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Hoffmeyer  Mónica S. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):303-308
The abundance and species composition of Copepoda with respect to other mesozooplanktonic groups were studied at the harbour of Ingeniero White in the inner zone of the Bahfa Blanca estuary, between July 1990 and August 1991. Maximal copepod abundances of 4.7 × 10 m–3 and 4.9 × 10 m–3 were observed in January 1991 and May 1991, respectively. Minimal abundances of 6 m–3 were found in June 1990. Acartia tonsa was present throughout the year with high dominance in summer-autumn (December to May). Eurytemora affinis was present from July to October 1990 (first pulse) and from July to September 1991 (second pulse). Euterpina acutifrons was most abundant during spring 1990, whereas Paracalanus parvus was most abundant during winter-spring (July–October) 1990 and April–May 1991. The rest of the copepods were observed during winter and spring 1990 and July–August 1991. Calanoides carinatus and Labidocera fluviatilis, both species from the outer estuarine waters, were only found on two sampling dates. The proportion of meroplanktonic forms was high in certain months of the annual period considered. Differences between the copepod seasonal succession studied here and those observed during several years in the 1980's are discussed.  相似文献   

We assessed how small patches of contrasting urban ground cover [mesiscape (turf), xeriscape (gravel), concrete, and asphalt] altered the microclimate and performance of adjacent oleander (Nerium oleander L.) plants in Phoenix, Arizona during fall/winter (September–February) and spring/summer (March–September). Ground-cover and oleander canopy surface temperatures, canopy air temperatures and pot soil temperatures tended to be lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt and concrete. Canopy air vapor pressure deficits were lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt plot. Rates of net photosynthesis of all oleander plants were highest in October and May, and declined through mid-summer (June–July), when rates tended to be highest in the cooler mesiscape, particularly when water was limiting. During fall/winter, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 20% less biomass, 13% less leaf area, and had 12% lower relative growth rates (RG) than those in the other ground covers. Lower nighttime temperatures in the mesiscape in December led to oleander frost damage. During spring/summer, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 11% more biomass, 16% more leaf area, and had 3% higher RG than those in the other cover types. The effects of urban ground cover on oleander performance were season-specific; while oleander growth was greatest in the mesiscape during spring/summer, it was lowest during fall/winter and these plants experienced frost damage. Because all oleander plants produced >10 times as much biomass during the spring/summer, on an annual basis oleanders in the mesiscape produced 5–11% more biomass than plants in the warmer ground covers.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle of Picromerus bidens L. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is usually considered to be univoltine with an obligatory winter egg diapause. Seasonal adaptations of the species were studied in the laboratory and in field experiments. When reared under short-day photoperiodic conditions (L12:D12 and L14:D10), all females began to lay eggs synchronously soon after their emergence. However, in the females reared under long-day conditions (L18:D6 and L20:D4) and outdoors in June–July, oviposition was significantly delayed. This delay in reproduction induced by photoperiodic conditions and then spontaneously terminated was considered to be aestivation. Egg batches laid by females in the laboratory and in the field were kept at 25 °C for two months. From 30.8 to 93.8% of batches contained eggs which hatched without cold treatment between day 14 and 60 after oviposition. The proportion of eggs hatched was 17.7 to 20.9% in the short-day regimes, while it was significantly less (5.7 to 6.0%) under long-day conditions. It is concluded that in some eggs diapause is of low intensity and that if under natural conditions the first batches had been laid at the end of June, nymphs would have hatched at least from some eggs during the same season even without cold treatment. Such untimely hatching would have resulted in the death of nymphs and adults unprepared for overwintering. A photoperiodic response which induces aestivation in the early emerging adults in June–August may prevent early oviposition and occurrence of a second generation and thus maintains univoltinism in P. bidens.  相似文献   

Very little is known in the UK about long term trends of theAlternaria spore although it is known to trigger asthma. It hasrecently become apparent that Alternaria spore levels areincreasing in Derby and a detailed study of Alternaria wasundertaken to investigate the increase in numbers, seasonal variationand diurnal periodicity. The seasonal (June—October)Alternaria spore concentrations show a distinct upward trendand there is evidence of an earlier seasonal start and an increase inthe seasonal duration. There has been a dramatic rise in the number ofdays with an Alternaria spore count above 50 spores per cubicmetre, with the peak daily count usually occurring in August butoccasionally in late July or early September. August generally has thehighest monthly total and for 1991–1998 there was a positivecorrelation with monthly rainfall and average temperature. Day to dayspore levels show a positive correlation between Alternariaspore concentrations and maximum temperature but a slight negativecorrelation with daily rainfall. The peak time for spore capture is14.00–22.00, and more than half the daily Alternariacatch is caught between 18.00 and 24.00 hours. The upward trend inAlternaria spore concentrations may be responsible forincreasing levels of respiratory disease, especially during harvesttime.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding bats play important roles in the pollination of columnar cacti. Migratory bats such as Leptonycteris curasoae are vulnerable to extinction due to their migratory behavior and cave-roosting habit. The conservation of migratory bats requires the identification and protection of key roosting sites and their floral resources. In this paper we describe the availability of resources, the population dynamics and the diet of L. curasoae in the Guaymas region, and its diet at three additional sites in coastal Sonora, Mexico. Our results indicate that L. curasoae is a seasonal resident in the Guaymas area, with local occupation of around 4 months. Seasonal occupation seems to be determined by the availability of flowers and fruits of columnar cacti as peak abundance and peak availability coincide in time. The analyses of fecal and fur samples revealed that columnar cacti constitute the major food source during their seasonal occupation of coastal Sonora. The frequency of pollen from Agave and Bombacaceae in fecal samples was generally low but increased in importance in lower latitudes. Our results suggest that the availability of resources provided by columnar cacti determine seasonal occupation of L. curasoae in Sonora. Given that we detected newborns in the studied colony, we suggest active cave protection for the conservation of the maternity roosting site in Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.  相似文献   

In a fourth-order river in Rhode Island, USA, cover, frequency of occurrence, length and node number of the red algaLemanea fucina were greatest in July and August, at which time current velocity and water depth were minimum and temperature was maximum. Population abundance and plant size were lowest in fall-early winter. The length of reproductive region and carpospore frequency were also highest in June to August, whereas percent plants with open tips was least in July and highest in February. It appears that growth and reproduction are confined to a period from April to August, after which there is thallus deterioration and carpospore release; between September and March remnants of this population remain.Lemanea plants are epiphyte-free from September to January. Subsequently, they are colonized by caddisflies and then the red algaAudouinella violacea; by August, 100% of theLemanea plants are covered byAudouinella.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of a Metopograpsus population (Muzhupilangad estuary) had three distinct periods: (1) growth-reproduction (January–May), when crabs were involved in moult and reproduction; (2) inactive period (June–July), and (3) reproductive period (August–December). Usually, spawning was immediately followed by another vitellogenic cycle, paralleled by the embryogenesis of prehatch eggs in the brood. Moulting was seemingly an annual event. In the programming of moult and reproduction, the species deviated from the common brachyuran pattern, inasmuch as the postmoult females engaged in active vitellogenesis. The synchrony in the stages of maturation and spawning, and the precision with which the physiological events are programmed, make this highly fecund species an ideal model for an integrated study of the physiology of growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of Monodonta lineata and Gibbula umbilicalis were studied at Aramar beach (Luanco, Asturias) from October 1982 to November 1983. Both species show a sexual ratio of 1: 1 but differ in their gonadal cycle patterns. M. lineata gonadal development stages are found from November to May–June in a significant part of the population. Breeding stages occur from June–July to September, and in some individuals to November, with complete discharge of all spawn at the end of the reproductive season. Some degree of inter-annual variation is detected. Spawning stages of mature G. umbilicalis are found through the year but the higher frequencies occur in summer and autumn samples, with development phases predominating in January to May. Animals over 10 mm in shell diameter maintain their gonads close to spawning stages, completely spawned individuals being less than 10 percent. In both species variability in gonad stages for a given month reduces as size increases, indicating a certain synchrony.The new recruits of M. lineata are detected on the bare rock by September to November and are recognizable through their first year. Due to the amplitude of the breeding period and differing growth rates size distribution within an age class is wide. Size class frequencies rapidly decrease after the second year of life. The data for G. umbilicalis are difficult to interpret given the scarce number of juveniles and size overlapping.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton in Thale Sap Songkhla was investigated at 2–3 month intervals from August 1991 to October 1993. The abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 1.4×106 to 1.3×109 cells m–3. A total of 6 divisions with 103 genera were identified as Bacillariophyta: 49 genera, Chlorophyta: 21 genera, Pyrrhophyta: 15 genera, Cyanophyta: 12 genera, Chrysophyta: 3 genera and Euglenophyta: 3 genera. Although phytoplankton abundance was distinctly greater in the first year of study (August 1991–June 1992) than in the second year (August 1992–October 1993), their patterns are similar: 2 peaks yearly. The peaks of phytoplankton occurred in the heavy rainy season (northeast monsoon) and the light rainy season (southwest monsoon). The main bloom was found during December–January, with a predominance of blue-green algae (e.g. Aphanizomenon andPhormidium) and green algae (e.g. Eudorina). Their species composition also increased, an effect of the large amount of rainfall resulting in low salinity during the northeast monsoon. The minor bloom was produced by diatoms during June–July when water salinity was moderate to seawater. Both phytoplankton numbers and species composition were high. However, unpredictably heavy rainfall during the southwest monsoon period may reduce diatom production due to rapid immediate replacement by blue-green species. Besides salinity concentration, a low total nitrogen: total phosphorus (TN: TP) ratio tended to support the growth of blue-green algae. The diversity of phytoplankton was lowest in the heavy rainy period.  相似文献   

Mak  Y. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):149-160
The spawning periodicity of Nodilittorina trochoides, N. radiata and N. vidua from two rocky shores of different wave exposure, Big Wave Bay (more exposed site) and Cape d'Aguilar, in Hong Kong was monitored for one year (November 1994–November 1995). The breeding season was similar for the three species, mainly during the summer (June–September). The spawning duration was 9 months for N. vidua and 7 months for the other two littorinids. Spawning was initiated at different times for the two sites. At Big Wave Bay, spawning occurred between May–November for N. trochoides; March–September for N. radiata and March–November for N. vidua. At Cape d'Aguilar, the spawning period of N. trochoides and N. radiata was similar (April–October), whilst for N. vidua, spawning extended up to December. A decrease in monthly fecundity was recorded during July and August at Big Wave Bay and Cape d'Aguilar respectively. A weak relationship was found between the size of reproductive females and egg production. The seasonal fecundity of N. trochoides and N. vidua was similar at both sites and estimated as 10 000 and 7500 eggs per female respectively. Fecundity of N. radiata varied between sites, with 15 000 eggs and 9000 eggs per female being recorded from Cape d'Aguilar and Big Wave Bay respectively.  相似文献   

Bernd Blossey 《Oecologia》1993,94(3):380-387
The life history of the root-boring weevil Hylobius transversovittatus was studied in north and central Europe. The weevil develops on Lythrum salicaria, a perennial marshland plant that has become a problem weed in North America. It was found in all habitats of its host plant with the exception of permanently flooded sites. It also attacked L. salicaria in an early successional stage, devastating large parts of the storage tissue. The beetle was found in two-thirds of the field populations examined with a mean attack rate of 76.3%. Larvae developed according to a 1- or 2-year generation cycle depending on the time of oviposition. Adult beetles developing within 1 year emerged between July and October, whereas beetles with a 2-year larval period emerged within 3 weeks in July and August. Adults were long-lived and could hibernate several times. Beetles of the new generation mated right on the spot and some oviposited prior to overwintering. Hibernated females had an oviposition period from May to early September and produced 3–4 eggs/day during the peak oviposition period. Specific mortality factors were scarce. Dispersal flights ensure the regular occurrence of H. transversovittatus in scattered L. salicaria populations. The severe impact of the weevil is expected to reduce the competitive ability of its host plant after introduction into North America.  相似文献   

The duration of diapause in the stem borers Busseola fusca (Fuller) and Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) was studied in South Africa by collecting diapausing larvae from the field throughout winter (April–August). B. fusca larvae emerged as moth around the middle of October regardless of the date of collection and the length of time they were kept in the laboratory under constant 21 °C. C. partellus larvae collected in April–June emerged in November, those collected in July emerged in October, and those collected in August emerged in September. Regardless of the collection date C. partellus started to emerge from diapause earlier and moth emergence lasted up to twice as long as in B. fusca. Under laboratory conditions at 60% RH both borer larvae lost about 50% of their body mass during diapause. When provided with water B. fusca larvae lost about 30% of their body mass and adults emerged 20 days earlier than when kept dry. C. partellus, on the other hand, lost only 13% of their body weight and emerged 34 days earlier. The differences between the two species are discussed in light of different types of diapause; i.e., obligatory diapause in B. fusca and facultative diapause in C. partellus.  相似文献   

The seasonal population size of planktonic larvae of mollusks of the soft-shell clam genus Mya were studied in Vostok Bay. The larvae occurred in plankton from the first third of June to early September. The highest density of larvae (279.7 ± 98.7 specimens/m3) was found in late June. In early July, larval numbers decreased sharply, and at the end of the first third of July, only single Mya larvae were found in the plankton. Another increase in larval population was observed in early and late August. The larvae varied in length from 175 to 325 m in June–July and from 150 to 250 m in August. It is likely that the larvae of two species of Mya, M. arenaria and M. uzenensis, are present in the plankton of Vostok Bay.  相似文献   

Laminaria saccharina (L) Lamour. Sporophytes were monitored monthly from October 1982 to September 1983 to investigate reproduction phenology and relationshiops to growth paatterns aaat its southern limit of distribution in the northwest Atlantic Ocean (Long Island Soundd). Plants exhibited an annual growth pattern. Growth raate, bladelehgth, maximum width, area, stiipe lehgth an wet weight swhoed the same seasonal pattern and reached maximum values between May and June. Only blade thickness continued to increase tthrooughout the ovservation period. Blade dissintegration occurred dduring August and September. Reproductive sporophytes occurred throughout the observation period; the greatest frequency of appearance occurred in October (43.8%) and June (37.8%). The blade area covered by sori ranged from 2.4% (Janaury) to 6.1% (August). Meiospore release under laboratory conditions was maximum in May and minimum in July. No meio-spores were released in August Sporulation was not correlated with meristematic growth of nitrogen content How ever, reproductive plants were generally larger and thicker throughout the sporulation period, and had a greater carbort content is spring than nonreproductive plants. Fecundity and reproductive success of female gametophytes were maximum in spring and minimum in winter. The growth of early sporophyte stages in the laboratory was greatest in early spring; however, juvenile macroscopic stages were hardly observed in the field during summer months due to warm water temperatures. “Over-summering” of gamelophytes and / or microscopic sporophytes may account for the annual cycle of Laminaria at its southern limit of distribution.  相似文献   

Th. S. van Dijk 《Oecologia》1972,10(2):111-136
Summary Calathus melanocephalus L. reproduces at Schiermonnikoog in July, August and September. From literature it is known, that in some areas this species reproduces in August, September and October or still later.The population at Schiermonnikoog is composed of individuals of an old generation (adult overwintered beetles) which reproduce especially in July and in the first part of August and of individuals of a new generation (overwintered in the larval stage and hatched in June or July) which reproduce especially in the second part of August and in September.Both the differences in space and time in this age composition and those in fecundity are described.It is discussed, to what extent the differences in time of reproduction of populations in different localities in the same geographical area and of populations in different geographical areas, may be explained by the possible differences in age composition. In this context, differences between larval overwintering and adult overwintering species are discussed.The fecundity of the old females has been shown to be smaller than that of young females; moreover, the fecundity of individuals of both the old and new generation is different in the populations in the three localities studied.There is also pointed to the relation between age composition and the fecundity, with regard to the length of the reproductive period.Finally, the significance of the differences in space and time in age composition and fecundity to the chance of survival of Calathus melanocephalus in different areas is discussed.Communication of the Biological Station, Wijster, no. 160.  相似文献   

In this study, sexual dimorphism, reproductive cycles, litter size and offspring size of a population of the little‐known species Sceloporus palaciosi in central Mexico were analysed. Significant male‐biased sexual size dimorphism was recorded in snout–vent length (SVL), head length, head width, forearm length and tibia length. Both sexes showed asynchronous reproductive cycles, and males reached sexual maturity at a smaller SVL (33 mm) than females (37 mm). Testes volumes were small from January to February, testicular recrudescence began from March to June, and decreased in July, but increased again in August and September, followed by a second decrease from October to December. In females, vitellogenesis began from May until ovulation in December. Embryonic development extended from November to March, and a small number of females carried embryos through July. Mean litter size was 4.0 and was positively correlated with female SVL. The length of the reproductive period in S. palaciosi recorded in this study is longer than that recorded for other populations in other parts of this species range. Further studies are needed to clarify reproductive cycles in the other isolated populations of S. palaciosi, and then extended to other species and chromosome races in the Sceloporus grammicus complex.  相似文献   

Encapsulation of eggs of the introduced parasitoid Metaphycus stanleyi Compere (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) by the pyriform scale, Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Coccidae) under both greenhouse and field conditions, at Bet Dagan, was found to occur almost all year round (1986–1988). However, encapsulation rates varied considerably during the different seasons and were correlated with the ambient temperatures. The rates of efficient encapsulation (i) in scales infesting Hedera helix and Schefflera arboricola under greenhouse conditions, were lowest during December to May (6–17%) and highest during July to September (78–100%); (ii) in scales infesting avocado in the orchard, were lowest during October to May (0–11%) and highest during June to August (54–57%). Under greenhouse conditions, encapsulation rates did not differ in scales grown on H. helix and on S. arboricola, but were significantly lower in scales grown on avocado. Encapsulation by scales infesting S. arboricola was more frequent at temperatures ranging from 20–28 °C, than from 7–23 °C.The increased resistance by encapsulation of P. pyriformis to successful parasitization by M. stanleyi during the summer, may account for the inability of the parasitoid to prevent the autumn and winter outbreaks of the pest.  相似文献   

We examined 1567 carp caught in rice field drainage canals in the estuary of the Guadalquivir river (37° N, 6° 25 W). The stock was comprised of a small number of age groups, among which 0+ and 1+ were dominant. Growth was divided in four periods: rapid (June–July); slow (August–November), no growth (December–March), and resumed growth in April when an annulus was formed. A classification based on 12 wild carp populations revealed that growth depends on latitude, and that growth of the studied stock was mediocre, probably due to high salinity. A decrease in somatic condition coincided with an increase in gonadosomatic index (GSI). Specimens of the same stock, age and/or length showed considerable difference in development of the gonads. Gonadal activity began in September and by late Autumn some gonads had reached up to 20% of body weight. The situation remained static during Winter till April, when most reproduction occurred. Later, GSI values decreased to reach a minimum in September.Maximum average GSI values in females were twice those in males. Both sexes achieved maturity during the third growing season (2+ age-group) at a minimum fork length (F.L.) of 110 mm. Fecundity, before reproduction, was expressed by Fec = 241.701 F.L. (mm) – 26776.2. The sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1 : 1.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of field and laboratory work on one component of population structure ofIridaea splendens (Setchellet Gardner) Papenfuss (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta), the seasonal change in abundance of the gametophyte life-history stage. Investigations of this genus by others (using a variety of sampling and identification techniques) have shown a seasonal gametophyte dominance, sporophyte dominance, or some combination of these two. Gametophyte stages ofIridaea splendens produce kappa carrageenan and tetrasporophyte stages lambda carrageenan; a chemical colorimetric test using resorcinol can be used to identify these stages regardless of the presence of reproductive structures. In this paper we report on the proportion of gametophytes determined both by this chemical test and by the presence of reproductive structures, and on one possible determinant of the seasonal change in dominance. Analysis of field samples using the resorcinol test showed that from June–August the gametophyte stage predominates and from December–February the tetrasporaphyte stage is most common, both in reproductive and non-reproductive thalli (the latter tested as three size classes). Examination of reproductive structures gave similar results. One factor suggested in the literatures as a possible determinant of the haploid/diploid ratio is apomeiosis (in the formation of the tetraspores); our results show this to be unimportant in the Vancouver Harbor populations.Presented at the XIIIth International Seaweed Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, August 1989.  相似文献   

Linyphiid spiders were sampled in three grass and four cereal fields, between October 1989–October 1990, and from one grass and one cereal field, from June–August 1991. Population growth and decline were characteristic of field type and pattern of management. Agricultural operations caused large population depletions: insecticide applications, cutting grass for silage and autumn cultivations reduced spider populations by 56% to 96%; heavy grazing caused virtual extinction. Aerial dispersal activity, monitored by water traps, showed high dispersal frequency with highest intensity in June, July and August. The results are discussed with reference to the large-scale spatial structure of linyphiid spider populations and the use of spatially dynamic models to predict metapopulation size as a function of patterns of crop management, land-use and landscape structure.  相似文献   

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