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The role of the mature leaf in supplying carbon for growth inother parts of the plant was examined using a steady-rate 14CO2labelling technique. The pattern of events occurring in theleaf during one complete 24 h cycle was compared in plants grownin, and adapted to long and short photoperiods. The rates ofleaf photosynthesis, night respiration and daytime loss of carbonfrom the growing regions of the plant Were similar in long orshort photoperiods. As a percentage of the total carbon fixedduring the photoperiod, total respiration was c. 50% for shortday plants but only 25% for long day plants. Thirty to forty per cent of the carbon fixed during the photoperiodwas retained in the leaf for export during darkness—therest was exported immediately. In leaves of short day plantssucrose and starch were the main form of the stored carbon.By the end of the dark period these compounds had been almostcompletely depleted. In leaves of long day plants there weremuch larger basal levels of sucrose and starch, upon which thediurnal variations were superimposed. These leaves also accumulatedfructosans. The delay in starch remobilization previously foundin leaves of short day plants was also evident in leaves oflong day plants even though large concentrations of sucroseand fructosans were present This suggests the presence of distinctpools of sucrose in the leaf.  相似文献   

In randomly grown tissue culture cells (mouse leukemic lymphoblast, L5178Y) the number, volume, and Na+ and K+ content increase as an exponential function with a doubling time of 11.3 hr. In synchronously grown cells the volume increase of the population and of single cells follows the same exponential function as in randomly grown cells. In contrast, the cation content fluctuates during a single cell cycle. About 1½ hr after the cell division burst (at the beginning of the S period), a net loss of K+ occurs for a period of about 1 hr amounting to about 20% of the total K. Over the next 5 to 6 hr, the deficit in K+ is eliminated. The Na+ content shows a double fluctuation. It falls during the cell division burst, rises when the K+ content decreases, falls again when K+ content rises, and then increases again before the next cell division burst. The net fluxes of both Na+ and K+ are very small compared to the unidirectional fluxes (less than 5%), thus small changes in the balance of influx and efflux account for the changes in cation content during the growth cycle. Both unidirectional fluxes increase dramatically (by a factor of two) about 2 hr after the cell division burst, and then remain constant until after the next cell division. The pattern of electrolyte regulation during cell division does not follow a simple function such as cell number, cell surface, or cell volume, but must be related to specific internal events in the cell.  相似文献   

DALE  J. E. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(6):1177-1184
The in vivo method has been used to determine activity of nitratereductase in Hiproly and Proctor barley. Differences in activitybetween the cultivars were small and less than those due togrowing conditions. Activity in plants grown in culture solutionwas greater than that for sand-grown plants, especially in theroot The in vivo method gave values for nitrate reductase activitywhich are less than those found by the in vitro method, andevidence is presented to show that the in vivo method underestimatesthe rate of formation of organic nitrogen in barley seedlings.It is shown that significant nitrate reductase activity occursin roots but it is nevertheless concluded that the main siteof nitrate assimilation is in the leaves of this material.  相似文献   

Matoušková  M.  Nauš  J.  Flašarová  M. 《Photosynthetica》1999,37(2):281-294
Field-grown plants of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Akcent) in the growth phase 30 DC (beginning of stem extension) were exposed to a one-shot application of a commercial product containing cyanazine (Bladex 50 SC) in two doses, C30 and C60 (30 and 60 mg m−2). The reaction of the plant photosynthetic system was followed non-destructively using chlorophyll fluorescence induction (the O-J-I-P transient) within three weeks after the application in the fifth developed leaf and three further gradually appearing leaves. An immediate response of plants to the application of cyanazine and a regeneration of plants from cyanazine action were detected. The biological (plant dry mass) and crop yield production (the number and mass of grains in a spike) were analyzed in time of full ripeness. The crop yield was lowered by the herbicide effect to the same level for the two doses used. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Leaves of Kalanchoë pinnata were exposed in the dark to air (allowing the fixation of CO2 into malic acid) or 2% O2, 0% CO2 (preventing malic acid accumulation). They were then exposed to bright light in the presence or absence of external CO2 and light dependent inhibition of photosynthetic properties assessed by changes in 77 K fluorescence from photosystem II (PSII), light response curves and quantum yields of O2 exchange, rates of electron transport from H2O through QB (secondary electron acceptor from the PSII reaction center) in isolated thylakoids, and numbers of functional PSII centers in intact leaf discs. Sun leaves of K. pinnata experienced greater photoinhibition when exposed to high light in the absence of CO2 if malic acid accumulation had been prevented during the previous dark period. Shade leaves experienced a high degree of photoinhibition when exposed to high light regardless of whether malic acid had been allowed to accumulate in the previous dark period or not. Quantum yields were depressed to a greater degree than was 77 K fluorescence from PSII following photoinhibition.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous concentrations of glucose and nitrate on total ethanol extractable phenols and leucoanthocyanins were studied in Paul's Scarlet Rose cells grown in either liquid suspension or solid culture. Aliquots of liquid suspension cultured cells were harvested during logarithmic, early stationary, and late stationary periods of growth for determination of fresh weight, dry weight, total ethanol extractable phenols and leucoanthocyanins. Cells produced phenols during all phases of growth, but at stationary phase, the production was greatest. Increasing concentrations of exogenous glucose in the culture medium resulted in an increased synthesis of total phenols in logarithmic cells, and an increased synthesis of total phenols and leucoanthocyanin in stationary cells. Addition of increased concentrations of exogenous nitrate to the stationary cells grown in suspension culture markedly reduced synthesis of leucoanthocyanins although total phenol synthesis was not significantly affected. Similar observations were made in cells cultured on solid medium in respect to exogenous glucose concentration, however these cells differed from the suspension cultured cells by having increased amounts of total phenol synthesis and decreased synthesis of leucoanthocyanins in the presence of increasing concentrations of exogenous nitrate in the culture medium.  相似文献   

Purification of Rabies Virus Grown in Tissue Culture   总被引:32,自引:20,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Extracellular rabies virus, grown in monolayer cultures of BHK21 cells in the presence of medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin, was purified by the following procedure. Virus was precipitated from infectious tissue culture fluid by zinc acetate and was resuspended in a solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetate. The suspension was filtered through a Sephadex column and was treated with ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease. The virions were then pelleted by centrifugation at high speed and were resuspended in buffer solution. Banding of the virus by centrifugation in a sucrose density gradient was the final step in the purification procedure. Purified preparations contained bullet-shaped virus particles of variable length and little (up to 5%) contaminating host-cell material. Most of the virions were "complete", i.e., 180 nm long, but some virus particles were shorter. The length distribution of the virions was nonrandom. Shorter virions seemed to be noninfectious and showed markedly decreased hemagglutinating activity. The complement-fixing activity and the ribonucleic acid to protein ratio of the virions were not related to the length of the virus particles. Although the properties of extracellular and intracellular viruses were similar, the procedure was not suitable for purification of intracellular rabies virus.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Phaseolux vulgaris were grown in media with and without iron. Growth was measured in terms of leaf length and fresh weight increase. Cyanide at & concentration of 0.05 mM was found to inhibit severely plants growing in complete media but failed to inhibit growth to (he same extent in those plants grown in media lacking iron. It was established that this result was obtained whether the plants were grown in an unchanged medium or if the growth medium was replaced at intervals. A number of suggestions were made in an attempt to account for this anomalous behavior.  相似文献   

A study of the distribution of lectins over different vegetative tissues of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants, which were grown under normal crop conditions, indicated that lectin occurs in roots, leaves, and developing ears. Isolation and characterization of both root and leaf lectins led to the conclusions (a) that they are indistinguishable from the embryo lectin and (b) that the total lectin content of these vegetative organs is many times higher than that of the embryo. Finally, in vivo labeling experiments demonstrated that the lectin is synthesized de novo in roots and leaves.  相似文献   

FARRAR  J. F. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(1):53-63
The respiration rate of roots on intact barley plants grownin 16 h light 8 h dark cycles shows an exponential decay inthe dark, rises on re-illumination and there is a transientfall 12–14 h into the photoperiod Roots of plants placedin the dark for up to 48 h show a continued exponential decay,and a rather small fall in soluble carbohydrate levels The respirationof roots excised from predarkened plants does not rise on additionof sucrose to the medium bathing them Respiration rate, measured10 h into the photoperiod, shows a constant relation to rootweight in plants 8–24 days old, during which time rootcarbohydrate content first falls and later rises It is concludedthat root respiration rate is not a simple function of carbohydratesupply from the shoot The importance of root respiration inthe carbon budget of barley plants is evaluated and the levelsof control operating on root respiration rate are briefly discussed Hordeum distichum (L ) Lam, barley, respiration rate, light, carbohydrate  相似文献   

SCAIFE  M. A. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(6):1217-1229
A previously published dynamic model of P uptake and plant growthhas been applied to two sets of solution culture data: thoseof Rorison (1968) for two contrasting wild species, and thoseof Brewster, Bhat and Nye (1975) for onions. Apart from thelogistic constants describing the growth curves of plants withadequate P, all other constants were independently obtainedand assumed to be the same for all species. Plant weights, Pconcentrations and solution P concentrations are all reasonablywell simulated by the model for both experiments. The big differencein responsiveness between fast- and slow-growing species inRorison's experiment is shown to be attributable to differentialdepletion of the solutions. The use of simulation models whichincorporate the depletion of the growing medium might be regardedas an alternative to attempting to eliminate depletion in suchexperiments.  相似文献   

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