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The relative molar potencies of covalently and reversibly-bound insulin-receptor complexes were studied as a function of pH. The insulin derivatives used were 125I-B2 (2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)des-PheB1-insulin and 125I-B29(2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)des-PheB1-insulin. The potencies of both types of reversible complexes were effectively identical and constant between pH 7 and 8. The relative potency of the covalent B2-complex increased from 25 to 75%, and of the covalent B29 complex from 30 to nearly 100%. This indicates that the covalently linked partners in the complex are able to flex about the cross-linkages. Variations in the potency are due to variations in the number of correctly associated, reversibly or covalently bound insulin-receptor complexes. The form of the pH dependance suggests that an ionizable group, possibly an amino group, must be deprotonated to allow effective interaction.  相似文献   

Irradiation of photoreactive insulin derivatives in the presence of isolated rat adipocytes produces a prolonged stimulation of lipogenesis in the cells even after exogenous and reversibly bound derivative has been removed by extensive washing. The quantitative nature of this response has now been studied using 125I-B2(2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)des-PheB1-insulin. This derivative possesses nearly full biological potency and binding affinity prior to irradiation. After covalent linkage to adipocytes the efficacy of the derivative is reduced to 25 +/- 4% of the reversibly bound derivative, viz. 4-times as much needs to be covalently associated as reversibly bound to induce the same level of stimulation of lipogenesis. This reduced relative molar potency is due to a reduced ability of specific covalent insulin-receptor complexes to trigger a response.  相似文献   

Isolated rat adipocytes were photo-affinity-labelled with B2-(4-azido-2-nitrophenylacetyl)-des-PheB1-insulin or B29-(4-azido-2-nitrophenylacetyl)insulin. Four anti-insulin antibodies (3 monoclonal, 1 polyclonal) were tested for their ability to inhibit the persistent stimulation of lipogenesis caused by the covalently bound insulin [Brandenburg et al. (1980) Nature (London) 286, 821-822]. The polyclonal and 2 monoclonal antibodies, directed against the C-terminus of the B-chain, gave a significant depression, while one antibody, directed against the region A(8-10), was without effect. Under reversible conditions, without irradiation, all antibodies completely inhibited lipogenesis. For the polyclonal antibody this is shown in a dose-dependent way. It is concluded that the effective antibodies can recognize their epitope because it is accessible on the surface of the complex and does not represent part of the receptor-binding surface of insulin. This binding leads to interference with the generation and/or transmittance of the biological signal.  相似文献   

The tetrameric amino acid sequence AsnProXTyr (NPXY), where X represents any amino acid, is conserved in the intracytoplasmic domains of several membrane proteins and has been postulated to play a role in receptor-mediated endocytosis. The human insulin receptor (hIR) contains a single copy of the sequence AsnProGluTyr (NPEY) in its intracytoplasmic domain. To determine if this putative consensus sequence is necessary for endocytic functions of hIR, we constructed a mutant receptor, hIR delta NPEY, that lacks NPEY sequence, stably expressed this mutant receptor in Chinese hamster ovary cells, and then studied its endocytic functions. When compared to wild type hIR similarly expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, the hIR delta NPEY mutant exhibited: 1) normal subunit organization and insulin binding affinity; 2) essentially normal internalization of covalent photoaffinity labeled insulin-receptor complexes; and 3) normal internalization of receptor-bound [125I]insulin as well as normal degradation and release of the internalized insulin. Therefore, we conclude that the NPEY sequence in the juxtamembrane domain of hIR is not necessary for its endocytic function.  相似文献   

A radioactive photosensitive insulin analogue, 125I-N epsilon B29-(4-azido-2-nitrophenyl-acetyl)insulin, was covalently bound to the receptors of isolated rat adipocytes by irradiation with UV light. This caused a stimulation of lipogenesis. The relative potency of the covalent complexes to that of normal reversible complexes was calculated by comparing the amounts of radioactivity required to be covalently or reversibly bound by adipocytes to cause the same levels of stimulation. For several different occupancies , this relative potency was constant at 50 +/- 3%. Previous studies had shown that the relative potency of covalently bound 125I-N alpha B2-(4-azido-2- nitrophenylacetyl )des- PheB1 -insulin was only 25 +/- 4% under identical conditions. This demonstrates that the sites of crosslinking have a marked effect on the potency of the covalent hormone-receptor complex. It appears that attachment through the C-terminus of the B-chain leads to a better stabilization of the biologically active form than linking through the more flexible N-terminus.  相似文献   

Lipogenesis in isolated adipocyte preparations is stimulated when photosensitive insulin derivatives are attached covalently to specific receptors. This response was compared quantitatively with that to reversibly associated insulin, and it was shown that both covalent and reversible insulin-receptor complexes behave very similarly. The extent of stimulation of lipogenesis was studied as a function of time. Cells were incubated in buffer for various times before addition to vials containing 0 (basal) or 10 ng of monocomponent insulin/ml (maximal) and [U-3H]glucose. After 60 min, the toluene-soluble [3H]lipids were measured. The maximal stimulation induced by reversibly bound insulin was virtually constant over a period of 4 h. In contrast, adipocytes to which N alpha B2-(2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)-des-PheB1-insulin had been covalently attached at the start of the experiment showed a loss of stimulation with time when incubated at 37 degrees C. This loss was decreased in the presence of lysosomotropic agents such as chloroquine at concentrations (approx. 200 microM) that had very little or no effect on the basal and maximal lipogenesis rates. A simple method was used to transform the measured rate of loss of stimulation into a rate of loss of effective units. A half-time of 80 min was calculated for the effective covalent insulin-receptor units in adipocytes at 37 degrees C at pH 7.4. This is very close to values reported by others for the internalization of covalent complexes in these cells, suggesting that this may be the causative event for the deactivation of the insulin-receptor unit. The inhibitory effect of chloroquine on the deactivation may indicate that the insulin-receptor complex can function even after internalization.  相似文献   

Information accumulated lately has confirmed the essentiality of vitamin E for humans and provided a better understanding of its biological function and metabolic fate. The discovery of -tocopherol transfer protein, which preferentially binds to RRR--tocopherol, not only provides conclusive evidence of the essentiality of vitamin E for humans, but also sheds light on the superiority of RRR--tocopherol biologically over other isomers. The presence of tocopherol regeneration systems and multiple interdependent antioxidant systems is largely responsible for the lack of a widespread deficiency in humans and the difficulty to deplete vitamin E in the adult. The bulk of excess tocopherols consumed is excreted to feces unchanged or to urine with the side chain shortened but the chroman ring intact. The ability of dietary vitamin E to mediate mitochondrial superoxide generation affords a possible mode of action of vitamin E at the tissue levels. By decreasing the generation and/or the levels of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, dietary vitamin E not only protects against oxidative damage, but also modulates the expression and/or activation of redox-sensitive biological response modifiers that regulate important cellular events.  相似文献   

Biological action of vanadium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The influence of a mild heat shock on the fate of the insulin-receptor complex was studied in cultured fetal rat hepatocytes whose insulin glycogenic response is sensitive to heat [Zachayus and Plas (1995): J Cell Physiol 162:330–340]. After exposure from 15 min to 2 hr at 42.5°C, the amount of 125I-insulin associated with cells at 37°C was progressively decreased (by 35% after 1 hr), while the release of 125I-insulin degradation products into the medium was also inhibited (by 75%), more than expected from the decrease in insulin binding. Heat shock did not affect the insulin-induced internalization of cell surface insulin receptors but progressively suppressed the recycling at 37°C of receptors previously internalized at 42.5°C in the presence of insulin. When compared to the inhibitory effects of chloroquine on insulin degradation and insulin receptor recycling, which were immediate (within 15 min), those of heat shock developed within 1 hr of heating. The protein level of insulin receptors was not modified after heat shock and during recovery at 37°C, while that of Hsp72/73 exhibited a transitory accumulation inversely correlated with variations in insulin binding, as assayed by Western immunoblotting from whole cell extracts. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed a heat shock-stimulated association of Hsp72/73 with the insulin receptor. Affinity labeling showed an interaction between 125I-insulin and Hsp72/73 in control cells, which was inhibited by heat shock. These results suggest that increased Hsp72/73 synthesis interfered with insulin degradation and prevented the recycling of the insulin receptor and its further thermal damage via a possible chaperone-like action in fetal hepatocytes submitted to heat stress. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Short-chain complexed poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate, 130-170 monomer units, is a ubiquitous constituent of cells, wherein it is usually associated with other macromolecules by multiple coordinate bonds, or by hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions. This conserved PHB has been isolated from the plasma membranes of bacteria, from a variety of plant tissues, and from the plasma membranes, mitochondria, and microsomes of animal cells. In bacterial membranes, PHB has been found complexed to the calcium salts of inorganic polyphosphates, and to single-stranded DNAs. The ability of PHB to solvate salts, consisting of cations having high solvation energies and large delocalized anions, is in accordance with its molecular characteristics, that of a flexible linear molecule possessing a large number of electron-donating ester oxygens suitably spaced to replace the hydration shell of cations. In turn, PHB may be rendered soluble in aqueous media by complexation to water-soluble proteins, such as serum lipoproteins and albumin. Such solvates are highly resistant to hydrolytic enzymes. These findings suggest that the physiological roles of this unique biopolymer may include the solvation of salts of polymeric anions to facilitate their movement through hydrophobic barriers, and the protection of cellular polymers from enzymatic degradation.  相似文献   

Insulin receptors on the surface of isolated rat adipocytes were photoaffinity labeled at 12 degrees C with the iodinated photoreactive insulin analogue, 125I-B2 (2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)-des-PheB1-insulin, and the pathways in the intracellular processing of the labeled receptors were studied at 37 degrees C. During 37 degrees C incubations, the labeled 440-kDa insulin receptors were continuously internalized (as assessed by trypsin inaccessibility) and degraded such that up to 50% of the initially labeled receptors were lost by 120 min. Metabolic poisons (0.125-0.75 mM 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) and 1-10 mM NaF), which led to dose-dependent depletion of adipocyte ATP pools, inhibited receptor loss, and caused up to 3-fold increase in intracellular receptor accumulation. This effect was due to inhibition of intracellular receptor degradation, and there was no apparent effect of the metabolic poisons on initial internalization of the receptors. Following maximal intracellular accumulation of labeled insulin receptors in the presence of NaF or DNP, removal of these agents resulted in a subsequent, time-dependent degradation of the accumulated receptors. However, when the lysosomotropic agent, chloroquine (0.2 mM), was added immediately following removal of the metabolic poisons, further degradation of the intracellularly accumulated receptors was prevented, suggesting that the chloroquine-sensitive degradation of insulin receptors occurs distal to the site of inhibition by NaF or DNP. To confirm this, maximal intracellular accumulation of labeled receptors was first allowed to occur in the presence of chloroquine and the cells were then washed and reincubated in chloroquine-free media in the absence or presence of NaF or DNP. Under these conditions, degradation of the intracellularly accumulated receptors continued to occur, and NaF or DNP failed to block the degradation. In summary, these results indicate that the loss of cell surface insulin receptors in adipocytes involves: 1) initial internalization of the receptors to a nondegradative intracellular compartment by a process that is relatively insensitive to ATP depletion, followed by 2) a highly energy-dependent unidirectional translocation of the receptors from this compartment to chloroquine-sensitive site(s) of degradation.  相似文献   

Chemical and biological functions of hemoprotein nitrosyl complexes as well as their photolysis products are discussed in this review. Chemical properties of nitric oxide are discussed, and major chemical reactions such as interaction with thiols, free radicals, and transition metals are considered. Specific attention is paid to the generation of hemoprotein nitrosyl complexes. The mechanisms of nitric oxide reactions with hemoglobin and cytochrome c and physicochemical properties of their nitrosyl complexes are discussed. A review of photochemical reactions of nitrosyl complexes with various ligands is given. Finally, we observe physiological effects of visible radiation on hemoprotein nitrosyl complexes: smooth muscle relaxation and reactivation of mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide plays an important role in various biological processes, such as neurotransmission, blood pressure control, immunological responses, and antioxidant action. The control of its local concentration, which is crucial for obtaining the desired effect, can be achieved with exogenous NO-carriers. Coordination compounds, in particular ruthenium(III) and (II) amines, are good NO-captors and -deliverers. The chemical and photochemical properties of several ruthenium amine complexes as NO-carriers in vitro and in vivo have been reviewed. These nitrosyl complexes can stimulate mice hippocampus slices, promote the lowering of blood pressure in several in vitro and in vivo models, and control Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania major infections, and they are also effective against tumor cells in different models of cancer. These complexes can be activated chemically or photochemically, and the observed biological effects can be attributed to the presence of NO in the compound. Their efficiencies are explained on the basis of the [RuIINO+]3+/[RuIINO0]2+ reduction potential, the specific rate constant for NO liberation from the [RuNO]2+ moiety, and the quantum yield of NO release.  相似文献   

The clavams valclavam and hydroxyethylclavam were both bacteriostatic and fungistatic. The molecular basis for growth inhibition of Escherichia coli was a non-competitive inhibition of homoserine-O-succinyltransferase (EC, thus blocking methionine biosynthesis. Eucaryotes such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae were inhibited by a different mode of action. Instead of interfering with methionine biosynthesis, the clavams inhibited the formation of RNA in living cells, although the RNA-polymerases of isolated yeast nuclei were not inhibited. The action of valclavam on E. coli was dependent on functional peptide transport systems.Abbreviations CoA coenzyme A - mic mimimal inhibitory concentration - SAM S-adenosylmethionine - TCA trichloroacetic acid Offprint requests to: H. Zähner Metabolic products of microorganisms 241 (Metabolic products of microorganisms, 240. Rohr J, Zeeck A (1987) Urdamycins, new angucycline antibiotic form Streptomyces fradiae. II. Structural studies of urdamycin B to F. J Antibiotics, in press  相似文献   

We have used an iodinated, photoreactive analog of insulin, 125I-B2(2-nitro-4-azidophenylacetyl)-des-PheB1-insulin, to covalently label insulin receptors on the cell surface of isolated rat adipocytes. Following internalization of the labeled insulin-receptor complexes at 37 degrees C, we measured the rate and extent of recycling of these complexes using trypsin to distinguish receptors on the cell surface from those inside the cell. The return of internalized photoaffinity-labeled receptors to the cell surface was very rapid at 37 degrees C proceeding with an apparent t 1/2 of 6 min. About 95% of the labeled receptors present in the cell 20 min after the initiation of endocytosis returned to the cell surface by 40 min. Recycling was slower at 25 and 16 degrees C compared to 37 degrees C and essentially negligible at 12 degrees C or in the presence of energy depleters. Addition of excess unlabeled insulin had no effect on the recycling of photoaffinity-labeled insulin receptor complexes, whereas monensin, chloroquine, and Tris partially inhibited this process. These data indicate that dissociation of insulin from internalized receptors is not necessary for insulin receptor recycling. Furthermore, agents which have been shown to prevent vesicular acidification inhibit the recycling of insulin receptors by a mechanism other than prevention of ligand dissociation.  相似文献   

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