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Senescent cells accumulate with age in multiple tissues and may cause age‐associated disease and functional decline. In vitro, senescent cells induce senescence in bystander cells. To see how important this bystander effect may be for accumulation of senescent cells in vivo, we xenotransplanted senescent cells into skeletal muscle and skin of immunocompromised NSG mice. 3 weeks after the last transplantation, mouse dermal fibroblasts and myofibres displayed multiple senescence markers in the vicinity of transplanted senescent cells, but not where non‐senescent or no cells were injected. Adjacent to injected senescent cells, the magnitude of the bystander effect was similar to the increase in senescence markers in myofibres between 8 and 32 months of age. The age‐associated increase of senescence markers in muscle correlated with fibre thinning, a widely used marker of muscle aging and sarcopenia. Senescent cell transplantation resulted in borderline induction of centrally nucleated fibres and no significant thinning, suggesting that myofibre aging might be a delayed consequence of senescence‐like signalling. To assess the relative importance of the bystander effect versus cell‐autonomous senescence, we compared senescent hepatocyte frequencies in livers of wild‐type and NSG mice under ad libitum and dietary restricted feeding. This enabled us to approximate cell‐autonomous and bystander‐driven senescent cell accumulation as well as the impact of immunosurveillance separately. The results suggest a significant impact of the bystander effect for accumulation of senescent hepatocytes in liver and indicate that senostatic interventions like dietary restriction may act as senolytics in immunocompetent animals.  相似文献   

Understanding the aging process and ways to manipulate it is of major importance for biology and medicine. Among the many aging theories advanced over the years, the concept most consistent with experimental evidence posits the buildup of numerous forms of molecular damage as a foundation of the aging process. Here, we discuss that this concept integrates well with recent findings on cellular senescence, offering a novel view on the role of senescence in aging and age‐related disease. Cellular senescence has a well‐established role in cellular aging, but its impact on the rate of organismal aging is less defined. One of the most prominent features of cellular senescence is its association with macromolecular damage. The relationship between cell senescence and damage concerns both damage as a molecular signal of senescence induction and accelerated accumulation of damage in senescent cells. We describe the origin, regulatory mechanisms, and relevance of various damage forms in senescent cells. This view on senescent cells as carriers and inducers of damage puts new light on senescence, considering it as a significant contributor to the rise in organismal damage. Applying these ideas, we critically examine current evidence for a role of cellular senescence in aging and age‐related diseases. We also discuss the differential impact of longevity interventions on senescence burden and other types of age‐related damage. Finally, we propose a model on the role of aging‐related damage accumulation and the rate of aging observed upon senescent cell clearance.  相似文献   

Senescent cells are present in premalignant lesions and sites of tissue damage and accumulate in tissues with age. In vivo identification, quantification and characterization of senescent cells are challenging tasks that limit our understanding of the role of senescent cells in diseases and aging. Here, we present a new way to precisely quantify and identify senescent cells in tissues on a single‐cell basis. The method combines a senescence‐associated beta‐galactosidase assay with staining of molecular markers for cellular senescence and of cellular identity. By utilizing technology that combines flow cytometry with high‐content image analysis, we were able to quantify senescent cells in tumors, fibrotic tissues, and tissues of aged mice. Our approach also yielded the finding that senescent cells in tissues of aged mice are larger than nonsenescent cells. Thus, this method provides a basis for quantitative assessment of senescent cells and it offers proof of principle for combination of different markers of senescence. It paves the way for screening of senescent cells for identification of new senescence biomarkers, genes that bypass senescence or senolytic compounds that eliminate senescent cells, thus enabling a deeper understanding of the senescent state in vivo.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronic diseases, with increasing importance due to increased life expectancy. On a cellular level, the pathophysiology of joint function impairment and ultimate destruction associated with OA remains poorly understood. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules involved in both normal intracellular signal transduction and degenerative cellular processes. An imbalance between the free radical burden and cellular scavenging mechanisms, defined as oxidative stress, has been identified as a relevant factor in OA pathogenesis. This literature review elucidates the involvement of nitrosative and oxidative stress in cellular ageing in joints, cell senescence, and apoptosis. Free radical exposure is known to promote cellular senescence and apoptosis, and the involvement of radical oxygen species (ROS) in inflammation, fibrosis control, and pain nociception has been proven. A relatively novel approach to OA pathophysiology considers the joint to be a dynamic system consisting of 3, continuously interacting compartments, cartilage, synovial tissue, and subchondral bone. Current knowledge concerning free radical involvement in paracrine signalling in OA is reviewed. The interrelationship between oxidative imbalances and OA pathophysiology may provide a novel approach to the comprehension, and therefore modification, of OA disease progression and symptom control.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a permanent state of cell cycle arrest that protects the organism from tumorigenesis and regulates tissue integrity upon damage and during tissue remodeling. However, accumulation of senescent cells in tissues during aging contributes to age‐related pathologies. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms regulating the viability of senescent cells is therefore required. Here, we show that the CDK inhibitor p21 (CDKN1A) maintains the viability of DNA damage‐induced senescent cells. Upon p21 knockdown, senescent cells acquired multiple DNA lesions that activated ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and nuclear factor (NF)‐κB kinase, leading to decreased cell survival. NF‐κB activation induced TNF‐α secretion and JNK activation to mediate death of senescent cells in a caspase‐ and JNK‐dependent manner. Notably, p21 knockout in mice eliminated liver senescent stellate cells and alleviated liver fibrosis and collagen production. These findings define a novel pathway that regulates senescent cell viability and fibrosis.  相似文献   

The osteophyte associated with osteoarthritis (OA) is a bony outgrowth formed at the margins of the affected joint through endochondral ossification-like processes. However, the mechanism of osteophyte formation and its pathogenesis are unclear. Perlecan (Hspg2), a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, is expressed in many extracellular tissues and plays critical roles in skeletal development and diseases. The aim of the present study is to identify the role of synovial perlecan in osteophyte formation using perinatal lethality rescued perlecan-knockout mice (Hspg2?/?-Tg) wherein perlecan expression is lacking in the synovial and other tissues, except for cartilage. We analyzed the development of osteophytes in joints of Hspg2?/?-Tg mice in two different animal models: the surgical OA model, in which the medial collateral ligament was transected and the medial meniscus was resected, and the TGF-β-induced osteophyte formation model. In the surgical OA model, the osteophyte size and maturation were significantly reduced in the OA joints of Hspg2?/?-Tg mice compared with control mice, while OA developed on the medial side of the knee joints with no differences in the cartilage degradation score or synovitis score between control and Hspg2?/?-Tg mice. The reduced osteophyte formation in Hspg2?/?-Tg mice was associated with reduced cell proliferation and chondrogenesis. In the TGF-β model, the osteophyte size and maturation were also significantly reduced in Hspg2?/?-Tg mice compared with control mice. Our findings suggest that synovial perlecan plays an important role in osteophyte development in OA, and they provide insights that may facilitate the development of OA therapy.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence, a state of irreversible growth arrest triggered by various stressors, engages in a category of pathological processes, whereby senescent cells accumulate in mitotic tissues. Senolytics as novel medicine against aging and various diseases through the elimination of senescent cells has emerged rapidly in recent years. Exercise is a potent anti‐aging and anti‐chronic disease medicine, which has shown the capacity to lower the markers of cellular senescence over the past decade. However, whether exercise is a senolytic medicine for aging and various diseases remains unclear. Here, we have conducted a systematic review of the published literature studying the senolytic effects of exercise or physical activity on senescent cells under various states in both human and animal models. Exercise can reduce the markers of senescent cells in healthy humans, while it lowered the markers of senescent cells in obese but not healthy animals. The discrepancy between human and animal studies may be due to the relatively small volume of research and the variations in markers of senescent cells, types of cells/tissues, and health conditions. These findings suggest that exercise has senolytic properties under certain conditions, which warrant further investigations.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a cellular program that prevents the proliferation of cells at risk of neoplastic transformation. On the other hand, age‐related accumulation of senescent cells promotes aging at least partially due to the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype, whereby cells secrete high levels of inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and matrix metalloproteinases. Emerging evidence, however, indicates that extracellular vesicles (EVs) are important mediators of the effects of senescent cells on their microenvironment. Senescent cells secrete more EphA2 and DNA via EVs, which can promote cancer cell proliferation and inflammation, respectively. Extracellular vesicles secreted from DNA‐damaged cells can also affect telomere regulation. Furthermore, it has now become clear that EVs actually play important roles in many aspects of aging. This review is intended to summarize these recent progresses, with emphasis on relationships between cellular senescence and EVs.  相似文献   

Senescence is a stable growth arrest that impairs the replication of damaged, old or preneoplastic cells, therefore contributing to tissue homeostasis. Senescent cells accumulate during ageing and are associated with cancer, fibrosis and many age‐related pathologies. Recent evidence suggests that the selective elimination of senescent cells can be effective on the treatment of many of these senescence‐associated diseases. A universal characteristic of senescent cells is that they display elevated activity of the lysosomal β‐galactosidase, and this has been exploited as a marker for senescence (senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase activity). Consequently, we hypothesized that galactose‐modified cytotoxic prodrugs will be preferentially processed by senescent cells, resulting in their selective killing. Here, we show that different galactose‐modified duocarmycin (GMD) derivatives preferentially kill senescent cells. GMD prodrugs induce selective apoptosis of senescent cells in a lysosomal β‐galactosidase (GLB1)‐dependent manner. GMD prodrugs can eliminate a broad range of senescent cells in culture, and treatment with a GMD prodrug enhances the elimination of bystander senescent cells that accumulate upon whole‐body irradiation treatment of mice. Moreover, taking advantage of a mouse model of adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma (ACP), we show that treatment with a GMD prodrug selectively reduced the number of β‐catenin‐positive preneoplastic senescent cells. In summary, the above results make a case for testing the potential of galactose‐modified duocarmycin prodrugs to treat senescence‐related pathologies.  相似文献   

With advancing age, many organs exhibit functional deterioration. The age‐associated accumulation of senescent cells is believed to represent one factor contributing to this phenomenon. While senescent cells are found in several different organ systems, it is not known whether they arise independently in each organ system or whether their prevalence within an individual reflects that individual's intrinsic aging process. To address this question, we studied senescence in two different organ systems in humans, namely skin and T cells in 80 middle‐aged and older individuals from the Leiden Longevity Study. Epidermal p16INK4a positivity was associated with neither CD4+ nor CD8+ T‐cell immunosenescence phenotype composites (i.e., end‐stage differentiated/senescent T cells, including CD45RA+CCR7CD28CD27CD57+KLRG1+ T cells). Dermal p16INK4a positivity was significantly associated with the CD4+, but not with the CD8+ immunosenescence composite. We therefore conclude that there is limited evidence for a link between skin senescence and immunosenescence within individuals.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of aging is the progressive accumulation of senescent cells in organisms, which has been proposed to be a contributing factor to age‐dependent organ dysfunction. We recently reported that Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) is an upstream component of the p53 responses to DNA damage. BTK binds to and phosphorylates p53 and MDM2, which results in increased p53 activity. Consistent with this, blocking BTK impairs p53‐induced senescence. This suggests that sustained BTK inhibition could have an effect on organismal aging by reducing the presence of senescent cells in tissues. Here, we show that ibrutinib, a clinically approved covalent inhibitor of BTK, prolonged the maximum lifespan of a Zmpste24?/? progeroid mice, which also showed a reduction in general age‐related fitness loss. Importantly, we found that certain brain functions were preserved, as seen by reduced anxiety‐like behaviour and better long‐term spatial memory. This was concomitant to a decrease in the expression of specific markers of senescence in the brain, which confirms a lower accumulation of senescent cells after BTK inhibition. Our data show that blocking BTK has a modest increase in lifespan in Zmpste24?/? mice and protects them from a decline in brain performance. This suggests that specific inhibitors could be used in humans to treat progeroid syndromes and prevent the age‐related degeneration of organs such as the brain.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is an anti‐proliferative program that restricts the propagation of cells subjected to different kinds of stress. Cellular senescence was initially described as a cell‐autonomous tumor suppressor mechanism that triggers an irreversible cell cycle arrest that prevents the proliferation of damaged cells at risk of neoplastic transformation. However, discoveries during the last decade have established that senescent cells can also impact the surrounding tissue microenvironment and the neighboring cells in a non‐cell‐autonomous manner. These non‐cell‐autonomous activities are, in part, mediated by the selective secretion of extracellular matrix degrading enzymes, cytokines, chemokines and immune modulators, which collectively constitute the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype. One of the key functions of the senescence‐associated secretory phenotype is to attract immune cells, which in turn can orchestrate the elimination of senescent cells. Interestingly, the clearance of senescent cells seems to be critical to dictate the net effects of cellular senescence. As a general rule, the successful elimination of senescent cells takes place in processes that are considered beneficial, such as tumor suppression, tissue remodeling and embryonic development, while the chronic accumulation of senescent cells leads to more detrimental consequences, namely, cancer and aging. Nevertheless, exceptions to this rule may exist. Now that cellular senescence is in the spotlight for both anti‐cancer and anti‐aging therapies, understanding the precise underpinnings of senescent cell removal will be essential to exploit cellular senescence to its full potential.  相似文献   



Mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) can differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes, and chondrocytes, and are in part responsible for maintaining tissue integrity. Recently, a progenitor cell population has been found within the synovial fluid that shares many similarities with bone marrow MPCs. These synovial fluid MPCs (sfMPCs) share the ability to differentiate into bone and fat, with a bias for cartilage differentiation. In this study, sfMPCs were isolated from human and canine synovial fluid collected from normal individuals and those with osteoarthritis (human: clinician-diagnosed, canine: experimental) to compare the differentiation potential of CD90+ vs. CD90− sfMPCs, and to determine if CD90 (Thy-1) is a predictive marker of synovial fluid progenitors with chondrogenic capacity in vitro.


sfMPCs were derived from synovial fluid from normal and OA knee joints. These cells were induced to differentiate into chondrocytes and analyzed using quantitative PCR, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy.


The CD90+ subpopulation of sfMPCs had increased chondrogenic potential compared to the CD90− population. Furthermore, sfMPCs derived from healthy joints did not require a micro-mass step for efficient chondrogenesis. Whereas sfMPCs from OA synovial fluid retain the ability to undergo chondrogenic differentiation, they require micro-mass culture conditions.


Overall, this study has demonstrated an increased chondrogenic potential within the CD90+ fraction of human and canine sfMPCs and that this population of cells derived from healthy normal joints do not require a micro-mass step for efficient chondrogenesis, while sfMPCs obtained from OA knee joints do not differentiate efficiently into chondrocytes without the micro-mass procedure. These results reveal a fundamental shift in the chondrogenic ability of cells isolated from arthritic joint fluids, and we speculate that the mechanism behind this change of cell behavior is exposure to the altered milieu of the OA joint fluid, which will be examined in further studies.  相似文献   

Senescent cells play important roles in both physiological and pathological processes, including cancer and aging. In all cases, however, senescent cells comprise only a small fraction of tissues. Senescent phenotypes have been studied largely in relatively homogeneous populations of cultured cells. In vivo, senescent cells are generally identified by a small number of markers, but whether and how these markers vary among individual cells is unknown. We therefore utilized a combination of single‐cell isolation and a nanofluidic PCR platform to determine the contributions of individual cells to the overall gene expression profile of senescent human fibroblast populations. Individual senescent cells were surprisingly heterogeneous in their gene expression signatures. This cell‐to‐cell variability resulted in a loss of correlation among the expression of several senescence‐associated genes. Many genes encoding senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP) factors, a major contributor to the effects of senescent cells in vivo, showed marked variability with a subset of highly induced genes accounting for the increases observed at the population level. Inflammatory genes in clustered genomic loci showed a greater correlation with senescence compared to nonclustered loci, suggesting that these genes are coregulated by genomic location. Together, these data offer new insights into how genes are regulated in senescent cells and suggest that single markers are inadequate to identify senescent cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Thirteen young, castrated male goats had instability of one stifle (knee joint) created by surgical transection of the cranial cruciate ligament, but did not develop any signs of osteoarthritis (OA) in treated joints when confined in limited space for 8 months. At the end of the experiment, the instability in the stifles had not improved, the joints were normal at radiographic examination, there were no signs of inflammation in the synovial membrane or joint capsule, and fibrosis in these tissues was not evident. The articular cartilage was normal both visually and histologically. This may indicate that the young age of the goats and the restricted physical activity on soft floor had prevented the expected development of OA in the experimantally operated joints. Synovial fluid volumes and proteoglycan concentration were measured in the treated and control joints in 6 of the goats. There seemed to be increased quantity of the proteoglycan aggrecan in the synovial fluid from the treated joints compared to the contralateral joints throughout the course of this study. It was concluded that the turnover of aggrecan in the articular cartilage of the treated joints may have been increased.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a physiological response by which an organism halts the proliferation of potentially harmful and damaged cells. However, the accumulation of senescent cells over time can become deleterious leading to diseases and physiological decline. Our data reveal a novel interplay between senescence and the stress response that affects both the progression of senescence and the behavior of senescent cells. We show that constitutive exposure to stress induces the formation of stress granules (SGs) in proliferative and presenescent cells, but not in fully senescent cells. Stress granule assembly alone is sufficient to decrease the number of senescent cells without affecting the expression of bona fide senescence markers. SG‐mediated inhibition of senescence is associated with the recruitment of the plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 (PAI‐1), a known promoter of senescence, to these entities. PAI‐1 localization to SGs increases the translocation of cyclin D1 to the nucleus, promotes RB phosphorylation, and maintains a proliferative, non‐senescent state. Together, our data indicate that SGs may be targets of intervention to modulate senescence in order to impair or prevent its deleterious effects.  相似文献   

The accumulation of senescent disc cells in degenerative intervertebral disc (IVD) suggests the detrimental roles of cell senescence in the pathogenesis of intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD). Disc cell senescence decreased the number of functional cells in IVD. Moreover, the senescent disc cells were supposed to accelerate the process of IDD via their aberrant paracrine effects by which senescent cells cause the senescence of neighboring cells and enhance the matrix catabolism and inflammation in IVD. Thus, anti-senescence has been proposed as a novel therapeutic target for IDD. However, the development of anti-senescence therapy is based on our understanding of the molecular mechanism of disc cell senescence. In this review, we focused on the molecular mechanism of disc cell senescence, including the causes and various molecular pathways. We found that, during the process of IDD, age-related damages together with degenerative external stimuli activated both p53-p21-Rb and p16-Rb pathways to induce disc cell senescence. Meanwhile, disc cell senescence was regulated by multiple signaling pathways, suggesting the complex regulating network of disc cell senescence. To understand the mechanism of disc cell senescence better contributes to developing the anti-senescence-based therapies for IDD.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in individuals over 60 years old. Aging is associated with an increased prevalence of coronary artery disease and a poorer prognosis following acute myocardial infarction (MI). With age, senescent cells accumulate in tissues, including the heart, and contribute to age‐related pathologies. However, the role of senescence in recovery following MI has not been investigated. In this study, we demonstrate that treatment of aged mice with the senolytic drug, navitoclax, eliminates senescent cardiomyocytes and attenuates profibrotic protein expression in aged mice. Importantly, clearance of senescent cells improved myocardial remodelling and diastolic function as well as overall survival following MI. These data provide proof‐of‐concept evidence that senescent cells are major contributors to impaired function and increased mortality following MI and that senolytics are a potential new therapeutic avenue for MI.  相似文献   

Exosomes represent an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway which can act as an alarming mechanism in responses to diverse stresses, e.g. chronic inflammation activates the budding of exosomal vesicles in both immune and non-immune cells. Exosomes can contain both pro- and anti-inflammatory cargos but in chronic inflammation, exosomes mostly carry immunosuppressive cargos, e.g. enzymes and miRNAs. The aging process is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation and the accumulation of pro-inflammatory senescent cells into tissues. There is clear evidence that aging increases the number of exosomes in both the circulation and tissues. Especially, the secretion of immunosuppressive exosomes robustly increases from senescent cells. There are observations that the exosomes from senescent cells are involved in the expansion of senescence into neighbouring cells. Interestingly, the age-related exosomes contain immune suppressive cargos which enhance the immunosuppression within recipient immune cells, i.e. tissue-resident and recruited immune cells including M2 macrophages, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC), and regulatory T cells (Treg). It seems that increased immunosuppression with aging impairs the clearance of senescent cells and their accumulation within tissues augments the aging process.  相似文献   

The role of chondrocyte senescence in osteoarthritis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Replicative senescence occurs when normal somatic cells stop dividing. Senescent cells remain viable, but show alterations in phenotype, e.g. altered expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs); these enzymes are known to be involved in cartilage destruction. It is assumed that cells deplete their replicative potential during aging, and age is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA). Therefore, we hypothesized that chondrocytes in aging or diseased cartilage become senescent with associated phenotypic changes contributing to development or progression of OA. Articular cartilage was obtained from OA patients undergoing arthroplasty, with 'normal' cartilage from trauma surgery for hip fracture. Senescent cells were identified using the senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) marker. Telomere length was assessed using Southern blot. MMP expression was measured at the mRNA level using Taqman RT-PCR. No SA-beta-gal staining was observed in control cartilage regardless of patient age. In contrast, SA-beta-gal staining was observed in damaged OA cartilage adjacent to the lesion. Cultured chondrocytes isolated from sites near a lesion contained a greater percentage of SA-beta-gal positive cells than cultures isolated from distal sites or normal cartilage. Mean telomere length was shorter in cells near the lesion compared to distal sites in the same joint; thus the former population has undergone cell division. The expression of collagenases MMP-1, -8 and -13 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-1 was altered in OA cartilage, but no difference was detected between lesion and distal sites in the same joint (i.e. no correlation was found between senescent cells and proteinase/ inhibitor expression).  相似文献   

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