofuranosidase. It gave negative glycoprotein staining. Of the hydrolysis products, fructose was a competitive inhibitor and glucose was a non-competitive inhibitor. Treatment with an alkaline phosphatase could activate AIT, whereas other proteins such as BSA, concanavalin A and urease had no effect on the enzyme activity. The enzyme activity was inhibited by Tris, thiol reagents and heavy metal ions.  相似文献   

The complex nature of plant resistance to adverse environmental conditions, such as salinity and drought requires a better understanding of the stress-induced changes that may be involved in tolerance mechanisms. Here we investigate stress-related morpho-physiological effects during vegetative and reproductive growth in two Japonica rice cultivars (Bomba and Bahia) exposed to a range of NaCl concentrations from the seedling stage. The stress-related detrimental effects were observed either earlier or to a higher extent in cv. Bomba than in Bahia. Damages to the photosynthetic apparatus were related to loss of chlorophyll (Chl) and to a decrease of the maximum potential efficiency of PSII (F v /F m), affecting negatively net CO2 assimilation rate (P N). Stress-related leaf anatomical alterations were analysed during the vegetative and reproductive stages. The size of bulliform cells as well as dimensions related to the vascular system increased under mild stress but decreased in the longer term or under higher stress level. The pattern of the anatomical alterations observed at the reproductive stage under 20 mM NaCl was reflected in poor panicle development and yield loss, with effects more pronounced in cv. Bomba than in Bahia. In summary, our results show that some physiological and, particularly, leaf anatomical responses induced by NaCl stress are distinctive indicators of sensitivity to salt stress in rice cultivars.  相似文献   

The changes of content and some chromatographic characteristics and biological activities of natural free cytokinins were studied during the vegetation season in the growing apices of apple tree shoots. Biological cytokinin activity was discovered in two groups of compounds differing in the time of their biological actions. Rf values and in the time of their maximal content in the growing apices. The time of maximal content was in accordance with their biological activity.  相似文献   

Low-temperature stress is an important factor affecting the growth and development of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in temperate and high-elevation areas. Cold stress may cause various seedling injuries, delayed heading and yield reduction due to spikelet sterility. In this study, 181 microsatellite marker loci were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with cold tolerance at the vegetative stage in 191 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross of a cold-tolerant temperate japonica cultivar (M-202) with a cold-sensitive indica cultivar (IR50). Different temperature regimes were applied in growth chambers on 191 RILs. The temperature regimes imposed in the growth chamber simulated cold-stress injuries at the seedling and late vegetative stages. In this study a major QTL was identified on chromosome 12, designated as qCTS12a, that was closely associated with cold-induced necrosis and wilting tolerance, and accounted for 41% of the phenotypic variation. A number of QTLs with smaller effects were also detected on eight rice chromosomes.  相似文献   

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