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Mechanisms of chromatin decompaction in interbands of Drosophila polytene chromosomes have been studied. Using the example of interband 3C6/C7 of the X chromosome, we investigated the ability of different DNA segments to form an interband in a new genetic environment. We applied site-specific FLP recombination between two transposons with FRT-sites that allows introducing the DNA fragments from the interband 3C6/C7 into pICon(dv) transposon located in cytologically well-characterized 84F region of chromosome 3 followed by electron microscopic analysis of changes in the region caused by insertion of the DNA fragments into the transposon. It was shown that the insertion of a 276-bp DNA fragment from the 3C6/C7 region into the pICon(dv) transposon leads to the formation of a new interband between two thin bands represented by the transposon material. This DNA fragment is the known minimal sequence that is necessary and sufficient for interband generation. In addition, the sequence containing three copies repeated in tandem of 0.9 kb DNA from the interband 3C6/C7, including the 276-bp fragment, were integrated in the transposon. The presence of introduced DNA fragments did not change the morphology of the resulting interband. It was shown that the sites of DNase I hypersensitivity were saved in transposon sequences introduced into a new genetic environment. The data obtained allow analysis to be started of specific factors (proteins, DNA motifs, etc.) that determine the formation of decompacted chromatin in a certain interband region and chromomeric organization of interphase chromosomes in Drosophila as a whole.  相似文献   

The relative proportions of cloned DNA fragments from all known hierarchies of sequence organization in polytene and diploid chromosomes were compared. It was found that unique sequences of varying sizes and chromosomal locations are equally replicated in salivary gland chromosomes. Sequences of euchromatic polydisperse gene families are also replicated proportionately in polytene and diploid tissues. Perhaps the most significant finding is that the histone gene repeats, despite their normal banding organization, are under-replicated in the polytene chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster. However, the clustered and well-banded 5S genes are most likely equally replicated. It is therefore concluded that differential sequence replication plays no apparent role in either the assembly or morphology of a band; and likewise, the assembly of polytenic DNA into band units is not affected by either the local abundancy or arrangement of middle repetitive sequences. The likelihood that the clustered arrangement is an important factor in the selection of sequences for under-replication is discussed.  相似文献   

Salivary gland polytene chromosomes demonstrate banding pattern, genetic meaning of which is an enigma for decades. Till now it is not known how to mark the band/interband borders on physical map of DNA and structures of polytene chromosomes are not characterized in molecular and genetic terms. It is not known either similar banding pattern exists in chromosomes of regular diploid mitotically dividing nonpolytene cells. Using the newly developed approach permitting to identify the interband material and localization data of interband-specific proteins from modENCODE and other genome-wide projects, we identify physical limits of bands and interbands in small cytological region 9F13-10B3 of the X chromosome in D. melanogaster, as well as characterize their general molecular features. Our results suggests that the polytene and interphase cell line chromosomes have practically the same patterns of bands and interbands reflecting, probably, the basic principle of interphase chromosome organization. Two types of bands have been described in chromosomes, early and late-replicating, which differ in many aspects of their protein and genetic content. As appeared, origin recognition complexes are located almost totally in the interbands of chromosomes.  相似文献   

We have used a new approach involving in situ hybridisation and electron microscopy to establish ultrastructural homologies between polytene chromosome regions of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila subobscura. Twelve probes were chosen to cover all the chromosomal elements: the myospheroid gene, the collagen type IV gene, the collagen-like gene, the w26 homeobox gene, the β3 tubulin gene, the kinesin heavy chain gene, the tryptophan hydrolase gene, the Hsp82, Hsp22–26 and Hsp23–28, Hsp68, Hsp70 genes and the β unit of the F0–F1 ATPase gene. Most of these loci were previously undescribed in D. subobscura and imprecisely located in D. melanogaster. We have demonstrated here, by an ultrastructural analysis of each chromosomal region, that homologous genetic loci tend to show a similar ultrastructure in the two species. With a few exceptions, the structural homology extends to the chromosomal regions surrounding the loci. In some cases, however, no structurally recognisable homology can be seen either in the locus or in its flanking regions. Received: 15 December 1996; in revised form: 15 October 1997 / Accepted: 28 January 1998  相似文献   

This is a review summarizing work carried out at the Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics in recent years. Problems of genetic organization of bands, interbands and puffs as well as intercalary heterochromatin and position effect variegation are discussed from the point of view of the dynamic model of polytene chromosome organization.  相似文献   

A study of the salivary gland chromosomes of two strains of Drosophila auraria has revealed a suprisingly high number of inverted tandem duplications and one triplication. The possible origin and significance of these are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron microscopical analysis of Drosophila polytene chromosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data are presented of electron microscopic (EM) analysis of consecutive developmental stages of Drosophila melanogaster complex puffs, formed as a result of simultaneous decondensation of several bands. EM mapping principles proposed by us permitted more exact determination of the banding patterns of 19 regions in which 31 puffs develop. It is shown that 20 of them develop as a result of synchronous decondensation of two bands, 7 of three and 4 of one band. Three cases of two-band puff formation when one or both bands undergo partial decondensation are described. In the 50CF, 62CE, 63F and 71CF regions puffing zones are located closely adjacent to each other but the decondensation of separate band groups occurs at different puff stages (PS). These data are interpreted as activation of independently regulated DNA sequences. The decondensation of two or three adjacent bands during formation of the majority of the puffs occurs simultaneously in the very first stages of their development. It demonstrates synchronous activation of the material of several bands presumably affected by a common inductor. Bands adjacent to puffing centres also lose their clarity as the puff develops, probably due to "passive" decondensation connected with puff growth. The morphological data obtained suggest a complex genetic organisation of many puffs.  相似文献   

Replication studies on prophasic human Y chromosomes reveal 4 early replicating segments in the euchromatic portion. The distal segment of Yp replicates first. After replication of the euchromatic part is almost finished 3 to 5 segments start replication in the heterochromatic portion of Yq. These segments exhibit considerable intraindividual variation with respect to the origin of onset of replication. While the location of these bands — once they are differentiated — is fixed within one individual, the number of these bands varies interindividually.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Ulrich Wolf on the occasion of his 50the birthday  相似文献   

Mapping of 16 regions of polytene chromosomes in which 18 one-band puffs develop was carried out with the use of electron microscopy (EM). In most cases a uniform decondensation of the whole band was observed. However, there were examples in which only a part of the band was activated (three puffs) or its right and left parts decondensed simultaneously (three puffs). Splitting of the band into two parts with their further decondensation was also found (one puff). This suggests structural and functional complexity of the bands. On the basis of the data obtained here and those published earlier, a classification of 52 puffs by the number of bands participating in their formation is given. Four classes numbering 22, 21, 7, 2 puffs, developing from 1, 2, 3 and 4 bands, respectively, are revealed. The data show that active chromosome regions are rather diverse in both the pattern of decondensation and expansion of the decondensed region, thus providing evidence of the informational complexity of the majority of active regions.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic (EM) analysis was performed on regions of Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes that contain inserted DNA segments of 19 and 8 kb. These segments had been inserted by P-elementmediated transformation. The 19 kb segment includes both the Drosophila hsp70 gene fused to the Escherichia coli -galactosidase gene and the rosy gene (Lis et al. 1983). This insert generates a new moderate-size band at the 9D4-9E1-2 region in polytene chromosomes. Upon heat shock, a puff originates from a portion of the new band. The 8 kb segment includes the Sgs7 and Sgs3 genes (Richards et al. 1983). This insert generates very diffuse thin bands that decondense at the stage of activation of the Sgs genes to produce wide interbands or small puffs. In all of the above cases, the insertion appears to occur at interband regions, and the genetically complex DNA segments that are inserted generate only a single detectable band.  相似文献   

The N-banding patterns of the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster, Chironomus melanotus, Ch. th. thummi and Ch. th. thummi x Ch. th. piger were studied. In Chironomus the polytene N-banding patterns correspond to the polytene puffing patterns. This is revealed by comparison of the puffing and N-banding patterns of identical chromosomes. Size and staining intensity of the N-bands reflect the size of the puffs as shown by puff induction. There is no evidence that the N-bands are also located in Chironomus heterochromatin or are restricted to the nucleolar organizer regions. In Drosophila the -heterochromatin is strongly N-positive, whereas the -heterochromatin, as well as the Chironomus heterochromatin is not N-banded. Contrary to Chironomus, the puffs in Drosophila polytene chromosomes do not give rise selectively to well stained N-bands. — The N-banding method is interpreted to stain specifically non-histone protein which is (1) accumulated in genetically active chromosome regions and (2) present in a specific type of heterochromatin (-heterochromatin of Drosophila).  相似文献   

Whole-mounted polytene chromosomes were isolated from nuclei by microdissection in 60% acetic acid and analyzed by electron microscopy. Elementary chromosome fibers in the interchromomeric regions and individual chromomeres can be distinguished in polytene chromosomes at low levels of polyteny (26–27 chromatids). Elementary fibers in the interbands are oriented parallel to the axis of the polytene chromosome. Their number roughly corresponds to the expected level of polyteny. These fibers have an irregular beaded structure, 100–300 Å in diameter, and there is no apparent lateral association between them in the interchromomeric regions. Most bands, in contrast, form continuous structures crossing the entire width of the chromosome. Polytene chromosomes isolated in 2% or 10% acetic acid can be reversibly dispersed in a solution for chromatin spreading. The spread chromosomes consist of long uniform deoxyribonucleoprotein (DNP) fibers with a nucleosome structure. This supports the notion that continuous DNA molecules extend through the entire length of a polytene chromosome and that the nucleosome structure exists both in bands and interbands. Analysis of the band shape and of the fibrillar pattern in the interbands emphasizes that the polytene chromosome assumes a ribbonlike structure from which the more complex three-dimensional structure of the polytene chromosome at higher levels of polyteny develops.  相似文献   

A photographic map of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila hydei has been constructed after applying microdissection techniques.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the three-dimensional structural details of Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosome bands and interbands using three- dimensional light microscopy and a novel method of sample preparation that does not involve flattening or stretching the chromosomes. Bands have been visualized in unfixed chromosomes stained with the DNA specific dye 4,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Interbands have been visualized using fixed chromosomes that have been immunostained with an antibody to RNA polymerase II. Additionally, these structures have been analyzed using in situ hybridization with probes from specific genetic loci (Notch and white). Bands are seen to be composed of approximately 36 substructural features that measure 0.2-0.4 micron in diameter. We suggest that these substructural features are in fact longitudinal fibers made up of bundles of chromatids. Band shape can be a reproducible characteristic of a particular band and is dependent on the spatial relationship of these bundles, varying from bands with a uniform distribution of bundles to bands with a peripheral concentration of chromatin. Interbands are composed of bundles of chromatids of a similar size and number as those seen in the bands. The distribution of bundles is similar between a band and the neighboring interband, implying that there is a long range organization to the DNA that includes both the coding and the noncoding portions of genes. Finally, we note that the polytene chromosome has a circular shape when viewed in cross section, whether there are one or two homologs present.  相似文献   

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