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Asellus aquaticus (L.) was the most important benthic food item for perch, Perca fluviatilis (L.), in a small, extremely humic forest lake in southern Finland. The proportion of A. aquaticus in the diet of perch varied according to the former's availability, which, in turn, depended on its life cycle. Perch 11.0–12.9 cm (total length) most frequently fed on A. aquaticus; smaller and larger perch fed more frequently on crustacean zooplankton and aquatic insect larvae, respectively. The high density of the perch population, the importance of A. aquaticus in the benthos of the study lake and the general high activity level of the prey resulted in a high predation (0.1–1.8% per day). The population of A. aquaticus was also limited by the scarcity of macrophytic vegetation and the small area of oxygenated littoral in the lake.  相似文献   

Sperm densities in perch Perca fluviatilis males showed a positive correlation with the amount of stripped milt. Sperm flagellum length did not correlate with body mass, but a significant correlation between flagellum length and the total number of sperm produced was found.  相似文献   

Population structure, density and reproductive potential of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from 4 acidified lakes in a river system in Southern Norway were investigated. The upper 3 lakes were most affected by acidification and the number of perch caught per unit effort indicate three-fold increase in density from the upper Gjerstadvann to the lower Brøbørvann. Low density of perch in the upper lakes is explained by; 1) Abnormal mortality occurring in episodes due to acidification, probably caused by aluminium toxicity at pH = 5.2–5.4. 2). Acid water (pH ≤ 5.0) during spawning and development of eggs and larvae, resulting in recruitment failure. Juvenile mortality of perch may depend on the density of the parental stock. In the 3 upper lakes, the density of adult perch probably was too low to produce significant juvenile mortality, and in these lakes the recruitment probably depended more on the May water quality. Improved water quality increases egg hatching and survival and also benefits zooplankton production, the main food for perch during the first summer. Low population density has reduced competition for food and thus improved growth of perch in the 3 upper lakes compared to the lower lake. The perch in Brøbørvann mature at higher age and have lower individual fecundity than perch in Gjerstadvann, an effect of both slower growth and lower length specific fecundity in Brøbørvann. In Gjerstadvann, the perch therefore have a higher reproductive potential relative to the stock density, and may, when the water quality is good enough, give rise to strong year-classes and more frequent year-class fluctuations than perch in the less acid Brøbørvann.  相似文献   

Exceptionally big individual perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and their growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Lake Windermere (U.K.) where there was a dense, slow-growing population of perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) which had an l x of about 180 mm, there co-existed a few individuals with an l x of 463 mm. Data from 137 of these big perch, mostly caught in gillnets fishing for Esox lucius L., were examined. Their early growth was identical to that of normal perch, but, at an age, varying between individuals, from 1 to 8 and averaging 4 years, their growth accelerated for about 4 years and then followed a von Bertalanffy model with an l x of 463 mm. They thus had a 'double' growth-curve that is revealed only if individual growth is examined. Acceleration tended to occur in certain calendar years and was correlated with strong year-classes of young perch. Growth was greater in years with warm summer water temperatures. There were no changes in the growth of big perch, after they had achieved 290 mm, during a period of great changes in the population density and an increase in the growth of normal perch < 290 mm. No more big perch were caught in Windermere between 1967 and 1990. Net selection, length-weight relationships, seasonal cycle in gonad weight, and opercular-body length relationship were the same as those of normal perch. The few available data suggest that big perch were piscivorous, feeding largely on small perch. The distribution of sites in the lake where big perch were caught is contagious, catches follow the negative binomial; but within fishings that caught big perch at the same site and time, catches were more evenly distributed than random. It is postulated that most adults would have accelerated their growth if they had sustained piscivory. Similar big perch have been found in other lakes.  相似文献   

Decreasing trends in atmospheric emissions and acidic deposition during the 1990s have resulted in chemical recovery from acidification in the sensitive surface water systems of southern Finland. Responses of perch and roach populations to the improved water quality were studied in 30 small lakes with the aid of water chemistry monitoring data gathered in 1987–2002 and the data collected from two consecutive periods of gillnet test fishing, 1985–1988 and 2001–2002. In the most acidified lakes, alkalinity and ANC have increased and sulphate and labile aluminium concentrations decreasæed markedly. The response of perch populations to the improved water quality is seen in improved reproduction success, indicated by a higher CPUE in numbers and a lower mean weight. The growth rate of perch has declined as the population density has increased. Roach populations have not recovered in the same way as perch, there being no major changes in NPUE or mean weight. Lower growth rates were, however, observed in the roach populations of all study lakes. The increased perch population density as an obstacle to the recovery of roach populations is discussed. Despite the chemical and biological recovery of the study lakes, the buffer capacity of many headwater lakes is low and the lakes will be sensitive to any increases in acidic deposition in the future.  相似文献   

Gill net catches of perch Perca fluviatilis in eight acidified lakes immediately before liming are compared] with catches in the same lakes two years after liming. Simultaneously, six control lakes, not limed, were investigated with the same procedures. A significant increase in the average catches of perch was found in the limed lakes, but not in the control lakes. This result confirms earlier reports, although seldom supported with data from controls, on successful recovery after liming.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the age and growth of perch ( Perca fluviatilis L. ) in two contrasting Scottish lochs-the Dubh Lochan and Loch Lomond. Age and back-calculated growth were determined from annual rings in the opercular bones, and during the 2-year project 470 perch from the Dubh Lochan and 796 from Loch Lomond were examined. Growth in length in the two lochs, though similar for the first 2 years, differed thereafter, the average length at 8 years in the Dubh Lochan being less than 15 cm, that in Loch Lomond more than 23 cm at the same age. In neither locality did the growth of perch follow the Von Bertalanffy growth formula. Reasons for differential growth rates are discussed and comparisons made with the growth of perch in other waters in Europe and North America.  相似文献   

Four small, acidified boreal lakes, all sustaining populations of perch Perca fluviatilis, roach Rutilus rutilus and pike Esox lucius, were studied in four successive years. Three lakes were moderately acidified (mean pH of 5·61-5·83), while the fourth was more acidic (mean pH of 5·16) and had a sparse population of R. rutilus. Perca fluviatilis density was higher in this lake (1004 ha(-1)) than in the other three (355-717 ha(-1)), where R. rutilus dominated in terms of numbers (981-2185 ha(-1)). Large, potentially predatory, P. fluviatilis were most abundant in the lake with clearest water, and these seemed to have a negative effect on P. fluviatilis density. Perca fluviatilis mean mass was negatively correlated with R. rutilus biomass and was highest in the most acidic lake with the sparse R. rutilus and the highest P. fluviatilis density. Perca fluviatilis mass correlated positively with pH in two lakes (with the highest fish biomass), suggesting that low pH affected P. fluviatilis mass negatively. Perca fluviatilis growth correlated positively with summer (July to August) air temperature in the lake with sparse R. rutilus, thus differing from P. fluviatilis and R. rutilus growth in the other three lakes. The mean age of P. fluviatilis was generally lower than that of R. rutilus and was lowest in the two lakes with the highest fish biomass, indicating that adult mortality was affected by density-induced factors.  相似文献   

The otoliths of laboratory‐reared larval and juvenile perch Perca fluviatilis of known age were analysed to determine the age of otolith formation and validate the formation of daily increments. There was a linear relationship between number of increments and age in days post‐hatching, although by 82 days post‐hatching daily increment counts underestimated actual age by an average of 5 days. Otolith dimensions in relation to standard length indicated allometric growth of otoliths until completion of yolk absorption, and isometric growth thereafter, up to 82 days post‐hatching.  相似文献   

Hansson  Sture 《Hydrobiologia》1985,126(1):3-10
Data on the chemical composition of the hard water rivers Rhine and Rhone, published elsewhere, are stored in a new data bank, RRQUE. In this paper the seasonal variation in pH and concentrations of calcium, bicarbonate and sulphate at 7 stations in the Rhine and 7 in the Rhone are described. The concentrations of calcium, bicarbonate and sulphate show important increases with increasing distance from the source. In both rivers acidification gradually occurs downstream and is thought to be caused by the decomposition of disposed organic matter. It is shown that the normal seasonal patterns of these 4 chemical variables are negated by anthropogenic effects.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model was developed for Eurasian perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) by revising an existing model for yellow perch and walleye. Data were gathered from field studies and the literature. Besides adjusting the original parameters of the model, effects of season on consumption and metabolic rates were added. The predictive capability of the revised model was high both concerning the levels of growth and its seasonal development in the Baltic coastal waters to which the model was applied. Perch young-of-the-year attained almost maximum consumption and growth except in the highest temperatures experienced. In larger fish, the model estimated consumption to be about 50 per cent of the maximum possible rate.  相似文献   

The timing of spawning of perch was examined in four acidified lakes (pH 4.4–4.8) and in one circum-neutral lake (pH 6.3) in southern Finland in spring 1987. In three of the lakes, perch started to spawn soon after the ice melt (4–14 degree days > 5° C) and had spawned by the end of May at about 100 degree days > 5° C. In the two most acidified lakes, fish started to spawn later, at 35 and 60 degree days > 5° C, and had spawned in early June, at about 200 degree days > 5° C. The maturing of gonad products was delayed in both males and females.  相似文献   

Mortality of 0+ Eurasian perch was measured directly from the decline in catch in a high-speed plankton sampler and described by a negative exponential model. A mean mortality of 0.063 day 1 (range=0.020–0.089) was calculated; for 0+ juveniles it was 0.021 day 1. Mean larval production was 0.85–1.30 mg dry weight m−2 day−1 in Loch Kinord and 0.08–0.12 in Loch Davan. Annual production of 0+ juveniles was 1.97–7.55 kg wet weight ha −1 at L. Kinord and 1.01 kg at L. Davan. The contribution of 0+ perch, including the egg stages, to total perch production was 88–96%. Availability of food items on transition to exogenous feeding and through the larval period did not limit survival. Cannibalism by adults accounted for most of larval mortality, and predation by pike and adult perch were responsible for the majority of juvenile losses. The population structure of adult perch, for 12 year classes, was stable at L. Kinord, while year classes at L. Davan exhibited fluctuations in abundance and in two sampling years were eliminated in the first summer. Survival in the eleutheroembryonic phase was variable at L. Davan and observed to be low compared with L. Kinord. It is suggested that this was a result of water turbulence on the exposed and shallow spawning areas at L. Davan.  相似文献   

河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究河鲈(Perca fluviatilis)早期生活史和发育生物学,采用体视解剖镜、显微镜仔细观察、测量、描述、绘图的方法,连续观察了6个批次河鲈胚胎及卵黄囊期仔鱼发育状况,进行比较分析。结果显示:(1)在水温8~13℃时,胚胎期约需265h,有效积温2540~2880℃.h;水温11~13℃时,卵黄囊期约需6d,有效积温1750~2120℃.h;(2)辐射状次级卵膜将受精卵连成长带形单层网片状,每个胚胎周围有6个胚胎,排列很有规则。胚胎卵黄囊表面有一个大圆形油球。出膜前期可见眼球色素、胸鳍突起;(3)胚胎出膜的不同步主要是由于出膜前期长短不一和孵化水温较低所致。  相似文献   

In this study of 18 small boreal forest lakes, the effects of abiotic and biotic factors (roach Rutilus rutilus and pike Esox lucius) on various population variables of perch Perca fluviatilis were examined. As a single variable, the gillnet catch per unit effort (CPUE) of R. rutilus was negatively related to the mean mass of small (< 200 mm) and the growth rate of young (1–2 years) P. fluviatilis. The mean mass of large (≥ 200 mm) P. fluviatilis was the highest at intermediate CPUE of R. rutilus. Redundancy analysis including environmental factors and P. fluviatilis population variables suggested that ‘predation–productivity–humus' gradient affected P. fluviatilis populations by decreasing the CPUE and mean mass of small individuals but increasing these variables of large individuals. The CPUE of R. rutilus and lake area had a negative effect on small and a positive effect on large P. fluviatilis growth rate. In small boreal forest lakes, P. fluviatilis populations are affected by the partially opposite forces of competition by R. rutilus and predation by E. lucius, and the intensity of these interactions is regulated by several environmental factors.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy revealed the presence of 'pear-shaped' cells amongst the mucosal cells of the stomach, pyloric curvature, pyloric caeca and the anterior-most region of the intestines of perch. The cells are usually located in the distal region of the mucosa and are approximately half the height of the other mucosal cells. Electron microscopy shows that the cells are composed of thick outer sheaths which are fibrillar in appearance. The cytoplasm is characterized by electron dense rods numbering from three to fifteen, which originate from the supranuclear region of the cells and converge apically. The rest of the cytoplasm is composed of Golgi apparatus, secretory vacuoles, minute mitochondria and a network of cytoplasmic strands laden with ribosomes. The organization of organelles in these cells does not resemble that of other mucosal cells of the alimentary canal. Contrary to what has been suggested previously, the 'pear-shaped' cells neither resemble nor represent stages in the formation and maturation of goblet cells.  相似文献   

L. Arvola 《Hydrobiologia》1983,101(1-2):105-110
Primary production and phytoplankton in polyhumic lakes showed a very distinct seasonal succession. A vigorous spring maximum produced by Chlamydomonas green algae at the beginning of the growing season and two summer maxima composed mainly of Mallomonas caudata Iwanoff were typical. The annual primary production was ca. 6 g org. C · m–2 in both lakes. The mean epilimnetic biomass was 1.1 in the first lake and 2.2 g · m–2 (ww) in the second one. The maximum phytoplankton biomass, 14 g · m–2, was observed during the vernal peak in May.  相似文献   

The level of gene flow is an important factor influencing genetic differentiation between populations. Typically, geographic distance is considered to be the major factor limiting dispersal and should thus only influence the degree of genetic divergence at larger spatial scales. However, recent studies have revealed the possibility for small-scale genetic differentiation, suggesting that the spatial scale considered is pivotal for finding patterns of isolation by distance. To address this question, genetic and morphological differentiation were studied at two spatial scales (range 2–13 km and range 300 m to 2 km) in the perch ( Perca fluviatilis L.) from the east coast archipelago of Sweden, using seven microsatellite loci and geometric morphometrics. We found highly significant genetic differentiation between sampled locations at both scales. At the larger spatial scale, the distance per se was not affecting the level of divergence. At the small scale, however, we found subtle patterns of isolation by distance. In addition, we also found morphological divergence between locations, congruent with a spatial separation at a microgeographic scale, most likely due to phenotypic plasticity. The present study highlights the importance of geographical scale and indicates that there might be a disparity between the dispersal capacity of a species and the actual movement of genes. Thus, how we view the environment and possible barriers to dispersal might have great implications for our ability to fully understand the evolution of genetic differentiation, local adaptation, and, in the end, speciation.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 746–758.  相似文献   

Summary The stunted growth of the Dutch perch was studied. To calculate the age and former growth the winterrings of the scales were used. The excellent growth of perch in some parts of Holland in contrast to the bad growth reported by foreign authors is discussed. It is pointed out that the latter growth may be ascribed to the existence of false winterrings, from which one can get rid by dipping the scales in a HCl-solution.It appeared that the initial growth of the stunted perch up to about 13 cm is good. The stunted growth afterwards must be ascribed to a shortage of prey-fish. Especially the smelt seems to be very important. As, however, in Holland young roach are abundant it seems incomprehensible why these cannot serve for suitable perch-food. To investigate this problem the conduct of hunting perch was studied in an aquarium.The results of the aquarium-experiments were in agreement with the change in food-diet at a certain length discussed by other authors; also with the assumption that middle-sized perch do not prey upon smaller congeners.Concerning the preying upon roach it became clear that a single perch will scarcely or not succeed in seizing a roach. The hunting is accomplished by cooperation in open water stretches. Amidst plants perch does not hunt. Hence the stunted growth of perch in Holland must be ascribed to the many plants in Dutch waters, between which the roach may easily escape hunting by perch.A short comparison of prey-sizing by wels, pike pike-perch and perch is made.  相似文献   

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