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The preparation and structural characterization of {Ru3(CO)11}2(1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene), a modified synthesis of 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene, and the structural characterization of {Ru3(CO)11}2(bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane) are reported. In both compounds two metal cluster units are connected through ditertiary-phosphine ligands. Both molecules consist of centrosymmetric units in which the diphosphine ligands are largely covered by the triangular ruthenium clusters. No direct interaction between the two cluster units occurs within individual molecules. Molecular packing in the solid state is dominated by interactions between sets of carbon monoxide ligands in motifs that were previously identified in the solid state structure of the parent cluster, Ru3(CO)12.  相似文献   

New manganese(III) complexes of Hphox (2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazoline) and HClphox (2-(5′-chloro-2′-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazoline) have been synthesised. The X-ray structures of [Mn(phox)2(MeOH)2][Mn(phox)2(ClO4)2](H2O)2 and [Mn(Clphox)2(MeOH)2](ClO4) show the manganese(III) ions to be octahedrally coordinated with methanol or perchlorate at the axial coordination sites. The cyclic voltammograms of the complexes, with the exception of [Mn(phox)2(acac)] (Hacac=2,4-pentanedione), show an irreversible reduction wave of manganese(III) to manganese(II). After addition of an excess of 1-methylimidazole (1-Meim), the reduction process shifts towards lower potentials and becomes (quasi-) reversible, indicating that the presence of 1-Meim affects the catalytic efficiency of the complexes. The complexes catalyse the epoxidation of styrene by dihydrogen peroxide. The cumulative turnover numbers towards styrene oxide obtained after 15 min. vary from 16 for [Mn(Clphox)2(MeOH)2](ClO4) to 26 for [Mn(phox)2(acac)]. Ligand degradation appears to be the limiting factor for obtaining higher turnover numbers.  相似文献   

The water-soluble bisphosphine, 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphino)ethane (1), was synthesized in near quantitative yield by the reaction of bisphosphine, H2PCH2CH2PH2, with an aqueous formaldehyde in the presence of K2PtCl4. The reaction of this water-soluble bisphosphine 1 with cis-Pt(COD)Cl2 affords the mononuclear bischelate complex, [Pt{(HOH2C)2PCH2CH2P(CH2OH)2}2](Cl)2 (2), in near quantitative yield. The new ligand and complex have been characterized spectroscopically and the structure of the metal complex, 2, was determined by X-ray crystallography. The Pt(II) complex 2 crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca(a=14.623(1), B=16.216(2), C=9.319(4) Å) with Z=4. The final R value is 0.024.  相似文献   

The reaction of the neutral Tc(V) phenylimido complex [TcCl3(NPh)(PPh3)2] with excess PMe2Ph in refluxing MeOH gives the cationic, tris-dimethylphenylphosphine complex [TcCl2(NPh)(PMe2Ph)3]+, which is isolated as the tetraphenylborate salt. The IR spectrum of the crystalline product shows a medium intensity band at 1102 cm−1 which is assigned to ν(TcN) from the phenylimido core. The 1H NMR spectrum of the diamagnetic complex shows a series of multiplets in the aryl region and three distinct signals near 2 ppm from the phosphine methyl groups. The X-ray crystal structure, which is the first for a cationic technetium organoimido complex, shows a meridional arrangement of phosphine ligands with a chloride ligand coordinated trans to the phenylimido unit. The TcN bond length of 1.711(2) Å is consistent with the dianionic nature of the organonitrogen core. The Tc---N---C bond angle of 178.8(2)° reflects the sp hybridization of the phenylimido nitrogen atom. The coordination geometry is best described as a distorted octahedron. Crystal data for C54H58BCl2NP3Tc: triclinic space group . Structure solution based on 9986 observed reflections converged at R = 3.65%, Rw = 5.43%, GOF = 1.82.  相似文献   

The reaction of TiCl4 with Li2[(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2] in toluene at room temperature afforded a mixture of cis- and trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] in a molar ratio of 1/2 after recrystallization. The complex trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] was hydrolyzed immediately by the addition of water to THF solutions to give trans-[(TiCl2)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] as a solid insoluble in all organic solvents, whereas hydrolysis of cis-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] under different conditions led to the dinuclear μ-oxo complex cis-[(TiCl2)2)(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] and two oxo complexes of the same stoichiometry [(TiCl)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}]2(μ-O)2 as crystalline solids. Alkylation of cis- and trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] with MgCIMe led respectively to the partially alkylated cis-[(TiMe2Cl)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] and the totally alkylated trans-[(TiMe3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] compounds. The crystal and molecular structure of the tetranuclear oxo complex [(TiCl)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}]2(μ-O)2 was determined by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

The 1,3-oxazine complexes cis- and trans-[PtCl2{ C(R)OCH2CH2C}H22] (cis: R=CH3 (1a), CH2CH3 (2a), (CH3)3C (3a), C6H5 (4a); trans:R =CH3 (1b), C6H5 (4b)) were obtained in 51-71% yield by reaction in THF at 0 °C of the corresponding nitrile complexes cis- and trans-[PtCl2(NCR)2] with 2 equiv. of OCH2CH2CH2Cl, generated by deprotonation of 3-chloro-1-propanol with n-BuLi. The cationic nitrile complexes trans-[Pt(CF3)(NCR)(PPh3)2]BF4 (R=CH3, C6H5) react with 1 equiv, of OCH2CH2CH2Cl to give a mixture of products, including the corresponding oxazine derivatives trans-[Pt(CF3){ CH2}(PPh3)2]BF4 (5 and 6), the chloro complex trans- [Pt(CF3)Cl(PPh3)2] and free oxazine H2. For short reaction times (c. 5–15 min) the oxazine complexes 5 and 6 could be isolated in modest yield (37–49%) from the reaction mixtures and they could be separated from the corresponding chloro complex (yield 40%) by taking advantage of the higher solubility of the latter derivative in benzene. For longer reaction times (> 2 h), trans-[Pt(CF3)Cl(PPh3)2] was the only isolated product. Complex 6 was crystallographically characterized and it was found to contain also crystals of trans- [PtCl{ H2}(PPh3)2]BF4, which prevented a more detailed analysis of the bond lengths and angles within the metal coordination sphere. The 1,3-oxazine ring, which shows an overall planar arrangement, is characterized by high thermal values of the carbon atoms of the methylene groups indicative of disordering in this part of the molecule in agreement with fast dynamic ring processes suggested on the basis of 1H NMR spectra. It crystallizes in the trigonal space group P , with a=22.590(4), b=15.970(3) Å, γ=120°, V=7058(1) Å3 and Z=6. The structure was refined to R=0.059 for 3903 unique observed (I3σ(I)) reflections. A mechanism is proposed for the conversion of nitrile ligands to oxazines in Pt(II) complexes.  相似文献   

Two ruthenium(II) complexes with polypyridyl, Ru(bipy)2(phen)](ClO4)2·H2O (1) and [Ru(bipy)2(Me-phen)](ClO4)2 (2), (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine, Me-phen = 5-methyl-1,10-phenanthroline), were synthesized and characterized by IR, MS and NMR spectra. Their structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The strong steric interaction between the polypyridyl ligands was relieved neither by the elongation of the Ru---N bonds nor increase of the N---Ru---N bite angles. The coordination sphere was distorted to relieve the ligand interaction by forming specific angles (δ) between the polypyridyl ligand planes and coordination planes (N---Ru---N), and forming larger twisted angles between the two pyridine rings for each bipy. The bond distances of Ru---N(bipy) and Ru---N(phen) were virtually identical with experimental error, as expected of π back-bonding interactions which statistically involve each of the ligands present in the coordination sphere.  相似文献   

New mixed metal complexes SrCu2(O2CR)3(bdmap)3 (R = CF3 (1a), CH3 (1b)) and a new dinuclear bismuth complex Bi2(O2CCH3)4(bdmap)2(H2O) (2) have been synthesized. Their crystal structures have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. Thermal decomposition behaviors of these complexes have been examined by TGA and X-ray powder diffraction analyses. While compound 1a decomposes to SrF2 and CuO at about 380°C, compound 1b decomposes to the corresponding oxides above 800°C. Compound 2 decomposes cleanly to Bi2O3 at 330°C. The magnetism of 1a was examined by the measurement of susceptibility from 5–300 K. Theoretical fitting for the susceptibility data revealed that 1a is an antiferromagnetically coupled system with g = 2.012(7), −2J = 34.0(8) cm−1. Crystal data for 1a: C27H51N6O9F9Cu2Sr/THF, monoclinic space group P21/m, A = 10.708(6), B = 15.20(1), C = 15.404(7) Å, β = 107.94(4)°, V = 2386(2) Å3, Z = 2; for 1b: C27H60N6O9Cu2Sr/THF, orthorhombic space group Pbcn, A = 19.164(9), B = 26.829(8), C = 17.240(9) Å, V = 8864(5) Å3, Z = 8; for 2: C22H48O11N4Bi2, monoclinic space group P21/c, A = 17.614(9), B = 10.741(3), C = 18.910(7) Å, β = 109.99(3)°, V = 3362(2) Å3, Z = 4.  相似文献   

The labile cations [Cu(F-BF3)(PCy3)2] and [Cu(OTf)(PCy3)2] are versatile precursors for the formation of [Cu(X)(PCy3)2] (X = Br, I, SCN, N3) complexes by metathesis with NaX. The azide [Cu(N3)(PCy3)2] is triclinic, space group , a = 9.755(4), B = 22.78(1), C = 9.284(6) Å, = 96.76(3), β = 115.36(3), γ = 94.20(5)°, Z = 2.  相似文献   

Two novel tetracopper(I) and tetrasilver(I) complexes [Cu4(atdz)6](ClO4)4·2CH3OH (1) and [Ag4(atdz)6](ClO4)4 (2), have been prepared using 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole (atdz), and their crystal structures and properties have been determined. On each tetranuclear complex, two Cu or Ag atoms (M) are bridged by two atdz ligands to form a six-membered N2M2N2 framework. The two N2M2N2 frameworks are in parallel linked by another atdz ligand to provide the tetranuclear structure with a rectangular M4 core. The four Cu or Ag atoms possess a trigonal-square geometry. The two adjacent MM separations are (3.096(1) and 3.412(1) Å) and (3.316(2) and 3.658(2) Å) for 1 and 2, respectively. On both tetranuclear complexes there are two species of hydrogen bonds between the ClO4 − anions and the NH2 group of atdz ligands. It is proposed that the hydrogen bonds are related to the stabilization of the tetranuclear structure during the crystallization process.  相似文献   

The chloro complexes trans-[Pt(Me)(Cl)(PPh3)2], after treatment with AgBF4, react with 1-alkynes HC---C---R in the presence of NEt3 to afford the corresponding acetylide derivatives trans-[Pt(Me) (C---C---R) (PPh3)2] (R = p-tolyl (1), Ph (2), C(CH3)3 (3)). These complexes, with the exception of the t-butylacetylide complex, react with the chloroalcohols HO(CH2)nCl (n = 2, 3) in the presence of 1 equiv. of HBF4 to afford the alkyl(chloroalkoxy)carbene complexes trans-[Pt(Me) {C[O(CH2)nCl](CH2R) } (PPh3)2][BF4] (R = p-tolyl, N = 2 (4), N = 3 (5); R=Ph, N = 2 (6)). A similar reaction of the bis(acetylide) complex trans-[Pt(C---C---Ph)2(PMe2Ph)2] with 2 equiv. HBF4 and 3-chloro-1-propanol affords trans-[Pt(C---CPh) {C(OCH2CH2CH2Cl)(CH2Ph) } (PMe2Ph)2][BF4] (7). T alkyl(chloroalkoxy)-carbene complex trans-[Pt(Me) {C(OCH2CH2Cl)(CH2Ph) } (PPh3)2][BF4] (8) is formed by reaction of trans-[Pt(Me)(Cl)(PPh3)2], after treatment with AgBF4 in HOCH2CH2Cl, with phenylacetylene in the presence of 1 equiv. of n-BuLi. The reaction of the dimer [Pt(Cl)(μ-Cl)(PMe2Ph)]2 with p-tolylacetylene and 3-chloro-1-propanol yields cis-[PtCl2{C(OCH2CH2CH2Cl)(CH2C6H4-p-Me}(PMe2Ph)] (9). The X-ray molecular structure of (8) has been determined. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Pna21, with a = 11.785(2), B = 29.418(4), C = 15.409(3) Å, V = 4889(1) Å3 and Z = 4. The carbene ligand is perpendicular to the Pt(II) coordination plane; the PtC(carbene) bond distance is 2.01(1) Å and the short C(carbene)-O bond distance of 1.30(1) Å suggests extensive electronic delocalization within the Pt---C(carbene)---O moietry.  相似文献   

The reactions of the polysulfur and selenium cationic clusters S82+ and Se82+ with various iron carbonyls were investigated. Several new chalcogen containing iron carbonyl cluster cations were isolated, depending on the nature of the counteranion. In the presence of SbF6 as a counterion, the cluster [Fe3(E2)2(CO)10] [SbF6]2·SO2 (E = S, Se) could be isolated from the reaction of E82+ and excess iron carbonyl. The cluster is a picnic-basket shaped molecule of two iron centers linked by two Se2 groups, with the whole fragment capped by an Fe(CO)4 group. Crystallographic data for C10O12Fe3Se4Sb2F12S (I): space group monoclinic P21/c, A = 11.810(9), b = 24.023(6), c = 10.853(7) Å, β = 107.15(5)°, V = 2942(3) Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.0426, Rw = 0.0503. When Sb2F11 is present as the counterion, or Se4[Sb2F11]2 is used as the cluster cation source, a different cluster can be isolated, which has the formula [Fe4(Se2)3(CO)12] [SbF6]2·3SO2. The dication contains two Fe2Se2 fragments bridged by an Se2 group. Crystallographic data for C12O18Fe4Se6Sb2F12S3 (III): space group triclinic , b = 18.400(9), C = 10.253(4) Å, = 93.10(4), β = 103.74(3), γ = 93.98(3)°, V = 1995(1) Å3, Z = 2, R = 0.0328, Rw = 0.0325. The CO stretches in the IR spectrum all show a large shift to higher wavenumbers, suggesting almost no τ backbonding from the metals. This also correlates with the observed bond distances. All the compounds are extremely sensitive to air and water, and readily lose SO2 when removed from the solvent. Thus all the crystals were handled at −100°C. The clusters seem to be either insoluble or unstable in all solvents investigated.  相似文献   

Several novel dimers of the composition [M2Cl4(trans-dppen)2] (M=Ni (1), Pd (2), Pt (3)) containing trans-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethene (trans-dppen) have been prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction methods, NMR spectroscopy (195Pt{1H}, 31P{1H}), elemental analyses, and melting points. The intramolecular [2+2] photocycloaddition of the two diphosphine-bridges in 3 produces [Pt2Cl4(dppcb)] (4), where dppcb is the new tetradentate phosphine cis,trans,cis-1,2,3,4-tetrakis(diphenylphosphino)cyclobutane. Neither 1 nor the free diphosphine trans-dppen shows this reaction. In the case of 2 the photocycloaddition is slower than in 3. This difference can be explained by the shorter distance between the two aliphatic double bonds in 3 than in 2, but also different transition probabilities within ground and excited states of the used metals could be involved. Furthermore, variable-temperature 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopy of 2 or 3 reveals a negative activation entropy of 2 for the [2+2] photocycloaddition, but a positive of 3. The removal of chloride from 4 by precipitating AgCl with AgBF4, and subsequent treatment with 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy) or 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) leads to [Pt2(dppcb)(bipy)2](BF4)4 (5) and [Pt2(dppcb)(phen)2](BF4)4 (6), respectively. In an analogous reaction of 4 with PMe2Ph or PMePh2, [Pt2(dppcb)(PMe2Ph)4](BF4)4 (7) and [Pt2(dppcb)(PMePh2)4](BF4)4 (8) are formed. Complexes 1–8 show square–planar coordinations, where the compounds 4–8 have also been characterized by the above mentioned methods together with fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (7, 8). The crystal structure of 4 reveals two conformations, which arise from an energetic competition between the sterical demands of dppcb and an ideal square–planar environment of Pt(II). The free tetraphosphine dppcb can be obtained easily from 4 by treatment with NaCN. It has been characterized fully by the above methods including 13C{1H} and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The X-ray structure analysis shows the pure MMMP-enantiomer in the solid crystal, which is therefore optically active. This chirality is induced by a conformation of dppcb, where all four PPh2 groups are non-equivalent. Variable-temperature 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopy of dppcb confirms this explanation, since the single signal at room temperature is split into two doublets at 183 K. The goal of this article is to demonstrate the facile production of a new tetradentate phosphine from a diphosphine precursor via Pt(II) used as a template.  相似文献   

The photolytic CO-substitution reaction of the organoiron thiocarboxylate complexes CpFe(CO)2SCOR (R=CH3, 2-CH3C6H4, 2-NO2C6H4, 4-NO2C6H4, 3,5-(NO2)2C6H3) with diphosphines (Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2) [n=1 (dppm), n=2 (dppe), n=3 (dpppr), n=4 (dppb), n=5 (dppp), n=6 (dpph)] at room temperature using 1:2 (metal-ligand) molar ratio afforded exclusively the disubstituted complexes CpFe(Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2)SCOR when n=1, 2 and 3 and the monosubstituted analogs CpFe(CO)(Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2)SCOR when n=4, 5 and 6. This reaction was found to be strongly influenced by the backbone length of the diphosphine ligand, the nature of the R group of the thiocarboxylate moiety and the metal-ligand molar ratios. The crystal structure of CpFe(dppm)SCO(3,5-(NO2)2C6H3) was determined.  相似文献   

A novel five-coordinate rhenium(III)-thiolato complex, Re(SCH2C6H4OCH3-p)3(PPh3)2 has been isolated during the reaction of trans-ReOCl3(PPh3)2 with p-methoxybenzyl mercaptan. In the unexpected structure that was acquired, the central metal has undergone a reduction from Re(V) to Re(III). The five-coordinate Re(III) complex has been characterized by spectroscopic methods, elemental analysis and X-ray crystallography. X-ray crystallographic studies showed the coordination geometry around rhenium to be that of a trigonal bipyramid. The basal plane is defined by three sulfur atoms of the monodentate ligand, while the two apical positions are occupied by two phosphines of the precursor.  相似文献   

Reaction of tetrathiafulvalene carboxylic acid (TTFCO2H) with paddlewheel dirhodium complex Rh2(ButCO2)4 yielded TTFCO2-bridged complexes Rh2(ButCO2)3(TTFCO2) (1) and cis- and trans-Rh2(ButCO2)2(TTFCO2)2 (cis- and trans-2). Their triethylamine adducts [1(NEt3)2] and cis-[2(NEt3)2] were purified and isolated with chromatographic separation, and characterized with single crystal X-ray analysis. Trans-[2(NEt3)2] is not completely separated from a mixture of cis- and trans-[2(NEt3)2], but its single crystals were obtained from a solution of the mixture. A three-step quasi-reversible oxidation process was observed for 1 in MeCN. The first two steps correspond to the oxidation of the TTFCO2 moiety and the last one is the oxidation of the Rh2 core. The oxidation of cis-2 is observed as a two-step process with very similar E1/2 values to those of the first two processes for 1. Both 1+ and cis-22+ in MeCN at room temperature show isotropic ESR spectra with a g value of 2.008 and aH = 0.135 mT for two equivalent H atoms and aH = 0.068 mT for one H atom. The redox and ESR data of cis-2 suggest that the intramolecular interaction between the TTF moieties is very small.  相似文献   

The hydrothermal reactions of (Ph4P)[VO2Cl2] and H2C2O4 at 150 and 125°C yield (Ph4P)2[V2O2(H2O)2(C2O4)3]·4H2O (1) and (Ph4P)[VOCl(C2O4)] (2), respectively. The structure of the molecular anion of 1 consists of a binuclear unit of oxovanadium(IV) octahedra bridged by a bisbidentate oxalate group. The VO6 coordination geometry at each vanadium site is defined by a terminal oxo group, an aquo ligand, and four oxygen donors — two from the bisbidentate bridging oxalate and two from the terminal bidentate oxalate. The structure of 2 consists of discrete Ph4P+ cations occupying regions between [VOCl(C2O4)] spiral chains. The structure of the one-dimensional anionic chain exhibits V(IV) octahedra bridged by bisbidentate oxalate groups. Crystal data: 1·4H2O, monoclinic P21/n, A = 12.694(3), B = 12.531(3), C = 17.17(3) Å, β = 106.32(2)°, V = 2621.3(13) Å3, Z = 2, Dcalc = 1.501 g cm−3, structure solution and refinement converged at a conventional residual of 0.0518; 2, tetragonal P43, A = 12.145(2), C = 15.991(3) Å, V = 2358.7(12) Å3, Z = 4, R = 0.0452.  相似文献   

Treatment of a THF solution of trans-[ReCl(N2)L4] (L = PMePh2) with a cyanamide, NCNR2 (R = Me, Et or H) or with cyanoguanidine, NCNC(NH2)2 , yields mer-[ReCl(N2)(NCNR2)L3] (1) or mer-[Re(N2)[Re(N2){NCNC(NH2)2}2L3]Cl (2), respectively, which, to our knowledge, are the first mixed dinitrogen-cyanamide-type complexes to be reported. The former products (1, R=Me or Et) can also be obtained from reaction of the benzoyldiazenido complex [ReCl2(NNCOPh)L3] with NCNR2 in refluxing methanol; the Re(II) complex mer-[ReCl2(NCNEt2)L3] (3) is also formed (conceivably via an unusual homolysis of the C---N bond of the benzoyldiazenido ligand) and its crystal structure is reported. It shows an unusual pyramidal conformation at the amine N atom of the diethylcyanamide ligand which also exhibits a significant structural trans influence on the phosphine, behaving as a stronger net electron donor than the latter ligand.  相似文献   

Compounds of formula [Al(CH3CN)6][MCl6]3(CH3CN)3 (M=Ta (1); Nb (2); Sb (3)) have been synthesized from the reactions of MCl5 and AlCl3 in acetonitrile and characterized by X-ray crystallography. Complex 1 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/mbm with a = B = 10.408(2), C = 7.670(3) Å, V = 830.9(4) Å3 and Z = 2/3. Complex 2 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/mnc with a = B = 330(a), C = 15.320(3) Å3 V = 1634.8(4) Å3 and Z = 4/3. Complex 3 also crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/mnc with a = B = 10.313(1), C = 15.238(2) Å, V = 1621.0(1) Å3 and Z = 4/3. The non-integer Z values for complexes 1–3 result unusual problems of disorder and/or twinning in these crystal structures due to their high symmetry. The M---Cl distances range from 2.329(3) Å in the Ta complex to 2.355(1) Å in the Sb complex, while the Al---N distances are similar in all three complexes, ranging from 1.92(1) to 1.97(1) Å, respectively. Complexes 1–3 are the first structurally characterized complexes that contain a (hexaacetonitrile)aluminum(III) cation.  相似文献   

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