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Data from reproductive histories collected in the Population, Labor Force and Migration Survey (PLM) of 1979 are used to analyze trends and differentials in infant and child mortality in Pakistan. Comparisons with the Pakistan Fertility Survey (PFS) findings are also presented. The main concern is to provide from the latest national data, the PLM, direct measures of infant and child mortality and to demonstrate the relatively static and low chances of survival for children in Pakistan. The apparent trends from the PLM and the PFS are similar and seem to confirm that infant and childhood mortality has ceased to decline, at least rapidly, since 1965-69. Neonatal mortality is higher at levels of 70-85 deaths/1000 compared to postneonatal mortality of 40-60 deaths/1000. Improvements in neonatal rates from 1950 until 1975 are only approximately 1/2 of those for postneonatal rates for that period. The relationship between maternal age and mortality in the PLM data confirms that children of youngest mothers experienced the highest rates of infant mortality; mortality is again higher for children of oldest mothers aged 35 and above. The pattern of mortality in the 2 surveys is similar except that in the PFS there was little variation among births higher than 5th order. Sex differentials in mortality are very clear in both surveys. Boys have higher chances of dying in the 1st month of life but then the probability of their surviving from age 1 to 5 years is higher, reflecting the behavioral preference for the male sex in this society. The data also demonstrate an almost monotonic decline in infant and child mortality associated with longer birth intervals. Childhood mortality shows a less clear association with preceding birth interval than does infant mortality. While neonatal mortality is much higher in rural than in urban areas, there are negligible differences in the postneonatal rate. The urban-rural differential continues into childhood, reflecting lower health care and nutrition of children in rural areas. The data confirm the importance of parental education, particularly that of mothers, as a contributor to the health and mortality of infants. Mortality between age 1 and 5 years for children of the rural educated group is lower than that for the urban uneducated indicating the strong influence that education of mothers can have in preventing child loss. The combined evidence from the PFS and PLM data stresses the importance of improving health facilities in the rural areas, in aneffort to reduce the differences in mortality by area of residence. The data from both surveys also suggest the need to restrict motherhood to between the ages of 20 and 34, when obstetrical and health risks are minimal, and indicate the definite advantages of increasing the spacing between children.  相似文献   

This ecological study examines the variations in diarrhoea-specific infant mortality rates among municipalities in the State of Ceará, north-east Brazil, using data from a community health workers' programme. Diarrhoea is the main cause of postneonatal deaths in Ceará, and diarrhoea mortality rates vary substantially among municipalities, from 7 to 50 per thousand live births. To determine the inter-relationships between potential predictors of diarrhoea-specific infant mortality, eleven variables were classified into proximate determinants (i.e. adequate weight gain and exclusive breast-feeding in first 4 months) and underlying determinants (i.e. health services and socioeconomic variables). The health services variables included percentage with prenatal care up-to-date, participation in growth monitoring and immunization up-to-date, while the socioeconomic factors included female illiteracy rate, per capita gross municipality product and percentage of households with low income, percentage of households with inadequate water supply and inadequate sanitation, and urbanization. Using linear regression analysis variables were included from each group to build regression models. The significant determinants of variability in diarrhoea-specific infant mortality between municipalities were prevalence of infants exclusively breast-feeding, percentage of infants with adequate weight gain, percentage of pregnant women with prenatal care up-to-date, female illiteracy rate and inadequate water supply. These findings suggest that community-based promotion of exclusive breast-feeding in the first 4 months and care-giving behaviours that prevent weight faltering, including weaning practices and feeding during and following diarrhoea episodes, may further reduce municipality-level diarrhoea-specific mortality. Primary heath care strategies addressing these two proximate determinants provide only a partial solution to reducing diarrhoeal disease mortality. Improvements in municipal health services (prenatal care) and socioeconomic status variables, including water supply and maternal education, can also contribute to reduction of infant mortality due to diarrhoea. These results may be used by government health officials to set priorities by considering not only the strength of the association between selected risk factors and diarrhoea mortality rates, but also the prevalence of the risk factors being considered at the municipality level. Finally, the methods used are applicable to other settings with community-based primary health care decentralized to the state or municipal level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of infant and child mortality variations in Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, and Tunisia using data from WFS surveys. The analysis considers biological correlates of mortality--mother's age, birth order, birth interval, and previous infant loss--and several social factors--mother's and father's education, mother's residence, father's occupation, and mother's work experience since marriage. The estimates for the 4 countries show large variations in the mortality rates and an expected pattern of declining infant and child mortality during the period of 20 years prior to the survey. Further, the proportionate decline in child mortality in each country was generally greater than the proportionate decline in infant mortality. A persistent pattern of higher child mortality for females than for males is found, suggesting preferential care and treatment of male offspring. The higher mortality risk is found for infants born to very young and very old mothers, with short previous birth intervals, of higher birth orders, and where the previous infant had died. Among the socioeconomic characteristics, the education of the mother and rural-urban residence are found to affect infant survival. In childhood, among the demographic factors, only birth interval shows a significant effect on mortality. The risk of child mortality decreases considerably with the increase in the birth interval. The analysis of the effect of breastfeeding on mortality, although based on limited information, clearly shows the beneficial effect of breastfeeding on the infant's survival, especially during the early months of life. For all countries, the mortality rate for the non-breastfeeders is substantially higher than for the breastfeeders even when the effect of the other covariates is controlled.  相似文献   

This study uses the 1996 Census and the 1998 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) to investigate the level of and trend in infant and child mortality and their covariates in South Africa. Census estimates of childhood mortality are higher than those from the DHS. Analysis suggests that the former overestimate mortality while the latter are probably slightly too low. Both inquiries document a reversal of the trend toward lower mortality in the 1990s. Under-five mortality increased by about a third during the five years up to early 1998. By then the infant mortality rate was about 55 per 1000 and under-five mortality 72 per 1000. Other factors may explain the tapering off of the decline in mortality after the late 1980s but AIDS deaths account for its increase. Inequalities in childhood mortality between population groups, rooted in past discriminatory apartheid policies, shrank between the late-1970s and mid-1990s. However, they remain substantial and are largely unaccounted for by province, metropolitan residence and inter-group differences in mothers' education. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is likely to offset the beneficial impact of post-apartheid pro-poor policies and may exacerbate racial differences in childhood mortality in South Africa. There is an urgent need to improve the routine collection of statistics to monitor child mortality so as to assess progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and track inequalities.  相似文献   



The probability of survival through childhood continues to be unequal in middle-income countries. This study uses data from the Philippines to assess trends in the prevalence and distribution of child mortality and to evaluate the country’s socioeconomic-related child health inequality.


Using data from four Demographic and Health Surveys we estimated levels and trends of neonatal, infant, and under-five mortality from 1990 to 2007. Mortality estimates at national and subnational levels were produced using both direct and indirect methods. Concentration indices were computed to measure child health inequality by wealth status. Multivariate regression analyses were used to assess the contribution of interventions and socioeconomic factors to wealth-related inequality.


Despite substantial reductions in national under-five and infant mortality rates in the early 1990s, the rates of declines have slowed in recent years and neonatal mortality rates remain stubbornly high. Substantial variations across urban-rural, regional, and wealth equity-markers are evident, and suggest that the gaps between the best and worst performing sub-populations will either be maintained or widen in the future. Of the variables tested, recent wealth-related inequalities are found to be strongly associated with social factors (e.g. maternal education), regional location, and access to health services, such as facility-based delivery.


The Philippines has achieved substantial progress towards Millennium Development Goal 4, but this success masks substantial inequalities and stagnating neonatal mortality trends. This analysis supports a focus on health interventions of high quality – that is, not just facility-based delivery, but delivery by trained staff at well-functioning facilities and supported by a strong referral system – to re-start the long term decline in neonatal mortality and to reduce persistent within-country inequalities in child health.  相似文献   

A challenging activity in the promotion of sustainable development is to synthesise indicators that can support decision-making. In developing countries such as Brazil, the use of information in support of the health and health-related environment of humans needs improvement. This paper presents a proposal for a system that can evaluate human health and urban environment sanitation in an integrated manner. The indicators selected for human health were child mortality rate, mortality rate due to acute diarrhoea for all ages and 1–4-year-old mortality rate due to acute respiratory tract infections. Environmental sanitation has been represented by indicators of sanitation coverage, such as sewerage. The paper describes the design of a fuzzy linguistic model that synthesises these indicators. The designed fuzzy rule-based system has proved to be a useful tool to integrate information and assist in the public planning of interrelated areas.  相似文献   

Data from the 1974 Korean National Fertility Survey were analyzed to learn more about the main determinants of infant and child mortality in the course of mortality decline and how they change. In the Korean survey, about 5000 eligible women were selected for the individual survey and the sample design aimed at a self-weighting nationally representative and probability sample. Preliminary analysis showed clear mortality differentials between different socioeconomic levels and between demographic subgroups in infant and child mortality during the period 1955-73 in Korea. To examine the net effect of each variable on mortality, the logit-linear model was used. A table shows the probability level of 4 variables -- maternal age, birth order, mother's education, and number of rooms used by household -- in Korea, when the effects of others were controlled. In the urban areas, only the socioeconomic factors were the main determinants of infant mortality on all the birth cohorts. Mother's education and number of rooms used strongly affected infant mortality in the 1955-59 and 1960-64 birth cohorts, but the effects became weaker in the 1965-69 and 1970-73 birth cohorts, and their statistical significance was reduced. In the rural areas, the effects of 3 variables -- the exception being number of rooms used -- on infant mortality were statistically significant. It is concluded that the main determinants of infant mortality in urban areas were socioeconomic factors. The main determinants of infant mortality in the rural areas were demographic in the earlier birth cohorts, but in the recent birth cohorts mother's education, a socioeconomic factor, became the main determinant while the effects of demographic variables became weaker and finally disappeared. The change in the determinants of child mortality appears to be the reverse of that for infant mortality. Prior to the introduction of the national development program, in the rural areas mother's education was the main determinant of child mortality (rural 1955-59 cohort), but with the socioeconomic development the determinants changed to give dominance to demographic factors (urban 1955-59) cohort and, in the recent period, even the effects of demographic factors on child mortality became weaker (urban 1960-69 cohort). When the differences in living status by maternal age were weaker and the competition among siblings less because of small family size, only the socioeconomic variables remained as main determinants affecting child mortality.  相似文献   

The prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is high in developing countries, in which low standards of sanitation promote the transmission of the virus. In Latin America, which is considered an area of high HAV endemicity, most HAV-positive individuals are infected in early childhood However recent studies have shown that prevalence rates are decreasing. Herein, we review the data on HAV prevalence and outbreaks available in scientific databases. We also use official government data in order to evaluate mortality rates in Brazil over the last two decades. Studies conducted in the northernmost regions of Brazil have indicated that, although improved hygiene has led to a reduction in childhood exposure to HAV, the greatest exposure still occurs early in life. In the Southeastern region, the persistence of circulating HAV has generated outbreaks among individuals of low socioeconomic status, despite adequate sanitation. Nationwide, hepatitis A mortality rates declined progressively from 1980 to 2002. During that period, mortality rates in the Northern region consistently exceeded the mean national rate and those for other regions. Excluding the North, the rates in all regions were comparable. Nevertheless, the trend toward decline observed in the South was paralleled by a similar trend in the North.  相似文献   

The Hmong "hill tribe" minority in Thailand has much higher exposure to factors usually associated with risk of child mortality (high fertility, low status of women, low education, less use of modern medical care for births, exposure to warfare, economic and physical disruption, and poor hygienic conditions) than the rural ethnic Thai population. Nonetheless, infant mortality has declined from over 120 per 1000 to under 50 per 1000 live births among both these populations in the past 30 years. The reason for the rapid increase in child survival among the Hmong appears to be better access to and more use of modern curative and preventive medical care associated with road construction rather than major changes in social or hygienic conditions. Conventional wisdom suggests that high fertility is both a cause and a consequence of high infant and child mortality and that parents will not reduce fertility until they see that mortality has declined. Most Hmong parents recognize the decline in child mortality and attribute it to better access to modern medical care. Most Hmong parents also say that, if they were starting to have children now, they would want to have fewer children. Fear of child death is infrequently mentioned as a motive for having more children, and the perceived decline in child mortality is rarely mentioned as a reason for reduced fertility. Most Hmong parents explain their desired family size in terms of economic conditions rather than perceived risk of child mortality. Results of this study suggest that fertility and child mortality can vary independently of one another and that major reductions in child mortality can be accomplished without waiting for major social changes (e.g., improved education or status of women) or major reductions in fertility.  相似文献   

Using data from The World Fertility Survey, this study shows that the length of the preceding birth interval was the most important maternal factor influencing infant and child mortality risks in Bangladesh. This was such a crucial factor that its effects remain unaltered whether or not the influences of mother's age at birth and birth order are controlled. Infant and child mortality in Bangladesh can be expected to decline considerably if successive births can be spaced by an interval of at least 1.5 years. Child spacing seems to be the major factor requiring program attention. The effects of mother's education and place of residence on infant and child mortality are independent of the effects of maternal age at birth, birth order, and the preceding birth interval. The higher survival chances of children of educated mothers resulted neither through the age at which childbearing started nor through birth spacing but are likely to be related to their smaller family size and to other non-maternal proximate determinants of early mortality.  相似文献   



Substantial progress has been made in reducing childhood mortality worldwide from 1990–2015 (Millennium Development Goal, target 4). Achieving target goals on this however remains a challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kenya’s infant mortality rates are higher than the global average and are more pronounced in urban areas as compared to rural areas. Only limited knowledge exists about the differences in individual level risk factors for infant death among rural, non-slum urban, and slum areas in Kenya. Therefore, this paper aims at 1) assess individual and socio-ecological risk factors for infant death in Kenya, and at 2) identify whether living in rural, non-slum urban, or slum areas moderated individual or socio-ecological risk factors for infant death in Kenya.


We used a cross-sectional study design based on the most recent Kenya Population and Housing Census of 2009 and extracted the records of all females who had their last child born in 12 months preceding the survey (N = 1,120,960). Multivariable regression analyses were used to identify risk factors that accounted for the risk of dying before the age of one at the individual level in Kenya. Place of residence (rural, non-slum urban, slum) was used as an interaction term to account for moderating effects in individual and socio-ecological risk factors.


Individual characteristics of mothers and children (older age, less previously born children that died, better education, girl infants) and household contexts (better structural quality of housing, improved water and sanitation, married household head) were associated with lower risk for infant death in Kenya. Living in non-slum urban areas was associated with significantly lower infant death as compared to living in rural or slum areas, when all predictors were held at their reference levels. Moreover, place of residence was significantly moderating individual level predictors: As compared to rural areas, living in urban areas was a protective factor for mothers who had previous born children who died, and who were better educated. However, living in urban areas also reduced the health promoting effects of better structural quality of housing (i.e. poor or good versus non-durable). Furthermore, durable housing quality in urban areas turned out to be a risk factor for infant death as compared to rural areas. Living in slum areas was also a protective factor for mothers with previous child death, however it also reduced the promoting effects of older ages in mothers.


While urbanization and slum development continues in Kenya, public health interventions should invest in healthy environments that ideally would include improvements to access to safe water and sanitation, better structural quality of housing, and to access to education, health care, and family planning services, especially in urban slums and rural areas. In non-slum urban areas however, health education programs that target healthy diets and promote physical exercise may be an important adjunct to these structural interventions.  相似文献   

The Industrial Revolution ushered in a rapid transition from agriculture to industrialization. Some biological effects of this transition included increasing life expectancy, reduced infant mortality, and some decline in fertility. Reduced infant mortality first brought about an increase in life expectancy, but as humans were able to control infectious diseases, child and adult mortality also decreased. Now, accidents and chronic diseases are responsible for most mortality in many age groups. This shift from infectious diseases to accidents and chronic diseases is called the health transition. Japan and US are Pacific Basin countries which have relatively high life expectancy and low infant mortality (1988, 75.54 years vs. 71.38 years, and 4.4 vs. 9.9, respectively). These figures suggest that these countries rather advanced in the health transition. Japan may have better life expectancy than the US because of the effect of environmental factors, ethnic diversity, and health care differentials by social class on cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality. China and Thailand hold intermediate positions (67.98 years (1985-1990) vs. 63.82 years (1985-1986), and 32.4 vs. 39, respectively). Some research indicates that urban conditions and factory work increase the cardiovascular disease risk among the Chinese. Recent research suggests that access to immunization and modern medical care for acute disease are the only critical variables of the health transition rather than other variables. Papua New Guinea is not progressing very well (53.18 years and 58). Papua New Guinea has not yet been able to control infectious diseases, especially malaria. This comparison illustrates that populations progress through the health transition at different rates.  相似文献   

China has made great progress in improving the health of women and children over the past two generations. The success has been attributed to improved living standards, public health measures, and good access to health services. Although overall infant and maternal mortality rates are relatively low there are large differences in patterns of mortality between urban and rural areas. The Chinese have developed a hierarchical network of maternal and child health services, with each level taking a supervisory and teaching role for the level below it. Maternal and child health in China came to international attention in 1995 with the promulgation of the maternal and child health law. In China this was seen as a means of prioritising resources and improving the quality of services, but in the West it was widely described as a law on eugenics.  相似文献   

The data used in this analysis come from the 1976 Indonesian Fertility Survey, part of the World Fertility Survey. The data are examined 3 times, fitting them to models which include different combinations of independent variables. The dependent variables are: 1) the proportion of children born between 5 and 15 years before the survey who died before their 1st birthday, for infant mortality; and 2) among those alive on their 1st birthday, the proportions who died before reaching their 5th birthday, for child mortality. The figures indicate that the chance of dying for children who were 1st born, born shortly after a previous child, whose previous sibling had died, who lived in rural areas, or had parents who were young and with little education, was greater than for children without these characteristics. In all 3 models used, the greatest net effects are attributed to the survival of a preceding sibling or the length of the preceding interval. Birth order does not have a significant gross effect on infant mortality, but the net effects are significant because of the control on maternal age. Education of both parents has significant effects, but these are overshadowed in magnitude by the demographic variables. Maternal education has a greater influence in determining differences in child mortality than was found for infant mortality. Father's education also has a significant independent effect, but mainly for 1st births. It is uncertain whether these variables are measuring the effect of schooling as such, or other characteristics such as economic status or various social roles adopted by people with different levels of education. The variables distinguishing urban from rural status shows significant gross effects which are greatly reduced when controls for other variables are introduced in the model which includes all births. That is to say, the difference in the survival chances of a child in the city is more a function of the education of its parents, and the associated demographic variables than city residence as such. Access to medical services is quite probably the main element in these differences. The findings are weakened to some extent by the lack of satisfactory data on household economic status which might have provided a better base for indirectly discerning the effects of nutrition and sanitation on mortality at young ages.  相似文献   

Infant and child mortality in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Socioeconomic differences and trends in infant and child mortality in Bangladesh are examined using data from the 1975 World Fertility Survey and 1979 Contraceptive Prevalence Survery. There is evidence of some recent decline in infant mortality and child mortality. Logit analysis of infant and child mortality indicates that sociodemographic variables such as mother's education, recent period, or higher birth orders, has significant independent effects upon the reduction of infant and child mortality. Other variables such as fetal loss, father's education, or land ownership had no consistent significant effect. On the other hand the effect of urban residence on infant and child mortality was positive after the control of sociodemographic variables. Mere concentration on the supply of modern medical services may bring limited returns unless they are reinforced by appropriate social changes, in particular those affecting the socioeconomic status of women. Educated mothers are likely to belong to higher income households, have better knowledge of how to care for children, and can bring more resources to the care of a sick child.  相似文献   

Child mortality (the mortality of children less than five years old) declined considerably in the developing world in the 1990s, but infant mortality declined less. The reductions in neonatal mortality were not impressive and, as a consequence, there is an increasing percentage of infant deaths in the neonatal period. Any further reduction in child mortality, therefore, requires an understanding of the determinants of neonatal mortality. 209,628 birth and 2581 neonatal death records for the 1998 birth cohort from the city of S?o Paulo, Brazil, were probabilistically matched. Data were from SINASC and SIM, Information Systems on Live Births and Deaths of Brazil. Logistic regression was used to find the association between neonatal mortality and the following risk factors: birth weight, gestational age, Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes, delivery mode, plurality, sex, maternal education, maternal age, number of prior losses, prenatal care, race, parity and community development. Infants of older mothers were less likely to die in the neonatal period. Caesarean delivery was not found to be associated with neonatal mortality. Low birth weight, pre-term birth and low Apgar scores were associated with neonatal death. Having a mother who lives in the highest developed community decreased the odds of neonatal death, suggesting that factors not measured in this study are behind such association. This result may also indicate that other factors over and above biological and more proximate factors could affect neonatal death.  相似文献   

This study investigates the possible effects of pre-term births and low birth weight on infant mortality rates (IMRs) over a 15-year period in Ribeir?o Preto, Brazil, based on surveys carried out in 1978/79 and 1994. The 1978/79 survey included 6750 births over a 12-month period and the 1994 survey 2846 births over a 4-month period. Infant deaths were retrieved monthly from the city register. Infant mortality rate decreased from 36.6 to 16.9 deaths per 1000 over 15 years. The decrease in IMR was larger in the 2500-2999 g group than in any other group. The observed falls in IMR were attributable to decreases in birth-weight-specific mortality rates. Likewise, there was a general decrease in IMR in mild, moderate and severe pre-term births. The incidence rate ratio of infant mortality between surveys was 0.46 (95% CI 0.34-0.63); it increased to 0.57 (95% CI 0.35-0.75) when adjusted for birth weight and other factors in the model and rose to 0.69 (95% CI 0.49-0.97) when adjusted for length of gestation and other variables. The increase in pre-term births and low birth weight may have had, at most, a marginal effect on the IMR. Progress in the care of newborns may have decreased the mortality risk, but even mild pre-term birth still has an impact on infant mortality. There is room for further improvement in IMR by tackling the high rates of pre-term birth.  相似文献   

South Asia has long been synonymous with unusually high rates of undernutrition. In the past decade, however, Nepal has arguably achieved the fastest recorded decline in child stunting in the world and has done so in the midst of civil war and post-conflict political instability. Given recent interest in reducing undernutrition–particularly the role of nutrition-sensitive policies–this paper aims to quantitatively understand this surprising success story by analyzing the 2001, 2006, and 2011 rounds of Nepal’s Demographic Health Surveys. To do so, we construct models of the intermediate determinants of child and maternal nutritional change and then decompose predicted changes in nutrition outcomes over time. We identify four broad drivers of change: asset accumulation, health and nutrition interventions, maternal educational gains, and improvements in sanitation. Many of these changes were clearly influenced by policy decisions, including increased public investments in health and education and community-led health and sanitation campaigns. Other factors, such as rapid growth in migration-based remittances, are more a reflection of household responses to changing political and economic circumstances.  相似文献   

We study whether the relationship between the state unemployment rate at the time of conception and infant health, infant mortality and maternal characteristics in the United States has changed over the years 1980-2004. We use microdata on births and deaths for years 1980-2004 and find that the relationship between the state unemployment rate at the time of conception and infant mortality and birthweight changes over time and is stronger for blacks than whites. For years 1980-1989 increases in the state unemployment rate are associated with a decline in infant mortality among blacks, an effect driven by mortality from gestational development and birth weight, and complications of placenta while in utero. In contrast, state economic conditions are unrelated to black infant mortality in years 1990-2004 and white infant mortality in any period, although effects vary by cause of death. We explore potential mechanisms for our findings and, including mothers younger than 18 in the analysis, uncover evidence of age-related maternal selection in response to the business cycle. In particular, in years 1980-1989 an increase in the unemployment rate at the time of conception is associated with fewer babies born to young mothers. The magnitude and direction of the relationship between business cycles and infant mortality differs by race and period. Age-related selection into motherhood in response to the business cycle is a possible explanation for this changing relationship.  相似文献   

In the absence of vital statistics data, analysis of the 1980 Uganda Population Census for South Kampala was able to provide estimates of infant, child, and adult mortality. Indirect techniques yielded estimated 1q0 values of 0.0860 for male infants, 0.0680 for female infants, and 0.0774 for infants of both sexes. The infant mortality rate estimated for 1980 is somewhat higher than that estimated for Kampala city in 1969 (0.0750), supporting medical professionals' opinion that infant mortality increased during the 1970s due to political and economic factors in Uganda and the consequent deterioration of health services. Child mortality (4q1), estimated in this study as 0.0491, appears to have declined during the 1970s; however, this unexpected finding may reflect differences in coverage and content errors in the 2 sets of data for 1969 and 1980. Adult mortality, based on the estimated survival rates from paternal and maternal orphanhood data and those from adjusted 12 values, is slightly lower than those for infant and child mortality. Expectation of life at birth estimates from various techniques show clearly that females have lower patterns of mortality than males. The estimated life expectation is 54.7 years for males, 59.3 years for females, and 57.0 years for both sexes. Overall, these estimates indicate a need for further reductions in mortality in Uganda as part of the overall development effort.  相似文献   

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