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This investigation was designed to determine the effect of eccentric strength testing on delayed-onset muscle pain in 20 untrained university students. Initially, eccentric strength testing (5-repetition maximum [5RM]) was performed bilaterally. Next, 1 arm completed 3 sets of 10 eccentric repetitions to induce delayed-onset muscle pain. Then, in a subsequent session, whichever arm previously performed only the 5RM test completed the 5RM test a second time and the 3 sets of 10 eccentric repetitions. Statistical analyses supported significantly increased pain intensity and unpleasantness across 48 hours post-5RM test alone. However, pain intensity and unpleasantness after the eccentric training bouts were significantly lower in the arm that performed 2 5RM tests than the arm that performed only 1. Thus, the eccentric strength testing produced delayed-onset muscle pain and protected against future delayed-onset muscle pain. These effects should be considered when such testing is used in baseline strength assessments.  相似文献   

We compared delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) induced by anaerobic resistance exercises with and without aerobic cardioacceleration before each set, under the rationale that elevated heart rate (HR) may increase blood perfusion in muscles to limit eccentric contraction damage and/or speed muscle recovery. In two identical experiments (20 men, 28 women), well-conditioned athletes paired by similar physical condition were assigned randomly to experimental or control groups. HR (independent variable) was recorded with HR monitors. DOMS (dependent variable) was self-reported using Borg's Rating of Perceived Pain scale. After identical pre-training strength testing, mean DOMS in the experimental and control groups was indistinguishable (P > or = 0.19) for musculature employed in eight resistance exercises in both genders, validating the dependent variable. Subjects then trained three times per week for 9 (men) to 11 (women) weeks in a progressive, whole-body, concurrent training protocol. Before each set of resistance exercises, experimental subjects cardioaccelerated briefly (mean HR during resistance training, 63.7% HR reserve), whereas control subjects rested briefly (mean HR, 33.5% HR reserve). Mean DOMS among all muscle groups and workouts was discernibly less in experimental than control groups in men (P = 0.0000019) and women (P = 0.0007); less for each muscle group used in nine resistance exercises in both genders, discernible (P < 0.025) in 15 of 18 comparisons; and less in every workout, discernible (P < 0.05) in 32% (men) and 55% (women) of workouts. Most effect sizes were moderate. In both genders, mean DOMS per workout disappeared by the fourth week of training in experimental but not control groups. Aerobic cardioacceleration immediately before each set of resistance exercises therefore rapidly eliminates DOMS during vigorous progressive resistance training in athletes.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the effects of a protease supplement on selected markers of muscle damage and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). The study used a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover design. Twenty men (mean +/- SD age = 21.0 +/- 3.1 years) were randomly assigned to either a supplement group (SUPP) or a placebo group (PLAC). All subjects were tested for unilateral isometric forearm flexion strength, hanging joint angle, relaxed arm circumference, subjective pain rating, and plasma creatine kinase activity and myoglobin concentration. The testing occurred before (TIME1), immediately after (TIME2), and 24 (TIME3), 48 (TIME4), and 72 (TIME5) hours after a bout of eccentric exercise. During these tests, the subjects in the SUPP group ingested a protease supplement. The subjects in the PLAC group took microcrystalline cellulose. After testing at TIME5 and 2 weeks of rest, the subjects were crossed over into the opposite group and performed the same tests as during visits 1-5, but with the opposite limb. Overall, isometric forearm flexion strength was greater (7.6%) for the SUPP group than for the PLAC group, despite nearly identical (difference = 0.14 N.m, p = 0.940) mean strength values before (TIME1) the eccentric exercise protocol. There were no between-group differences for hanging joint angle, relaxed arm circumference, subjective pain ratings, and plasma creatine kinase activity and myoglobin concentration from TIME1 to TIME5. These findings provided initial evidence that the protease supplement may be useful for reducing strength loss immediately after eccentric exercise and for aiding in short-term strength recovery. The protease supplement had no effect, however, on the perception of pain associated with DOMS or the blood markers of muscle damage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of an acute bout of high-volume, full-body resistance training with an eccentric concentration on resting energy expenditure (REE) and indicators of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Eight resistance trained (RT) and eight untrained (UT) participants (mean: age = 23.5 years; height = 180.76 cm; weight = 87.58 kg; body fat = 19.34%; lean mass = 68.71 kg) were measured on four consecutive mornings for REE and indicators of DOMS: creatine kinase (CK) and rating of perceived muscle soreness (RPMS). Delayed-onset muscle soreness was induced by performing eight exercises, eight sets, and six repetitions using a 1-second concentric and 3-second eccentric muscle action duration. A two-factor repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed that REE was significantly (p < 0.05) elevated at 24, 48, and 72 hours post compared with baseline measures for both UT and RT groups. Ratings of perceived muscle soreness were significantly elevated within groups for UT and RT at 24 and 48 hours post and for UT only at 72 hours post compared with baseline (p < 0.05). Nonparametric analyses revealed that CK was significantly increased at 24 hours post for both UT and RT and at 48 and 72 hours post for UT only compared with baseline (p < 0.05). Resting energy expenditure and indicators of DOMS were higher in UT compared with RT on all measures, but no significant differences were determined. The main finding of this investigation is that full-body resistance training with an eccentric concentration significantly increased REE up to 72 hours postexercise in UT and RT participants.  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of rofecoxib, a cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor, and tramadol, a centrally acting analgesic, on both delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and experimentally induced ischaemic pain. We induced DOMS in 10 male and 5 female healthy volunteers by downhill running for 30 min at a 12% decline and a speed of 9 km x h(-1). We also induced ischaemic pain by finger movements with an arterial tourniquet around the arm. In a randomized, double-blind crossover format, we administered rofecoxib (50 mg, daily), tramadol (50 mg, 3 times per day), and a placebo (orally for 3 days), starting immediately after exercise. A 100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS) and McGill pain questionnaire were used to describe muscle soreness and ischaemic forearm pain 24 h after the exercise. The pressure pain threshold (PPT) in the thigh and ischaemic pain tolerance in the forearm were measured before exercise and 24 and 72 h after exercise. PPT decreased 24 h after exercise, compared with pre-exercise values (ANOVA, p < 0.05), but neither drug had any significant effect on the PPT. Neither rofecoxib nor tramadol had any effect on time of ischaemia tolerated or amount of finger activity during ischaemia. The VAS and pain-rating index, for both muscle soreness and experimental ischaemic pain, were not affected significantly by either drug. Both DOMS and ischaemic pain share peripheral and central mechanisms, yet neither are attenuated by rofecoxib or tramadol.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if the type and intensity of aerobic training affects performance in a subsequent strength-training session after varying periods of recovery. Sixteen male subjects participated in the study and were divided into 2 groups based on aerobic training, high-intensity intervals (MAX n = 8) and continuous submaximal (SUB n = 8). Each subject performed 4 sets of both bench press and leg press at approximately 75% 1 repetition maximum (1RM) following aerobic training with recovery periods of 4, 8, and 24 hours, as well as once in a control condition. Both the 4- and 8-hour conditions resulted in fewer total leg press repetitions than the control and 24-hour conditions. There was no difference between both the control and 24-hour conditions. No main effect was shown with respect to the type of aerobic training. It was concluded that when aerobic training precedes strength training, the volume of work that can be performed is diminished for up to 8 hours. This impairment appears to be localized to the muscle groups involved in the aerobic training.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Rey, E, Lago-Pe?as, C, Lago-Ballesteros, L, and Casáis, L. The effect of recovery strategies on contractile properties using tensiomyography and perceived muscle soreness in professional soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 26(11): 3081-3088, 2012-The capacity to recover from intense training and matches is considered an important determinant in soccer performance. At present, there is no consensus on the effect of posttraining recovery interventions on subsequent training session. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of active (12 minutes of submaximal running and 8 minutes of static stretching) and passive recovery (20 minutes sit on a bench) interventions performed immediately after a training session on muscle contractile properties using tensiomyography (TMG) and perceived muscle soreness 24 hours after the training. During 2 experimental sessions, 31 professional soccer players participated in a randomized fully controlled trial design. The first session was designed to collect the player's TMG and muscle soreness measurements (pretest). After baseline measurements, the participants performed a standardized soccer training during which the heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded to evaluate the training load. At the end of training unit, all the players were randomly assigned to the active recovery group and the passive recovery group. A second experimental session was organized to obtain the posttest values. The players performed the same test, administered in the same order than in the first trial. The results showed that no differences between groups were observed in the HR and RPE. No significant effect because of recovery strategy was found on TMG parameters and perceived muscle soreness.  相似文献   

Recently, a fitness competition called the Pump and Run (PR) has been popularized. Composed of 2 events, a 5-km road race time (RT) in seconds and a maximal-repetition bench press (BPR) with resistance based on a percentage of body mass (M), the final score (RTadj) equals RT - 30(BPR). From published findings, the authors hypothesized that the PR would impose a bias against heavier competitors. Furthermore, the potential for age bias in this event has not been evaluated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate M and age bias in the PR for men and women. For 74 female and 343 male competitors in a large PR event, RT, BPR, M, and age were collected from official competition results. Two subsamples were randomly created from the original sample: the validation (VAL) (54 women and 258 men) and the cross-validation (CVAL) (20 women and 85 men). For the VAL sample, the RTadj showed significant bias against heavier runners (women r = 0.35; men r = 0.28; P < 0.01 for both) but no age bias (women r = 0.04; men r = 0.005; P > 0.05 for both). Using allometric modeling, the authors developed a set of M-based correction factors to be multiplied by each RTadj to yield new adjusted run times (NRTadj) that would be free of M bias. As applied to the CVAL sample, the NRTadj values virtually eliminated the M bias (women r = 0.04; men r = 0.002; P > 0.05 for both) of the current PR scoring system and retained the absence of age bias (women r = 0.02; men r = 0.0002; P > 0.05 for both). The authors recommend the use of the NRTadj scores for future PR competitions.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced during exercise may be involved in delayed-onset muscle damage related to inflammation. To investigate this hypothesis, we studied whether oxidative stress increases nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-kappaB and chemokine expression in skeletal muscle using myotube L6 cells. We also assessed whether prolonged acute exercise could increase these parameters in rats. In L6 cells, H(2)O(2) induced nuclear translocation of p65 and increased the expression of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1) and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), whereas preincubation with alpha-tocopherol limited the increase in these proteins. Sprague Dawley rats were divided into the following groups: rested control, exercised, rested with a high alpha-tocopherol diet, and exercised with a high alpha-tocopherol diet. After 3 weeks of acclimation, both exercise groups ran on a treadmill at 25 m/min for 60 min. Exercise increased nuclear p65, CINC-1, and MCP-1 in gastrocnemius muscle cells, but these changes were ameliorated by the high alpha-tocopherol diet. Increases in myeloperoxidase and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substrates were ameliorated by a high alpha-tocopherol diet, as were the histological changes. Neutrophil activity was not altered by either exercise or a high alpha-tocopherol diet. These results indicate that delayed-onset muscle damage induced by prolonged exercise is partly related to inflammation via phagocyte infiltration caused by ROS and that alpha-tocopherol (an antioxidant) can attenuate such inflammatory changes.  相似文献   

Eccentric exercise continues to receive attention as a productive means of exercise. Coupled with this has been the heightened study of the damage that occurs in early stages of exposure to eccentric exercise. This is commonly referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To date, a sound and consistent treatment for DOMS has not been established. Although multiple practices exist for the treatment of DOMS, few have scientific support. Suggested treatments for DOMS are numerous and include pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies, stretching, massage, nutritional supplements, and many more. DOMS is particularly prevalent in resistance training; hence, this article may be of particular interest to the coach, trainer, or physical therapist to aid in selection of efficient treatments. First, we briefly review eccentric exercise and its characteristics and then proceed to a scientific and systematic overview and evaluation of treatments for DOMS. We have classified treatments into 3 sections, namely, pharmacological, conventional rehabilitation approaches, and a third section that collectively evaluates multiple additional practiced treatments. Literature that addresses most directly the question regarding the effectiveness of a particular treatment has been selected. The reader will note that selected treatments such as anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants appear to have a potential in the treatment of DOMS. Other conventional approaches, such as massage, ultrasound, and stretching appear less promising.  相似文献   

Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS) was used to investigate the influence of maximal aerobic power (˙VO 2max) on the recovery of human calf muscle from high-intensity exercise. The (˙VOO2max) of 21 males was measured during treadmill exercise and subjects were assigned to either a low-aerobic-power (LAP) group (n = 10) or a high-aerobic-power (HAP) group (n = 11). Mean (SE) ˙VO 2max of the groups were 46.6 (1.1) and 64.4 (1.4) ml · kg−1 · min−1, respectively. A calf ergometry work capacity test was used to assign the same relative exercise intensity to each subject for the MRS protocol. At least 48 h later, subjects performed the rest (4 min), exercise (2 min) and recovery (10 min) protocol in a 1.5 T MRS scanner. The relative concentration of phosphocreatine (PCr) was measured throughout the protocol and intracellular pH (pHi) was determined from the chemical shift between inorganic phospate (Pi) and PCr. End-exercise PCr levels were 27 (3.4) and 25 (3.5)% of resting levels for LAP and HAP respectively. Mean resting pHi was 7.07 for both groups, and following exercise it fell to 6.45 (0.04) for HAP and 6.38 (0.04) for LAP. Analysis of data using non-linear regression models showed no differences in the rate of either PCr or pHi recovery. The results suggest that ˙VO2max is a poor predictor of metabolic recovery rate from high-intensity exercise. Differences in recovery rate observed between individuals with similar ˙VO2max imply that other factors influence recovery. Accepted: 17 December 1996  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that strength exercise after intermittent aerobic exercise might activate signaling pathways that regulate mitochondrial biogenesis (activation of the AMPK and p38 pathways; the expression of PGC-1α, NT-PGC-1α, TFAM, and VEGFA mRNA), protein synthesis (phosphorylation level of p70S6K1Thr389 and eEF2Thr56; the expression IGF-1Ea, IGF-1Ec (MGF), and REDD1 mRNA) and proteolysis (phosphorylation level of FOXO1Ser256; the expression of MURF1, MAFbx, and Myostatin mRNA) in trained skeletal muscles. Nine amateur endurance-trained athletes performed an intermittent aerobic cycling (70 min), followed by one-leg strength exercise (ES: four sets of knee extensions till exhaustion), while the other leg was resting (E). Gene expression and protein level were evaluated in samples from m. vastus lateralis taken before the exercise, 40 min, 5 and 22 h after the aerobic exercise. The phosphorylation level of the АССSer79/222 (an endogenous marker of AMPK activity) and the expression of PGC-1α-related gene TFAM (a marker of mitochondrial biogenesis) were increased after E exercise and did not changed after ES exercise. The expression of PGC-1α and truncated isoform NT-PGC-1α was increased in both legs as well. Insulin concentration in blood was decreased significantly (7.5-fold) after aerobic exercise; the phosphorylation level of FOXOSer256 (a regulator of ubiquitin-related proteolysis) was decreased in both legs, which means that it was activated in both types of exercises; at the same time, the expression of the E3-ubiquitin ligase gene MURF1, its target, was only increased after E exercise. Neither aerobic or combined exercise had a significant effect on the regulation of protein synthesis: there were no changes in either expression of IGF-1Ea and IGF-1Ec(MGF) mRNA isoforms or the phosphorylation levels of markers of protein synthesis p70S6K1Thr389 and eEF2Thr56. Thus, the performance of strength exercise immediately after aerobic one prevented the activation of mitochondrial biogenesis in endurance-trained muscles: activation of AMPK pathway and the expression of TFAM are decreased, while protein synthesis regulation is not affected. At the same time, the strength exercise inhibited the expression of MURF1 gene (a marker of ubiquitin proteasome system), which was induced by aerobic exercise. We suggest that strength exercise performed immediately after intense intermittent aerobic exercise may have a negative effect on aerobic performance if used chronically.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course responses of strength, delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), muscle thickness (MT), circumference (CIRC), and ultrasonography echo intensity (EI) after a traditional hypertrophic isoinertial resistance training session in young women. Ten (22.0 ± 3.2 years) healthy, untrained volunteers participated in the study. The resistance exercise session consisted of 4 sets of 10 repetitions at 80% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) of the dominant arm elbow flexors. Maximum isometric elbow flexion peak torque (PT) at 90°, MT, and EI were recorded for both arms at baseline (PRE), immediately after exercise (0 hours) and at 24, 48, and 72 hours after exercise. Comparisons were made using a 2 × 5 mixed factor analysis of variance. There was a significant (p < 0.05) loss in PT and increase in MT at 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours. In contrast, EI increased only after 24, 48, and 72 hours, not at 0 hours. There were no significant changes in PT, DOMS, MT, and EI in the nondominant (control) arm after the exercise protocol. Our data suggest that after 4 sets of 80% of 1RM of unilateral elbow flexion resistance exercise, nonresistance trained women need >72 hours to fully recover muscle strength, MT, CIRC, and EI. Furthermore, the EI appears to be a sensitive and reliable method to assess MD.  相似文献   

Of the computational models of the cervical spine reported in the literature, not one takes into account the changes in muscle paths due to the underlying vertebrae. Instead, all model the individual muscle paths as straight-line segments. The major aim of this study was to quantify the changes in muscle moment arm, muscle force and joint moment due to muscle wrapping in the cervical spine. Five muscles in a straight-line model of the cervical spine were wrapped around underlying vertebrae, and the results obtained from this model were compared against the original. The two models were then validated against experimental and computational data. Results show that muscle wrapping has a significant effect on muscle moment arms and therefore joint moments and should not be neglected.  相似文献   

Of the computational models of the cervical spine reported in the literature, not one takes into account the changes in muscle paths due to the underlying vertebrae. Instead, all model the individual muscle paths as straight-line segments. The major aim of this study was to quantify the changes in muscle moment arm, muscle force and joint moment due to muscle wrapping in the cervical spine. Five muscles in a straight-line model of the cervical spine were wrapped around underlying vertebrae, and the results obtained from this model were compared against the original. The two models were then validated against experimental and computational data. Results show that muscle wrapping has a significant effect on muscle moment arms and therefore joint moments and should not be neglected.  相似文献   

Milk fermented with a starter containing Lactobacillus helveticus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae is drunk on a daily basis by many people in Japan and has several beneficial effects. We studied the influence of this fermented milk product on muscle damage after prolonged exercise in rats. Wistar rats were divided into four groups: rested controls, rested rats given fermented milk diet, exercised rats and exercised rats given fermented milk diet. After 3 weeks of acclimatization, both exercise groups were made to run on a treadmill at 26 m/min for 60 min. Exercise increased the serum creatine kinase level, as well as myeloperoxidase activity and the level of thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances in the gastrocnemius muscle after 24 h. These changes were ameliorated by intake of fermented milk. An increase of CINC-1 was also ameliorated by fermented milk. Furthermore, milk diet increased the mRNA and protein levels of protective proteins such as antioxidants and chaperone proteins. These results indicate that fermented milk can ameliorate delayed-onset muscle damage after prolonged exercise, which is associated with an increased antioxidant capacity of muscles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if pomegranate juice supplementation improved the recovery of skeletal muscle strength after eccentric exercise in subjects who routinely performed resistance training. Resistance trained men (n = 17) were randomized into a crossover design with either pomegranate juice or placebo. To produce delayed onset muscle soreness, the subjects performed 3 sets of 20 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion and 6 sets of 10 unilateral eccentric knee extension exercises. Maximal isometric elbow flexion and knee extension strength and muscle soreness measurements were made at baseline and 2, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 168 hours postexercise. Elbow flexion strength was significantly higher during the 2- to 168-hour period postexercise with pomegranate juice compared with that of placebo (main treatment effect; p = 0.031). Elbow flexor muscle soreness was also significantly reduced with pomegranate juice compared with that of placebo (main treatment effect; p = 0.006) and at 48 and 72 hours postexercise (p = 0.003 and p = 0.038, respectively). Isometric strength and muscle soreness in the knee extensors were not significantly different with pomegranate juice compared with those using placebo. Supplementation with pomegranate juice attenuates weakness and reduces soreness of the elbow flexor but not of knee extensor muscles. These results indicate a mild, acute ergogenic effect of pomegranate juice in the elbow flexor muscles of resistance trained individuals after eccentric exercise.  相似文献   

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