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A revision of the charophyte family Porocharaceae Grambast is given, previously unstudied from the Keuper (Late Triassic) of Germany. The Porocharaceae were divided into three subfamilies. Two of them (Porocharoideae Grambast and Stellatocharoideae Grambast) are conserved; the third (Cuneatocharoideae Wang & Huang) is rejected. The diagnosis of the Stellatocharoideae is emendated. All genera with neck-like or conical apex are now included in this family, that means not only the genera of the rejected subfamily Cuneatocharoideae (Cuneatochara, Latochara, Stenochara), but also the genusStomochara, previously placed in the Porocharoideae. Only three genera (Porochara, Feistiella and the new genusKozurella n. gen.) are now attributed to the Porocharoideae, a subfamily characterized by a flat apex. The genusAuerbachichara Kiselevsky & Saidakovsky is a synonym toStomochara Grambast, the genusVladimiriella Saidakovsky toPorochara MÄDLER. Two additional species ofVladimiriella (V.decora SAIDAKOVSKY andV. karpinskyi Demin are assigned toStenochara Grambast on the basis of their apex-morphology. A new species,Cuneatochara württembergensis n. sp. is described from the Lower Keuper of Southern Germany.  相似文献   

Lasiadenia ottohuberi from Venezuela is described and illustrated. Differences between the South American genusLasiadenia and the related Cuban genusLinodendron are discussed.  相似文献   

By dissolving Dachstein-limestone with acetic acid, Holothurian sclerites were obtained, i. e. sieve plates and wheels. One new species of the genusCalclamna, two new species of the genusCalclamnella, and the well known speciesFissobractites subsymmetrica Kristan-Tollmann were received within the family Calclamidae. For the first time the family Priscopedatidae is represented in the Triassic by two new species of the genusPriscopedatus and byStaurocumites cf.bartensteini Deflandre-Rigaud. Within the family Theeliidae four new species can be adjoined to the genusTheelia whileAcanthotheelia spinosa Frizzell & Exline could be confirmed by comparison.  相似文献   

Three new species are described:Lagisca zibrowii (Polynoidae) andProcerastea hydrozoicola andP. parasimpliseta (Syllidae), living in association with a calcified hydrozoan, probably of the genusPseudosolanderia (Rosalindidae). The genusParaprocerastea is synonymized withProcerastea.  相似文献   

Thirty stationary and submerged cultures of species of the genusOudemansiella Speg.,viz. two narrow-region species (O. brunneomarginata, O. canarii) and two primarily wideregion species (O.mucida, O. radicata) were compared. Stationary cultures have identical macroscopic and microscopic features (they produce crust, teleomorph, large thick-walled basidiospores with an apiculum and an uneven surface, dikaryotic hyphae have clamp connections). “Coils” were detected in the mycelium of two species by SEM. Submerged cultures produce antibacterial and particularly antifungal antibiotics, although with various intensity.O. brunneomarginata was first studied in pure culture and its microstructures were first studied by SEM. It could be demonstrated that this species is related with other representatives of the genusOudemansiella. In the present taxonomy of basidiomycetes it is advisable to extend and deepen data concerning a single genusOudemansiella with a series of interspecies taxons, without impairing “borders” of the genus.  相似文献   

Among the cytherine ostracodes possessing caudal process a new genusKroemmelbeinia is defined by its hinge-element. In its habitus, and its structure particularly the punctate surface and the inner lamella the new genusKroemmelbeinia resembles the genusMicrocytherura G. W. Müller, but which possesses smaller valves. The characteristic hinge-elementsof Kroemmelbeinia are: both terminal teeth in the left valve crenulate, interior with 5–6 terminal teeth in the left valve crenulate, interior with 5–6 toothlets, and posterior with 6–7 connected by a narrow and finely crenulate groove. By this hinge-constructionKroemmelbeinia differs fromMicrocytherura (Tetracytherura) Ruggieri 1952 and also from other genera(Cytheropteron, Perissocytheridea) of similar outline.  相似文献   

Halteromyces radiatus is described as a new genus and species in the order Mucorales. The genus is referred to the family Mucoraceae and has close affinities to the genusAbsidia. The fungus grows readily in pure culture. The asexual structures are described; no sexual structures have been found despite extensive contrasts with members of the genusAbsidia andGongronella.  相似文献   

Presimoceras is a new genus of Idoceratinae. The biostratigraphical range ofPresimoceras is limited to theStrombecki, Divisum and lower part of theAcanthicum Zone within the Kimmeridgian (in the Southern European sense). The genusMesosimoceras (Idoceratinae) was instituted by Spath (1925), withSimoceras cavouri Gemmellaro as type species; this genus is here emended with the institution ofPresimoceras n. gen. The species groupcavouri-risgoviense is preserved in the emended genusMesosimoceras, while the groupherbichiludovicii-teres is accommodated inPresimoceras on account of the radical and numerous differences and the stratigraphical gap betweenMesosimoceras andPresimoceras. As type species of the new genusAmmonites nodulatus Quenstedt is designated. The new genus is here subdivided into three groups of species:herbichi, ludovicii andteres. Phylogenetically,Presimoceras is derived fromPassendorferia, Mesosimoceras fromNebrodites.  相似文献   

The genusCancelloceras (family Gastrioceratidae) comprises three subgeneraCancelloceras, Crencelloceras n. subgen. andMonitoceras differing in conch ornamentation.Cancelloceras is cosmopolitan and regarded as the index genus for the Upper Namurian G1 Zone, the Yeadonian. The lower boundary of the G1 Zone is defined by the entry ofCancelloceras (Crencelloceras) branneroides, whereas the first representatives of the genus appeared earlier, in the Middle Namurian R2 Zone. The upper boundary of the G1 Zone is marked by the extinction ofCancelloceras and the entry of its descendant genusGastrioceras. Cancelloceras comprises 27 species.  相似文献   

A second application of factor analysis among the 50 species of genusPichia corroborates the already identified three groups and underlines the non-appartenance of round-sporedPichia species to genusPichia sensu stricto. These results are compared with Campbell's numerical analysis.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic discrimination was carried out on three species of the genusTribolodon (Cyprinidae),T. hakonensis, T. brandti andT. ezoe, by examining five loci controlling lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), phosphoglucomutase (PGM), phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), and muscle protein (MP). Consequently, a clear-cut identification of the three species was possible even in 0+ young which were difficult to distinguish morphologically. Moreover, 1.0–19.9% of fish examined were detected electrophoreticaly as hybrids which had been previously undetected. The existence of such spontaneous hybrids has further complicated the classification of the genusTribolodon. In spite of imperfect reproductive isolation, the electrophoretic data supports the independent nature of the three species of the genusTribolodon.  相似文献   

The genusBarkeria (Orchidaceae) consists of four species and eight subspecies (the treatment includes a key) of epiphytic plants endemic to Mexico and Central America.Barkeria is separated from the genusEpidendrum on the structure of the rostellum and column in the flower, plus shape of the pseudobulbs. The authors suggest thatBarkeria is most closely related toCaularthron based on the general shape of the flowers, widely spreading fleshy column wings, and structure of the rostellum.  相似文献   

Two new species are added toCryptochloa,C. unispiculata from Peru andC. capillata from Brazil, the latter transferred from the genusOlyra. The genusPiresia is also augmented by two new species,P. macrophylla from Peru andP. leptophylla from Bahia, Brazil. These species represent, respectively, the westernmost and easternmost limits of distribution of the genus.  相似文献   

This paper contains a brief survey of the four subgeneric sections which comprise the genusBrassavola R. Br. of theOrchidaceae, with special reference to the group of species (§Grandiflorae Rolfe) whichSchlechter proposed separating fromBrassavola as the genusRhyncholaelia. The author maintains that these species should be allowed to remain inBrassavola as a distinct section.  相似文献   

This report presents results in the composition of major carotenoids of various coloured mutants of the genusRhodotorula and of mating types of the genusRhodosporidium. The separation of carotenoid intermediates was carried out by thin layer chromatography using Silufol 254 Kavalier and the determination of eluated spots by spectrophotometry. There was found no difference in carotenoid composition of both mating typesa and α of individual species of the genusRhodosporidium. The vegetative and sexual reproduction ofRhodotorula andRhodosporidium can be separated from the carotenogenesis using 10?4 mol diphenylamine. It was concluded that lycopene could be the intermediate to mono- and dicyclic carotenoids; in the case of partial inhibition of the dehydrogenation step the direct cyclization of neurosporene to β-zeacarotene can be expected. An unknown compound, probably lycopersene was found and was considered to be the precursor of phytoene. Phytoene and phytofluene were proved in all studied samples. Nutritional conditions (vitamins, sulfur amino acids, etc.) are able to shift the ratios between major carotenoids. Rhodotorula aurantiaca strains were observed to be auxotrophic mutants of various characters and the existence of this species as independent one, was denied.  相似文献   

A partial skull from the upper Muschelkalk (mo3,praenodosus to lowernodosus Zone) of Wasselonne (Alsace, France) is described and identified as third specimen ofCyamodus kuhnschnyderi. The dentition of all species currently included in the genusCyamodus is discussed, and instances of individual variation are identified. In contrast to the type material, the new specimen ofCyamodus kuhnschnyderi has two pairs of premaxillary teeth, and thus adds incongruence to the stratophenetic trend of dental reduction previously identified within the genusCyamodus.  相似文献   

From the Early Aptian (“Tæck”) of Heligoland (North Germany) three new species, one new genus and one new family of Teuthids are described:Mastigopbora stuehmeri n. sp.,Boreopeltis helgo landiae n. gen. n. sp. andMaioteuthis damesi n. sp. The new genusBoreopeltis n. gen. ist placed in the family Plesioteuthididae NAEF 1921. The genusMastigopbora OWEN 1856 previously attributed to the family Loligosepiidae van Regteren Altena 1949 is proposed as type genus of the new family Mastigophoridae. Two poorly preserved specimens cannot be identified specifically (?Trachyteuthis sp. andPlesioteuthis sp.).  相似文献   

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