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Data for this study came from breeding records of 27 Père David's (Elaphurus davidianus) hinds maintained in large pastures and from estrous records of four hand-reared nulliparous hinds. The mean estrous cycle length ranged from 17.5 to 19.6 days. Standing estrus resembled that of other cervids, except that a low, moaning vocalization was given in response to contact, and activity (as measured by pedometers) did not increase. Mean gestation length was 183.38 ± SD 6.11 days (n = 21), and nearly all females conceived in the second and third years. The median interbirth interval was 362 days. The median birth date was April 8, and 80% of the births occurred over a 9.5-week period. Multiparous hinds gave birth an average of 20.5 days earlier in the season than primiparous hinds. There was no dimorphism in birth weight. The results are discussed in light of comparative data for other species.  相似文献   

Mammals' aging is correlated with the accumulation of somatic heteroplasmic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations. Whether and how aging accumulated mtDNA mutations modulate fertility remains unknown. Here, we analyzed oocyte quality of young (≤30 years old) and elder (≥38 years old) female patients and show the elder group had lower blastocyst formation rate and more mtDNA point mutations in oocytes. To test the causal role of mtDNA point mutations on infertility, we used polymerase gamma (POLG) mutator mice. We show that mtDNA mutation levels inversely correlate with fertility, interestingly mainly affecting not male but female fertility. mtDNA mutations decrease female mice's fertility by reducing ovarian primordial and mature follicles. Mechanistically, accumulation of mtDNA mutations decreases fertility by impairing oocyte's NADH/NAD+ redox state, which could be rescued by nicotinamide mononucleotide treatment. For the first time, we answer the fundamental question of the causal effect of age‐accumulated mtDNA mutations on fertility and its sex dependence, and show its distinct metabolic controlling mechanism.  相似文献   

In mutant mice, reduced levels of Klotho promoted high levels of active vitamin D in the serum. Genetic or dietary manipulations that diminished active vitamin D alleviated aging‐related phenotypes caused by Klotho down‐regulation. The hypomorphic Klotho [kl/kl] allele that decreases Klotho expression in C3H, BALB/c, 129, and C57BL/6 genetic backgrounds substantially increases 1,25(OH)2D3 levels in the sera of susceptible C3H, BALB/c, and 129, but not C57BL/6 mice. This may be attributed to increased basal expression of Cyp24a1 in C57BL/6 mice, which promotes inactivation of 1,25(OH)2D3. Decreased expression of Cyp24a1 in susceptible strains was associated with genetic alterations in noncoding regions of Cyp24a1 gene, which were strongly reminiscent of super‐enhancers that regulate gene expression. These observations suggest that higher basal expression of an enzyme required for catabolizing vitamin D renders B6‐kl/kl mice less susceptible to changes in Klotho expression, providing a plausible explanation for the lack of aging phenotypes on C57BL/6 strain.  相似文献   

In recent years, high prevalence of adverse effects associated to the use of traditional medicines during pregnancy is becoming alarming due to the self‐medication of oral supplements by expecting mothers without supervision. Many expectant mothers use alternative and complementary medicines as a supplement to conventional pregnancy management with an inherent belief of considering herbal remedies as harmless. To the contrary, herbal remedies could incur a potential teratogenic risk both to the child bearing mother and the developing fetuses when consumed before or at the time of gestation. Here, we describe the potential adverse effects of orally administered UP446, a standardized bioflavonoid composition from the roots of Scutellaria baicalensis and the heartwoods of Acacia catechu, on fertility and early embryonic development to implantation in Sprague Dawley rats at doses of 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg. Besides body weight and food consumption, reproductive functions, sperm motility and morphology, estrus cycle, and fertility rate were monitored. There were no statistically significant differences in reproductive function in all UP446 treated groups in both genders. Test substance impacts on reproductive parameters were very minimal. Neither sperm motility nor morphology was affected as a result of oral UP446 administrations in males. There were no treatment‐related effects on estrus cycle stages in females. No significant changes in necropsy or histopathology were observed for all the groups. Therefore, the no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) of UP446 was considered to be 1000 mg/kg, the highest dose tested, in both genders  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe female reproductive tract comprises several different cell types. Using three representative Cre systems, we comparatively analysed the phenotypes of Dgcr8 conditional knockout (cKO) mice to understand the function of Dgcr8, involved in canonical microRNA biogenesis, in the female reproductive tract.Materials and Methods Dgcr8 f/f mice were crossed with Ltf icre/+, Amhr2 cre/+ or PR cre/+ mice to produce mice deficient in Dgcr8 in epithelial (Dgcr8 ed/ed), mesenchymal (Dgcr8 md/md) and all the compartments (Dgcr8 td/td) in the female reproductive tract. Reproductive phenotypes were evaluated in Dgcr8 cKO mice. Uteri and/or oviducts were used for small RNA‐seq, mRNA‐seq, real‐time RT‐PCR, and/or morphologic and histological analyses.Result Dgcr8 ed/ed mice did not exhibit any distinct defects, whereas Dgcr8 md/md mice showed sub‐fertility and oviductal smooth muscle deformities. Dgcr8 td/td mice were infertile due to anovulation and acute inflammation in the female reproductive tract and suffered from an atrophic uterus with myometrial defects. The microRNAs and mRNAs related to immune modulation and/or smooth muscle growth were systemically altered in the Dgcr8 td/td uterus. Expression profiles of dysregulated microRNAs and mRNAs in the Dgcr8 td/td uterus were different from those in other genotypes in a Cre‐dependent manner.Conclusions Dgcr8 deficiency with different Cre systems induces overlapping but distinct phenotypes as well as the profiles of microRNAs and their target mRNAs in the female reproductive tract, suggesting the importance of selecting the appropriate Cre driver to investigate the genes of interest.  相似文献   

Muscle stem (satellite) cells are relatively resistant to cell‐autonomous aging. Instead, their endogenous signaling profile and regenerative capacity is strongly influenced by the aged P‐Smad3, differentiated niche, and by the aged circulation. With respect to muscle fibers, we previously established that a shift from active Notch to excessive transforming growth factor‐beta (TGF‐β) induces CDK inhibitors in satellite cells, thereby interfering with productive myogenic responses. In contrast, the systemic inhibitor of muscle repair, elevated in old sera, was suggested to be Wnt. Here, we examined the age‐dependent myogenic activity of sera TGF‐β1, and its potential cross‐talk with systemic Wnt. We found that sera TGF‐β1 becomes elevated within aged humans and mice, while systemic Wnt remained undetectable in these species. Wnt also failed to inhibit satellite cell myogenicity, while TGF‐β1 suppressed regenerative potential in a biphasic fashion. Intriguingly, young levels of TGF‐β1 were inhibitory and young sera suppressed myogenesis if TGF‐β1 was activated. Our data suggest that platelet‐derived sera TGF‐β1 levels, or endocrine TGF‐β1 levels, do not explain the age‐dependent inhibition of muscle regeneration by this cytokine. In vivo, TGF‐β neutralizing antibody, or a soluble decoy, failed to reduce systemic TGF‐β1 and rescue myogenesis in old mice. However, muscle regeneration was improved by the systemic delivery of a TGF‐β receptor kinase inhibitor, which attenuated TGF‐β signaling in skeletal muscle. Summarily, these findings argue against the endocrine path of a TGF‐β1‐dependent block on muscle regeneration, identify physiological modalities of age‐imposed changes in TGF‐β1, and introduce new therapeutic strategies for the broad restoration of aged organ repair.  相似文献   

P0‐Cre and Wnt1‐Cre mouse lines have been widely used in combination with loxP‐flanked mice to label and genetically modify neural crest (NC) cells and their derivatives. Wnt1‐Cre has been regarded as the gold standard and there have been concerns about the specificity of P0‐Cre because it is not clear about the timing and spatial distribution of the P0‐Cre transgene in labeling NC cells at early embryonic stages. We re‐visited P0‐Cre and Wnt1‐Cre models in the labeling of NC cells in early mouse embryos with a focus on cranial NC. We found that R26‐lacZ Cre reporter responded to Cre activity more reliably than CAAG‐lacZ Cre reporter during early embryogenesis. Cre immunosignals in P0‐Cre and reporter (lacZ and RFP ) activity in P0‐Cre/R26‐lacZ and P0‐Cre/R26‐RFP embryos was detected in the cranial NC and notochord regions in E8.0–9.5 (4–19 somites) embryos. P0‐Cre transgene expression was observed in migrating NC cells and was more extensive in the forebrain and hindbrain but not apparent in the midbrain. Differences in the Cre distribution patterns of P0‐Cre and Wnt1‐Cre were profound in the midbrain and hindbrain regions, that is, extensive in the midbrain of Wnt1‐Cre and in the hindbrain of P0‐Cre embryos. The difference between P0‐Cre and Wnt1‐Cre in labeling cranial NC may provide a better explanation of the differential distributions of their NC derivatives and of the phenotypes caused by Cre‐driven genetic modifications.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death‐1 (PD‐1) is a newly characterized negative regulator of immune responses. The interaction of PD‐1 with its ligands (PD‐L1 and PD‐L2) inhibits T‐cell proliferation and cytokine production in young mice. Increased PD‐1 expression has been described during chronic infections, inducing chronic activation of the immune system to control it. As aging is associated with chronic immune activation, PD‐1 may contribute to age‐associated T‐cell dysfunction. Our data showed the following results in aged mice: (i) the number of PD‐1‐expressing T cells and the level of expression of PD‐Ls was increased on dendritic cell subsets and T cells; (ii) PD‐1+ T cells were exhausted effector memory T cells, as shown by their lower level of CD127, CD25 and CD28, as well as their limited proliferative and cytokine‐producing capacity; (iii) the expression of PD‐1 was up‐regulated after T‐cell receptor‐mediated activation of CD8+ T cells, but not of CD4+ T cells; (iv) blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 pathway moderately improved the cytokine production of T cells from old mice but did not restore their proliferation; and (v) blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 pathway did not restore function of PD‐1+ T cells; its effect appeared to be exclusively mediated by increased functionality of the PD‐1? T cells. Our data thus suggest that blockade of the PD‐1/PD‐L1 is not likely to be efficient at restoring exhausted T‐cell responses in aged hosts, although improving the responses of PD‐1? T cells may prove to be a helpful strategy in enhancing primary responses.  相似文献   

SIRT1 has many important molecular functions in aging, and the estrogen receptors (ERs) have a vasculoprotective effect, although the detailed mechanism for the roles of SIRT1 and ERs in vascular aging remains unclear. We found that ERβ expression in the endothelium was reduced in aging mice, and the expression of ERα and SIRT1 did not change, while SIRT1 activity declined. Further investigation showed that the ERβ expression was regulated by SIRT1 through complexes of SIRT1‐PPARγ/RXR‐p300 that bind to a PPRE (PPAR response element) site on the ERβ promoter, and the declined SIRT1 function in aging mice was due to compromised phosphorylation at S154. A single‐mutant SIRT1‐C152(D) restored the reduced ERβ expression in the endothelium with minimized reactive oxygen species generation and DNA damage and increased mitochondrial function and fatty acid metabolism. In high‐fat diet aging mice, the endothelium‐specific delivery of ERβ or SIRT1‐C152(D) on the vascular wall reduced the circulating lipids with ameliorated vascular damage, including the restored vessel tension and blood pressure. We conclude that SIRT1‐mediated ERβ suppression in the endothelium contributes to vascular aging, and the modulation of SIRT1 phosphorylation through a single‐mutant SIRT1‐C152(D) restores this effect.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: N‐methyl‐2‐pyrrolidone (NMP) is a solvent used in the petrochemical, and electronic industries, in pesticides production, veterinary drugs, and paint removers. The aim of study was to evaluate the relationship between the dose of NMP given orally and its effect on fertility in female rats and early development of their progeny. METHODS: Females were exposed by gavage 5 days/week to NMP at 150, 450, or 1000 mg/kg/day 2 weeks before mating, during mating, gestation, and lactation. On the first postnatal day (PND 1), the live and dead pups were counted, weighed, and gender was determined. On PND 4, the litters were culled to eight animals each and balanced for gender. Young animals were observed during 3 weeks after birth. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Fertility index did not significantly differ in the control and the group exposed at 150 mg/kg/day but it was significantly lower in the groups exposed at 450 or 1000 mg/kg/day. The number of live pups in the group exposed to the highest dose was significantly lower and the number of stillbirths in litters was significantly greater. Survival of the pups from all exposed groups during the 3 weeks after birth was significantly lower than the control animals. The results of our study indicate that intragastric exposure of female rats to NMP before pregnancy during gestation causes significant impairment in female fertility and intrauterine mortality rates. At lower doses, toxic or slightly toxic to the mothers, this substance causes decrease in viability and physical development of progeny.  相似文献   

Summary: Nkx2‐5, one of the earliest cardiac‐specific markers in vertebrate embryos, was used as a genetic locus to knock in the Cre recombinase gene by homologous recombination. Offspring resulting from heterozygous Nkx2‐5/Cre mice mated to ROSA26 (R26R) reporter mice provided a model system for following Nkx2‐5 gene activity by β‐galactosidase (β‐gal) activity. β‐gal activity was initially observed in the early cardiac crescent, cardiomyocytes of the looping heart tube, and in the epithelium of the first pharyngeal arch. In later stage embryos (10.5–13.5 days postcoitum, dpc), β‐gal activity was observed in the stomach and spleen, the dorsum of the tongue, and in the condensing primordium of the tooth. The Nkx2‐5/Cre mouse model should provide a useful genetic resource to elucidate the role of loxP manipulated genetic targets in cardiogenesis and other developmental processes. genesis 31:176–180, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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