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SYNOPSIS. A survey of 96 herbivorous mole-rats, Spalax leucodon Nordmann, in Lalahan district of Ankara, Turkey, revealed the presence of 6 new species of coccidia. The species found, the shape and average length-width dimensions (in micrometers) of their oocysts, and the numbers of animals from which they were isolated were as follow: Eimeria lalahanensis sp. n., subspherical to ellipsoidal (20.3 × 12.5), from 10; Eimeria tuzdili sp. n., spherical to subspherical with radially striated oocyst wall, (20.5 × 16.5), from 3; Eimeria spalacis sp. n., ellipsoidal to cylindrical (16.3 × 9.8), from 90; Eimeria elliptica sp. n., ellipsoidal (14.3 × 10.1), from 8; Eimeria turkmenica sp. n., ellipsoidal (11.3 × 8.9), from 1; Isospora anatolicum sp. n., spherical (7.6 × 5.1), from 1 animal. The overall infection rate for 96 examined herbivorous mole-rats was 100%.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of Microsporida, Burenella dimorpha sp. n., representing a new family, Burenellidae fam. n. and genus, is described on the basis of light- and electron-microscope observations. The family is characterized by 2 sequences of sporogony, each sequence having morphologically different sporonts and spores. The parasite infects the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), producing distinct pathologic manifestations (clearing of the cuticle and eye malformation) and death in the pupal stage of development. Transmission of the infection per os to healthy S. geminata, to the Southern fire ant, Solenopsis xyloni McCook, and to the red and black imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren and Solenopsis richteri Forel, is reported.  相似文献   

The effect of some environmental factors on the composition and spatial distribution of the meiobenthos were studied in Vostok Bay. The spatial density of the meiobenthos significantly positively correlated with ground type and was maximum in fine- grained sands. The eumeiobenthos was dominated by harpacticoids in coarse-grained ground and by nematodes in ground with a high silt content. The pseudomeiobenthos was dominated by polychaetes and bivalve mollusks in all ground types. The depth distribution of the meiobenthos was highly heterogenous, harpacticoids being the only group whose distribution correlated significantly with depth.  相似文献   

Summary— The adult tunic of the sea peach (Halocynthia papillosa) shows a high degree of organisation. Tunic morphogenesis was monitored from the onset of tunic secretion until juveniles reached the age of 3 months. While some characteristics of the adult tunic are still missing, like certain types of intratunical cells and striated bodies, its main features have already developed by this time. Crucial events take place at or soon after the onset of metamorphosis (stage M 0). Cuticular spines cover the external surface of the juvenile. At least two types of intratunical cells enter the tunic and the fibrous material adopts a three-dimensional twisted helicoidal architecture. The initiation of this helicoidal arrangement of fibrils directly after stage M 0 is discussed regarding accompanying developmental events. The existence of cells that penetrate the outer compartment of the tunic at the end of larval life is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

The muscular system of the marine interstitial gastrotrich Draculiciteria tessalata (Chaetonotida, Paucitubulatina) was analyzed with fluorescent phalloidin. Muscles in circular, longitudinal, helicoidal and dorsoventral orientations were found. Circular muscles were present as discreet rings on the pharynx only. Five pairs of longitudinal muscles were found in dorsal, lateral and ventral positions. One of the two pairs of lateral muscles is newly described for the species. Helicoidal muscles, external to the circular muscles and some longitudinal bands, spiraled around the pharynx and anterior portion of the intestine. Two pairs of segmentally-arranged dorsoventral muscles were also present. Lateral dorsoventral muscles extended from the base of the pharynx to the anterior part of the caudal furca. Medial dorsoventral muscles extended from the pharyngeal-intestinal junction into each ramus of the caudal furca. A hypothesis on the evolution of dorsoventral muscles in D. tessalata is proposed which includes a splitting of circular muscles into separate somatic and splanchnic components with a further displacement of both muscle sets into a dorsoventral orientation.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with the properties of a test statistic V(n, k) to test location differences in the one-sample case with known hypothetical distribution G(x). The test is similar to the WILCOXON two-sample statistic after replacement of the second sample by quantiles of the hypothetical distribution. A comparison with the exact distribution of V(n, k) shows that an approximation by means of the normal distribution provides good results even for small sample sizes. The V-test is unbiased against one-tailed alternatives and it is consistent with a restriction which is hardly relevant in practical applications. With regard to the application we are interested especially in the power and robustness against extreme observations for small sample size n. It is shown that in a normal distribution with known standard deviation V(n, k) is more powerful than STUDENT's t for small n and more robust in the sense considered here. The test statistic is based on grouping of the observations into classes of equal expected frequency. A generalization to arbitrary classes provides an essential extension of applicability such as to discrete distributions and to situations where only relative frequencies of G(x) in fixed classes are known.  相似文献   

急纤虫营养细胞和休眠细胞的中间纤维-核骨架体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用生化分级抽提、DGD包埋—去包埋透射电镜术和SDS—PAGE凝胶电泳,研究了膜状急纤虫营养细胞和休眠细胞内中间纤维—核骨架体系的分化特征及其蛋白组成。观察到营养细胞中,位于细胞质不同区域的中间纤维形成网状,其网络的密度不同;核骨架中,核纤层位于细胞核周缘,薄层状,厚约50nm;核内骨架由较致密的纤维网络组成。休眠细胞内该结构体系依然存在,但位于细胞内不同层次的纤维网比营养细胞的同种结构要致密得多,这可能与纤毛虫脱分化时细胞大范围的收缩有关;休眠细胞的包囊壁中层壁存在相当于中间纤维的网络结构。SDS—PAGE电泳图谱显示,休眠细胞内该体系的蛋白组成发生了较明显的变化,其中保留了营养细胞的部分蛋白条带,丢失了部分条带,同时还产生了一些特异性条带。分析表明,膜状急纤虫的中间纤维—核骨架体系是细胞在营养条件下和休眠状态下都稳定存在的结构;而纤毛虫形成休眠细胞后中间纤维—核骨架体系及蛋白组成上的变化提示,细胞在休眠状态下,基因的表达水平与营养细胞是不同的。  相似文献   

Fibronectin matrix assembly is a multistep, integrin-dependent process. To investigate the role of integrin dynamics in fibronectin fibrillogenesis, we developed an antibody-chasing technique for simultaneous tracking of two integrin populations by different antibodies. We established that whereas the vitronectin receptor alpha(v)beta(3) remains within focal contacts, the fibronectin receptor alpha(5)beta(1) translocates from focal contacts into and along extracellular matrix (ECM) contacts. This escalator-like translocation occurs relative to the focal contacts at 6.5 +/- 0.7 microm/h and is independent of cell migration. It is induced by ligation of alpha(5)beta(1) integrins and depends on interactions with a functional actin cytoskeleton and vitronectin receptor ligation. During cell spreading, translocation of ligand-occupied alpha(5)beta(1) integrins away from focal contacts and along bundles of actin filaments generates ECM contacts. Tensin is a primary cytoskeletal component of these ECM contacts, and a novel dominant-negative inhibitor of tensin blocked ECM contact formation, integrin translocation, and fibronectin fibrillogenesis without affecting focal contacts. We propose that translocating alpha(5)beta(1) integrins induce initial fibronectin fibrillogenesis by transmitting cytoskeleton-generated tension to extracellular fibronectin molecules. Blocking this integrin translocation by a variety of treatments prevents the formation of ECM contacts and fibronectin fibrillogenesis. These studies identify a localized, directional, integrin translocation mechanism for matrix assembly.  相似文献   

The present paper documents the morphology and systematic positions of three new oligotrich ciliates, P arallelostrombidium obesum sp. nov. , P arallelostrombidium ellipticum sp. nov. , and S trombidium tropicum sp. nov. , which were sampled from habitats with different salinities in southern China. P arallelostrombidium obesum sp. nov. is characterized by a fat body and the posterior portions of the girdle and ventral kineties extending transversely on the dorsal side. P arallelostrombidium ellipticum sp. nov. is recognizable by the anterior ends of the girdle and ventral kineties being close to each other and the posterior ends of the girdle and ventral kineties intersecting on the dorsal side. S trombidium tropicum sp. nov. is distinguished by a ventrally opened girdle kinety that is slightly spiralled with the right end shifted posteriad. Small subunit rRNA gene trees show that P . obesum sp. nov. and P . ellipticum sp. nov. fall into a mixed group composed of Parallelostrombidium and some Novistrombidium species, and that S . tropicum sp. nov. branches at the base of the clade containing non‐Strombidium species. The relationships of Parallelostrombidium species and that of Strombidium species are both not resolved considering their low support values in our phylogenetic analysis. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Isospora petrochelidon sp. n. (Protozoa: Eimeriidae) is described from the cliff swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota , from Douglas County, Colorado. Oocysts were passed primarily between 4 and 9 p.m. Sporogony was completed by 24 hr in 3% aqueous potassium dichromate at 21–28 C. The ellipsoid to ovoid oocysts averaged 25.2 × 22.2 μm. The oocyst wall was smooth, colorless, and single-layered. The 2 polar granules were disc-shaped, each adjoining a sporocyst. The lemon-shaped sporocysts averaged 18.4 × 10.8 μm. There was no membrane enclosing the sporocyst residuum and sporozoites. Two fledgling Isospora -free swallows fed sporulated oocysts began passing them on day 4 and died with massive infections on day 5. Data from these birds indicate that schizogony occurred during nighttime hours, gametogony during the day. Endogeny was found throughout the intestine distal to the gizzard, with schizogony confined to the convoluted glands of the subvillar mucosa and gametogony to the villar epithelium. Sporocysts released from mechanically ruptured oocysts excysted in 2% pancreatin within 5 min. Sporulated oocysts fed to a pigeon squab, duckling and cockerel produced no infections.  相似文献   

The hindgut and foregut in terrestrial isopod crustaceans are ectodermal parts of the digestive system and are lined by cuticle, an apical extracellular matrix secreted by epithelial cells. Morphogenesis of the digestive system was reported in previous studies, but differentiation of the gut cuticle was not followed in detail. This study is focused on ultrastructural analyses of hindgut apical matrices and cuticle in selected intramarsupial developmental stages of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber in comparison to adult animals to obtain data on the hindgut cuticular lining differentiation. Our results show that in late embryos of stages 16 and 18 the apical matrix in the hindgut consists of loose material overlaid by a thin intensely ruffled electron dense lamina facing the lumen. The ultrastructural resemblance to the embryonic epidermal matrices described in several arthropods suggests a common principle in chitinous matrix differentiation. The hindgut matrix in the prehatching embryo of stage 19 shows characteristics of the hindgut cuticle, specifically alignment to the apical epithelial surface and a prominent electron dense layer of epicuticle. In the preceding embryonic stage – stage 18 – an electron dense lamina, closely apposed to the apical cell membrane, is evident and is considered as the first epicuticle formation. In marsupial mancae the advanced features of the hindgut cuticle and epithelium are evident: a more prominent epicuticular layer, formation of cuticular spines and an extensive apical labyrinth. In comparison to the hindgut cuticle of adults, the hindgut cuticle of marsupial manca and in particular the electron dense epicuticular layer are much thinner and the difference between cuticle architecture in the anterior chamber and in the papillate region is not yet distinguishable. Differences from the hindgut cuticle in adults imply not fully developed structure and function of the hindgut cuticle in marsupial manca, possibly related also to different environments, as mancae develop in marsupial fluid. Bacteria, evenly distributed within the homogenous electron dense material in the hindgut lumen, were observed only in one specimen of early marsupial manca. The morphological features of gut cuticle renewal are evident in the late marsupial mancae, and are similar to those observed in the exoskeleton.  相似文献   

Agarocolloids were extracted from field samples of Gracilaria gracilis, Gracilariopsis longissima and the newly reported Gracilaria cf. vermiculophylla harvested at different periods of the year near Roscoff (France). Native and alkali modified extracts were characterized by GLC, HPLC and FT-IR spectroscopy. The main components of agarocolloids isolated by freeze-thawing method, were 3,6-anhydrogalactose and galactose. In addition, minor components (6-O-methyl-galactose, 4-O-methyl-galactose and sulfate groups ranging from 4.4 up to 6.6% [w/w]) were detected. The highest rate of 6-O-methylgalactose was observed in agarocolloids from vermiculophylla (14 mole%). Sulfates were mainly branched on C4 of the D-galactose in gracilis and Gs. longissima agarocolloids. G. vermiculophylla agaroids isolated by EtOH and NaCl precipitations from the syneresis water were characterized by a high sulfation on C6 of galactose and a low sulfation on C2 of 3,6-anhydrogalactose. Native agarocolloid gel strengths from Gracilaria species were clearly higher than those of Gracilariopsis. Alkali treatments reduced the sulfate levels but increased slightly the gel strengths. An approximation of the polymer sizes carried out with colorimetric assays indicated that the polymer sizes were higher in G. gracilis than observed in Gs. longissima. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Three new acanthoecidaean species collected from the coastal waters of Taiwan and Japan are described: Acanthocorbis camarensis n. sp. resembles Acanthocorbis unguiculata in lorica morphology, but differs in having regularly arranged longitudinal and transverse costae at the anterior lorica chamber, and in lacking a nail at the apical end of anterior spine; Diaphanoeca spiralifurca n. sp. is characterized by the spiral arrangement of the costal strips in the posterior half of the lorica chamber and is closely related to Diaphanoeca grandis; Stephanoeca supracostata n. sp. is closely related to Stephanoeca elegans, but differs in having an additional transverse costa at the anterior lorica chamber.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix of the ovoid and fusiform morphotypes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin) was characterized in detail. The structural and nanophysical properties were analyzed by microscopy. Of the two morphotypes, only the ovoid form secretes adhesive mucilage; light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images showed that the mucilage was secreted from the girdle band region of the cell as cell‐substratum tethers, accumulating on the surface forming a biofilm. After 7 d, the secreted mucilage became entangled, forming adhesive strands that crisscrossed the substratum surface. In the initial secreted mucilage atomic force microscopy identified a high proportion of adhesive molecules without regular retraction curves and some modular‐like adhesive molecules, in the 7 d old biofilm, the adhesive molecules were longer with fewer adhesive events but greater adhesive strength. Chemical characterization was carried out on extracted proteins and polysaccharides. Differences in protein composition, monosaccharide composition, and linkage analysis are discussed in relation to the composition of the frustule and secreted adhesive mucilage. Polysaccharide analysis showed a broad range of monosaccharides and linkages across all fractions with idiosyncratic enrichment of particular monosaccharides and linkages in each fraction. 3‐linked Mannan was highly enriched in the cell frustule fractions indicating a major structural role, while Rhamnose and Fucose derivatives were enriched in the secreted fractions of the ovoid morphotype suggesting involvement in cell adhesion. Comparison of SDS‐PAGE of extracellular proteins showed two major bands for the ovoid morphotype and four for the fusiform morphotype of which only one appeared to be common to both morphotypes.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature and silverline system of the marine peritrichous ciliate, Epicarchesium abrae (Precht, 1935) nov. comb., isolated from an abalone-farming pond off the coast of Qingdao, China, are investigated. E. abrae is characterized by: size of zooid in vivo 68 μm×48 μm on average; macronucleus usually J-shaped; one dorsally-located contractile-vacuole; colony regularly dichotomously branched with 4–16 zooids; total number of transverse silverlines 62–72, from peristome to aboral ciliary wreath 41–47, from aboral ciliary wreath to scopula 21–25; outer kinety of peniculus 3 prolonged and converges with peniculus 1.  相似文献   

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