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Tomato (C3-plants) and maize (C4-plants) were grown in a nutrient solution to which triacontanol was added twice a week. After about 4 weeks the triacontanol treatment caused a significant increase in the dry weight of the tomato plants. Leaf area and dry weight measurements of tomato leaves at different stages of development showed that the largest increase in growth was obtained when triacontanol treatment was initiated before bud formation. In maize, no effect of the triacontanol treatment on dry wieght was observed. Photosynthesis was inhibited by 27% in young leaves from triacontanol-treated tomato plants and 39% in the controls, when the oxygen concentration was raised from 2% to 21%. In maize no change in photosynthesis could be observed, neither after altered oxygen concentration nor after triacontanol treatment. The difference in the response of C3- and C4-plants to triacontanol indicates that it regulates processes related to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition of the light elements (i.e., H, C, N, O and S) of organic samples varies significantly and, for C, is also unique and distinct from that of inorganic carbon. This is the result of (1) the isotope composition of reactants, (2) the nature of the reactions leading to formation and post-formational modification of the samples, (3) the environmental conditions under which the reactions took place, and (4) the relative concentration of the reactants compared to that of the products (i.e., [products]/[reactants] ratio). This article will examine the carbon isotope composition of terrestrial plant materials and its relationship with the above factors. delta13C(PDB) values of terrestrial plants range approximately from -8 to -38%, inclusive of C3-plants (-22 to -38%), C4-plants (-8 to -15%) and CAM-plants (-13 to -30%). Thus, the delta13C(PDB) values largely reflect the photosynthesis pathways of a plant as well as the genetics (i.e., species difference), delta13C(PDB) values of source CO2, relevant humidity, CO2/O2 ratios, wind and light intensity etc. Significant variations in these values also exist among different tissues, different portions of a tissue and different compounds. This is mainly a consequence of metabolic reactions. Animals mainly inherit the delta13C(PDB) values of the foods they consume; therefore, their delta13C(PDB) values are similar. The delta13C(PDB) values of plant materials, thus, contain information regarding the inner workings of the plants, the environmental conditions under which they grow, the delta13C(PDB) values of CO2 sources etc., and are unique. Furthermore, this uniqueness is passed on to their derivative matter, such as animals, humus etc. Hence, they are very powerful tools in many areas of research, including the ecological and environmental sciences.  相似文献   

We have studied Ragweed pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Leghorn (Livorno), where Ragweed is not widespread. Our data, from 1991 to 1995, confirm the presence of Ragweed pollen in the atmosphere of Leghorn in low concentrations (highest value of 11 pollen grains/m3) from August to the end of September. Even if the sensitization level in our area is 6.76%, the clinical significance of Ragweed pollinosis is still very low.  相似文献   

We have studied Ragweed pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Leghorn (Livorno). where Ragweed is not widespread. Our data, from 1991 to 1995, confirm the presence of Ragweed pollen in the atmosphere of Leghorn in low concentrations (highest value of 11 pollen grains/m3) from August to the end of September. Even if the sensitization level in our area is 6.76%, the clinical significance of Ragweed pollinosis is still very low.  相似文献   

J. M. Carrier 《Planta》1977,135(1):39-43
Tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum var. Wisconsin 38) submitted to anaerobic conditions behave in a manner similar to that of maize, sugarcane, or sorghum leaves (C4-plants); more precisely, a lag time in O2 release is exhibited when the leaves are exposed to light after treatment in the dark under pure nitrogen. Although the conditions for the appearance of this phenomenon in tobacco are somewhat different, the main features are identical to those observed with maize: abolition of the lag time upon immediate exposure to light, release of CO2 under light (illumination burst of CO2), photochemical nature of the reactions involved in the abolition of the lag time, activation of oxygen release by far-red light, and the antagonistic effect of red and far-red light on the lag time. The high CO2 compensation point of tobacco leaves permits the classification of this plant among the C3 group. A comparison of these experimental results with others from the literature suggests than the distinguishing features between C3- and C4-plants are not as sharp as generally thought.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of climate on the carbon isotopic composition (sigma13C) and oxygen isotopic enrichment (delta18O) above the source water of different organic matter pools in European beech. In July and September 2002, sigma13C and delta18O were determined in phloem carbohydrates and in bulk foliage of adult beech trees along a transect from central Germany to southern France, where beech reaches its southernmost distributional limit. The data were related to meteorological and physiological parameters. The climate along the transect stretches from temperate [subcontinental (SC)] to submediterranean (SM). Both sigma13Cleaf and delta18Oleaf were representative of site-specific long-term environmental conditions. sigma13C of leaves collected in September was indicative of stomatal conductance, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and radiation availability of the current growing season. delta18O was mainly correlated to mean growing season relative humidity (RH) and VPD. In contrast to the leaves, sigma13Cphloem varied considerably between July and September and was well correlated with canopy stomatal conductance (Gs) in a 2 d integral prior to phloem sampling. The relationship between sigma13C and delta18O in both leaves and phloem sap points, however, to a combined influence of stomatal conductance and photosynthetic capacity on the variation of sigma13C along the transect. delta18Ophloem could be described by applying a model that included 18O fractionation associated with water exchange between the leaf and the atmosphere and with the production of organic matter. Hence, isotope signatures can be used as effective tools to assess the water balance of beech, and thus, help predict the effects of climatic change on one of the ecologically and economically most important tree species in Central Europe.  相似文献   

采取人工控制实验,探讨了6种C3、C4草本植物在昼/夜温度指标为20/12℃!36/28℃的范围内植物碳同位素组成(δ13C)及其对温度变化的响应,并结合植物比叶面积(SLA)、胞间CO2浓度(ci)与环境CO2浓度(ca)的比值、碳同化率(净光合速率Pn/胞间CO2浓度ci)等光合生长指标对植物δ13C的影响进行了分析。结果表明:所有C3、C4植物样品的δ13C值分别变化在-28.3‰!-32.1‰和-14.4‰!-17.6‰之间;在C3植物中,油菜δ13C值分布范围最集中,位于-31.1‰!-32.1‰之间;C4植物中,谷子δ13C值分布范围最窄。在控制的温度范围内,3种C3植物的平均δ13C值随温度升高而显著变低,而C4植物δ13C平均值与温度呈先增大后减小的抛物型关系,但线性回归结果未达到显著水平(P0.05)。单个植物种的δ13C值对温度的响应不同,茄子、高粱的δ13C值与温度呈线性负相关,其它4种植物与温度均呈二次抛物线关系,这可能与不同植物种具有不同的光合最适温度以及植物δ13C分馏对温度变化的敏感程度不同有关。  相似文献   

Summary Pure and mixed cultures of the dicotyledons Atriplex hortensis L. (C3 plant) and Amaranthus retroflexus L (C4) on the one hand and of the grasses Avena sativa L (C3) and Panicum miliaceum L. (C4) on the other hand were maintained in a standard soil with different ground water tables. After 12 weeks the length, dry weight and nitrogen-content of the aboveground and belowground parts of the plants, and in addition the carbon-and ash-content and the 13C value of the aboveground parts were determined. It turned out that the length and the dry weight of the shoots of the C3 species showed on increasing tendency with increased water supply, while the values of the C4 species were drastically diminished at the highest water level only. The roots showed in most cases an increased length and dry weight at drier conditions, more pronounced in the C4 than in the C3 species. The nitrogen content of the shoots was mostly higher in the shoots of the C3 plants and in the roots of the C4 plants; it changed in a non-regular manner with variations in water supply. Since the carbon content did not change markedly, the C/N ratio was variable. There was a slight tendency for a higher carbon content and mostly also for a higher C/N-ratio in the shoots of C4 plants. The 13C values of both C3 as C4 plants were in general not at all influenced by the water supply; they were fixed genetically. The ash content of the analyzed species did not show a clear relationship to the type of photosynthetic CO2-fixation or to the water regime.The influence of light intensity was studied with mixed cultures of all four plant species, again with different water supply. There was a strong effect of light intensity on the competitive behaviour of the C3 and C4 plants under modified water conditions. The wild C3 plant Atriplex hortensis was most successful under conditions of relatively low light intensity and high water availability, while the cultivated artificial species Avena sativa showed much less differences between full-light grown and shadow plants. The C4 plant Amaranthus retroflexus is most successful under competitive conditions at high water stress in full light. The C4 grass Panicum miliaceum showed maximum shoot growth in light, but was successful under competitive conditions especially also with good water supply. The light intensity had no effect on the 13C values. — There was no indication that the soil-type as such has a distinct influence on the success of C3 or C4 plants in mixed cultures.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. M. Evenari, Jerusalem, and to Dr. K.F. Springer, Heidelberg  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic compositions of leaves and stems of woody legumes growing in coastal mediterranean and inland desert sites in California were compared. The overall goal was to determine what factors were most associated with the carbon isotope composition of photosynthetic stems in these habitats. The carbon isotope signature (d13C) of photosynthetic stems was less negative than that of leaves on the same plants by an average of 1.51 ± 0.42 ;pp. The d13C of bark (cortical chlorenchyma and epidermis) was more negative than that of wood (vascular tissue and pith) from the same plant for all species studied on all dates. Desert woody legumes had a higher d13C (less negative) and a lower intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci ) (for both photosynthetic tissues) than that of woody legumes from mediterranean climate sites. Differences in the d13C of stems among sites could be entirely accounted for by differences among site air temperatures. Thus, the d13C composition of stems did not indicate a difference in whole-plant integrated water use efficiency (WUE) among sites. In contrast, stems on all plants had a lower stem Ci and a higher d13C than leaves on the same plant, indicating that photosynthetic stems improve long-term, whole-plant water use efficiency in a diversity of species.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the occurrence of 29 oil components in 20 ragweed species and in species from related genera. The occurrence of each of the 29 volatile compounds in all species examined supports an interpretation of the complex as a natural assemblage. Evidence suggests that the oils are under genetic control. However, strong support linking oil variation and patterns of relationship hypothesized on morphological grounds was lacking, except for the tendency of morphologically less-specialized elements to have greater amounts of the components with lower retention times. This lack of correlation may be related in part to intraspecific variability.  相似文献   

The relationship between HLA type and specific immune responsiveness toward ultrapure Ambrosia artemisiifolia (short ragweed) pollen allergen Amb a VI (Ra6) was explored in a genetic-epidemiologic study of groups of 116 and 81 Caucasoid subjects who were skin-test \ positive (ST) toward common environmental allergens. Specific immune responsiveness to Amb a VI was assessed by measuring serum IgE and IgG antibodies (Abs) by double Ab radioimmunoassay in both ST groups. Significant associations were found between IgE Ab responsiveness to Amb a VI and the possession of HLA-DR5; P values for the two groups were, respectively, 7 × 10–7 and 1 × 10–3 by nonparametric analyses, and 4 × 10–11 and 5 × 10–8 by parametric analyses. The levels of significance for the associations between HLA-DR5 and IgG Ab responsiveness were highly dependent on the extent of ragweed immunotherapy (Rx) within the patient group; by parametric statistics, the associations were 10–11 for the group that had received relatively little Rx and 2 × 10–3 for the group that had received more intensive Rx. These results provide further striking evidence for the existence of specific HLA-linked human Ir genes involved in responsiveness toward inhaled allergens and illustrate the usefulness of the allergy model in studies of the genetic basis of human immune responsiveness. Extension of these studies to investigation of structure-function relationships involved in antigen recognition by Ia molecules and the T-cell receptor will lead to a better understanding of human susceptibility toward immunologic diseases.Abbreviations used in this paper Ab antibody - Amb a VI Amb a V, new IUIS nomenclature for Ambrosia artemisiifolia pollen allergens nos. 6 and 5 (short ragweed Ra6 and Ra5) (Marsh et al. 1986b) - Lol p II, III new IUIS nomenclature for Lolium perenne pollen allergens II and III (perennial rye grass, Rye II and Rye III) (Marsh et al. 1986b) - BBS borate-buffered physiologic saline - BSA bovine serum albumin - DARIA double-antibody radioimunoassay - Ia immune-associated - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - RIST radioimmunosorbent test - Rx immunotherapy - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - ST skin test  相似文献   

Global warming, increasing CO2 concentration, and environmental disturbances affect grassland communities throughout the world. Here, we report on variations in the C3/C4 pattern of Inner Mongolian grassland derived from soil and vegetation. Soil samples from 149 sites covering an area of approximately 250 000 km2 within Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China were analyzed for the isotopic composition (δ13C) of soil organic carbon (SOC). The contrast in δ13C between C3 and C4 plants allowed for calculation of the C3/C4 ratio from δ13C of SOC with a two‐member mixing model, which accounted for influences of aridity and altitude on δ13C of the C3 end‐member and for changes in δ13C of atmospheric CO2. Maps were created geostatistically, and showed a substantially lower C4 abundance in soil than in recent vegetation (?10%). The difference between soil and vegetation varied regionally and was most pronounced within an E–W belt along 44°N and in a mountainous area, suggesting a spread of C4 plants toward northern latitudes (about 1°) and higher altitudes. The areas of high C4 abundance for present vegetation and SOC were well delineated by the isotherms of crossover temperature based on the climatic conditions of the respective time periods. Our study indicates that change in the patterns of C3/C4 composition in the Inner Mongolia grassland was mainly triggered by increasing temperature, which overrode the antagonistic effect of rising CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Magyar  D.  Krasznai  B.  T&#;th  M. D. 《Aerobiologia》2022,38(2):217-231
Aerobiologia - Fungal particles were observed on the pollen grains of ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in air samples collected in Nyíregyháza, Hungary. Microscopical observations...  相似文献   

Compound-specific carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of lipid biomolecules (n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanols, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, phytol, diterpenols and β-sitosterol), extracted from Cryptomeria japonica leaves, were determined in order to understand isotopic fractionations occurring during lipid biosynthesis in this species. All lipid biomolecules were depleted in both 13C and D relative to bulk tissue and ambient water, respectively. n-Alkyl lipids associated with the acetogenic pathway were depleted in 13C relative to bulk tissue by 2.4-9.9‰ and depleted in D relative to ambient water by 91-152‰. C15- and C30-isoprenoid lipids (sesquiterpenes, squalene and β-sitosterol) associated with the mevalonic-acid pathway are depleted in 13C relative to bulk tissue by 1.7-3.1‰ and depleted in D relative to ambient water by 212-238‰. C20-isoprenoid lipids (phytol and diterpenoids) associated with the non-mevalonic-acid pathway were depleted in 13C relative to bulk tissue by 4.6-5.9‰ and depleted in D relative to ambient water by 238-303‰. Phytol was significantly depleted in D by amounts up to 65‰ relative to other C20 isoprenoid lipids. The acetogenic, mevalonic-acid and non-mevalonic-acid pathways were clearly discriminated using a cross-plot between the carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionations.  相似文献   

Colonies of Trichodesmium spp. are conspicuous, macroscopiccomponents of the life in tropical and subtropical oceans. Thelarge size and the morphology of the colony raise questionsregarding the mechanism of carbon supply for photosynthesis.Constraints on these mechanisms may be indicated by the stablecarbon isotopic composition (13C) that reflects the balancebetween carbon supply and speciation, as well as the growthrate and colony size. The 13C of Trichodesmium off Bermuda measuredhere revealed a strong correlation between size of individualcolonies and season. The smallest colonies, 2–7 µgC colony–1, showed the lightest 13C composition (–19),increasing to asymptotic values of –12 above 7 µgC colony–1. The average 13C of the colonies was lightestimmediately after the onset of stratification in the SargassoSea, gradually increasing by 4 to heavier values during thesummer. We propose that the mass effect is due to increaseduse of HCO3 by the larger colonies, whereas the seasonalinfluence may be related to changes in irradiance and pCO2 affectingthe internal carbon cycling.  相似文献   

The process of photorespiration diminishes the efficiency of CO(2) assimilation and yield of C(3)-crops such as wheat, rice, soybean or potato, which are important for feeding the growing world population. Photorespiration starts with the competitive inhibition of CO(2) fixation by O(2) at the active site of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and can result in a loss of up to 50% of the CO(2) fixed in ambient air. By contrast, C(4) plants, such as maize, sugar cane and Sorghum, possess a CO(2) concentrating mechanism, by which atmospheric CO(2) is bound to C(4)-carbon compounds and shuttled from the mesophyll cells where the prefixation of bicarbonate occurs via phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) into the gas-tight bundle-sheath cells, where the bound carbon is released again as CO(2) and enters the Calvin cycle. However, the anatomical division into mesophyll and bundle-sheaths cells ("Kranz"-anatomy) appears not to be a prerequisite for the operation of a CO(2) concentrating mechanism. Submerged aquatic macrophytes, for instance, can induce a C(4)-like CO(2) concentrating mechanism in only one cell type when CO(2) becomes limiting. A single cell C(4)-mechanism has also been reported recently for a terrestrial chenopod. For over 10 years researchers in laboratories around the world have attempted to improve photosynthesis and crop yield by introducing a single cell C(4)-cycle in C(3) plants by a transgenic approach. In the meantime, there has been substantial progress in overexpressing the key enzymes of the C(4) cycle in rice, potato, and tobacco. In this review there will be a focus on biochemical and physiological consequences of the overexpression of C(4)-cycle genes in C(3) plants. Bearing in mind that C(4)-cycle enzymes are also present in C(3) plants, the pitfalls encountered when C(3) metabolism is perturbed by the overexpression of individual C(4) genes will also be discussed.  相似文献   

An aeropalynological study was carried out in the atmosphere of the city of Nerja (southern Spain) during a period of 4 years (2000–2003), using a Hirst type volumetric pollen trap. An annual pollen index of 59,750 grains, on average, was obtained with 80–85% of the total pollen recorded from February to May, with Pinus, Olea, Urticaceae, Cupressaceae, Quercus and Poaceae being the principal pollen producers in abundance order. A total of 29 pollen types that reached a 10-day mean equal to or greater than 1 grain of pollen per m3 of air is reflected in a pollen calendar. The results were compared with those obtained for nearby localities and a correlation analysis was made between the daily fluctuations of the main pollen types and total pollen, and meteorological parameters (temperature, rainfall and hours of sun). The daily, monthly and annual values reached by the most important pollen types from an allergenic point of view (Olea, Urticaceae and Poaceae) confirms Nerja as a high-risk locality for the residents and the numerous tourists who visit the area.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is well documented that C(4) grasses have a shorter distance between longitudinal veins in the leaves than C(3) grasses. In grass leaves, however, veins with different structures and functions are differentiated: large longitudinal veins, small longitudinal veins and transverse veins. Thus, the densities of the three types of vein in leaves of C(3) and C(4) grasses were investigated from a two-dimensional perspective. METHODS: Vein densities in cleared leaves of 15 C(3) and 26 C(4) grasses representing different taxonomic groups and photosynthetic subtypes were analysed. KEY RESULTS: The C(4) grasses had denser transverse veins and denser small longitudinal veins than the C(3) grasses (1.9 and 2.1 times in interveinal distance), but there was no significant difference in large longitudinal veins. The total length of the three vein types per unit area in the C(4) grasses was 2.1 times that in the C(3) grasses. The ratio of transverse vein length to total vein length was 14.3 % in C(3) grasses and 9.9 % in C(4) grasses. The C(3) grasses generally had greater species variation in the vascular distances than the C(4) grasses. The bambusoid and panicoid C(3) grasses tended to have a denser vascular system than the festucoid C(3) grasses. There were no significant differences in the interveinal distances of the three vein types between C(4) subtypes, although the NADP-malic enzyme grasses tended to have a shorter distance between small longitudinal veins than the NAD-malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase grasses. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that C(4) grasses have structurally a superior photosynthate translocation and water distribution system by developing denser networks of small longitudinal and transverse veins, while keeping a constant density of large longitudinal veins. The bambusoid and panicoid C(3) grasses have a vascular system that is more similar to that in C(4) grasses than to that in the festucoid C(3) grasses.  相似文献   

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