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The class-specific expression of patatin genes was investigated by analysing four new patatin genes. A class I patatin gene from cv. Berolina as well as a class I and two class II patatin genes from the monohaploid cultivar AM 80/5793 were isolated and partially sequenced. Sequence comparison indicates rearrangements as the major source for the generation of diversity between the different members of the classes. The expression of single genes was studied in potato plants transformed with chimaeric genes where the putative patatin promoters were fused to the GUS reporter gene. A detailed histochemical analysis reveals that both class I genes are expressed as the previously described class I patatin gene B33 from cv. Berolina [1], i.e. in the starch-containing cells of potato tubers and in sucrose-induced leaves. The class II gene pgT12 shows the same pattern as the previously described class II gene pgT2 [2], i.e. expression in root tips and in the vascular tissue of tubers, whereas no activity was detectable for pgT4. Thus the expression pattern of both classes of genes seems to be stable at least within or even between different cultivars.  相似文献   

cDNA cloning and expression of a potato (Solanum tuberosum) invertase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A cDNA clone encoding an invertase isoenzyme has been isolated from a potato leaf cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence shows significant similarities to previously characterised invertases. The highest degree of overall similarity, including the signal peptide sequence, is to carrot cell wall invertase, suggesting that the potato gene encodes an apoplastic enzyme. Expression of the gene, as determined by RT-PCR, is detected in stem and leaf tissue, and at lower levels in tuber, but is absent from roots.  相似文献   

Summary A new member of the patatin gene family belonging to the class II subfamily was isolated and characterized by DNA sequencing. In order to study the expression profile of this gene, the promoter was fused to the -glucuronidase gene and transferred to potato and tobacco. Histochemical analysis revealed high expression in a few defined cells in potato tubers and in a specific layer of both potato and tobacco root tips. In contrast to the developmentally and metabolically regulated class I patatin gene B33 this gene was not inducible by elevated levels of sucrose. Expression of this chimaeric gene was also found in callus and suspension cultures of potato.  相似文献   

Summary The 5-upstream region of the class I patatin gene B33 directs strong expression of the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene in potato tubers and in leaves treated with sucrose. Cis-acting elements affecting specificity and level of expression were identified by deletion analysis in transgenic potato plants. A putative tuber-specific element is located downstream from position –195. Nuclear proteins present in leaf and tuber extracts bind specifically to a conserved AT rich motif within this region. A DNA fragment between –183 and –143, including the binding site is, however, not able to enhance the expression of a truncated 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus. Independent positive elements contributing to a 100-fold increase relative to the basic tuber-specific element are located between –228 and –195; –736 and –509, –930 and –736 and –1512 and –951. Sucrose inducibility is controlled by sequences downstream of position –228, indicating that the tuber-specific and sucrose-inducible elements are in close proximity.  相似文献   

Hypocotyls from annatto seedlings, were inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens harboring a binary vector, pBI.121 or pCAMBIA2301, containing the -glucuronidase (gus) gene. Histochemical GUS assay of infected hypocotyls from two annatto varieties showed transient gus gene expression between 3 and 12 days after inoculation.These authors contributed equally to this work.)  相似文献   

To study the pattern of gene regulation of the plastid chaperonin 60 gene family a chimaeric gene was constructed fusing the 5-flanking region of the chaperonin 60 B3 gene to the -glucuronidase reporter gene. Histochemical and fluorometric analysis of the GUS activity present in transgenic plants harbouring this gene construct showed that the B3 promoter is expressed in leaves, stem, petioles and several flower tissues. The pattern of cell type-specific expression in stems and flowers was found to be developmentally regulated. Expression of the B3 promoter was found not to be heat-inducible, but highly repressed by wounding. The rapid decay in GUS activity upon wounding indicates that, at least under some physiological conditions, the gene product of this reporter gene is not as stable as has been previously thought.  相似文献   

In hippocampal neurons, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) activates an inwardly rectifying K+ current via G protein. We identified the K+ channel activated by 5-HT (K5-HT channel) and studied the effects of G protein subunits and nucleotides on the K+ channel kinetics in adult rat hippocampal neurons. In inside-out patches with 10 m 5-HT in the pipette, application of GTP (100 m) to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane activated an inwardly rectifying K+ channel with a slope conductance of 36±1 pS (symmetrical 140 mm K+) at –60 mV and a mean open time of 1.1±0.1 msec (n=5). Transducin activated the (K5-HT) channels and this was reversed by -GDP. Whether the K5-HT channel was activated endogenously (GTP, GTPS) or exogenously (), the presence of 1 mm ATP resulted in a 4-fold increase in channel activity due in large part to the prolongation of the open time duration. These effects of ATP were irreversible and not mimicked by AMPPMP, suggesting that phosphorylation might be involved. However, inhibitors of protein kinases A and C (H-7, staurosporine) and tyrosine kinase (tyrphostin 25) failed to block the effect of ATP. These results show that G activates the G protein-gated K+ channel in hippocampal neurons, and that ATP modifies the gating kinetics of the channel, resulting in increased open probability via as yet unknown pathways.  相似文献   

The desymmetrisation of endo-norborn-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride by proline esters has been used to prepare conformationally constrained pseudo-peptides with two peptide chains parallel to one another. A Curtius rearrangement on the desymmetrisation adduct produced the corresponding isocyanate which was used to prepare both a peptide incorporating an endo-2-amino-3-carboxy-norborn-5-ene unit, and a pseudo-peptide with two peptide chains parallel to one another but offset by the presence of a urea unit. The conformational analysis of the resulting peptides was carried out, and the norbornene unit was found to induce the formation of -turns and parallel -sheets.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of clavulanic acid and related clavam metabolites is only now being elucidated. Understanding of this pathway has resulted from a combination of both biochemical studies of purified biosynthetic enzymes, and molecular genetic studies of the genes encoding these enzymes. Clavulanic acid biosynthesis has been most thoroughly investigated in Streptomyces clavuligerus where the biosynthetic gene cluster resides immediately adjacent to the cluster of cephamycin biosynthetic genes. A minimum of eight structural genes have been implicated in clavulanic acid biosynthesis, although more are probably involved. While details of the early and late steps of the pathway remain unclear, synthesis proceeds from arginine and pyruvate, as the most likely primary metabolic precursors, through the monocyclic -lactam intermediate, proclavaminic acid, to the bicyclic intermediate, clavaminic acid, which is a branch point leading either to clavulanic acid or the other clavams. Conversion of clavaminic acid to clavulanic acid requires side chain modfication as well as inversion of ring stereochemistry. This stereochemical change occurs coincident with acquisition of the -lactamase inhibitory activity which gives clavulanic acid its therapeutic and commercial importance. In contrast, the other clavam metabolites all arise from clavaminic acid with retention of configuration and lack -lactamase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

A genomic clone encoding the potato homolog of the yeast ubiquitin-ribosomal protein fusion gene ubi3 was isolated and characterized. Chimeric genes containing the ubi3 promoter (920 bp of 5 to the ubiquitin start codon) were constructed in which the reporter gene -glucuronidase (GUS) was either fused directly to the promoter, or introduced as a translational fusion to the ubiquitin-coding region. After introduction into the potato by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, GUS activities were measured in leaves and in tubers of transgenic clones. GUS activity was 5- to 10-fold higher in clones expressing the ubiquitin-GUS translational fusion than in clones containing GUS fused directly to the ubi3 promoter. For both types of constructs, GUS activity was highest in meristematic leaves and declined during leaf expansion, then rose again to near the meristematic levels during senescence. GUS activity in tubers was similar to that in young leaves. In contrast to the native ubi3 genes, the chimeric ubi3-GUS transgenes were not activated in the tuber by wounding.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously reported liver-specific interferon (IFN) / production by murine Kupffer cells that was not observed with other tissue macrophages incubated in the absence of stimulators such as IFN or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Consequently, while interleukin-2 (IL-2) alone induced pronounced lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity from splenocytes, combination of anti-IFN/ antibody with IL-2 was required to generate significant LAK activity from nonparenchymal liver cells. This endogenous IFN/ production by Kupffer cells was not induced by LPS because (a) addition of polymyxin B did not abolish the positive effects of anti-IFN/ antibody on nonparenchymal liver cells, and (b) similar results were obtained when comparing the responses of LPS-responsive C3HeB/FeJ and LPS-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice. The possibility of hepatotropic infection was also ruled out in that anti-IFN/ antibody enhanced hepatic but not splenic LAK cell induction in vitro in both conventional and germfree C3H/HeN mice. IFN/ played an autoregulatory role by down-regulating the production of IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor by Kupffer cells. However, the augmenting effect of anti-IFN/ antibody on LAK induction from non-parenchymal liver cells was not mediated through an increase in the level of either IL-1 or TNF, as specific antisera against either cytokine did not abrogate this positive effect. Finally, flow-cytometry analysis showed that IFN/ significantly diminished the expression of IL-2 receptor chain, indicating an inhibition of LAK cell generation at a relatively early stage of induction.This work is supported by NIH grant RO1-28 835 and by Medical Research Funds from the Veterans Administration  相似文献   

Transformation of Penicillium expansum with the pBT6 vector yielded 8 to 34 transformants per g of DNA. Hybridization analyses revealed that homologous recombination occurred in most of the transformants. Twenty-one out of 25 transformants analysed showed hybridization patterns which were indistinguishable from that of the wild type.  相似文献   

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