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We have analyzed the contributions made by maternal and zygotic genes to the establishment of the expression patterns of four zygotic patterning genes: decapentaplegic (dpp), zerknüllt (zen), twist (twi), and snail (sna). All of these genes are initially expressed either dorsally or ventrally in the segmented region of the embryo, and at the poles. In the segmented region of the embryo, correct expression of these genes depends on cues from the maternal morphogen dorsal (dl). The dl gradient appears to be interpreted on three levels: dorsal cells express dpp and zen, but not twi and sna; lateral cells lack expression of all four genes; ventral cells express twi and sna, but not dpp and zen. dl appears to activate the expression of twi and sna and repress the expression of dpp and zen. Polar expression of dpp and zen requires the terminal system to override the repression by dl, while that of twi and sna requires the terminal system to augment activation by dl. The zygotic expression patterns established by the maternal genes appear to specify autonomous domains that carry out independent developmental programs, insofar as mutations in the genes that are expressed ventrally do not affect the initiation or ontogeny of the expression patterns of the genes that are expressed dorsally, and vice versa. However, interactions between the zygotic genes specific to a particular morphological domain appear to be important for further elaboration of the three levels specified by dl. Two of the genes, dpp and twi, are unaffected by mutations in any of the tested zygotic dorsal-ventral genes, suggesting that dpp and twi are the primary patterning genes for dorsal ectoderm and mesoderm, respectively.  相似文献   

The polarisation of the embryonic anteroposterior (AP) axis requires the establishment of positional cues with spatial information, and often involves complex intercellular communications, cell adhesion and cell movement. Recent work on several fronts has begun to shed light on how the initial asymmetries are established and maintained. In this review, I discuss the polarisation of the AP axis during Drosophila oogenesis, focusing on the function of the Notch signalling pathway and its relationship to the activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor. I make special reference to some aspects of Notch activity regulation during oogenesis that appear to depart from the canonical pathway. Finally, I hypothesise on possible similarities between these activities of Notch signalling during Drosophila oogenesis and vertebrate somitogenesis.  相似文献   

At least 13 genes control the establishment of dorsoventral polarity in the Drosophila embryo and more than 30 genes control the anteroposterior pattern of body segments. Each group of genes is thought to control pattern formation along one body axis, independently of the other group. We have used the expression of the fushi tarazu (ftz) segmentation gene as a positional marker to investigate the relationship between the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. The ftz gene is normally expressed in seven transverse stripes. Changes in the striped pattern in embryos mutant for other genes (or progeny of females homozygous for maternal-effect mutations) can reveal alterations of cell fate resulting from such mutations. We show that in the absence of any of ten maternal-effect dorsoventral polarity gene functions, the characteristic stripes of ftz protein are altered. Normally there is a difference between ftz stripe spacing on the dorsal and ventral sides of the embryo; in dorsalized mutant embryos the ftz stripes appear to be altered so that dorsal-type spacing occurs on all sides of the embryo. These results indicate that cells respond to dorsoventral positional information in establishing early patterns of gene expression along the anteroposterior axis and that there may be more significant interactions between the different axes of positional information than previously determined.  相似文献   

The spitz class genes, pointed (pnt), rhomboid frho), single-minded (sim), spitz (spi)and Star (S), as well as the Drosophila epidermal growth factor receptor (Egfr) signaling genes, argos (aos), Egfr, orthodenticle (otd) and vein (vn), are required for the proper establishment of ventral neuroectodermal cell fate. The roles of the CNS midline cells, spitz class and Egfr signaling genes in cell fate determination of the ventral neuroectoderm were determined by analyzing the spatial and temporal expression patterns of each individual gene in spitz class and Egfr signaling mutants. This analysis showed that the expression of all the spitz class and Egfrsignaling genes is affected by the sim gene, which indicates that sim acts upstream of all the spitz class and Egfr signaling genes. It was shown that overexpression of sim in midline cells fails to induce the ectodermal fate in the spi and Egfr mutants. On the other hand, overexpression of spi and Draf causes ectopic expression of the neuroectodermal markers in the sim mutant. Ectopic expression of sim in the en-positive cells induces the expression of downstream genes such as otd, pnt, rho, and vn, which clearly demonstrates that the sim gene activates the EGFR signaling pathway and that CNS midline cells, specified by sim, provide sufficient positional information for the establishment of ventral neuroectodermal fate. These results reveal that the CNS midline cells are one of the key regulators for the proper patterning of the ventral neuroectoderm by controlling EGFR activity through the regulation of the expression of spitz class genes and Egfr signaling genes.  相似文献   

Pattern formation along the proximal-distal (PD) axis in the developing limb bud serves as a good model for learning how cell fate and regionalization of domains, which are essential processes in morphogenesis during development, are specified by positional information. In the present study, detailed fate maps for the limb bud of the chick embryo were constructed in order to gain insights into how cell fate for future structures along the PD axis is specified and subdivided. Our fate map revealed that there is a large overlap between the prospective autopod and zeugopod in the distal limb bud at an early stage (stage 19), whereas a limb bud at this stage has already regionalized the proximal compartments for the prospective stylopod and zeugopod. A clearer boundary of cell fate specifying the prospective autopod and zeugopod could be seen at stage 23, but cell mixing was still detectable inside the prospective autopod region at this stage. Detailed analysis of HOXA11 AND HOXA13 expression at single cell resolution suggested that the cell mixing is not due to separation of some different cell populations existing in a mosaic. Our findings suggest that a mixable unregionalized cell population is maintained in the distal area of the limb bud, while the proximal region starts to be regionalized at the early stage of limb development.  相似文献   

 The vertebrate Hox genes have been shown to confer regional identity along the anteroposterior axis of the developing embryo, especially within the central nervous system (CNS) and the paraxial mesoderm. The notochord has been shown to play vital roles in patterning adjacent tissues along both the dorsoventral and mediolateral axes. However, the notochord’s role in imparting anteroposterior information to adjacent structures is less well understood, especially as the notochord shows no morphological distinctions along the anteroposterior axis and is not generally described as a segmental or compartmentalized structure. Here we report that four zebrafish hox genes: hoxb1, hoxb5, hoxc6 and hoxc8 are regionally expressed along the anteroposterior extent of the developing notochord. Notochord expression for each gene is transient, but maintains a definite, gene-specific anterior limit throughout its duration. The hox gene expression in the zebrafish notochord is spatially colinear with those genes lying most 3’ in the hox clusters having the most anterior limits. The expression patterns of these hox cluster genes in the zebrafish are the most direct molecular evidence for a system of anteroposterior regionalization of the notochord in any vertebrate studied to date. Received: 30 March 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

The CNS midline cells, specified by the single-minded (sim) gene, are required for the proper patterning of the ventral CNS and epidermis, which are derived from the Drosophila ventral neuroectoderm. Defects in the sim mutant are characterized by the loss of the gene expression, which is required for the proper formation of the ventral neurons and epidermis, and by a decrease in the spacing of longitudinal and commissural axon tracks. Molecular and cellular mechanisms for these defects were analyzed to elucidate the precise role of the CNS midline cells in proper patterning of the ventral neuroectoderm during embryonic neurogenesis. These analyses showed that the ventral neuroectoderm in the sim mutant fails to carry out its proper formation and characteristic cell division cycle. This resulted in the loss of the dividing neuroectodermal cells that are located ventral to the CNS midline. The CNS midline cells are also required for the cell cycle-independent expression of the neural and epidermal markers. This indicates that the CNS midline cells are essential for the establishment and maintenance of the ventral epidermal and neuronal cell lineage by cell-cell interaction. On the other hand, the CNS midline cells do not cause extensive cell death in the ventral neuroectoderm. This study indicates that the CNS midline cells play important roles in the coordination of the proper cell cycle progression and the correct identity determination of the adjacent ventral neuroectoderm along the dorsoventral axis.  相似文献   

M Sym  N Robinson  C Kenyon 《Cell》1999,98(1):25-36
The C. elegans Q neuroblasts and their descendants migrate along the anteroposterior (A/P) body axis to positions that are not associated with any obvious landmarks. We find that a novel protein, MIG-13, is required to position these cells correctly. MIG-13 is a transmembrane protein whose expression is restricted to the anterior and central body regions by Hox gene activity. MIG-13 functions non-cell autonomously within these regions to promote migration toward the anterior: loss of mig-13 activity shifts the Q descendants toward the posterior, whereas increasing the level of MIG-13 shifts them anteriorly in a dose-dependent manner. Our findings suggest that MIG-13 is a component of a global A/P migration system, and that the level of MIG-13 determines where along the body axis these migrating cells stop.  相似文献   

During development of higher organisms, most patterning events occur in growing tissues. Thus, unraveling the mechanism of how growing tissues are patterned into final morphologies has been an essential subject of developmental biology. Limb or appendage development in both vertebrates and invertebrates has attracted great attention from many researchers for a long time, because they involve almost all developmental processes required for tissue patterning, such as generation of the positional information by morphogen, subdivision of the tissue into distinct parts according to the positional information, localized cell growth and proliferation, and control of adhesivity, movement and shape changes of cells. The Drosophila leg development is a good model system, upon which a substantial amount of knowledge has been accumulated. In this review, the current understanding of the mechanism of Drosophila leg development is described.  相似文献   

Using in situ hybridization, we describe, for the first time, the profiles of expression of serotonin receptors (Htr/5-HTR) along the dorsal–ventral axis of mouse hippocampus. cRNA probes for most Htrs, excluding Htr6, were used. All hippocampal subregions and the entorhinal cortex cells providing input into the hippocampus were examined. The study shows that some, but not all, Htrs are expressed in the cells of the hippocampal circuitry. At both the subfield and the cell type levels, a somewhat overlapping pattern is observed. Four serotonin receptors, Htr1a, Htr2a, Htr2c and Htr7, display an expression pattern that changes along the dorsal–ventral axis of the hippocampus. Given the proposed functional differentiation of the hippocampus along its long axis, with the dorsal pole more involved in cognitive functions and the ventral pole more involved in mood and anxiety, our results suggest that serotonin receptors enriched in the ventral pole probably contribute to mood- and anxiety-related behaviours.  相似文献   

Dorsoventral patterning of the Drosophila ventral neuroectoderm is established by the expression of three evolutionarily conserved homeodomain genes: ventral nervous system defective (vnd), intermediate neuroblasts defective (ind), and muscle segment homeobox (msh) in the medial, intermediate, and lateral columns of the ventral neuroectoderm, respectively. It was not clear whether extrinsic factor(s) from the CNS midline cells influence the initial dorsoventral patterning by controlling the expression of the dorsoventral patterning genes. We show here that the CNS midline cells, specified by single-minded (sim), are essential for maintaining expression of the dorsoventral patterning genes. Ectopic expression of sim in the ventral neuroectoderm during the blastoderm stage repressed expression of the three homeodomain genes in the ventral neuroectoderm. This indicates that the identity of the CNS midline cells is established by a series of repressions of the three homeodomain genes in the ventral neuroectoderm. Ectopic expression of sim in the ventral neuroectoderm during initial neurogenesis induced ectopic ind expression in the medial column in addition to that in the intermediate column via EGFR signaling between the ventral neuroectoderm and midline cells. In contrast, it repressed the expression of vnd and msh in the medial and lateral columns, respectively. Our findings demonstrate that the CNS midline cells provide extrinsic positional information via EGFR signaling that maintains the initial subdivision of the ventral neuroectoderm into three dorsoventral columns during initial neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The spitz class and Egfr signaling (spi/Egfr) genes are required for the proper establishment of cell fate in the Drosophila ventral neuroectoderm. We investigated the role of the central nervous system (CNS) midline cells, and the hierarchical relationship among the spi/Egfr genes, in this process by analyzing the spatial and temporal expression of several of the genes in selected spi/Egfr mutants. Our analysis showed that expression of all the spi/Egfr genes is severely reduced in the single-minded (sim) mutant, and ectopically induced in en-Gal4/UAS-sim embryos. This result indicates that sim acts upstream of all the other spi/Egfr genes. The CNS midline cells regulate rhomboid (rho) expression in the ventral neuroectoderm and activate the EGFR signaling pathway. We also found that argos (aos) and orthodenticle (otd) act downstream of pointed (pnt), and that aos represses expression of otd in the lateral neuroectoderm to establish differential cell fates in the ventral neuroectoderm. Our findings suggest the following hierarchical relationship among the spi/Egfr genes: [see text].  相似文献   

Patterning of the vertebrate anteroposterior (AP) axis proceeds temporally from anterior to posterior. How dorsoventral (DV) axial patterning relates to AP temporal patterning is unknown. We examined the temporal activity of BMP signaling in patterning ventrolateral cell fates along the AP axis, using transgenes that rapidly turn "off" or "on" BMP signaling. We show that BMP signaling patterns rostral DV cell fates at the onset of gastrulation, whereas progressively more caudal DV cell fates are patterned at progressively later intervals during gastrulation. Increased BMP signal duration is not required to pattern more caudal DV cell fates; rather, distinct temporal intervals of signaling are required. This progressive action is regulated downstream of, or in parallel to, BMP signal transduction at the level of Smad1/5 phosphorylation. We propose that a temporal cue regulates a cell's competence to respond to BMP signaling, allowing the acquisition of a cell's DV and AP identity simultaneously.  相似文献   

In the freshwater planarian Dugesia japonica, five cDNAs for HOM/HOX homeobox genes were cloned and sequenced. Together with sequence data on HOM/HOX homeobox genes of platyhelminthes deposited in databases, comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that planarians have at least seven HOM/HOX homeobox genes, Plox1 to Plox7 (planarian HOM/HOX homeobox genes). Whole-mount in situ hybridization and RT-PCR revealed that Plox4 and Plox5 were increasingly expressed along a spatial gradient in the posterior region of intact animals. During regeneration, Plox5 was expressed only in the posterior region of regenerating body pieces, suggesting that the gene is involved in the anteroposterior patterning in planarians. Plox5 was not found to be expressed in a blastema-specific manner, which contradicts a previous report (J. R. Bayascas, E. Castillo, A. M. Mu?os-Mármol, and E. Saló. Development 124, 141-148, 1997). X-ray irradiation experiments showed that Plox5 was expressed at least in some cells other than neoblasts, but that the induction of Plox5 expression during regeneration might require neoblasts.  相似文献   

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